Author Topic: Puzzles To Be Solved [Inactive since 06/09/2013]  (Read 5618 times)


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Puzzles To Be Solved [Inactive since 06/09/2013]
« on: August 06, 2013, 05:25:30 pm »


Dungeons deep and skies bright blue. .
Forests green and mountains high. .
Oceans blue and fires burning. .
We swear to solve the puzzles yearning


It's years before the idea of exploration guilds has even popped into anybody's mind. Yet there are still explorers abound. Crimes still exist, and the typical justice system isn't always the best one, so of course help from others is neccesary. But in order to be an explorer at this time, you can't simply join a guild, get a badge, and be done with it. For one to dare call themselves an explorer, they must do more than this. There's crime that needs justice, stolen treasures that need returning, and puzzles to be solved, and there's much more than one of each. Criminals, cocky from the lack of help what's considered the official justice system aren't entirely as common, but they're definitely far worse than the mere pick-pocketings in the future. This is the golden age of the 'explorers', where anyone Poke'mon that dares call themselves anything of the sort actually fits such a description. And at the same time it's the golden age of crimes; they'll never be as bad as they are now, and with such a rivaling mixture, there's bound to be something interesting going on.

There are, of course, more than one actual forest, but they all posses a certain kind of resemblance to each other. Each seems rather untainted by those in whom inhabit it, and suprisingly enough what is untainted creates quite the fascinating results. The woods all carry an almost fictional sense to them, as if it's coming right out of a fairy tale. Various berries, apples, and other delictables can be found in their reaches. There's even talk about hidden chambers!

The Calcifer Mountains are actually the only mountains in the area, however they stretch far and wide. These mountains are most famous for their hot springs, which are quite relaxing. There is said to be a waterfall that falls over the side of the mountain which leads into a hidden cave, however the discovery was never yet confirmed. The Calcifer Mountains aren't only there for hotsprings and waterfall caves, however. There are at least two small volcanoes surrounding or invading its perimeter.

Named after the Krabby that so often visit the rocks in order to blow bubbles, Krabby Beach is one of the slightly more popular locations. Although the water isn't nearly as comforting as Calcifer Mountain's is, it's still worth the visit. The bubbles the Krabby blow at sunset are, no matter how many times you might look at them, a simply wonderous site. The shells there are simply brilliant (If you know how to look for them), too.

Eventually to be re-named 'Treasure Town', Oradon Town is the only place that has any resemblance to what humans might build. Or perhaps it's the place with the most things similiar to what a human might build, anyway. Likely one of the most famous kick-back-and-relax-for-a-moment places in the general area, Oradon Town recieves a suprising ammount of visiting explorers. It eventually will hold on of the most popularized Exploration Guilds.

-Picture Sources-
[The following links are where I found the pictures used within this starter. I claim none of the brilliant artwork as my own]
Forest (1)
Mountain (2)
Ocean (3)
Treasure Town (4)
Dungeon (5)

[spoiler](1) - By Tumblr User keeterz

(2) By Daniel Lieske

(3) - by tumblr user tohdaryl

(4) by tumblr user thesecretsoftime

(5) PMD: EoS loading screen.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 11:53:21 am by Scallywag »


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] Apps/Rules
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2013, 06:01:33 pm »

These are pretty basic rules, but since everything kind of needs rules, I'll be listing the 'typical' stuff and the more 'complex' things below.

1. Hate the character, not the player. It's fine if your characters are ones to bicker back and forth, just try not to hate the roleplayer of a character because of that. They're just roleplaying a character they made, they aren't really said character.

2. Do not Powerplay/Godmod Because this is Poke'mon, I imagine that accidental godmodding will likely be far more typical. Try to limit this and remember that you can't win every fight you get into.

3. Be active The Off-Topic roleplay section has been moving terribly slow lately, but I'd appreciate it if you could post once every week without delay. If you can't follow that up, just tell me (or don't, though being told would be prefferable!) and I'll add you onto a hiatus/hold list. Hiatus being a list where you haven't posted once in a week, hold being where it's more than a week.

