Author Topic: Animals Of Valeska  (Read 1011 times)

Offline SkyFox12

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Animals Of Valeska
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:15:15 am »
This is a mapped, semi-lit/lit,semi-real rp. This rp accepts all african animals!! You could be a lion, zebra, cheetah, anything african. Currently we have three groups:

Lions Of Valeska

Queen: Cleo
King: Axis
Prince: Aryon
Princess: Ash

Rogues Of Valeska (Another lion group)

Queen: Emma
King: ? (there is one but I don't know his name)
Prince: ?
Princess: ?

Cheetahs Of Valeska

Leader: Tani


1) Most important rule is..... BE ACTIVE!!! We don't want members who are never online!
2) Please RP as well as you can.. The groups are semi-real, semi-lit/lit.. So please try.
3) Mating is allowed (no descriptive sex or birthing scenes  >:( )
4) Don't be RUDE!! (mild swearing is allowed but don't go crazy please... It can make some members nervous and they might leave.
5) King and Queen will be chosen by strength *Rogue lions only
6) King and Queen of other groups will be chosen by the generation (The first born cub will be the next King/Queen of the pride/group when their parents die.
7) Please age... Do not stay a Teen or a Cub forever. You do not have to die from age but if you do decide to, you can join on another character :D.
8) NO PP (power playing)
9) Although there are many rules just remember to have fun

If you wish to join then whisper FeralClaw1 or Dyka4U, or find Queen Cleo or Emma QueenRogue

Or to join you can fill out this application and I (FeralClaw1) will friend you and accept you into the pride :D


Group you wish to join/start:
Description (picture if possible):
History (this one is only so we know more about your character.. It is optional):



I am sorry but we don't have pictures of this map, It was made by Genesis and you should check out her other creations (They are all great :D ):

How To Install Maps (skip this if you know how to)

-Open the FH folder
-Open the Pridelands folder
-Drag the music and all of the white papers from the Pridelands folder into the exports folder in the FH folder
-Restart FH (if you were on it while doing this)
-Go to the cape of distant worlds (or whatever it is called)
-Finally go into the PrideLands folder down the end! :D (If you did this right you will here music from the lion king and it will look very pretty in the map)

Website (This is only for lions, it pretty much says the same as here but its pretty cool so you might want to check it out) :

I am sure this will be a fun rp if people join and are active :D
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 01:50:38 am by Hannah »