Author Topic: Wolved (Chapter 1,2,3)UPDATE  (Read 3492 times)

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Wolved (Chapter 1,2,3)UPDATE
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:19:29 pm »
I have been writing this book/novel for awhile, and when it is done, I hope to get it published. It is a fictional/fantasy book, and that is all I'm going to say. My reason for that is, if you bother to read the small amount I have posted so far, you will be interedted and you want read the next part.
PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND WHY. I do not mind criticism, infact I encourage it! Just please don't just say "This is absolutely horrible, why do you even bother to write." Instead, it would be kinder, and more helpful, if you say something along the lines of "It doesn't really intrest me, and you need to work on your grammer/describing/whatever.". Please vote too!
If I get 3 comments, from 3 different people, I will post the next chapter.
So, enough of my blabbing! Story is below, written in basic yellow for the sake of your eyes.


Chapter One
James rose and began to pace his room. He had been sent away hours ago, and he was becoming nervous. Just as he flopped back on his bed, his bedroom door opened, and his mother came in. She seemed very upset.

"James" she said weakly "Come to the dinning room, we need to speak to you." she said before tuning away and walking back to the dinning room.

He entered the dinning room, to find his mother standing in the corner watching his father nevously. His father was speaking to a girl, and even though his voice was calm, he looked very worried. The girl looked serious, but she was very strange.

She seemed about 14. She was wearing an old brown cloak that covered her clothes. Occasionaly when she moved you could see a slight glint from underneath it. The hood was up, but her face was visble. She was fairly pretty, and she had little strands  long dark brown hair flying out. Her eyes were a dark blue.

She was sitting next to James' father, but as James entered she stood and came to face James. She looked him over, and she seemed to be trying to find something. He stood there nervously and glanced at his parents. His mother gave a half-hearted smile.

"Hold out your arm." Said the girl, drawing James attention back to her. She took his arm, and inspected it. "Next." she said. He held out his right arm. She inspected his arm again, and this time see seemed to find what she was looking for. She was looking closely at his scar.

James had gotten this scar exactly a week ago. It was a bite mark from a horrid monster. The creature that had bitten him was the size of a bear, but looked somewhat like a dog. It had huge yellow fangs, and burning red eyes. Its claws looked like they would tear though flesh as if it were paper, although James was lucky enough to never find out. The memory of the monster was filled with fear. It had been creeping in the shadows, before pouncing on James. It pinned him down easily, and proceeded to bite him on his right forearm. It  help the bite for several minutes, staying oddly still, as if frozen. But suddenly it spurred back into action and released it's bite. The thing dug its claws in deep, before springing off him and running into the woods howling. James was happy to survive the attack and get home. He flopped right into bed and fell asleep almost instantaneously. When he had awoken the next day, no scar was present. So he did what anyone would do- assume it for a dream. Yet here it was again on his arm.  He shrugged it off as she began to speak again.

"Im afraid I was right." she said looking at his parents. "He will be coming with me." she said with a bit of forced sympathy in her voice.

"Al-Alright" his mother said, close to tears. "Will we see him again though?"

"Yes, once a year, on this day, I shall bring him back. Any more often threatens your saftey."

His father stood up and sighed. "Ok. Take him. We believe you. Keep him safe." he said, then walked over and hugged his son.

His mother began to cry and ran over to hug him. "Goodluck" she whispered.

James was confused. He was nervous, scared, and desperate to understand what was happening. Before he could ask, the girl was dragging him out the door.

Chapter Two
His heart was racing, and he was getting lightheaded. They had been running through the woods for five solid minutes now, and James was tiring- he had never been the most athletic kid. Painting now, he started to stumble "Wait" he cried, gasping for breath. He hadn't wanted to go with her, but they we too deep into the woods to turn back. Hesitantly, she stopped, and turned to face him. As she had run, her hood had blow off. Her facial features we now exposed- she at a slim face, long brown hair, and her skin was lightly tanned, and her calm light blue eyes. Although, most noticeable was the scar that ran down her check, starting just below her eye, and ending at her jaw. The worst part was how fresh the scar seemed- it still was slightly red. Not to mention how her cloak had blown back as well, showing a large assortment of daggers, knives, and two swords strapped to her. Her clothing was just as strange. A tanned leather material made up all her clothes, which consisted of a tank top, long pants, and seemingly randomly placed leather bands on her arms.

