Author Topic: Runningstar  (Read 1906 times)

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« on: September 23, 2013, 03:06:39 am »

Preset made by Ghostly-Silence

"Runningstar is the Cockiest of the leaders."
- Tornpelt : Deputy


Alias: Cockiest of Leaders
Past Names: Runningkit, Runningpaw, Runningleap
Age: 31 moons
Gender: Tom
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Birth-Clan: WindClan
Birth-Place: WindClan nursery
Current Group: WindClan
Rank: Leader
Lives: 9

Family matters

Mother: Pebblesplash
Father: Redpath
Uncle(s): TBA
Aunt(s): TBA
Granmother(s): Berryleaf - Father's side
Grandfather(s): Tigerfrost - Mother's Side
Cousin(s): None
Older Siblings: None
Litter Mates: Caspian (R)
Younger Siblings: Hawkeye (WCW) and Batleap (WCW)
Mentor: Onespot
Apprentice: Shypaw
Former Apprentices: Aspenbranch
Old Mate(s): Maplevoice
Mate: Nope.
Crush(es): Birchcloud and Whitefoot
Kits: N/A

Bloodline ~ 100% Maine Coon of WindClan
Appearance ~ A dark brown tom with darker brown maine coon stripes across his body. White underbelly, and bi-colored eyes (Right amber and Left Green). Has a slight red tint of brown on his mane

Body Build ~ Tall and strangely slim for a male. Though, his fur coat is nice and thick to cover it up.
Weight: 10-11 lbs



This tom is all about using his looks to get things to advantage. He gets frustrated if the she-cat or tom is not interested in his flirty ways, and often uses the word hate allot, even though it might be a simple dislike. All because of his unintentional ways. In fact, this is probably the main reason he doesn't have a mate, because he does it without knowing.


This tom is extremely cocky, and usually is a bit hotheaded because of this. Though he is 80% hotheaded and cocky like, he knows how to run his clan and be a true leader. He sees himself as the 'Fun' leader.


After all, being mixed with his Cocky and Flirty attitude, everyone notices his sly side. This cat always knows how to smooth out a situation, easy-like, or just in his usual flirty way to make someone feel welcome. It's quiet a killer from how he puts on his bored look and strong atmosphere.


Runningstar is surprisingly sensitive when it comes to personal topics, and still sees himself as the worst tom on earth. This is his weakness. If one were to persuade him, he would gladly die, for he's walking on a fine line of sanity at the moment. Though, it may be saved by love.

Fighting Style ~ Fights with sharp strikes of his long claws, along the face and hind area. Reason for the hind? He believes most don't watch that area too much in battle. And so far, no one has proven different.
Talents ~ Flirting, fighting, looking at the positive side.
Hunting ~ Usually doesn't hunt too much, but when he does. He hunts mice. Stay hungry my friends.


Clint Eastwood - The Gorillaz (Main)

You're gonna go far kid - The Offspring

Out of my league - Fitz and Tantrums (For Birchcloud)

Voice ~ Shikamaru



Runningstar was born on a warm newleaf night, the trees were still blooming, though a heatwave had blown through camp. It was just two toms, Oakkit, and Runningkit. Runningkit was named after how he ran in his sleep, and his legs looked like they were built for someone with speed. And there was his name. When he grew up in the nursery, he was really the socialite, and always talked and played, and would even get competitive at winning in games. He loved his brother, very much, and saw him as a best friend until apprenticehood. That's when everything changed for the two.


Runningkit was granted a mentor, of which started to train him well. He often changed with his brother, and was very good at what he did. The tom excelled and was even called one of the most successful apprentices at a time. That lasted for two moons, until a tom by the name of Robinpaw came along. Runningpaw's heart fluttered whenever he was near... and he didn't know his emotion until he explained to his brother. His brother thought it was just as normal as Runningpaw thought, liking a tom and being one yourself. Though, when he told one friend, he spread it to every apprentice around. From then on, he was scarred to face anyone, and hated himself so much, that he never came out of the apprentice den for three days. Not eating, not drinking. Nothing. He just remained there, telling himself over and over again that he deserved to die. It was better than going out and being beaten by hateful words... and attacks of disgust. The tom hated himself, telling himself to only like she-cats, but it was impossible, as this was who he was. His brother became worried, and tried to help him countless times, though he pushed him away. Why would he help someone so awful? The tom couldn't put his tongue on it. Runningpaw wanted not to be on this earth anymore, as not even the tom he liked ever spoke to him. Though, some of his brother's words got to him, though he tried his best to ignore him, as he was just a reminder of all the hate he gotten. The moons leading up to his warriorship, he trained all day and everyday with his mentor, passing his expectations, though feared that he carried too much hate in his life. That he would always be irrational in most situations. And to this day, this is still true. The next moon, he became Runningleap, leap standing for his wonderful and perfect long bounds he'd create by just one take off. He was often resembled to a rabbit by his speed.