4. Don't dwaddle By 'don't dwaddle' I mean try to go at a slightly fast pace. In the past, other versions have sat around and done one mission for a whole twenty pages, but don't be shy to make things happen when you're messing around! Of course, be cautious not to make any entire-plot-affecting changes in your post. Keep it all to the general area of what's going on, and try not to be walking around in one section for too long. By the way, please type 'I'm so fabulous that I'm duct-taped to a wall' somewhere in your application if you've read through these rules.

5. Please keep blood/cussing mild Basically saying, within the roleplay I don't mind there being some blood, or some cussing. But nothing other than 'hell and damn' for the cussing part, and keep your descriptions of flesh injuries pretty low. Some people don't like to see it, and seeing that Poke'mon is actually a rather 'playful' sort of thing, I don't think a lot of people joining would be expecting its existance.



Please provide a 'code' version of your application, consisting of all codes you used (i.e: colour, font size, etc. . Remove all brackets)
[Optional Picture (Please provide a source to the image if you use one!]
Character Name: (What's your character's name)
Species: (What Poke'mon?)
Level: (What level do you consider your character?)
Age: (Age of Poke'mon? I've always looked at this different from level)
Personality: (Optional, though appreciated!)
History: (Optional, but yet again appreciated!)
Occupation: (There's more than just 'one' occupation. Perhaps you're a merchant, outlaw,  explorer, or just a villager.)
Extra: (Anything else?)

Code: [Select]
[color= (colour here)] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] -
[b][u]Species[/u][/b] -
[u][b]Level[/b][/u] -
[u][b]Age[/b][/u] -
[u][b]Personality[/b][/u] -
[u][b]History[/b][/u] -
[u][b]Occupation[/b][/u] -
[u][b]Extra [/b][/u]-
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 08:33:10 pm by DoctorBallard »


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2013, 06:02:10 pm »


Name - Calcifer 'Cal'
Species - Buizel
Level - Thirty-four
Age - Twenty-one
Personality- Calcifer is actually a rather arrogant kind of Pokemon. Most of this is gained by praise, as surprising as it might be. Being called 'clever' long enough is what made him think he was always right, and admittedly he is clever whenever he wants to be. Often times he'll even go to a point where he teases others about how idiotic they might be in comparison of him. He's even just plan rude at times, likely picked up by the idea he had in his head that he was capable of doing whatever he wanted, and no matter what it was always right. Nevertheless he is admittedly clever, and whenever he actually chooses to, Calcifer is quite brilliant when it comes to making decisions or creating tactics. Alongside two rather troublesome personality traits, Calcifer is, quite unfortunately considering the trouble it gets him into, terribly sassy. If making up come-backs and sassing others were a competition of some sort, he'd be in first place through and through. As long as you're not the one being sassed, though, it's usually a rather amusing sight to see. Though, even with such negative traits Calcifer does have about one good thing about himself- he's undeniably loyal. Of course you can't just ask for such loyalty, you have to earn yourself a spot in the circle of closely-knitted friends he makes. Considering he's an explorer, however, Calcifer is terribly unequal when it comes to mental strength and physical strength. It's not entirely easy, being capable to go treasure-hunting or criminal-tracking, and he actually has trouble doing the first, especially the later of the two. Nevertheless he still might be considered an important addition to any team, no matter how annoying and sick one might grow of his shenanigans.
History - Calcifer grew up on the Calcifer Mountains, switching between the base of the Volcanoes during the winters and late autumns, and near the hot springs during the spring, summer, and early autumn. His name makes this terribly obvious, and he actually quite despises it. It's not all that right to be named after such a large place that you actually grew up in, after-all. Nevertheless any relatives were rather supportive of him, but Calcifer merely shut everything they said out- other than compliments telling him he was 'clever'. The buizel had always had a fascination in the rare numbers of explorers, however, and currently he aims to be.
Occupation - He calls himself an explorer, however he hasn't quite established a team of any sort. As of now he seems to mainly spend his time in Oradon Town; either studying with himself or sassing the residents. He's known as 'Cal' by everyone there, and despite such a short amount of time spent there, he's rather well-known.
-Calcifer absolutely despises his name. Being named after a mountain isn't what he calls ideal, and so goes by the simple and unfortunately unsophisticated nickname 'Cal'.
- Even though he's a buizel and one might expect him to be used to water of any sort, Calcifer is ridiculously reluctant about getting into water that he doesn't categorise as 'comfortable'. Basically saying, anything ten degrees below the typical temperature of the Calcifer Mountains hot spring's water.

