Author Topic: Unusual things about yourselves.  (Read 11992 times)

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2013, 05:30:51 am »
Hmm 7-10 mainly because of the popcan. lol

1. I have a tendency to laugh at random times.
2. I hate being watched whille opening presents.
3. At home I will stuff cheetos into my mouth but in public i will eat theem slowly one by one.
I have changed my name from sage01 to Aurora01!

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2013, 07:13:29 am »

- I climb over my couches like a leopard and when someone comes through the door, I legitamently fling myself at them and knock them to the floor.

- When none's looking, I dash to my kitchen and grab every single chocolate there, bring them to my room and eat them all

- I swear often, but I prefer yelling something on Japanease such as "poop" to ease my anger.

- I have insomnia so I sometimes imagine a creature staring at me from the entrance to my room, so I cover myself in blankets and pet my own head to calm down.

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2013, 09:08:51 pm »
6/10, I do the first one a lot. 8D
Other than that first one, I do this stuff:
1. When I was supersmall, my dad said something over the phone about... you don't wanna know... so me and my sister got on our trikes, whipped out some shades, and tottled around the neighborhood yelling the word. We got so many dirty looks. e_e
2. I stare... a lot. At my crush, at the floor, at people I want to kill... you get the idea. Sometimes, for the people-I-want-to-kill part, I mix it together and make it a mash-up with insane smile and creepy stare, like JTK (Jeff the Killer)
3. Creepypastas. I read them as my lullabies. (True story, I love Laughing Jack <3)
4. I put tape on my finger nails in 5th period and scream, "I'M A WOLVERINE" :3
5. I throw harmonicas at whoever enters my bedroom, which eventually translated into my little phrase or whatever: Harmonica
6. Whenever I see a cute boy, my mind goes haywire with "HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOT" and get weird stares.
7. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE! (8-bit remix, of course)
8. I seemingly control leaves and wind with mah mindz. >:3
9. Special "connection" to animals. They listen to me and love me.
^^^ My cat looks almost exactly like that (if you can see it) ^^^
11. I've never had a boyfriend. Ever. Translates into my signature. /foreveralone
12. MLP!
13. I love TheLivingTombstone, Mic the Microphone, Glaze (WoodenToaster), all the brony musicians, basically...
14. My tongue has an imprint, or "tattoo" (it's not an actual tattoo) on my tongue, which makes it look like a jigsaw puzzle.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 09:37:10 pm by ?????????????? »
egg me up inside (can't egg up)

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2013, 04:54:07 pm »
Where to begin.....
I walk up the stairs like an animal.
I like dressing up in a fursuit and going out like that in public. (Yep furry <3)
I like the taste of blood.
I like to bite myself and my friends.
I sleep like a cat.
I laugh when I get hurt (?)
I don't have crushes. (Really on no one o.o)
I love scaring my English teacher. (I handed in a poster saying how I would kill the world for no reason. I would ride on a cat while slaughtering everyone with my army of cats.)
I like to say. "I like Tuesdays." In a strange voice.
Thats about it :I

All hail the Cow King, Unicow!

Offline Whinp

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2013, 06:59:47 pm »
6/10 Third one, hmm
One that's really rare at least for me:
-I'm deaf in real life, believe it or not.
-When people watch me curiously, I get shy and laugh
-I believe that Pokemon should be real (I would like a Mew D:)
-*bites hand and leaves mark of teeth randomly* uwu
-I'm always having nightmares.

In-game name as: Whinp

Offline Vanya

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2013, 04:36:40 pm »
Let's see...

. I am always singing to myself. (not really odd, I guess)
. Usually seen biting my fingernails...yeah.
. The only way I can fall asleep is thinking about me and my friends doing some crazy stuff..that we'd NEVER do in real life. o.o
. I have a really big crush on Gerard Way, so when I listen to a My Chemical Romance song, I start crying and thinking I have no friends. (If I keep it up, I probably won't. .3.)
. I eat food and then leave the bowls in my room, so when I clean it I can pick at the dirty food in the bowls. O_o
. When I was little, I was told I would talk to the wall in my bedroom at 12:00 a.m. every night.
That's all I can think of now.. :I

Offline Flamestar

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2013, 11:03:30 am »

1. I do almost everything like a wolf o3o
2. I howl.
3. I growl and snarl and shiz...
4. I can eat raw meat. (Don't ask.)
5. I wish I was in a real wolf pack.
6. I walk around on all fours sometimes. And no, not the knees... mah feet.
7. I go up stairs on all fours.
8. I hate vegetables... I mostly only eat meat.
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Offline Charlie-101

