Author Topic: A Feral-Heart Creepypasta.  (Read 2348 times)

Offline ~Alisha~

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A Feral-Heart Creepypasta.
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:23:24 pm »
Okay I just want to mention something, there is going to be some gore and a lil' bit of swearing so mods feel free to change anything if you think it's inappropriate, thanks. c:



I sat lazily on my bed, my mum said I had two choices of what to use, iPad or Windows 7 Laptop, I grabbed my iPad and went onto the App Store, before I went to update everything, I froze seeing a program called, "Curse" It looked excatly like FeralHeart.. Maybe someone who made this game liked FeralHeart and decided to make an app for it? I ignored it and went to Updates, updating all my apps before I turned the iPad off, in the background it wasn't my dog laying on the blue pillow, it was my FeralHeart wolf looking into the water sadly.. Before it was fine, I went to settings to change it back but all my photos were erased, only that picture was there. I ignored it and decided I would take a different picture of one of my dogs tomorrow. I put the iPad away and grabbed my laptop, I looked at my TV and turned it on, "No video available" I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up you stupid thing..' I murmured, pressing the 'Sky' button, I really couldn't care what was on, then a booming theme song of Adventure Time came on, my laptop fell sideways off my lap, 'Why you so loud?!' I thought, turning it down, it was that derpy horse episode, I snickered slightly and noticed my laptop was on, I pulled it back onto my lap and stared boredom at my desktop, I looked at the FeralHeart icon, clicking twice on it and waiting for it to start up, I stared at the Kovuworks logo, something wasn't right, instead of the green line for his eyes, it was red, accidentally clicking it skipped past the logos, I grumbled and typed in my username and password, I looked at my character, it was Alisha, the wolf from my iPad background. I noticed she had the sad emote on, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, not knowing how she felt, I clicked on her and loaded in Bonfire, problem is she was walking by herself, all the other animals stared at her with the smirk emote on, I wondered what she was doing, I watched her walk up the hill and stand on the cliff, she howled and ear-piercing howl, so loudly I had to cover my ears.
Then jumped.
I heard tons of loud cracks and snaps, I put my hands to my neck and stared, I opened up the FeralHeart folder, only a notepad was there. I cautiously opened it and read what it said, "Your game is cursed. He is there. Uninstall the game as soon as possible, or suffer." I frowned in confusion and anger, who was I to do as a computer program commands?! Although I did just go through all.. That.. I closed my eyes and opened up the game again to see the chat spammed with, "do it" from every player in the map, whisper, party, group, even general and that was gone! I wasn't even in a party or group! I spammed E and my character's eyes opened and began to run in different directions, I didn't care where I was going anymore I wanted to get away from them, then suddenly the game froze, "Curse.exe has arrived." I shivered as the pitch black animal walked towards me, there was no spot that wasn't black, all I could hear was distorted music and quiet chuckling over sobbing, the canine pushed Alisha over, putting her paw onto her neck, stopping her from breathing, then sinking his teeth into her neck, the game faded to black and all the noise stopped, I was so focused I didn't noticing I was crying my eyes out, I put my hands on my face and pulled the, down my face and froze, feeling a light breath on the back of my neck, I turned around and saw the wolf, Curse, grinning at me, one pupil much smaller than the other, I screamed and ran to my mum's room, another wolf sat there next to her limp body, I ran back to my room to check if it was gone, this time it was running towards me, I ran into the kitchen and went into the tool box, grabbing the hammer, the wolf stared at me with the subtle frown fro Feralheart, then the smirk grin and went into a pounce position, the hammer went from my side to smashing into the wolf's skull ten times, I dropped the hammer next to my side, looking at the crushed wolf, I swallowed hard and dig my fingers into the scruff of it's neck, dragging it outside and slamming it's head through the cat-flap of my neighbours back door, "F*ck you.." I whispered, panting slightly, I went back inside, checking my mum, the wolf was gone and she was fine, I went back to my room, the game was fine, everyone was normal and Alisha had the smile emote on as usual, then I turned around...

Offline Stargatefan

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Re: A Feral-Heart Creepypasta.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 09:27:09 pm »
Wow. Creepy, and cool at the same time. Nice job!

Check it:
Wattpad: @Starla-Larla
Ao3: Starla_Larla
In-game: Stargatefan

Offline sunlessarizona

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Re: A Feral-Heart Creepypasta.
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2014, 11:55:47 pm »
So. Guess who is going to be having nightmares tonight!

Secrets of the Sky