Author Topic: Is General Chat... dead?  (Read 832 times)

Offline Brightest Moon

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Is General Chat... dead?
« on: August 14, 2013, 06:45:42 am »
I'm not even sure where to put this thread. I don't know if this is a glitch or not but... okay, let me explain.

It's been awhile since I've been on FH, I just got back on today and noticed something rather off. No one and I do mean NO ONE was chatting or advertising in general chat. Now at first I didn't think much of it, I was in bonfire, just running around making small chat. I checked the option thingy where it allows you to turns general, whisper, party, group or another chat off. All of them where checked to stay on. A few people whispered me, so there's nothing wrong with the whisper chat thingy. Again I thought it wasn't a big deal, sometimes people just don't talk at all in general when their in bonfire... sometimes... but I do know there's plenty of people advertising and chatting in general in flourite plains. So I head on to flourite to see if there were any rps going and low and behold... nothing... zip, nada, absolutely nothing. It was like silent friggin' night. I can't describe how utterly confused I was. I tried speaking in general, to poke around and see if anyone would respond. I asked a simple question in general chat "Is general dead? ;~;" no one responded, either they were ignoring me or couldn't see it all! I found over 10 people, not including the entrance way from the tunnel. I just... I don't know! Is it a glitch? Is there something wrong with my computer? o-o Did something happen while I was away from FH that someone should tell me? :/

Please help and thank you.

PS sorry for saying 'general' so much :/

Offline Areyis

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Re: Is General Chat... dead?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 06:48:10 am »
Yes, General has been removed. Welcome back to FH

Offline nicekind

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Re: Is General Chat... dead?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 06:50:58 am »
Well as of last night "general chat" is no longer with us in public maps.

I know some of you are instantly looking for someone to blame. Well I'm here I admit it was me.  ;D

Well this was a suggestion and a number of people backed the idea.

I'm not entirely sure how it will affect the game. I'm aware the biggest impact will be to those advertising RP's. Some of you have started using movie clips to advertise. Not really what we would prefer but so long as your not spamming clip after clip I guess its acceptable. What we would rather RPer's do is find home to share your RP's locally. I know a lot of you call people to the "Stone Bridge" in flourite perhaps that will make a good point of exchange for this with RP's to advertise and those looking for an RP to join.

But like I said I'm not clear yet on how this will affect the game or its players.

Please be open minded to this change, we will be reviewing it in due course.


For new readers something I added later
A few points keep floating round.

Firstly the Red mod text. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean mods aren't doing there job. Mods don't need to speak out a simple kick with a reason message is enough. So for all of you saying the mods don't do there jobs. They do their just not yelling across a map they are acting swiftly and quietly to get the job done.

For those of you who want to protest. You have this thread. You can make characters and “raise awareness” in game. If you persist in badgering and arguing with staff or anyone you believe has a connection with staff because you think it will get you somewhere your likely to find yourself banned. Should you find that unfair go read your terms and conditions.

For the time being we are not about to change anything on a whim of a few users. The sooner you settle down to the idea the sooner we can actually take a proper view of its affects on the game without the expected initial rejection.
Here is a thread, Raz wrote about it.
shhh noone knows me