Author Topic: ??||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||?? [Inactive since 06/09/2013]  (Read 20397 times)

Offline lionheart2061

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||Your Intro||

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The averaged sized Latina asked as she rolled you over onto your side. Your face was covered in blood, eyes have closed, and you smelled like a sewer. Before you knew it, multiple of people gathered around you, their guns to their side as the woman spoke again. "What's your name?" She demanded, her voice was rough. When you failed to answer, not on purpose, but for you were to weak, the woman hovered over you face and demanded it again, "I said, what's your name!" at this point you could feel the coldness of her M-16's barrel touch your cheek. "...*Your Name*." You managed to spit out. The woman looked you up and down before she went back to her normal stance."Who are you with?" She asked, this time her voice was softer, but still contained the edginess. "N..No one." You replied as you rolled onto your side and coughed up blood. Your head was spinning and you felt nauseated. "Search him." Two men then began to search you torn shorts' pockets for anything they could find. "He's clean." One spoke moments later.
"Lets take him back to the camp..."
**Two Hours Later**
     As you look down at your used to be wounds, you noticed they have been bandaged up. Your head was still spinning and the pain was still there when you try to stand. After you cover your self with a thin shirt you found laying on the edge of the bed, you walk out of the tent and noticed the same Latina woman standing by a post talking with a younger male, but you can't make out what it is they were saying. Few moments later she looks up and barks, "Well, I see you're finally up and about." as she comes walking towards you. Before you can reply she continues, "When you're feeling better and have your strength back, meet Alexis down in the Armory. We need to find out what your strengths are so we can see where you fit into our ranks."   
"Ranks?" You ask.
"Yes, you're one of us now, a 'Raider'."
Instead of asking more questions you just decide to nod and go with what the woman is saying, knowing you'll learn all there needs to know in time.

||Plot Summary||

It's been six months since since the riots started, people running through the streets burning buildings, blowing up cars, and killing one another. The government thought they could put an end to it by locking people up and putting them behind bars or in 'work camps' But they were wrong, all it did was stir things up a lot more. Between the times 6:00am-8:00am patrols search streets of the city looking for anyone who has survived the riots or escaped from prison/camps. If you are by chance caught, you most likely will be killed on sight or taken back to the capital where your fate will be decided.
Most of the city is abandoned, others quarantined. There aren't many safe zone inside the city, most are outside. But, the only way you can get to them is if you cross the barricade, which is heavily militarized guarded behind the capital. People like the 'Raiderz' will never be able to get past them But, I never said it was impossible...
So, Why has this happened? Well, truth to be told is, is that no one knows..Well, other than the President and his people. But, it doesn't matter why, all we know is, is that us, the Raiderz are the Last Hope for the city. And when we're ready, we go to war...
So, the real question is, are you able to survive this broken city of New York? Or, are you going to end up like the rest. 

||The City||

This is what was left of Main Street/Corner, most of the shops and restaurants were placed here. And the riots began here as well. Many bodies of the fallen still remain, but they are under the ruins.

Time Square, here is where most of us get our supplies, but must be careful. Many patrols scan this are during the day.
This is the capital, it is heavily guarded by military. Also, the President((Cause of all this)), prison, and camps are located here. Behind those walls are the quarantine zones and behind those are the out skirts of the city.

This is the alley our camp is located on. It is 5 miles away from the capital and 2 away from Time Square. Patrols usually don;t come this far, hence why we chose it. But, that doesn't mean it's 100% safer here either.

||Our Camp||

This is the inside of the apartment we stay at. The 'Camp' where the armory and stuff is located in a courtyard in the back.
Address: 156 Appleton Ln 7665

Armory, to access it you must have clearance. Only a few do. Here all the weaponry supplies are located, Guns, Swords, Knives, Grenades, etc. There is't much, but our suppliers go and savage them when they are ordered to.

**There are also food tents, a small campfire ground in the middle and a couple of lunch tables.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 06:11:00 pm by Scallywag »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 04:29:57 am »
((Not Accepting Yet))

He is the man behind all this. The one who caused the people o the city to star riots. He is also the one who ordered the military to start killing them off. This man is evil. If he dies, then maybe, just maybe, things will go back to the way they were before.  
((Not Accepting Yet/Just RP them into your post))

They are the military, the ones who patrol and heavily guard the capital/camps/prisons. They carry all sorts of fire power and do not hesitate to use it.
||The Quarantined||

These people are the ones living in the quarantined zones, most live on the streets like seen above. Only a few have homes. If extremely desperate, Raiderz may sneak into these zones and steal from others. It requires great stealth though.


