Author Topic: Puzzles To Be Solved [Inactive since 06/09/2013]  (Read 5612 times)


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2013, 12:06:37 am »

 It was about noon in Oradon, the sun now high over head of the small town; beating down on all below in a gentle manner. The white, fluffy clouds dappling the sky seemed to calm it's nerves, making its rays much less effective. Calcifer, on the other hand, was very much effected by the currently gentle sun. Perhaps it was because the buizel was almost constantly in a bad mood, of course, but today he was especially bothered by it all.
  Studying was what he was doing at the moment, and the boredom in that didn't help with his over-all attitude towards everything, either. It was studying for exploration; how to track certain things, figuring out if a job was worth taking or not, all of that stuff that shouldn't even be taken into consideration by him as it was. Calcifer was one to tell himself he knew about all that anyway, too; so it was more or less entirely illogical for him to even posses a guildbook such as this. Perhaps the manner in which he had decided to pick out his location for this 'studying' was not the best, either. He was literally right on the side of the main walk-way through Oradon town, half on it, and the water type Pokemon hadn't even bothered with sitting down. It was most unusual, too. A buizel standing on the sides of Oradon Town, paying no attention to the nearby shops or stands; reading a book and ever-so-slowly stepping his way forward. Surely Calcifer would rather be messing around in the water right now, after all?


 The retired, disabled, and currently old Noctowl was enjoying himself on the bright sunny day. Of course he did much prefer the night over the day, but Alastor didn't mind it all too much. Perhaps out of his lack of 'doing things' (he couldn't find enough persons or even things to mess around with anymore; they were growing astoundingly rare, and so were the visiting explorers in their numbers!), he had decided to  to give Mabel a little bit of a visit. Occasionally he did affiliate himself with the 'Calcifer Callers', usually during times such as this when it was most certainly beautiful, but there wasn't much to do. Alastor always did enjoy the ever-so-brief conversations held with the Mareep, even if they had not grown even barely acquainted because of short exchanges of words.
 Despite his intentions, Alastor hadn't even barely opened his big, red eyes that didn't quite like the sun, but were accepting of it, nonetheless. Nevertheless even get off of one the damned trees he had decided to sit in through the night and onto around noon. Alastor was at least considering waking up at the moment, though. Which was better than he sleeping through half the day and all the night- or that reversed around.
 With a swift movement of his only remaining wing, a brief blinking of crimson eyes, and the removal of talons dug into the tree bark below, the owl-like creature was more than prepared to take flight to his destination. If only his old memory could remember precisely where that was at the moment, though. He was still practically half-asleep (quite unfortunately), so of course his old man mind wasn't yet working all that well. Oh well, Alastor could find his own way soon enough. Hopefully Mabel would be present and not hopping around on 'scouting duties'.

(sorry for the pathetic starters? never was good at them but i wanted to type things for other characters to react to rather than awkwardly scooting towards any sort of 'action' that might go on like i tend to do)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 06:11:48 pm by DoctorBallard »

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2013, 02:16:45 am »
(I was attracted by puzzles.
....I will think about this.....>3)

^ Sofas are awesome.

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2013, 03:07:37 am »

The morrow wasn't certainly the best time to ever come into contact with the wool Pokemon as at most, her attitude after just rousing from her nest from her slumber wasn't adequate, to say the least. Hazily, her brown eyes scanned through the town as she opened her mouth widely, a yawn escaping, feeling her senses wanting to crawl back into the nest to sleep again. Her nose wrinkled at the fresh smell of crushed berries, her stomach grumbling ever so loudly, as several smaller Togepis fled in fear as if there was a predator near. "Good morning," she said, taking in a deep breathe while nodding her head at several vendors in the distance and they all waved in greeting to the half-asleep Mareep.

If she could recall, Mabel was suppose to meet up with her team embers shortly later on but the storm from last night had kept her up and with that, her wool kept up puffing up anytime the thunder struck down. She glanced at her pelt, the curly white fluff fringing. Her vision made way to the small opening towards the forest but near it was a small open campsite with a traveling chef. She licked her lips, her tail slowly wagging at it. Finally, some food!

« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 02:51:47 am by SoaringAway »

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2013, 09:28:20 pm »
((Alrightie, Moo owo We'd always welcome another former member onto the team!