Name - Alastor
Species - Noctowl
Level - Ninety-Eight
Age -
History - Alastor was one of the more 'popular' explorers back in his day, and left quite the mark on anyone that might've remembered him. Unlike some explorers, he did not pair up with a single partner, and on the contrary flew entirely solo, quiet literally. Most famous for his discovery of the Ice Chamber, hidden high in Calcifer Mountain's peaks, Alastor was eventually forced to stop with his exploring due to the loss of his left wing. Currently he spends his time in Oradon Town, intending on reading his life away. Though occasionally he will take interest in the 'Calcifer Callers', a group created with the intents on saving Poke'mon trapped somewhere within the harsh and ever-changing conditions of the Mountains. While he can't quite assist them on the literal field, he does a little in order to help Mabel.

Occupation - The town elder as well as 'mayor' of Oradon Town. He's not quite literally mayor, but when it comes to certain town decisions, especially important one, it's he who's consulted, and usually him with the final word.



Who Are You? - Mabel

Who's That Pokemon? - Mareep: The Wool Pokemon

Level -  23 (What hasn't Mabel evolved? Look in her history!)

Age - 17

Personality - Mabel has her mind and heart set into the right place and always had a good sense of justice and wanting of it but her actions never truly can settle for this claim. Typically though, she can be described a kindred spirit that would usually greet about that comes her way regardless of who it is but she is certainly not the type to take the initiative on forming conversations out of the blue and forming bonds unless there is something in it for her, mission, or for the group. Seeing as "bonding" is a very rare thing for her to do, expect her team mates to be especially close to her and those that do initiate and bring forth interest to her will as well find a friend.

Her ambition can lead her to be easily bribed, however, as she will take rogue advice and travel through unmarked paths to get to a new location that can endanger her team at times. It has happened several times but by the look of it, she has been placed down on the spot for it. It does bother her that no one can honestly going into new waters for a new way to do things. Along with that, another negative trait is how she might leap before she thinks, both figuratively and literally, as she can be off speaking to someone and moving at the same time or bluntly listing her opinion that'll get her easily sassed at.

Oddly enough, the wool Pokemon is not easily bothered or finds much needed effort to put into bickering as she does have a good sense of having a thick skin (no pun intended.) The only things that may bother her is having her actions being put against her as honestly, she believes she is doing what is right. And if she believes she is so right and no one believes her, she will become an independent force that goes off by herself into the mountains to find a person.

History - Born at the base of the Calcifer Mountains, her lovely family consisted of three older brothers and one older sister (though, the oldest out of them all was the sister.) They always stayed in the same location and watched other families move about as several could not endure the extreme climate changes but thanks to the wool and shedding, Mabel's family was able to go through with it. Sadly, Mabel was always constantly challenged as a little as she could remember to climb up the mountain when it was against her parent's rules but she did so anyway to prove them all wrong. She did, she eventually did! Though, her family constantly bickered and complained to her that such actions were reckless and eventually, she decided it was best to make a living for herself and prove to them that going against the odds could do wondrous things.

Currently, she is living in the Oradon village and from there she has been constantly training and even started an independent search to find missing members of Calicifer Mountain but as it was only herself, business didn't strive forth. Even worse, if she did evolve, she fears that she would lose the ability to jump about the small rocky ledges (and thus loses her dream.) She eventually resorted to visiting her family more often, and with them bickering about, it was truly a nightmare. Though, one day, she was recruited to the Calcifer Callers as her actions didn't go unnoticed.  And this is where our little Mabel is now, the scout for the Calcifer Callers!