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2013, 12:11:28 pm »
Ok after reading this lot from you guys, I've decided to share some weird things about myself xD

Have fun reading them :DD

Number #1: When I was about 4 or 5 years old, I truly believed I could fly! So I remember this one time I was standing on a dining chair with a handkerchief in each of my hands (because birds totally use handkerchiefs to fly). I then began repeatedly flapping them up and down expecting some force of nature to magically lift me up off this chair and into the air... o_o" heh.. Instead I fell off the chair and landed on a drawing pin.. -.-"

Number #2: Ok I remember on my 7th birthday my Mum was taking a picture of me in front of a white wall. And my Dad had crept up behind me with a bottle of squirty cream and squirted me with it all over my face. I was that traumatized by having cream on my face, I ended up crying all night and stating: 'I never want another creamy Birthday!' ... o_0?

Number #3: When I was learning to talk I could never say 'Elephants', instead it I would say 'Etehlies' and 'Animals' would be 'Amahlies' .. I still believe to this very day I was trying to create a new language :DD.

Number #4: I randomly have staring contests with myself in the mirror and end up arguing with my reflection.. which never works out -.-" because I can never decide on a victor xD

Number #5: I always have to sleep with a double duvet folded over vertically, a warm sheep-skin blanket inbetween that duvet, before I can get in and be wrapped up like a sausage roll. Not only that but I need to have the folded edge of the duvet facing away from the wall as I'm scared I'll have a flailing fit in my sleep and fall out of bed.

Number #6: Sometimes I pretend I'm an actor or someone of importance giving interviews to people and I verbally/physically give my imaginary 'fans' a tour of my house... o_o" creepy I know ~hidesundermyblanket~

Number #7: It's a necessity for me to always have 3 pillows to sleep with. Two for putting my head on and one specifically for me to snuggle with... As if it were a real person..

Number #8: I over compensate for my lack of height and strange personality by being more masculine in order for others to see me as being 'fun' to be around, 'unique', 'interesting', 'awesome' or 'cool'.. Plus I envy the male gender as a whole.. >.<

Number #9: I have this weird obsession/fascination with people who can raise one eyebrow *o*... I find myself physically attracted to it xD

Number #10: I can't eat strawberries or be around the smell of Strawberries as it makes me gag. Bleh! ... They are the spawn of the devil!! Do not be fooled by their fruityness!!

Number #11: I instantaneously begin to sweat on my palms, feet and armpits (lovely imagery I know xD) whenever I hear/see/read anything to do with... those things with eight legs, they spin webs and eat flies... ewwww D:

Number #12: I randomly act out my favorite scenes from movies that I have watched. And if there is a specific movie I thoroughly enjoy I will insist on watching it multiple times, long after it has gone out of fashion for other people xD ... and protest in family votes to watch the same movie again!!

Number #13: I'm scared of going out in public or anywhere other than the safety of my house as I feel something bad will happen to me D: ... for example I once thought i'd get caught up in some chewing gum that was on the floor and suffocate xD ...I really need to see someone about that because it's ruining my life! Damn it!

Number #14: I refuse to eat out in public because I hate the fact of strangers watching me eat! I'm not in a zoo so stop eying my burger god damn it!!! ... (I don't even like burgers ~inserttrollfacehere~)

Number #15: I aspire to be other people rather than myself as I find they're so much awesome-er than I actually am xD (this is in respects of famous people or notable idols, we as a society accept for being amazingly epic!).. I also sometimes dream of aspiring to be strange objects that might improve the quality of my life for example: A slug, A whale, A stapler or a Microwave.

Number #16: I make up my own theme tunes whilst running round my house like that of a mutated crab-ninja-thing.. :DD #LikeABawss!

Number #17: I genuinely thought at the age of 17, that baby swans were called 'Swanlings' (after baby ducks are called 'Ducklings') ... but unfortunately they are not.. my dreams are now crushed D':

Number #18: When I was younger I thought that if I came into contact with radiation I would gain super powers and become... D U N ! D U N ! D U N ! ... SLUG GIRL!! The Vegetarian defender of the plants! xD and my evil enemy would be Sodium Chloride Boy! xD

Erm that's all I can think of for now.. but i'm sure there are plenty more weird things that I can conjure up for y'all :DD

But, yeah.. Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of:

« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 07:08:09 pm by JD »
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Offline Flamestar

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2013, 05:23:45 pm »
You never rated mine. ewe
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Offline Dysecpro

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Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2013, 11:43:11 am »
- I have four large dogs, two small dogs, and a cat. :I