Author Topic: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open  (Read 17323 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2013, 02:27:06 am »
Courfeyrac rapidly sprinted up the high stairs of the building, somehow evading the oddly relaxed security in the darkened building. He reached the top just in time to see a human- an obvious noble from the smell of it- retreating into the darkness. As he disappeared, so did the strong scent of Lunar Flowers. Anger forcing him to his wolf form, he took a couple snarling strides forward, but skidded to a clumsy halt upon noticing Luna laying limp on the blood splattered floor. Shooting one last snarl in the direction of the now completely vanished noble, he fixed his attention on the fae. "Luna? Luna! Are you alright?" He yipped, shaking her body with his forepaw and desperately hoping for a response.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2013, 02:47:03 am »
Luna slowly opened her eyes when something had began to shake her. She saw a familiar face "Hey Courf." she smiled weakly before trying to stand up. She stood on shaking legs, her breaths were shaky, she tried to take a step but stumbled down. She laid there for a moment before using her human form, it might be a little easier if she used her hands. She got to her hands and knees then used the beam as a support, once on her two legs she walked forward. She staggered onto a metal table with a desktop on it "Damn him." she growled "We have to go after him." Luna was in extreme pain, her whole body felt like it had been thrown off a cliff. She looked at Courfeyrac "We aren't letting him get away with this." she looked down the long hallway, would she even make it out of the building? Yes, she had to.
Hopefully Mishka will come into the picture soon ^^)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 06:26:48 am by ????????? »

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Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #32 on: September 07, 2013, 01:20:31 pm »
Courfeyrac nudged her side in an attempt at helping her to her feet, stepping back when she shifted into her human form. Mimicking the action, he straightened into his own illusion. "Huh? What are you talking about? What happened?" He rapidly questioned, inching over to Luna. "Go after him? You can barely stand up!" He exclaimed, following after the stumbling fae.

(Yush. X3
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2013, 04:15:04 pm »
Luna looked at him "I'll be fine." Luna felt like she had to go find the maiden right then, she didn't know what had come over her. Luna staggered to the doorway then grabbed the door frame "He took the maiden, the noble." she clenched her teeth, just thinking about it made her furious "It's my fault that he has her, I should have stopped him." Deep down she did feel like it was her fault he got away, she should have been faster. She made fists with her bloodied hands, she couldn't wait to get her jaws around the noble's throat. "Let's go." she finally said before moving around the door frame and into the hall.

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Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2013, 06:52:15 pm »
Courfeyrac raised his eyebrows in astonishment. "The Maiden? He has her? Huh, no wonder he smelled so much like Lunar Flowers..." He trailed off for a moment in thought, then shook his head, darting after Luna. "I want to get her back as much as the next guy, but if that noble could do this to you that quickly, I'm not sure it's such a good idea right now. We should at least wait until you've healed up a bit..." He said, hoping to convince her. "But you shouldn't blame yourself." He added, pausing next to her as she gripped the door frame for support. "C'mon. We can easily trace her scent and find her, but right now I think you need to get those wounds patched up."
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2013, 07:32:44 pm »
Luna looked at Courf "Fine, but I just can't go see a doctor like this. I'm sure they would wonder what the hell happened." She began to think "I have an idea." she dropped the illusion then limped down the hall and out of the building. Once outside there were police and flashing lights, Luna squinted against the bright lights then as quick as she could she walked into an alley. She stayed in the shadows until she came to a familiar building. She looked up at the blinking sign that read 'Motel' before nosing the door open. The desk clerk seemed to be distracted by something on the television so they had an easy route to the stairs. Luna followed the scent she knew so well until it led to an old wooden door. She hesitated before scratching the door, just under the handle "Come on."she silently pleaded. Luna wagged her tail when the door opened "Luna? What happened?" Luna whined the limped forward, licking his hand, she needed his help.

Henry seemed to have sobered up a bit, but it doesn't seem like he remembered shooting her or her transformation. "Here." he picked her up then placed her on a brown leather couch, she looked to Courfeyrac before stretching out. She swiveled her ears as she heard things being moved and tossed around, he must be getting medical supplies. The only thing that bother her was the hole going through her left hind leg, she growled, if she were fast enough she could have dodged it and he wouldn't have got away with the maiden. She was brought out of her agitation when Henry knelt down beside her "Okay, here we go." He was the only one who had ever treated her wounds, but they were never this severe, but Luna trusted him. Soon Luna fell into a deep sleep, she might as well sleep while she could.. Luna was rudely awakened by a hand shaking her shoulder "Luna? You alive?" Henry asked with a tinge of fear in his voice. When she opened her eyes he let out a sigh of relief "Thank god, Well I fixed you up as good as I can." he rubbed her head before cleaning up the bloody towels. Luna held her body up by her elbow while looking around, her eyes stopped at Courf "See? He isn't so bad." she grinned before slowly leaving the couch. She staggered a bit but soon caught herself, how long had she slept? She didn't know but she felt a lot better, well except for the wounds she had suffered, but she'll live. She limped over to the wolf then plopped down next to him and yawned "Is this your first time staying with a human?" she laid her chin on her paws "It isn't all that bad actually, especially if the human is kind." she wagged her tail at Henry as he tiredly walked by and threw himself on the couch, quickly falling asleep. She yawned again then slowly fell asleep.