Occupation - Currently, the sheep-like Pokemon is currently working as part of a rescue team (not dungeon styled, mind you) to find others lost in the Calicifer Mountains. She is currently stationed in Oradon town that serves as a hub to gather supplies and get notifications/reports of missing Pokemon that have gone missing in the mountains. Specifically, Mabel acts as the "scout" that hops ahead of the team to find those missing or to see if there is safe passage.

Extra -

*The search squad is known as the "Calicifer Callers" and anyone can make an application to have their characters on that team. They do not function as a guild, however! The leader position is currently opened as Mabel is too inexperienced and young to be it.

*Mabel  has very bad allergies if coming into contact with pollen and if she sneezes, bolts will spark out of her, making her wool frizz but also shock anyone standing next to her. Take great caution with her!

*She has a home at the base of the Calicifer Mountains where her family currently lives. She does rarely visit them, though. Said home can be used a hub for lucky travelers as Mabel's family is generous to keep their roof full for those wishing to dare embark on a quest through the mountains. (Do not overstay your welcome, though!)



Name - Kagura

Species - Mawile, the Deciever Pokemon

Level - 19

Age - 13

Personality - At first glance, Kagura is very bossy, showing nothing but aggression toward most Pokemon and expecting them to know who she is and what to do. She's definitely sassy, which is apparent to just about anyone who stumbles into her path. This Steel-type is also a little easy to anger, seeing as she will blow up on anyone if they make just one mistake, and assumes everyone should listen to her when she talks or gives out orders. All in all, she is more verbally aggressive than physically, arriving to the conclusion that her bark is worse than her bite.

Once her heart is set on something, it becomes very challenging to get her mind off of it. She has a great ambition to be the best explorer she could possibly be, and refuses to charge blindly into dangerous missions and such and will often plan out each exploit carefully before following them, though tends to overlook the smallest and at most times, the most important details.

However, Kagura's capable of being nice in her own unique ways. Despite her snappy, impudent attitude, she cares deeply for others and shows this often times by yelling at those who get themselves injured or risk their lives. She also likes helping out other Pokemon, though sometimes acts as if its a big deal and that the one who needs assistance should know what to do and how to do it. She just has a hard time trying to express and convey her kindness, and thus is more on the aggressive side than anything.

History - Kagura was born and raised near the summit of Calcifer Mountains in a very small family. She had been an only child, therefore she never understood the feeling of having brothers or sisters, however kept herself at play with the other wild Pokemon in the rolling hills of the mountains. She'd always dreamed of being a popular explorer, much unlike her childhood friend, who was a skittish Kricketot by the name of Aiden. They would always goof off together, with the sassy Mawile often dragging the small bug Pokemon along with her on little, childish expeditions and such, but even with Kagura taking leadership, they got along very well and were bound together by friendship. However, as she grew older, Kagura began to desire for more than just dreaming to be a famous explorer, but to actually be one. After a while, she decided it was time to make her ambition reality, to become the youngest and greatest explorer in the land.

After convincing her parents, she set out for the haven for tourists known as Oradon Town, and is now living there in order to hone her exploration skills. She still visits her parents back up in the peaks of Calcifer Mountains, however due to the rather long voyage does not return to her homeland too often to say the fond 'hello'.

Occupation - Currently thriving in Oradon Town, Kagura is testing and sharpening her skills so she can be the best explorer there could ever be, as she had become too distracted with family and friends back at home to train. She cannot yet call herself an explorer, however, and instead refers to herself as 'the great explorer in the making'.

Extra -
- Kagura has a bad habit of flipping her 'hair', which is actually the bang-like designs that lead to the gigantic mouth on the back of her head, as an addition to her personality.

- She has a bell accessory at the top of her head with two large, pinkish-yellow leaves attached to the end.

- Although the large, gaping mouth at the back of her head is more often used by Mawile to capture and eat prey, Kagura prefers to stick to eating berries and such. This may be because of family beliefs or something similar.

- Her name may possibly be based off of the name for the ancient Shinto music and dance.

