
Do you think "I'll KILL you!" is overused?

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Author Topic: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?  (Read 4146 times)

Offline Silhouette

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2013, 07:40:36 pm »
As many of said I think its an element of the younger portion of the game's players doing this. Its a naive assumption that death is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Call this dark thought if you want but in comparison to being killed, which in respect to other things is pretty abrupt, short, and ended compared to other types of prolonged suffering. Most of my characters, if they threaten harm at all, do not threaten with death/killing.

What I find rather amusing and contradictory is that usually the SAME people who have characters who make characters who threaten killing are the same ones who make chars who are  NEVER afraid of being killed themselves. If you're REALLY trying to make it seem like being killed is THAT bad and the absolute WORST thing that could happen, shouldn't that mean your character KNOWS how bad it is and if someone parades up to them with the same threat that they should be concerned as well instead of growling/snarling/"being ferocious/etc? Oh wait, scratch that. I forgot, nearly everyone has "super-fearless-overpowered-Mary Sues that are never-ever scared of anything". Nevermind. >_>;

But again, really, getting killed is'nt the ONLY bad thing that could happen to somebody. You'd think with the number of "my parents abused me and sob sob sob cry" characters that being beaten to excess or being maimed would be an equally common alternative to saying "kill" all the time, but its not. So is that to say, according to that logic, that your sob-story char doesn't have it as badly as he/she claims to? Oh wait, "Oh but you don't know what its like to be abused and blah blah blah" Obviously these folks don't know either, as their logic massive holes in it.

Flipping the "kill switch" on your character when things don't go the way you [or your character] would like is'nt a proper solution to keep a RP going, not even for an evil character. And its not a good thing to "flip the switch" JUST because you're bored and want to create conflict. There is more than one avenue to some kind of fight or conflict without killing being involved. I'll give a little example,

Mikey is one of my evil characters, and lets say he's looking for Character A for some reason. If he can smell Character A is in the area but isnt anymore and believes Character B might know something about where Character A went, he is going to ask. Afterall, he just wants to know and move on to finding Character A. He doesn't care about Character B. And if for some reason Character B tries to withold that information and Mikey doesn't get the answer he wants, he's not going to kill Character B. He's just going to threaten to torture them and if they refuse to answer again, do so until he gets the information he wants. That MIGHT put  Character B on the brink of death but not necessarily, especially if Character B gives up the answer. He doesnt barge in and go "IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU DONT DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO." That does'nt make a character look intimidating, only barbaric and sometimes, stupid.

Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2013, 08:25:20 pm »
-Sigh- Sad part is, my lion got threatened the other day just cause I went to say hi to one of my friends whom was in a wolf rp, of course I didn't know I was interrupting till after I went there. However it was still quite rude but it went something like this.

Me: (Hey Friend, how ya doing its been awhile has it not?)
Friend: (Oh! Blueberry I'm doing good you?)
PackMember1: Lion!!! Move out of our clans territory or I'll kill you!
Me: (Huh?)
PackMember2: You better run, he's powerful and will kill you!
PackMember3: Ya, run or else.
PackMember1: Run you coward! Or I won't stop the inner demon thats about to be unleashed!
Me:....Whats going on?

And well, don't you love the people...x-x

Offline Stargatefan

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2013, 08:38:06 pm »
Aye, they may just be trolls looking to annoy people. In which case you can block them or have sweet revenge."HEY RED, THERE'S A GODMODDER OVER HERE!" >:D Muhahahahaha...but amusement aside, people who do this don't really get many friends. If they Godmod someone and expect the Godmodee to befriend the Godmodder, it's a slim chance that's going to happen because the Godmodee is just going to get annoyed. It's not a good social thing if you don't want to be that person who sits in the middle of Bonfire being the Forever Alone face of FH. Seriously, people. Stop it. Please. Friendship is magic. (Yus I like MLP, deal with it).

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Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2013, 08:52:18 pm »
Well, I can understand wolves not liking lions to be, dare I say it, lying around xD (Yay for LK jokes) But dang...just please, Im saying hi to someone, not eating you. And the weird part is, most wolves in real life would probably run from lions, and observe from afar, not immediately go, Imma eat chu.
As for calling the Reddles though, nah, He has enough of his plate and I can't call him unless someone seriously brakes a rule bad. Like mating....-shivers.- Ew....x-x....Just...no....

Offline Stargatefan

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2013, 09:06:05 pm »
They probably would run away from lions if faced with one. Imagine a wolf against a fully-grown, adult, seasoned male lion? I'd run away if I were the wolf. Eh, yeah, I guess I wouldn't call the Red hotline, but at least we could report them.*le eehhhhhh shrug*

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2013, 11:01:11 pm »
I'll admit, I've one this a lot myself. However, it does tend to fall in with my characters personalities most of the time. Most of my characters find 'death' to be the lazy man's way of threatening something annoying them. (Most of my characters find death to be nothing new anyway, an aren't afraid to die). If my characters actually get serious, they give threats that make death look like a good thing.

Like many others have said, younger players probably think death is the worse thing that can happen to someone, And therefore use it as a threat. I agree however, it is very overused.

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2013, 01:45:42 am »
I just think people use the word because their just kids, no offense. You know kids are just young and have nothing else to say, but that word... :/ If you know what I mean. So they probably don't have anything else in mind. (Have you guys every notice it mostly the kids (13 years old or younger). Yeah, it probably just a habit. xD

Good point, Thrillex. If there was an internet version of "Kids Say The Darndest Things" I think the "I kill you" line would be at the top of the popularity list.

As many of said I think its an element of the younger portion of the game's players doing this. Its a naive assumption that death is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Call this dark thought if you want but in comparison to being killed, which in respect to other things is pretty abrupt, short, and ended compared to other types of prolonged suffering. Most of my characters, if they threaten harm at all, do not threaten with death/killing.