Rogus/Loners are the ones who work alone, they may travel in a small group 1-3 people or so. Most kill ones for things they have. They live throughout the city and if you feel someone is watching you, don't be surprised if it is them.

This is us. We are the Raiderz, we take what we want, when we want, and how much we want. No one ever sees us coming, and we never leave a trace. We only accept the best of the best, and if you have potential. Then we train you. Enough said. Once we are ready, we go to war...
We have ranks as Raiderz, they consist of:
Leader> They are in-charge of everything. What they say goes. If you by chance have any information about anything you must report to them, it is required, that way they can mark it down and keep track. Once a week the leader will hold a meeting, only certain people are invited ((Consider your self lucky if you are)) there they talk of their final plan to bring down the President.
General> They are the Second-In-Command, the Leader's right hand man ((Or, woman)). When the leader is gone, they are in-charge and give the orders. No questions asked. They may also choose between the ranks of: Assassin or Marksman. These are side ranks, when a man/woman is needed for a job (Of their side rank they choose) they must help.
Suppliers> They go in groups, usually of two out into the city and find supplies. Anything they can get their hands onto. They must require 2-3 of  the 4 abilities of: Stealth, Speed, Hand to Hand combat skills, and think fast on their feet.
Marksman> One who is skilled in precision or shooting. Also, sometimes if a Supplier needs to travel more than 4 miles away from camp, one Marksman must accompany them. They must require 1-3 of the 4 abilities: Stealth, Skilled Shooter, Steady Shot, Fast Hands.
Cooks> These are ones who have a natural ability to cook. They cook 3 meals a day, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. No more. Food is hard to find and we need to save as much as possible. Most of the time our meals consist of stew and bread.  No special abilities are needed for Cooks.
Assassins> Assassins are the ones who travel inside the Quarantined Zones and steal from their stores/homes. Most try to take others captive if possible, and bring them to the Raiderz leader for questioning. Or, they kill them. But, you don't have to be a murderer to hold the role of an Assassin. They must require 2-3 of the 4 abilities: Stealth, Speed, Kiting/Snaring, Skilled with Knives
Kids/Trainees> These are anyone who is under the age of 18. If you are 13-18 you are a trainee, which means you will train for any of the other ranks listed. (Leader is only given in special occasions, General is earned.). If you are younger than 13 you have no rank, and are NOT ALLOWED to leave the camp.  
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 05:16:49 pm by R*A*Y*N*E »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2013, 04:30:08 am »
||OOC Rules||
*Hate the character not the player
*All FH rules apply
*Yes, swearing, gore, blood, etc is allowed. Just, don't do too overboard.
*Violence, yes it foes to rated M so violence is allowed.
*Sex, it is allowed but not to detailed/graphic.
*3 Character Limit
*Your character is not perfect so don't make them be
*Be literate as possible, at least four lines.. I mean, c'mon give us something to work with
*IF you plan on having something big happen (Injury/Pregnant/etc.)) PM me!
*No killing anyone's character off unless they give you the permission.
*No god-modding/power-playing

||Raiderz Laws||
*Listen to your leader(s)/Higher ranks. They have been there longer and know how our system works. If you fail to do so, then the overall leader will deal with you.
*No leaving the camp without permission or ALONE. The city is a dangerous place, not just the humans but animals too. Who knows what's lurking behind the corner...
*If you want a weapon to carry around, you must first pass a test. You don;t just get one because you want it, since there is not many to give out we must be cautious.
*If you happen to get captured by the patrols than you CAN NOT just escape, it takes time and planning. It wont be easy so don't make it seem like it.
*For the love of GOD...Be safe. I'm tired of picking up dead bodies... (( :P ))



Month: August
Season: End of Summer/Beginning of Fall
Weather: Thunder-Storms/Rain-Storms have been off & on for the past 2 weeks
Supplies: Running low on Medicine & Accessories. Food & Water should be good for the next 2-3 weeks