Character List One; Image Source Masterlist (below)
[spoiler]Calcifer - [By Tumblr User adriannadragonus
Alastor - [By dA user seepia
Mabel- - By dA user azamono
Kagura- Kagura's image was drawn by Temporal/Christina. Why would you need a source /shotdead[/spoiler]

« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 10:49:26 pm by DoctorBallard »


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2013, 06:02:26 pm »

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2013, 12:14:33 am »
Who Are You? - Mabel

Who's That Pokemon? - Mareep: The Wool Pokemon

Level -  23 (What hasn't Mabel evolved? Look in her history!)

Age - 17

Personality - Mabel has her mind and heart set into the right place and always had a good sense of justice and wanting of it but her actions never truly can settle for this claim. Typically though, she can be described a kindred spirit that would usually greet about that comes her way regardless of who it is but she is certainly not the type to take the initiative on forming conversations out of the blue and forming bonds unless there is something in it for her, mission, or for the group. Seeing as "bonding" is a very rare thing for her to do, expect her team mates to be especially close to her and those that do initiate and bring forth interest to her will as well find a friend.

Her ambition can lead her to be easily bribed, however, as she will take rogue advice and travel through unmarked paths to get to a new location that can endanger her team at times. It has happened several times but by the look of it, she has been placed down on the spot for it. It does bother her that no one can honestly going into new waters for a new way to do things. Along with that, another negative trait is how she might leap before she thinks, both figuratively and literally, as she can be off speaking to someone and moving at the same time or bluntly listing her opinion that'll get her easily sassed at.

Oddly enough, the wool Pokemon is not easily bothered or finds much needed effort to put into bickering as she does have a good sense of having a thick skin (no pun intended.) The only things that may bother her is having her actions being put against her as honestly, she believes she is doing what is right. And if she believes she is so right and no one believes her, she will become an independent force that goes off by herself into the mountains to find a person.

History - Born at the base of the Calcifer Mountains, her lovely family consisted of three older brothers and one older sister (though, the oldest out of them all was the sister.) They always stayed in the same location and watched other families move about as several could not endure the extreme climate changes but thanks to the wool and shedding, Mabel's family was able to go through with it. Sadly, Mabel was always constantly challenged as a little as she could remember to climb up the mountain when it was against her parent's rules but she did so anyway to prove them all wrong. She did, she eventually did! Though, her family constantly bickered and complained to her that such actions were reckless and eventually, she decided it was best to make a living for herself and prove to them that going against the odds could do wondrous things.

Currently, she is living in the Oradon village and from there she has been constantly training and even started an independent search to find missing members of Calicifer Mountain but as it was only herself, business didn't strive forth. Even worse, if she did evolve, she fears that she would lose the ability to jump about the small rocky ledges (and thus loses her dream.) She eventually resorted to visiting her family more often, and with them bickering about, it was truly a nightmare. Though, one day, she was recruited to the Calcifer Callers as her actions didn't go unnoticed.  And this is where our little Mabel is now, the scout for the Calcifer Callers!

Occupation - Currently, the sheep-like Pokemon is currently working as part of a rescue team (not dungeon styled, mind you) to find others lost in the Calicifer Mountains. She is currently stationed in Oradon town that serves as a hub to gather supplies and get notifications/reports of missing Pokemon that have gone missing in the mountains. Specifically, Mabel acts as the "scout" that hops ahead of the team to find those missing or to see if there is safe passage.

Extra -

*The search squad is known as the "Calicifer Callers" and anyone can make an application to have their characters on that team. They do not function as a guild, however! The leader position is currently opened as Mabel is too inexperienced and young to be it.

*Mabel  has very bad allergies if coming into contact with pollen and if she sneezes, bolts will spark out of her, making her wool frizz but also shock anyone standing next to her. Take great caution with her!

*She has a home at the base of the Calicifer Mountains where her family currently lives. She does rarely visit them, though. Said home can be used a hub for lucky travelers as Mabel's family is generous to keep their roof full for those wishing to dare embark on a quest through the mountains. (Do not overstay your welcome, though!)

*'I'm so fabulous that I'm duct-taped to a wall!

*All credit and original link to the image is down below. Hover over the credit in order to go to the original source of the image. I do not own anything besides the character itself.

