Author Topic: Voyagers of The West Star ~ Marine to Land Animal/Sci-fi Rp (Open and Accepting)  (Read 26192 times)

Offline JGree

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Wyretta crawled out of Amise's fur a little. "Would you be so kind as to take me to my hollow? It's in an old tree on the edge of the forest. I believe it is there - " she pointed with one of her antennae to a dark brown tree, with its trunk half covered in vine growth. Up about three feet from the ground, a little hole was nestled between ropes of green. "It would normally take me a day to reach it."

Offline Jackkdaw

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"A hyena?" The thylacine questioned. "Never heard of that, either." Manoah said with a slightly nervous chuckle. He began to feel a bit more comfortable around the odd little animal and figured it'd be best to get around in this new world with someone who knew it. "My name is Manoah." He said in a more confident tone.
         The hyena chuckled a bit. "Saka." He responded, now knowing the creature was friend not foe. "Well then, since you're obviously new around here, wanna little tour of the area? It helps to know what's what and what creatures to avoid." He suggested, cocking his head again.
       Manoah glanced down, then reluctantly agreed. "Yeah, that would be- useful." He responded with a weak smile, stepping towards his new acquaintance with his head lowered.
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Offline OreoHeroz

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Surprise lit in Kikji's eyes when the male wolf replied. "You can talk!" she exclaimed stupidly, drawing attention from the other wolves again. When she quieted down, she shook her head at his question. "No. My family was killed by the two-legged creatures. I don't remember much; I just know that I woke up here somehow." Kikji replied, sitting down in front of the wolf. "What about you? What's your name?" The shewolf asked eagerly, her shyness suddenly swept away.


Amise gazed up at where the bug had pointed to with its antennae. "A day?" she repeated, shocked. Shaking her head, she glanced at Wyretta, before bounding towards the tree covered with vine. Due to her colorblindness, it was a little difficult to spot out the correct tree. A few trees were covered in vines, but she decided to go with the one which had the most vines wrapped around it. Unsheathing her claws, she gripped the old bark unsteadily, picking her way through the tangle of vines. At one point she nearly ripped off an old piece of vine, but she was able to cling onto the bark as she skirted around it. She spotted a tiny hole nestled in the vines, and she immediately gestured towards it. "Is that your hole?" she asked, scurrying towards it.  

Offline JGree

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"More than likely it is," replied the weta. "Thank you." She prepared herself for a jump, and sprang from between the leopard's shoulders to the hard tree trunk. Her sharp little claws allowed her to climb almost vertically until she reached the hole and slipped inside.

"Have a wonderful day. I hope to talk to you again soon." Wyretta's whispered as she settled into her leafy nest inside the hollow. She placed her long antennae in the entryway so she could keep watch for danger, even while asleep.

Offline OreoHeroz

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The leopard dipped her head. "You're welcome. It was a pleasure to meet you too." Amise replied, before silently leaping down the old tree trunk. When she had reached the forest ground, she quickly headed towards her familiar tree, swiftly climbing it. Blinking, she curled up on the thick branch of it, resting her tail around her body as she closed her eyes, still feeling the sun warm her pelt as she drifted off to sleep.  

Offline rainbow lion

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     "Um... I've been a loner most of my life, I chose to be one. Any idea on why the humans took us?" he asked the she-wolf. Waiting for her reply. She didn't seem as shy anymore but he was still a little uneasy. The dull rumbling of the star ship continued in the background.

Offline OreoHeroz

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Kikji shrugged, seeing that the male wolf didn't answer her question when she inquired about his name. "I'm not sure, but I hope they won't hurt us or anything. They already put that stinky droplets on us." She replied, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Out of curiosity, do you know what those droplets are?" she asked. "They seem to send us to sleep."

Offline rainbow lion

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     "Smells like average water to me. Maybe they are cold enough to slow us down into a sleep. They might do it again soon," he paused looking around to be sure, "I'm Moath."

     Mira's paws padded along a sidewalk. Humans were amazed at her. She was considered to them as, "A living fossil," which she really was. They took the DNA from bones of old tigers. They were huge compared to her body size. The tiny tiger could understand a little of human talk. She heard chatter that they may be creating new tigers, far bigger than her, and she feared that.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Manoah nodded and followed after the quirky hyena. Saka led him into the open plains and began explaining the way of life here to the confused little Thylacine. (Short. Feeling super uncreative.)
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Offline rainbow lion

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     A dash of sunlight his one of her eyes, waking her up. Angorra looked around confused. The last time she was swimming the water was a lot colder. Her tracker beeped louder and quicker than it did before. She must have drifted in the right direction. Swimming up she saw another island. The orca was still a little ways off. It was hard to tell what covered the island. Swinging her tail she moved towards it.

     Mina jumped at the sound of a clank. Suddenly a giant shadow fell over her and a massive star ship flew over her. Her mouth opening in awe she watched as it floated to another part of the city. Realizing her hour was up she trotted back to her home. If she was half an hour late the scientists would start looking for her and tranquilize her. Not wanting to go through the experience again the tiny tiger quickly hurried her pace. Pawing at a door she scrabbled at it, telling them she was back.