8/16-17/13: Our camp got attacked by squads of the military ho followed Delia and Dean back from their supply ruin to an unknown city. Everyone made it out safely to the safe house. Dawn, who was currently sick was being watched over by her older brother, Dean and Claudia, one of the nurses. Everyone was taken by shock when she passed. Meanwhile, Delia and Ben went out to find more kitchen supplies for Dotty, where they were ambushed by a few men. Ben was shot while he tried to take revenge. Hours later everyone was taken by surprise when Delia let and returned with a new face, her daughter. Along the way a small puppy made it's way to our safe house and was picked up by the kids who were playing outside, they all ran to ask Ana if they could keep it. The decision hasn't been made yet.

||Daily News||
8/11/13: The President has decided to start building more 'Work-Camps' around the city. And for Patrols to take place every 4 Hours starting on the hour of 6 am.
Tune in for tomorrow's broadcast at 5 am sharp for the Daily News Broadcast.  
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 06:21:10 am by R*A*Y*N*E »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2013, 04:30:23 am »


??Ana Lucia Cortez??Female??23 Years Old??



??Emma-Louise Weran??Female??21 Years Old??


??Dean Martin??Male??24 Years Old??

??Delia Zambrano??Female??25 Years Old??



??Anya Rose Williams??Female??15 Years old??


??Dawn Marie Martin??Female??10 Years Old??
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 02:55:47 am by R*A*Y*N*E »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2013, 04:30:35 am »

Code: [Select]
[img]Pictures go here, maximum four.[/img]
[font=timesnewroman][i]Character Quote[/i]
[b]Relationship Status:[/b]

Character Quote
Name: Your character's full name, pronunciation and meaning.
Alias: Your character's nickname(s).
Gender: Your character's gender, either male or female.
Rank: Choose from the Raiderz ranks.You must require the amount of  abilities that is stated for that rank.
Age: How old your character is, obviously in human years.
Personality: A good detailed one please.
Appearance: What your character looks like, even if you do have a picture.
Strength(s): Your character's strong points max of 6
Weaknesses: Your character's weak points, minimum 2
Crush: Your character's love interest. (Optional)
Relationship Status: Your character's relationship status. Single, boyfriend/girlfriend, married, not interested.
Other: If your character has any disabilities, put them here.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 05:48:15 am by R*A*Y*N*E »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2013, 05:42:47 am »
||Official Website||

*Coming Soon!!!*
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 04:51:51 pm by R*A*Y*N*E »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2013, 05:48:51 am »

Ana Lucia
Shut up. When I tell you to do something, you do it -- I say move, you move -- I say stop, you stop. I say jump, what do you say?
Name: Ana Lucia Cortez
Alias: Ana Lucia
Gender: Female
Rank: Leader - Female
Age: 23
On the inside, she's a teddy bear and a big pile of mush that just wants to be loved and accepted. Ana has spent her life fending for herself and then finding an equal wasn't exactly in her plans. She's stubborn and hard headed no matter how you look at the situation. She is competitive when it comes to firearms and weapons and is always the go to girl to be the fist one into the fire. She's an ask questions later and shoot first kind of girl. Generally, she's calm in tight situations...
Her anger usually takes over and she's quick to the trigger but aside from that the girl is pretty harmless on the inside.  She is not afraid to get her hands dirty by any means and won't stop till the job is done right. Patience is something the Latina lacks and as for compassion, she's got it deep inside but refuses to show it.  The lack of patience and the lack of control. Ana Lucia is a spitfire and above all; one tough -Removed by moderator-.

Ana Lucia has dark ebony hair that falls about mid-back with brown eyes and olive colored skin from her heritage. The woman is often seen with her hair pulled back in a braided ponytail and little fly away hairs curving around her chin. She's petite at the height of 5'4 and is 125 pounds. Her usual look is a black t-shirt, black BDU pants and lace up combat boots. Normally she's seen packing heavy guns and equipment, if she can get her hands on them.

