Author Topic: .::Delectatur Dolor::.  (Read 1889 times)

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.::Delectatur Dolor::.
« on: August 19, 2013, 05:09:26 pm »
Delectatur Dolor
Meaning, "Takes Pleasure in Pain" in Latin.


The Delectatur Dolor aren't very violent, at least with their cousins.
Many Delectaturs, however, are violent. Especially when hunting.
But when they're not hunting, most of them just peacefully curl up somewhere. The behaviour of a Delectatur is fairly unique, for one minute, they can be attacking each other. The next minute they could be licking each others wounds. Despite this, Delectaturs can be very dangerous if near humans, for they see humans as a threat. A big one. If the clan leader is nearby, they will relentlessly attack the human unless the leader orders not to. Usually, the leaders of Dolor clans are naturally insane enough to attack a fully armed human. But sometimes there are leaders who know better than to just all-out attack a human. When they are tired, they usually make a burrow for themselves and flee to the water to sleep. In the morning, they then flee into their burrow to hide from any prey that may wander near. When it is mating season, although, the males and females usually attack each other to get their libido up, living up to what their species name means. When hunting, the Dolors usually hunt in a very cat-like way, literally crouching and pouncing on it. But when hunting from a burrow, the Dolors will simply launch themself out of it and lunge at their victim, even if they have to run a few more feet to capture it entirely. Some are known to rip the heads off their victims before eating them.


The appearance of Delectatur Dolors is just as unique as their behaviour. They're almost like blood wolves. Except their bodies are literally nothing but blood. However, it is still possible to leave wounds on them like they were any normal canine animal. Their fur is usually some shade of red that's not too dark and not too pale. Their markings are usually blood-coloured or lighter. Ranging from R 62 to R 167. What makes them unique, however, is their tail. Their tail is usually psychically made up out of blood, you can even see it moving in a liquid-like formation if one stands still long enough. The Dolors aren't one for healing wounds, for they say the more wounds, the stronger you are. The leaders of a clan are most likely to have the largest amount of wounds. Moving onto the eyes, the leaders have white eyes, for their golden or light blue eyes fade when they've become elderly. Elderly also get white eyes, with a small tint of what colour they had before they turned white. Their body is shaped like a normal canine's, having canine paws. But some are born with horse-like back legs, leaving them with hoofs and making them more efficient in running. They are well-known for having rows of teeth like a shark, making sharks their cousins. The size of Delectaturs is fairly large, for they also have very large ears, made for hearing. Females are usually an inch or two smaller than the males, leaving them somewhat recognizable within the clans. Females are also the only ones that are known to have flat manes and not zebra-like ones. Speaking of the manes, the manes are usually untouched by any blood that flies their way, being the third only thing on a Delectatur that isn't messed up with blood. Their mane colours range from grey, blonde, brown, reddish-brown , and black. The leaders of a clan can usually be found coughing up blood, which is another sign that they are tough. It is rumored that over time, the leaders of a clan are able to generate wings from blood, usually looking much like a bat's. The female leader's wings will usually look more angel-like. Cubs are known to be fairly big, even when they're a newborn, as a cub can start hunting small critters at the age of 11 Months.


A Delectatur's diet consists of any small animals, such as snakes, lizards, turtles(big or small), hamsters, birds(big or small), and fish. They also eat larger animals, as long as they're not their cousins. Their cousins are mainly sharks, canines and equines. But when they are starving - which is usually in the mornings after eating at night - they will eat one of their cousins if needed for survival. It is rumored that two Delectatur were able to take down a whale, before, but that was long ago and is just a legend, for most Delectaturs do not go after whales and are most likely to go after dolphins, orcas, seals and walruses.


Male Size:

Female Size:

Cub Size:

Newborn Size:

Pictures of a Delectatur:

All Delectaturs have that above and below their eye, it's another way of telling them apart from blood wolves.

AND PLEASE, do ask before making one!

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Re: .::Delectatur Dolor::.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 10:41:44 pm »
They look so cute!
? Proud Scorpio  ?

Marzi, The Tumble Mouse


Offline Vespian

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Re: .::Delectatur Dolor::.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 11:19:38 pm »
An interesting species. I like the appearance of the Delectatur Dolors and the way you got creative with their anatomy and their personalities. I hope other individuals will find interest in this for you've certainly done a good job. I wish your species luck.