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2013, 07:41:41 pm »
Courfeyrac let out a sigh of relief at her agreement then hopped down into his true form, bolting after her. He flattened his ears as they exited the building, squinting at the flashing lights, but brushing past and followed close behind the limping she-wolf. Keeping his head low, he gazed around at his surroundings, walking to a stop once Luna did. His fur bristled upright and he dashed to the side when the door opened. "Luna- the Hell are you doing?" He whispered hoarsely from his shadowed spot far right of the doorway. The man seemed to be more friendly than he seemed when he first ran into him. As Luna confidently stepped inside, he slowly crept over to the doorway, peering around the frame, but keeping his body hidden behind it, watching from outside. "I think I'm gonna wait out here.." He mumbled, backing up a bit. Laying down outside the building, he took a brief nap while Luna was getting her wounds patched up. Moving back over to the door, he glanced inside once more. The man seemed to be pretty relaxed about wolves. Slightly convinced it was okay, he slowly slipped inside and lay down beside Luna, ears flat with discomfort at his surroundings. As she spoke, he glanced over at her and nodded subtly. "Heh, yep. Can't say I've been a big fan of 'em over the years." He responded with an awkward chuckle.
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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #37 on: September 07, 2013, 08:30:16 pm »
Luna was the first to wake, the sun hadn't even risen yet so it was still dark. Her wounds felt better but they were still aching if she made the wrong move. She slowly got to her feet, using her human body, she walked into the small kitchen and looked at Henry, who was still fast asleep on the couch. She frowned, she and Courf had to leave today, the maiden was no longer here so there wasn't a point in staying. She found a napkin and pen then began to write,


   I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, it's easier for both of us this way. The thing we are seeking is no longer here so we must move on. If you don't remember yesterday, let me sum it up for you; I'm a wolf, and I can use a human form to communicate with the other humans, which is how I am writing this. I hope you won't see me as the enemy now that you know. Goodbye Henry, maybe we will meet again someday. Oh, don't kill anymore wolves, okay? For me.

Your most loyal companion,

Luna felt a hot tear roll down her cheek, her body quivered as she read over the note. She didn't want to do this but she knew she had to. She quickly walked over to Courf "Hey, we gotta go." she gently nudged him with her hand before quietly exiting the room. She wanted to get out of here, she thought the sooner she was gone the sooner her pain of leaving Henry would go away. Once outside small snowflakes gently landed on her head, making her shiver. She loved the snow, it almost always brought happiness with it, well for her at least. She jammed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie then left the city with her newly found friend.

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2013, 08:39:45 pm »
Courfeyrac snorted awake at Luna's nudge. "Huh? Already?" He muttered groggily, stretching his maw in a yawn and glancing at the window, which showed it was still dark out. "But it's not even day time..." He grumbled tiredly, sitting up into his illusion and rubbing his eyes with his hand. "Alright, alright. I'm comin'." Courf mumbled, shoving himself up to his feet and trudging after her, dragging his feet. Stepping outside, a small shiver crept up his spine, his breath lightly visible as a vapor in the snowy air. "Great, it's snowing again." He sighed, flipping the hood of his light jacket over his head and stuffing his hands into the jacket pockets. "Hey, wait up, will ya!" He called after Luna, who had already started towards the city limits, jogging to catch up to her.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2013, 03:12:13 am »
Luna walked through the ankle deep snow, her human body shivering, why hadn't she used her wolf form? Was she getting comfortable with this body? She wasn't quite sure. She looked towards Courf then back at the powdery ground, she was depressed but she didn't want to say anything. Luna preferred to keep everything held in a jar at the back of her brain, but she knew one day holding it all in would come back and bite her, hard. Luna hugged her torso with her arms, "How do humans live like this? It's so cold." Like her body knew the extreme cold could cause damage it turned into her wolf form. She looked down at her paws and grinned "Much better." She didn't know why she didn't change earlier, it was like she forgot that she could. Her body felt a ton better ever since she woke up, but she still had to be careful with her stitches on her side and hind leg. She slowed down so that her pace match Courf's "The smell of Lunar flowers are faint but it's definitely coming from that way." She gestured in front of them with her nose "If I remember correctly there's a place called Jagura's City. I heard that the woman who owned it all was killed by another noble a very long time ago. I also heard that it's very hard to get into." She sniffed the air "It's going to take a few days to get there, I just hope the maiden is still there when we arrive." Luna limped along, sometimes tripping over her own paws. The snow had begun to come down on them harder, making visibility almost impossible.

Luna looked around, she couldn't see a thing, so she just kept walking straight. Luna stiffened "Do you smell that?" she recognized the smell; gun powder. She growled, nothing that involved guns was good, it always turned out bad. An image of a dead wolf flashed in her head, she shook her head before looking back up. She could see the faint glow of a fire, she was slightly afraid of what was going on. Out of habit she got loser to Courf, like a frightened pup. Her ears were pinned to her head, her eyes darting back and forth as she looked for any movement. Finally, they were by the fire, but there were no signs of humans, only quickly fading footprints that led away from the fire "Where did they go?" she asked. She felt her fur stand on end, fear had overwhelmed her. Something was wrong. She whined and lowered her head, sniffing the tracks "These are fresh, but they are quickly disappearing." She looked up, she wanted to find these people, but she had a bad feeling about it. Luna sighed then sat next to the fire, which was also quickly going out. "If this fire is still here..That means.." Luna jumped in fright when three men came into view, these were soldiers, not just any soldiers. They were a noble's soldiers. They wore black helmets, that covered their faces, with a black uniform, they had assault rifles in their hands, what were they doing out here? The three men stopped dead in their tracks "Hey!" one of them yelled as he pointed "Those are wolves!" he raised his weapon and aimed it at Luna. Luna lowered her head aggressively, her fangs bared. She wasn't in the mood.

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