*Killing Shit
*Hand to Hand combat

*Her group
*Making 'friends'
*Strawberry Ice Cream

Crush: No one
Relationship Status: Singe
Other: Nothing yet, but may add something here later...
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 09:25:35 am by Morgra »

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2013, 11:40:19 am »

Emma-Louise Weran
It's okay, you know? It's okay to be you. It's okay to just not be okay. It's okay to be okay. Okay?
Name: Emma-Louise Weran
Alias: Emma-Louise. Or sometimes Emma. Maybe.
Gender: Female.
Rank: General - Assassin.
Age: 21 years old.
Personality: Although Emma-Louise is known to be a ruthless assassin, underneath the seriousness is a girl that just wants to be understood. When it comes to her job, she is very hard-working and not easily distracted. If she has a target, she will get to it. No matter what. She is very determined, but can be put down if she is under estimated. She is a big softie when it comes to kids, as she adores them. She is always willing to take orders as well as to give them. Sometimes, she can feel a bit left out from the crowd as she is always on duty.
This girl is not to be underestimated, she can pull out and throw a knife in a matter of seconds. She is quite intelligent and suggests ideas to her leader, instead of pulling the trigger. She prefers a knife from a gun, as it is easier to handle and can inflict serious damage without killing someone.

Appearance: Emma-Louise has long dark hair that reaches just past her shoulders, she normally leaves it down for it to become messy and tangled. But she likes it that way. She has deep green eyes framed by her long lashes, and her skin is quite pale. She is usually seen wearing dark-coloured tight clothes, and her thick leather belt carrying her knives and guns.

* Intelligence.
* Stealth.
* Speed.
* Skills with knives.
* Determination.

* Small children.
* Thunder and lightning.
* Loud noises.

Crush: Dean Martin. (Ifthatsokay)
Relationship Status: Single.
Other: Nothing, this may change.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 07:20:30 am by DarkPetal »

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

Offline lionheart2061

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2013, 01:31:45 pm »
DarkPetal, your are accepted! Beautiful application. We will start RP as soon as a few others join, also, if you wish, feel free to make up to 3 characters. :D

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

Offline WolfBrother

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Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2013, 10:48:39 pm »

Dean Martin
"I've been in love, it's painful, pointless, and overrated."
Name: Dean Martin
Alias: None
Gender: Male
Rank: Marksman
Age: 24

Dean is somewhat of a joker at times, and adds a bit of fun to the situation. However when he needs to be, he is very much a soldier. He comes across as a wise-ass, a man who knows he is tough both mentally and physically and isn't afraid to let you know it. He is the classic "Shoot first, ask questions later" kind of guy.  is a nice guy. However, once on his bad side, one will realize that it's a place they really never wanted to be.
When it comes to girls, he makes a complete fool out of him self. If he wants your attention, he'll stop at nothing to get it, even if that means putting himself in danger. But, he will never flat out tell you how he feels.
||Few other traits|| Arrogant, Manipulative, Impulsive, and sensitive but doesn't show it.

     Favors dark clothing over light or colorful clothes. A staple of his wardrobe is his black leather jacket that he often wears with matching boots. He favors black or dark rinse jeans to match his dark appearance and demeanor. He is also spotted wearing a black button downs or t-shirts with matching belts.
*Hand & Hand combat
*Thinks fast on his feet

*The Military

Crush: Delia((Will be Progressed/revealed through RP))
Relationship Status: Single
Other: Dean, also has a little sister. Hurt her, and he'll make you regret it.

Dawn Martin
Character Quote
Name: Dawn Marie Martin
Alias: Pumpkin Belly ((Only her brother calls her this))
Gender: Female
Rank: Kid
Age: 10
     Due to what the world has came to, Dawn had to grow up faster than most kids her age. She knows when play time is over and when things get serious. Since she is only 10 years old, she isn't allowed to leave the camp, and she HATES it when her brother, Dean, has to. She doesn't try to, but always expects the worst is to happen o him, and he is all she has left. Other than that, she is just like any other girl her age, as in, she loves to have fun and goof off with others. But, she can be shy at times, and you never see her leave her brothers side in-less it's needed.
Traits: Shy, outgoing, witty
     Dawn has long beautiful brown hair that falls to mid back, most of the time you will see it down and in her face. Usually she wears a thin white/blue top with a jean jacket, followed by jean pants. When she is cold she will 'steal' one of Dean's baggy shirts and sleep in it.
*Intelligence ((For her age))

>>More added as she ages<<

*Her brother ((Afraid of loosing him))
*The 'shooter dudes' ((Her name for the military))
*Ice Cream/Candy

>>More added as she ages<<

Crush: Too young
Relationship Status: Single, duh
Other: Her brother is her family, and she prays to god she wont loose him.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 05:11:21 am by >>SAGE<< »