Might also add another character sometime soon to possibly be a part of Calcifer Callers, if that's alright. I just need to figure out what Pokemon; there's so many to choose from! ;A;))


It was a bright and sunny day in the town of Oradon, the perfect time for explorers to be out and about. The weather wasn't too harsh and the sun hung lazily at its peak in the blue sky above, though its brilliant light was occasionally repelled by passing clouds, making it so that shade was plentiful even if one weren't in it already.

The young Mawile had been helping others out the whole morning and was now strolling along the dirt path that led around the small village, greeting everyone she came across with a bored attitude and ignoring those who weren't in her line of sight-- nothing too unusual. She had been extremely irritated the day before and had blown up at just about everyone who didn't agree with her, confronting them with a sharp-tongued challenge. And of course, if they did respond with an idea that outsmarted her own, she would either put it down immediately out of self-pride or hesitantly agree with the plan, but act as if it were the most foolish plan in the universe. Hopefully, this day wouldn't turn out to be too bad.

As Kagura proceeded in her path, she came across a Buizel that she had seen countless times in Oradon who went by the name of Calcifer-- and he was holding a book, no less!
She just observed the Water-type Pokemon for a few moments before waving, as if trying to get his attention. "Hey," she called, "how come you've got a book with you? Aren't you already smart enough?" As she spoke these words of sarcasm, the Mawile recalled how arrogant Calcifer could often be, especially on the topic of his intelligence. Obviously it wouldn't hurt too much to pry, would it?

ヌ - ド ル


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2013, 04:32:59 pm »

 "I'm entirely smart enough," Calcifer retorted, a look of pure unamusement on his face as he glanced up at the Mawile. He recognised her as Kagura, and quite the Pokemon, too. Perhaps if they ever got into a big enough of a verbal fight, the two could conduct up what would be titled The Great Sass War, and it would be remembered by generations upon generations (of course that was quite the over exaggeration, nevertheless it would end up results somewhat like that). "I'm trying to get a little bit smarter, you know, just in case everyone else here might need a bit of my intelligence to wear off on them,"
With this the entirely out-of-place water type Pokemon hesitantly shut the leather covered book, looking at Kagura in an almost challenging manner. It was only noon and already had this happened. Perhaps today would be a bit less boring than expected; maybe frustrating, but less boring.

"What about you, then? Walking around greeting everyone? I don't think that'll help the residents of Oradon Town, ya know."


 Although right now was most certainly not his typical awakening time, Alastor would dearly appreciate breakfast. The Noctowl barely ate at all in fear of growing too fat to even be physically useful in some manner, but when he did eat, he either gorged himself in typical joys, or ate a typical amount of simply splendid food. Today he felt to hunt down the contrary of the first option, as he did most dearly appreciate fine foods.
 And what more convenient location to be searching for fine foods than the vendor-packed Oradon Town? On the more inconvenient side of things, the majourity of vendors were entirely irrelevant to the subject of food. There was an Prinplup whom's name had forgotten selling most certainly decorative shells (apparently it was a sort of 'family tendency' among the lot), the Duskull bank, proudly open for at least fifty years, and likely; still going on. Perhaps the owl would get lucky today, more ever, and run into a bit of a traveling chef. Oradon town did seem to attract both explorers and them, fortunately enough. Now hopefully no-one would be pointing him out or squabbling for his attention on some sort of 'issue'.
 With a most certainly forceful and energy-draining flap of the remaining right wing, the feathered creature took off. Looking out-of-place considering the time as well as awkward in his flight; leaning towards on side in a hazardous tilt. It looked as if he would plummet to the ground at any given moment.

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2013, 11:08:53 pm »
"The Great Sass War"... >w> I'm sure those two would be able to cook up an argument that'd fit the title, though!))


As the obnoxious Buizel replied, Kagura's temper immediately made itself apparent. How dare he, above anyone else, talk to her like this! "I beg your pardon? I'll have you know that I've been going back and forth on raw feet to help others all morning!" she snapped, resting her arms on her hips as she glared at Calcifer. It was obvious that she had a sharp distaste in others talking back to her own side of the argument, which only made her attitude worse and, sometimes, even amusing for other witnesses and possibly the other side of the fight.

"And what have you contributed to helping anyone, huh?" the duel-jawed Pokemon confronted snarkily with a grit of her teeth, flipping the ear-like extensions on her head out of pure and utter habit. She refused to back down from the conflict, and anyone who knew her would know that she didn't like to admit defeat, especially when it came to vocal wars. It wouldn't be too surprising if she was most likely capable of going on for as long as it took to make the opponent give up.
"Frolicking in the ponds and reading the text on a page doesn't do much, does it?"