First image's credit goes to Deviantart user azamono


Code: [Select]
[center][img width=266 height=350][/img][/center]
[color=white] [b][u][size=13pt]W[/size]ho Are You?[/u][/b] - [color=#ABDCF5]Mabel[/color]

[b][u][size=13pt]W[/size]ho's That Pokemon?[/u][/b] - [color=#ABDCF5]Mareep: The Wool Pokemon [/color]

[u][b][size=13pt]L[/size]evel[/b][/u] -  [color=#ABDCF5]23[/color] (What hasn't Mabel evolved? Look in her history!)

[u][b][size=13pt]A[/size]ge[/b][/u] - [color=#ABDCF5]17[/color]

[u][b][size=13pt]P[/size]ersonality[/b][/u] - [color=#ABDCF5]Mabel has her mind and heart set into the right place and always had a good sense of justice and wanting of it but her actions never truly can settle for this claim. Typically though, she can be described a kindred spirit that would usually greet about that comes her way regardless of who it is but she is certainly not the type to take the initiative on forming conversations out of the blue and forming bonds unless there is something in it for her, mission, or for the group. Seeing as "bonding" is a very rare thing for her to do, expect her team mates to be especially close to her and those that do initiate and bring forth interest to her will as well find a friend.

Her ambition can lead her to be easily bribed, however, as she will take rogue advice and travel through unmarked paths to get to a new location that can endanger her team at times. It has happened several times but by the look of it, she has been placed down on the spot for it. It does bother her that no one can honestly going into new waters for a new way to do things. Along with that, another negative trait is how she might leap before she thinks, both figuratively and literally, as she can be off speaking to someone and moving at the same time or bluntly listing her opinion that'll get her easily sassed at.

Oddly enough, the wool Pokemon is not easily bothered or finds much needed effort to put into bickering as she does have a good sense of having a thick skin (no pun intended.) The only things that may bother her is having her actions being put against her as honestly, she believes she is doing what is right. And if she believes she is so right and no one believes her, she will become an independent force that goes off by herself into the mountains to find a person.


[u][b][size=13pt]H[/size]istory[/b][/u] - [color=#ABDCF5]Born at the base of the Calcifer Mountains, her lovely family consisted of three older brothers and one older sister (though, the oldest out of them all was the sister.) They always stayed in the same location and watched other families move about as several could not endure the extreme climate changes but thanks to the wool and shedding, Mabel's family was able to go through with it. Sadly, Mabel was always constantly challenged as a little as she could remember to climb up the mountain when it was against her parent's rules but she did so anyway to prove them all wrong. She did, she eventually did! Though, her family constantly bickered and complained to her that such actions were reckless and eventually, she decided it was best to make a living for herself and prove to them that going against the odds could do wondrous things.

Currently, she is living in the Oradon village and from there she has been constantly training and even started an independent search to find missing members of Calicifer Mountain but as it was only herself, business didn't strive forth. Even worse, if she did evolve, she fears that she would lose the ability to jump about the small rocky ledges (and thus loses her dream.) She eventually resorted to visiting her family more often, and with them bickering about, it was truly a nightmare. Though, one day, she was recruited to the Calcifer Callers as her actions didn't go unnoticed.  And this is where our little Mabel is now, the scout for the Calcifer Callers!

[u][b][size=13pt]O[/size]ccupation[/b][/u] -[color=#ABDCF5] Currently, the sheep-like Pokemon is currently working as part of a rescue team (not dungeon styled, mind you) to find others lost in the Calicifer Mountains. She is currently stationed in Oradon town that serves as a hub to gather supplies and get notifications/reports of missing Pokemon that have gone missing in the mountains. Specifically, Mabel acts as the "scout" that hops ahead of the team to find those missing or to see if there is safe passage.[/color]

[u][b][size=13pt]E[/size]xtra [/b][/u]-[/color]
[color=#ABDCF5]*The search squad is known as the "Calicifer Callers" and anyone can make an application to have their characters on that team. They do not function as a guild, however! The leader position is currently opened as Mabel is too inexperienced and young to be it. [/color]

[color=#ABDCF5]*Mabel  has very bad allergies if coming into contact with pollen and if she sneezes, bolts will spark out of her, making her wool frizz but also shock anyone standing next to her. Take great caution with her!