    "Yes?" she asked, sounding rather annoyed.
    "Erm, I" said James, all of the sudden petrified again. "I-I need to catch my breath." he stammered.
    "Hmph." she said, but turned around and sat down on a large bolder. "So, your name is James, Correct?"
    "Yes." he said catching his breath. He studied her for a minute before asking "Ma-May I ask who you are?"
    "Yes." she replied. "I'm Silver." she then stood up and, to James relief, began walking. "Watch you head" she said, ducking under a large branch. She then unsheathed one of the swords, and began cutting though the vines that nearly covered the path.
James stopped all of the sudden and looked around. This was not the wintered pine forest they had walked into. This was a full fledged rainforest. He suddenly became aware of the racket- an awful combination of monkeys, birds, and the occasional dying animal.
    "What- Where? Uhhh...." Stammered James. He stumbled backwards, and tripped over a large tree root. Landing harshly on his back, he looked up and saw a glimpse of a jaguar perched high above him in the tree, looking down at him. Seconds later, all was black.


    "That was fun wasn't it?" Grumbled a voice that James could faintly recognize as Silver's.
    "I quite enjoyed it." Remarked another, laughing.
    "Oh hush. You did good, Silver. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't leave him." said a third voice.
    "Me too." said Sliver through gritted teeth.

    James heard the voices- one he recognized as Silver's, but he had no idea who the others two voices were. As the world slowly faded back into view, James got to see where he was. He was lying in a mound of straw, in a small cabin. The door was open, and he could see one or two other log cabins, but mostly he saw large pine trees. His heart rate had gone up again, and he started to feel lightheaded once more as he struggled to sit up straight.
    "Oh, you're up." said Silver, snapping away from the conversation. "Red, would you-"
    "I'm on it." said a man, stepping into James view. He was a rather tall but lean man with greying red hair and British accent. He quickly bent down and helped James sit upright, and then took his pulse, and put his head on his forehead to see his temperature. "You need to calm down boy, your heart rate is extremely high. Your temperature is fine though, if a little hot. He needs to rest for an hour or so before..." said Red, now speaking to Silver.
    "Very well." she said hastily "Hawk, help me with the rest." she said over her shoulder, as she walked out the door.
    "All righty then, let's get a move on!" said the voice James had heard earlier. As Silver walked out the door, a short, but lean, boy quickly followed after.
    Red had watched them leave, but the moment they were out the door, his attention was back on James. "Now." he said calmly."I know you are quiet confused, but I need you to relax. The next few day will be quite stressful for you, but I assure you that you will be fine. I need you to stay here until I, Hawk, or Silver comes to get you. Other people may come in, and you are to ignore them or speak with them in a civil manner. Understood?"
    James slowly nodded his head, and began to breathe deeply. "All right."
    Red nodded, rose back to his feet and briskly walked out the hut. As time passed, more people came in. James smiled nervosly at them, and they returned the gesture. Roughly two hours had passed, and about 13 peole had joined James in the cabin. There was a wide variety of people- Different races, ages, although nearly all of the people in the room were male. The only female was a tall, thin, girl. She seemed to be sixteen-ish years old, and was very pretty, with fine, blonde, curly hair, and perfectly tanned skin. She seemed iritated to be there, and was drumming her fingers on the table, to everyone's else's

    "Hello!" said Hawk, popping his head in the door. "Now, you folk are wanted elsewhere, so follow me." He said cheerfully. The more he spoke, the more obvious his southern accent became. "Come on now, get a move on!" He said, and, getting impatient, began hearding them out of the hut.

    James and the rest of the group reluctantly went outside, to see themseves in a what looked like a small village, surrounded by towering pine trees. There was roughly 15 or so cabins, all surrounded by trapdoors. There was 30 or so other people in the camp, most moving around quickly and purposefully, the exception being a large group of women working with fabrics.

    "Err......ya'll just go wait over there." said Hawk, pointing to some empty stables. The group slowly walked over to the stables, closer together than they would normally walk. They stood in the shade of the stables in an uncomfortable silence until a tall, dusty-haired boy spoke. "This is such a disappointment." he moaned.
    "What do you mean?" asked James, hopeful someone might be able to explain a bit more on the situation.

     "I was promised adventure!" said the boy. "He told me I would fight with a sword, hunt my own food, and be a real man. But all I see is a bunch of women kitting." said the boy, sounding rather annoyed.

    "Who's 'he'? asked James curiously.

