Author Topic: My very first character~Zanu  (Read 1105 times)

Offline kiaz1st

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My very first character~Zanu
« on: August 12, 2013, 10:24:22 am »

Age: 11 (In dog years)
Gender: Male
Species: Dog (Husky) with a trace of demon
Son to: Joyce(Mother) + Bruce(Father)
Pack: Vindication-Shadowed Night Howlers
Mate to: None
Father to: None
Power(s): Passes out, while eyes glow, so he can lift from his body in a spirit form, he is not able to speak or touch in this form.

Zanu was my very first character. I started him from the very beginning as a pup. He had no pre-made past, as he was born into his RolePlay, so I built him as I went along. I had managed to get my first character into quite the dramatic, action packed rp. Sure it may have been unrealistic, mappless, and 'illiterate', but it's probably one of the best rp's I've ever participated in!
I have been in this roleplay for over 3 years now which is impressive for the rare, unrealistic rp! It has been disbanded, then remade too many times to count, going through names in which I can't even remember, there were so many! But I do know that at the time I joined it was called 'Vindication' and now it's called 'Shadowed Night Howlers'.
His past is going to be in a story form, so only read it if you really want to. As I said before, nothing was pre-made, so I RolePlayed all of this!

Zanu lay in the soft fur of his mother, insulated from the cold wind and snow that engulfed them. He was an only child, as his mother had miscarriage to his brothers and sisters, him and another pup had survived. His sister had been a runt and was too small. She had died in the night from Hypothermia. Zanu was too young to react much to this, and hadn't really realized.
Now he was a few weeks old, able to walk, and run, and use his body to preform motions.
His father was out getting food, so him and his mother were sharing each others body heat while they waited.
Zanu was a pure bred Husky, his father and mother also. He had light grey husky markings with deep almond coloured eyes, a trait from his father, as his mother had blue eyes.
Soon Zanu heard the heavy footsteps of his father, dragging the fawn of a reindeer.
"Welcome back hun" Zanu's mother said with a smile, getting up and helping him bring the carcass over. By now Zanu could eat titbits of meat, so as the fawn was placed on the ground Zanu immediately got up and yanked a small bit of flesh of its flank.
Both his mother and his father tore of larger portions, and began to eat beside him.
Soon Zanu had finished his meat and was once again curling into his mother. His father was chewing on a bone, attempting to crack it open to get the marrow.
Suddenly, in the distance a low howl was heard, echoing over the rolling hills in an eerie way. Zanu's father stopped chewing and brought his head high, ears perked in the direction it had come from. His mother had also lifted her head, straining her ears. Zanu popped his head out from his mothers fur as the unfamiliar sound reached his ears.
"Dad, what was that?" Zanu asked, hiding slightly within his mothers pelt.
"A wolf son." He said darkly.
Suddenly another howl was heard, this one noticeably closer. Zanu withdrew to his mother, and seemed to shrink in fear. Another howl proceeded after that, a long, drawn out wail.
Zanu's dad looked back at Zanu. "It's too far away to be of nuisance" He said shaking his head a little.
Zanu was comforted slightly from this, and he continued to cuddle into his mother.
A While went by and Zanu was asleep, and his father had broken the bone and eaten the marrow, the split halves of the white body segment lay a bit to his side. He had then proceeded to bury the kill in the snow. He had just about dug deep enough and was dragging the fawn into the whole, when a loud, crisp howl was heard. And it was close.
Zanu woke up with a shock, and Zanu's father had leapt out of the whole, and stood in a defensive stance in front of Zanu and his mother.
Another, closer, howl was heard behind, them, making Zanu's mother stand up and swirl around, growling, hackles raised.
Zanu, who  had been deposited on the snow when his mother had stood up, quickly coward between her legs, whining.
Suddenly, out of the blue, a huge, dark brown, wolf launched at his mother. There was a mass of snarling and snapping, as his father leapt at the wolf, who had left Zanu's mother injured on the ground, blood pouring out of her leg.
Three more wolves dashed out of the snow and attacked Zanu's mother again.
Zanu stared, horrified at what he was seeing. The wolf that had been fighting his father had abandoned his challenger to help his pack in their current interest, ripping Zanu's mother apart.
Zanu's eyes were wide with shock and horror, tears streaming down his face. He wanted to run out to her, see if she was still alive, fight of those wolves, somehow.
But his father had already grabbed him by the scruff and was running as fast as he could. Zanu continued to watch as the mass of wolves that had been swirling around his mother, began to dwindle. When he could see them no more, he looked up at his father, and realized he was crying. He had never seen him cry before.
After a while of running, Zanu's father slowed to a trot, then a walk, then to a stop placing the pup in his mouth down.
"D-Dad?" Zanu said, shaking, tears still running freely from his eyes.
"Yes?" Zanu's father asked in a low voice, it almost sounded a whisper.
"W-W-Will we ever see mum again?" He said in a choke, his voice hoarse from crying.
His father looked into his blood shot eyes. There was such sadness in his eyes, His deep almond eyes. "No" He whispered, looking down at the cold snow.
Zanu whimpered and scooted over to him, curling around his leg.
His father smiled, laying down and curling around his son, keeping him warm from the harsh winds.
A few weeks past, and in the morning of one day Zanu's father spoke to him.
"Zanu, I have to go do something, ok?"
"Ok Dad" Zanu answered slowly.
"I will be back before sundown, don't worry" He said, and this time there was something different in his voice, something dark.
So Zanu watched as his father run of into the blur of snow. When he had vanished from site, Zanu turned around, and dug himself a small ditch in the snow. He curled into it, waiting, hearing the wind rush above him, as the ditch gave him shelter from such harsh things.
Many hours had past and Zanu was getting slightly worried. Every now and then he would now pop his head out of his ditch, searching for his father.
More hours past and Zanu could now be found pacing infront of the small ditch. The sun was setting, what was it his father had said? "I will be back before sundown" But it's sundown now. As the last rays of the sun disappeared over the frosted hills, Zanu became worried.
He waited about an hour, before he couldn't take it any more, he started to run out to the vast plain of snow. But stopped, unsure of where to go. His fathers footprints were all but covered up and gone. So Zanu just ran in the direction he last saw his dad go. He found it hard, as a pup, as the snow hindered him, but he would ask anybody he found if they had seen him.
After half an hour of searching, Zanu came across  large, dark looking wolf pack.
Zanu froze, shaking in fear. But these wolves were different. They had strange colours.
Their Alpha stepped forward. "Can we help you pup?" He asked in a serious and deep voice.

I will be working with this. It's hard to remember everything, as it has been such a long time, but I will get there. Take note that the rp wasn't actually this literate, I'm just putting what happened in literate form.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 12:46:26 pm by Kiaz »

Offline meeeea

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Re: My very first character~Zanu
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 12:31:25 pm »
Interesting character. c: I love his looks at the giant sword on his back. x3 +Floof.