*She has a home at the base of the Calicifer Mountains where her family currently lives. She does rarely visit them, though. Said home can be used a hub for lucky travelers as Mabel's family is generous to keep their roof full for those wishing to dare embark on a quest through the mountains. (Do not overstay your welcome, though!)

[size=4pt]*'I'm so fabulous that I'm duct-taped to a wall![/size]

« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 04:19:25 am by SoaringAway »


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2013, 01:30:03 pm »

I'll add Mabel to the list immediately, Soaring. I really do like her character design!

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2013, 10:29:20 pm »
Name - Kagura

Species - Mawile, the Deciever Pokemon

Level - 19

Age - 13

Personality - At first glance, Kagura is very bossy, showing nothing but aggression toward most Pokemon and expecting them to know who she is and what to do. She's definitely sassy, which is apparent to just about anyone who stumbles into her path. This Steel-type is also a little easy to anger, seeing as she will blow up on anyone if they make just one mistake, and assumes everyone should listen to her when she talks or gives out orders. All in all, she is more verbally aggressive than physically, arriving to the conclusion that her bark is worse than her bite.

Once her heart is set on something, it becomes very challenging to get her mind off of it. She has a great ambition to be the best explorer she could possibly be, and refuses to charge blindly into dangerous missions and such and will often plan out each exploit carefully before following them, though tends to overlook the smallest and at most times, the most important details.

However, Kagura's capable of being nice in her own unique ways. Despite her snappy, impudent attitude, she cares deeply for others and shows this often times by yelling at those who get themselves injured or risk their lives. She also likes helping out other Pokemon, though sometimes acts as if its a big deal and that the one who needs assistance should know what to do and how to do it. She just has a hard time trying to express and convey her kindness, and thus is more on the aggressive side than anything.

History - Kagura was born and raised near the summit of Calcifer Mountains in a very small family. She had been an only child, therefore she never understood the feeling of having brothers or sisters, however kept herself at play with the other wild Pokemon in the rolling hills of the mountains. She'd always dreamed of being a popular explorer, much unlike her childhood friend, who was a skittish Kricketot by the name of Aiden. They would always goof off together, with the sassy Mawile often dragging the small bug Pokemon along with her on little, childish expeditions and such, but even with Kagura taking leadership, they got along very well and were bound together by friendship. However, as she grew older, Kagura began to desire for more than just dreaming to be a famous explorer, but to actually be one. After a while, she decided it was time to make her ambition reality, to become the youngest and greatest explorer in the land.

After convincing her parents, she set out for the haven for tourists known as Oradon Town, and is now living there in order to hone her exploration skills. She still visits her parents back up in the peaks of Calcifer Mountains, however due to the rather long voyage does not return to her homeland too often to say the fond 'hello'.

Occupation - Currently thriving in Oradon Town, Kagura is testing and sharpening her skills so she can be the best explorer there could ever be, as she had become too distracted with family and friends back at home to train. She cannot yet call herself an explorer, however, and instead refers to herself as 'the great explorer in the making'.

Extra -
- Kagura has a bad habit of flipping her 'hair', which is actually the bang-like designs that lead to the gigantic mouth on the back of her head, as an addition to her personality.

- She has a bell accessory at the top of her head with two large, pinkish-yellow leaves attached to the end.

- Although the large, gaping mouth at the back of her head is more often used by Mawile to capture and eat prey, Kagura prefers to stick to eating berries and such. This may be because of family beliefs or something similar.

- Her name may possibly be based off of the name for the ancient Shinto music and dance.