     "You know, the guy who collected us all. He's kinda tall, ginger hair- well, it used to be ginger, now its more grey. I've seen him a lot, wandering around. Kinda creepy really." he said, kicking a stone.
    "Erm....a man picked you all up?" asked james.
    "Yes. Who picked you up?" asked the boy, confused.
     "A-a girl." stammered james.
     "A girl?" laughed the boy "I'm not surprised, they wouldn't have to restrain you or anything. Send a wimp to get get a wimp." he said, smiling.
    "Who are you calling a wimp, coward?" asked a new voice from behind the group. They quickly spun around, and, to their terror, they saw a hooded figure, with a drawn sword. Although james, realizing it was Silver, relaxed slightly, he still felt queasy.
    "SO?" She shouted at the boy "Did you call me a wimp?" She snarled, brandishing her sword at the boy, who was now standing wide eyed, but showed no visible fear.
    "Your only a girl" he said still laughing, but a little more cautious "You don't have the guts to kill. Only men can kill."

    She stared at him for a moment, and suddenly, with her open hand, drew a dagger and swiftly cut his left arm, all in a matter of seconds. "Try me" she snarled.

    The boy was cleching his arm where the dagger had cut. It was not deep, and it was a clean cut. "Give me a sword" he said through clenched teeth.

    She smirked and nodded. One of the other women quickly brought him a fine, freshly sharpened broad sword. "Go on." she said, grinning.

    The boy seemed nervous, and quickly attempted a jab. He was greeted with an easy parry, and a long body blow, that he only just avoided. He clearly had never held a sword before, and she clearly was never without one. After several move similar exchanges, the sandy-haired boy was on the ground, trembling.

    She was pinning him down with her sword, and the crowd watched in tense horror, waiting for her to kill him, all it would take was a quick jab to the heart. But she didn't. She only sheathed her sword and turned to the crownd  "Respect  or lack of it can get you a long way, good or bad.  Now, Red and I shall be seeing you two." she said, indicating the The boy on the group and James. "Athough, you two, stay with Amber and Smith." Nodding her head to two people. One was a large man, with dark black hair, and the other a young girl, about James age. She had long black hair and fair skin, and smiled at the group, and without saying a word, lead them away, Smith following them all.
    "Come." said Red, walking into a cabin.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 03:46:28 am by MochaCocoa »

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 02:12:04 am »
Hmm. Interesting beginning - I think it would be wonderful if you continued this. :3 Besides some grammar mistakes and spelling errors, I found this good! I do have one question: was this beast that bit James magical? If James had been bitten about a week ago, it would probably take longer than that for the bite mark to heal and turn into a scar. However, if the beast was magical, then the scar definitely would appear within a week or less. c: Just wondering - you don't have to answer me.

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 03:50:46 pm »
Hmm. Interesting beginning - I think it would be wonderful if you continued this. :3 Besides some grammar mistakes and spelling errors, I found this good! I do have one question: was this beast that bit James magical? If James had been bitten about a week ago, it would probably take longer than that for the bite mark to heal and turn into a scar. However, if the beast was magical, then the scar definitely would appear within a week or less. c: Just wondering - you don't have to answer me.

:D This is a rough draft, so sorry for the spelling errors.

As far as the scar- He was bitten one week ago by the beast. It took about one day to turn into a scar. But soon after the scar faded away. But when The girl touched where the scar was, it reappeared. Yes, the thing was magic :)

Thank you for the feedback, I will post the next chapter soon :)

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 07:25:24 pm »
Wow, Amazing! Good job! Same with CoffeeAddict, besides the few grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes, this was fantastic. Keep it up, I would love to see more.

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 08:33:53 pm »
Wow, Amazing! Good job! Same with CoffeeAddict, besides the few grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes, this was fantastic. Keep it up, I would love to see more.

Thank you! :)

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2013, 10:16:03 pm »
Very good! You misspelled a few things, like dining room, (one 'n'), but it's got potential. Keep it up!

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2013, 11:49:51 pm »
Very good! You misspelled a few things, like dining room, (one 'n'), but it's got potential. Keep it up!

Thank you!

I really need to finalize this rough draft....

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2013, 12:06:44 am »
You're very welcome. Also, thank you for writing this in yellow for the sake of my eyes. Very thoughtful.
I want to keep my eyesight for at least another like 80-90 years, thank yew, so yellow is just fine. Thanks!

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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1)
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2013, 04:06:20 am »
You're very welcome. Also, thank you for writing this in yellow for the sake of my eyes. Very thoughtful.
I want to keep my eyesight for at least another like 80-90 years, thank yew, so yellow is just fine. Thanks!



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Re: Wolved (Chapter 1,2,3)UPDATE
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2013, 11:45:43 pm »
i read it, very nice and amazing