Author Topic: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?  (Read 4158 times)

Offline JGree

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2013, 09:12:14 pm »
Everything I wanted  to bring up has already been posted. Yay.

I like to RP as the more timid characters. Strange thing is, many of them end up getting killed by those strong leader/fighter/lover characters.

RIP Carson, Nekiea, Wulfrum, and Moctus.

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2013, 09:37:03 pm »
Why can't we just have one positive none complaint thread for once...? Last recent topics I have reading is nothing but complaining about this and that, however I agree with you... It really does ticks me off when I see people do or make a whole role play and the first person shouts they want to be the leader's mate without role playing it or even get to know each other first. I actually leave the group when that happen. Because I know that the group is going to fall apart in a day or so.

Or I am probably the envious type... Or whatever but it just really makes me mad when do that kind of thing... Do not get me wrong though, that's because the leader finds a mate in a couple of days before you or anyone else does. Do not mean for you or anyone else to get all negative thinking that they only care for their mate. You are just probably role playing with the wrong crowd, as for me I do not role play as much anymore... Because it is the same old same old.

If you want a postive thread, go make one or just don't read the "negative ones." Sorry if you don't like the way that sounds but I don't sugar-coat.

I personally don't take nearly as much away from "How many guys like this 8D or I love this 8D" threads than I do threads that, while they may be littered with complaints, make people think, allows them to vent frustration, and suggest means of either fixing the issue or finding ways around it. They call it "constructive" criticism for a reason.

Understand I am not speaking solely from my own experiences, so please don't tell me "I am probably roleplaying with the wrong crowd" either. These are trends that are /across the board/ with every age group and "type" or "crowd" as you put it. The people I try to RP with on a regular basis thankfully DON'T do these things. Its when my friends become busy and I have ventured out to RP with complete strangers or asked people about what they think about other player's characters that I have gathered these observations so I know that I am not the only one who has thought about this and seen these things.

I do agree that groups that allow auto-mating/automatic pairing up tend to break up a lot faster than those that don't. As for thinking they only care for their, quite frankly? I don't care what anyone else cares about in that respect. I don't see the relationship as real. Its a fake relationship shared by two fake characters. What I care about is being completely blown off/ignored because someone gets too excited about their character's mate to the point they ignore everyone else around them. Because if they run off and do that, who are you RPing with anymore? Nobody. They just completely cut you out. Sounds like a pretty good "reason to be negative" to me.

What I had meant was that (and this goes many many character regardless of leadership, ranking, or even being in a group) I've seen too many times where I will be RPing with someone and they completely blow off/don't answer my character and run over to their mate and pretend like my character does not exist anymore and completely exclude me from the RP. I specifically recall one person who was in the exact same RP as I was suddenly went "Sorry I got to go, so and so is on" and the same person was in the same RP we were. I had to explain to this person twice that all of our characters were all in the same RP before she/he calmed down and bothered to start acknowledging the rest of us again. Then again, I think part of the problem with that particular instance was that she probably did'nt know the difference between IC and OOC very well and I do wonder very much if she thought the person was her "boyfriend" because the behavior did not appear to be mutual.

I figured you would say something like that. To be honest if I ever do find a time to express my happy thoughts into a thread then I will gladly make my own "positive thread". I felt like that was needed to be said. ^^ So sorry for getting you all offended and decided to put my complaint onto your thread. I will just have to not " sugarcoat" my words for you next time then, since you had put it that way.  ::) mmm... kay?

If you have been blown off/don't answer to your character's question or give you a response. Then how hard is it for you to ask in OOC for them that you are still waiting for a response back from them? If they leave you out in the dust still, then don't just sit there looking like a lost puppy waiting for someone to take you home. Go find someone else to role play with. ^^

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2013, 05:20:31 pm »
Its quite simple really: Its human nature to be with some one else, not to be alone.

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2013, 05:56:26 pm »
@Brenda Lee: While that is arguably true, platonic friendship is just as valid a form of connection with others as romantic relationships. There are people out there who feel they have to have a girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever to be complete and happy (which I personally feel is a dangerous mindset for several reasons), but it's not the central goal of everyone's lives. I've been contentedly single for twenty one years now and I don't lay around sobbing about it.

And more importantly, in the context of this thread, it makes for hella predictable RP where nothing significant happens because everyone's obsessed with their beloved.

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2013, 10:33:12 pm »
I've only ever had three mates in my entire time of being on FeralHeart but seeking a mate was never my priority. I like to roleplay, I like to experiment with my roleplay, I like to make friends, I like to build up a character back-story. I don't want everything to be a case of 'Oh, Roleplay. I need a mate then.' Because that's not roleplay. I don't even know what you'd call it...

Anywho, whenever I have a character requested to become a mate of another, they always, always turn it down in the politest way possible. Its just... Always ten minutes into the roleplay. It's like people pick the character that they want to be mates with and then badger them from that moment on and if rejected either turn aggressive, or depressive. I'm just fed up with the routine...
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Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2013, 02:11:05 am »
@Brenda Lee: While that is arguably true, platonic friendship is just as valid a form of connection with others as romantic relationships. There are people out there who feel they have to have a girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever to be complete and happy (which I personally feel is a dangerous mindset for several reasons), but it's not the central goal of everyone's lives. I've been contentedly single for twenty one years now and I don't lay around sobbing about it.

And more importantly, in the context of this thread, it makes for hella predictable RP where nothing significant happens because everyone's obsessed with their beloved.

And the people you describing are what we call, 'Desperate People with weird tastes and lives' :)

(Not what you were describing yourself as, before that)
An I agree on the not agreeing that you just simply HAVE TO HAVE a girl-friend or boy-friend to be happy.

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2014, 02:51:17 am »
This is making me feel lucky that I'm a Wholigan(Name of the group).. We've got a good thing going, awesome Timelords.. We don't have wolves, but we have robotic cats. Our plot is good, there's no leader.. Other than my cat char, Caroline. She's in charge of the kittens, but she's programmed that way.  Exxy is flirty, but that just adds to his char.. OH, MY FRIDNDS! YOU ARE THE BEST!

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Re: Can We Remove Romance/Strength/Leadership from The Equation?
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2014, 04:25:56 am »
Try not to necro old topics hun. This thread hasn't been responded to since Sept. 2013

Locking this