*crawls up from the dead*
Sorry for the delayed application, would've posted it yesterday but I didn't have my character fully thought out. I felt the need to make a sassy character, so... >w>;

Also, since I couldn't really find any Mawile photos that would be suitable for her, I decided to doodle my own, so I hope that counts. I don't have any deviantART accounts or anything to link it to. ;w;

Art and character is copyrighted to myself~

"I'm so fabulous that I'm duct-taped to a wall~"
*faints from fabulosity*

Code: [Select]
[center][img width=487 height=350]http://i43BannedImageSite/2gw6ihw.png[/img][/center]
[color=lemonchiffon] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] - Kagura

[b][u]Species[/u][/b] - Mawile, the Deciever Pokemon

[u][b]Level[/b][/u] - 19

[u][b]Age[/b][/u] - 13

[u][b]Personality[/b][/u] - At first glance, Kagura is very bossy, showing nothing but aggression toward most Pokemon and expecting them to know who she is and what to do. She's definitely sassy, which is apparent to just about anyone who stumbles into her path. This Steel-type is also a little easy to anger, seeing as she will blow up on anyone if they make just one mistake, and assumes everyone should listen to her when she talks or gives out orders. All in all, she is more verbally aggressive than physically, arriving to the conclusion that her bark is worse than her bite.

Once her heart is set on something, it becomes very challenging to get her mind off of it. She has a great ambition to be the best explorer she could possibly be, and refuses to charge blindly into dangerous missions and such and will often plan out each exploit carefully before following them, though tends to overlook the smallest and at most times, the most important details.

However, Kagura's capable of being nice in her own unique ways. Despite her snappy, impudent attitude, she cares deeply for others and shows this often times by yelling at those who get themselves injured or risk their lives. She also likes helping out other Pokemon, though sometimes acts as if its a big deal and that the one who needs assistance should know what to do and how to do it. She just has a hard time trying to express and convey her kindness, and thus is more on the aggressive side than anything.

[u][b]History[/b][/u] - Kagura was born and raised near the summit of Calcifer Mountains in a very small family. She had been an only child, therefore she never understood the feeling of having brothers or sisters, however kept herself at play with the other wild Pokemon in the rolling hills of the mountains. She'd always dreamed of being a popular explorer, much unlike her childhood friend, who was a skittish Kricketot by the name of Aiden. They would always goof off together, with the sassy Mawile often dragging the small bug Pokemon along with her on little, childish expeditions and such, but even with Kagura taking leadership, they got along very well and were bound together by friendship. However, as she grew older, Kagura began to desire for more than just dreaming to be a famous explorer, but to actually [i]be[/i] one. After a while, she decided it was time to make her ambition reality, to become the youngest and greatest explorer in the land.

After convincing her parents, she set out for the haven for tourists known as Oradon Town, and is now living there in order to hone her exploration skills. She still visits her parents back up in the peaks of Calcifer Mountains, however due to the rather long voyage does not return to her homeland too often to say the fond 'hello'.

[u][b]Occupation[/b][/u] - Currently thriving in Oradon Town, Kagura is testing and sharpening her skills so she can be the best explorer there could ever be, as she had become too distracted with family and friends back at home to train. She cannot yet call herself an explorer, however, and instead refers to herself as 'the great explorer in the making'.

[u][b]Extra [/b][/u]-
- Kagura has a bad habit of flipping her 'hair', which is actually the bang-like designs that lead to the gigantic mouth on the back of her head, as an addition to her personality.

- She has a bell accessory at the top of her head with two large, pinkish-yellow leaves attached to the end.

- Although the large, gaping mouth at the back of her head is more often used by Mawile to capture and eat prey, Kagura prefers to stick to eating berries and such. This may be because of family beliefs or something similar.

- Her name may possibly be based off of the name for the ancient Shinto music and dance.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 10:32:25 pm by Temporal »

ヌ - ド ル


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2013, 10:42:03 pm »
Drawing your own picture is perfectly fine, and I really like it by the way! I like the style huehue

But now then, onto business.


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2013, 11:50:27 pm »
((Late post is late

Aye, thank you for accepting me! owo
And aw shucks, thank ya. >w>;;

Anyway, when do you think we should start; should we wait to see if we can lure in a few more members, or just begin roleplaying?))

ヌ - ド ル


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2013, 04:53:54 pm »
(We can begin roleplaying right now, if you want. I think we waited long enough? Maybe if we start up again we might attract members!
I'll start us off by tomorrow unless anyone wants to make the first post by today.