What I find rather amusing and contradictory is that usually the SAME people who have characters who make characters who threaten killing are the same ones who make chars who are  NEVER afraid of being killed themselves. If you're REALLY trying to make it seem like being killed is THAT bad and the absolute WORST thing that could happen, shouldn't that mean your character KNOWS how bad it is and if someone parades up to them with the same threat that they should be concerned as well instead of growling/snarling/"being ferocious/etc? Oh wait, scratch that. I forgot, nearly everyone has "super-fearless-overpowered-Mary Sues that are never-ever scared of anything". Nevermind. >_>;

But again, really, getting killed is'nt the ONLY bad thing that could happen to somebody. You'd think with the number of "my parents abused me and sob sob sob cry" characters that being beaten to excess or being maimed would be an equally common alternative to saying "kill" all the time, but its not. So is that to say, according to that logic, that your sob-story char doesn't have it as badly as he/she claims to? Oh wait, "Oh but you don't know what its like to be abused and blah blah blah" Obviously these folks don't know either, as their logic massive holes in it.

Flipping the "kill switch" on your character when things don't go the way you [or your character] would like is'nt a proper solution to keep a RP going, not even for an evil character. And its not a good thing to "flip the switch" JUST because you're bored and want to create conflict. There is more than one avenue to some kind of fight or conflict without killing being involved. I'll give a little example,

Mikey is one of my evil characters, and lets say he's looking for Character A for some reason. If he can smell Character A is in the area but isnt anymore and believes Character B might know something about where Character A went, he is going to ask. Afterall, he just wants to know and move on to finding Character A. He doesn't care about Character B. And if for some reason Character B tries to withold that information and Mikey doesn't get the answer he wants, he's not going to kill Character B. He's just going to threaten to torture them and if they refuse to answer again, do so until he gets the information he wants. That MIGHT put  Character B on the brink of death but not necessarily, especially if Character B gives up the answer. He doesnt barge in and go "IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU DONT DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO." That does'nt make a character look intimidating, only barbaric and sometimes, stupid.

You always seem to bring in some good logic in conversations like these.
It doesn't really make any sense when a "good-natured" or "docile" character suddenly flips a personality switch by becoming hostile and "deadly". I've seen that too many times in roleplays. Someone would be playing as a character that is supposed to be docile and reasonable when it comes to conflict. But then when it comes to them encountering someone they see as a "threat" to their territory/cubs/pups/clan/pride/pack, their character goes from gentle Fluttershy to friggin' Freddy Kruger! They start to pull out the, "Imma kill you if you don't get your sorry carcass out of my territory!!!" or "I'll rip your head off if you don't get away from my pups!" If you're going to play a gentle character, stick to the darn gentle script, or don't do it at all!

I got plenty of characters that range in different personailities. NONE of my gentle or docile characters use the "K" word to threaten someone. If I have a character that's shy, fragile, and kind, I'm going to stick to that personality no matter what circumstances he/she may face. When I play as my unicorn fox, you will never EVER hear her threaten to kill another character. It's just not her nature to think like that or be violent at all. In fact, she is more of the flight than fight character. It doesn't make her a coward, either.  
Same goes with Kojak the bobcat. Yes, a bobcat is capable of killing animals smaller than they are. Bobcats have been known to make domestic cats their meals. But just because that's true, it doesn't mean that Kojak has to threaten to kill a clan cat whenever he sees one. And if a clan cat, rogue cat, loner, or kittypet do cross his path and show aggression toward him, he's going to try reasoning with them before resorting to violence. He isn't going to drop the "I'm gonna kill you!" line either. He will probably say something like... "If you don't leave my daughter alone, you're gonna regret ever messing with this fat daddy bobcat." Does that mean he is going to kill the opponent? No! It just means that he is going to defend his daughter with everything he's got. He doesn't necessarily have to kill the one who is threatening him and his daughter.

The other thing that gets me is why some people lable a character as a "coward" when they refuse to fight or threaten to kill. Just because my character refuses to make a kill, it doesn't make them weak or a coward. TheWarrior brought up a good point when she mentioned the Warrior code of...

"An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense."
Now, when do Warrior Cat Rpers ever consider this when RolePlaying? I've rarely seen it at all actually, and it's one of my pet peeves when someone roleplays a fanfiction incorrectly. Why can't you just threaten to severely wound or maim a tresspasser/enemy? X3
Why is it that some roleplayers-especially some Warrior roleplayers- think it's so important to kill an opponent to win battles? Does killing an opponent make your character that noble and brave? Does it make them look like someone you wouldn't want to mess with? Does it really make them honorable? That's the question I would have liked to ask that one so-called "honorable" warrior tom that wanted to "break the neck" of a little baby fox if the mother fox didn't do what he told her to do and leave the territory. Some noble warrior that is. -_-

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Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2013, 09:33:07 pm »
I was roleplaying as my warrior character, Porcupinetail, today and got to expereince one of those "Imma kill u" cases. I was looking for a new clan to join, and found one with many members. When the cats in the patrol saw me, they came up to me and asked me OOC "are you in RaggedClan?" which was the name of their clan. When I told them OOC that I was a loner looking to join a clan, one of them said "Im going to kill u before you join ours!" Wtf?! o_O
So then they start hissing at me and asking me what I was doing there (In character of course). But then when I said to them, "I was just leaving," and started walking away, one of them was all like "No wait! Come back! D:" She then starts asking me where I came from and if I would want to join her clan. The others started asking me to join too. Wait a minute, first you were all hissing in my face and treating me like a complete threat, now you want me to join your clan?! You just threatened to KILL me, now you want me to join? Does that make any sense at all?