ヌ - ド ル

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2013, 02:44:29 am »

Frizzy curls of wool were the only visible sight at the open "cafe." Mabel's head was submerged into a bowl, devouring the oh so exquisite berries of the morning to detain her starvation. Her tail was wagging side to side as if it were a fin to a Magickarp, ever so moving to keep up in the currents or in this case, her stomach. None of the members of the Calcifer Callers were present, just several unknown travelers that she had greeted just today, and several residents that were off into their own business. Licking her lips with her stomach not barely emitting a grumble, the sheep was finally content with the morning somewhat.

Her ears flickered, hearing the fainted beats of wings yonder. She turned her head as she eyed the mayor of Oradon town. The Mabel wrinkled her nos,e calling out a greeting but she noted his tired movement.  "Good morning, Mayor," she at first called as she eased away from the bowl, still with spots of berries on her face.


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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2013, 04:28:02 pm »

 "I haven't been 'frolicking in ponds', thank you very much," Calcifer retorted, tucking the book underneath his arm and folding them over his chest, a stern look on his face; as if he was going to lecture Kagura about even daring to point out certain flaws of his current activity, though of course there was nothing wrong with reading a book; one could barely call it a flaw! "Honestly I don't like water that much, and research on certain things is better than running around and saying 'oh hello there have a nice morning', probably a lot more helpful too!"
  Just as he said this, the buizel realised how much attention the two might possibly draw from other most certainly innocent by-standers; or worse, the seemingly missing 'mayor' of Oradon Town, who very much liked to lecture anyone about any sort of necessary commotion caused. Perhaps it would be better not to start the flare that lit up 'The Great Sass War'.

 "Instead of this though, how is your saying 'hello' going? Boring and bland, or do you actually mean it a bit?"

It might still be sassy as well as rude, but at least it was better than how far the original conversation could've gone. Perhaps if Kagura had greeted him with a 'hello' rather than teasings about his reading, it might possibly end up being a bit more friendly.


It took Alastor a little while to reply to just the Mareep had been hoping to meet. But of course he was rather slow to react to many things now; as if even saying 'hello' required deep thought.
 "Ah yes, hello Mabel!" the Noctowl greeted rather loudly, roughly landing nearby. His sight still remained ever so fuzzy, as he was slow to see what was which and what it meant. Nevertheless berries and their existence was rather clear to him; likely, there was a was a traveling chef of some sort (or a new vendor we had missed), which very much would explain the traces of berries. "I imagine you're having a good morning, by the looks of it!" The bird commented, titling his head to one side and then the other; eventually almost turning it the whole around. He remained this way, looking at the world in an almost complete-upside-down angle. It did at least give his neck a good stretch.
 "Where did you get the berries? This is most certainly not my typical wake-up time, but I do appreciate good food! Depending where it comes from, that is,"
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 06:34:32 pm by DoctorBallard »

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Re: Puzzles To Be Solved | [PMD Prequel] (Open)
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2013, 01:54:54 am »
((I'm sorry for the late post; my cousin was visiting for the weekend and I couldn't get to my laptop. owo;;
I'm thirteen as of the first of this month. Guise halp me I don't know what to think about this ;w;))


Kagura was easily able to detect the sarcasm in the Buizel's voice as he asked another snarky question, but she didn't bother too much about dragging the argument on any longer. Instead, she just folded her arms in front of her chest in exasperation, the set of jaws on the back of her head opening slightly as if to indicate her annoyance even further. "My saying 'hello' is going just fine, thank you," she drawled, her voice laced with mockery, "and why don't you take a guess on whether or not I mean it? I'm sure someone with such high intellect could figure it out in a split second."

It honestly wasn't of any use to goad either side on any more, as they wouldn't get much done within the hours of the day by spitting insults at one another. It was possible they might be caught in the middle of arguing by Alastor, as well, and Kagura didn't very well feel up to getting scolded for not getting on with her work. Any passerby would probably get tired of hearing nothing but their useless bickering in the background in less than a minute.

"Well," the dual-jawed Pokemon mumbled, giving a presumptuous snort. "seems someone can't learn to take a harmless joke." It was clear that she didn't know exactly how to fess up and apologize for teasing him, but it was just that-- a tease! Why should she have to apologize?

ヌ - ド ル