When Runningpaw became Runningleap, he finally gained confidence in himself again. People seemed to forget about how he liked Robinpaw, but some still carried their special hate to him. So, the tom, without even knowing... flirted with practically every she-cat he met. And only in one moon, he became a master at such. He hardly cared for their feelings, as he was rock cold by now, emotionless. Though, he finally was patching up things with his brother, happily taking in his love... and they'd even smile, talk normally as they once did. Though he never forgot that he pitied him. He probably never saw him as his brother, but someone he was forced to take care of. Runningleap spent most of his days flirting, training, and going patrols, for he loved to explore the vast territory that was WindClan's. The tom now knows it by heart. But, all his usual routine changed when he came across the most beautiful dame on the face of the earth. Maplevoice. Her voice was like an angel sent from above, fur soft to the touch, long and when touched, felt like air dribbled with feathers of downy value. Immediately, just from seeing her, he knew she was different. He got flustered around her, couldn't speak smooth and cool like he had before. The tom just broke down in front of her, and only wanted to lay with her on cold nights, talk to her, share tongues with her. And even be the father to her kits... and this love just grew and grew. Though, he didn't tell his brother, for, he didn't want to start another crushing drama. But, he found out when Maplevoice confessed her love to him, and he was just a grinning idiot... though he didn't know why his brother Oakpelt was so mad at this. He was practically steaming as the she-cat and him nuzzled each other. And than... he started fighting with him, saying. "How could she love you?" Runningleap's insecurities just came in again, and he growled, fighting back with his brother verbally for all the clan to see. Why did she, he didn't know... He was just damn grateful she did. Oakpelt and him fought on, but the she-cat made the mistake of actually coming in-between the angered toms. The now known cat named Caspian, hit her square in the snout... causing her head to whip to the side, and blood to gush from her nose. After-all, he was known as the strongest new warrior in the clan, seeing as he was all muscle. The tom immediately collided with his brother, his mind set to kill the 'dangerous' cat that was called his brother. His hate burned for him ever since that day, the day he was exiled by the ruthless leader of the time. Maplevoice and him remained together... all until he became Deputy.


Though his time as deputy was shorter than most deputies in history, it was very eventful. Him and Maplevoice went downhill, seeing as the tom was set on his ways of flirting... that it became who he was. When he was made Deputy after the old Deputy's death, he just proudly took the place... though many were sparked with the memory of him being the one who liked the tom. In those days before he became a leader, being any other sexuality besides Heterosexual, meant you were shunned and barely even respected. So this was a big honor to him... though he realized he must hide his true self yet again, and began to flirt in order to save his own hide. This resulted in unintentional abandonment to Maplevoice, and he only realized until it was too late, that he practically treated her like nothing but a kit when he actually was with her. It was like they weren't even together. Maplevoice went off on him one day, and the whole clan came to hear... and all Runningleap could do was stay and take his verbal beat down. Though when she said the words, "I should of chose Oakpelt." Runningleap went off on her, and right than, they broke it off. So in this time, he was practically forced to focus on his duties.


Runningstar became next in the line to be leader when the old leader died, one by the name of Briarstar. She was quiet strong, yet gentle to her clan-mates, and didn't take no for an answer. Though, all her lives were taken by a single cat. The death of her is so faint in his memory, as he tried to hide that scene that seemed out of a nightmare... that he even forgot the cat's name and title. Something that involved an Angel?... he didn't know. And honestly, he didn't care a the time. The leader was dead? What was he suppose to do now? He didn't know... but than the dream came to him. Runningleap realized that he was now the leader. Finally... finally he would get the respect he deserved. And on that night, he went out, and was granted his nine lives by StarClan. Now he proudly rules over WindClan, and plans to stay in his proud clan for a long time.

Random Facts

1. Secretly wants to be a father, and have a loving mate to call his own.
2. Still holds faint feelings for Maplevoice, though they are drifting away due to Birchcloud and his now love for her.
3. Runningstar loves kits with all his heart, as they are the future of the clan.

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Running's Twerking skills.


Scale 1 to 20.

Strength: 16
Stamina: 15
Stealth: 18
Intelligence: 17
Creativity: 19
Craft: 18
Hunting Skills: 18
Battle Skills: 15
Battle Tactics: 18
Cunning: 20
Innovation: 20
Agility: 19
Balance: 18.5
Reflex: 20
Accuracy: 17
Observation: 20
Speech: 19
Leadership Skills: 19
Social Skills: 21 (Ha)
Mental Health: 17
Illness Health: 20
Immune System: 20



Caspian - Well... not much I can really say. You're my brother, you're family. I guess I'm forced to love you. I guess. I might have the wrong mindset about you, just know that I am secretly sorry for all I have done for you. Now that I look back on my choices... I realize that I was just blocking you out. And not seeing, or considering your feelings. Especially for Maplevoice. I'm... sorry brother.

Hawkeye - My younger brother, you're quiet kind to everyone in the clan. And I respect you dearly, as you are carrying on our family name perfectly. Thank you for your hard word, and know that I proudly call you my brother.

Batleap - My one and only little sister, I must agree that I am protective of you. I know the toms that are in this clan. So be careful...


Tornpelt - You are the perfect figure for deputy, and I see I chose well. Thank you for putting the clan above yourself, and I proudly call you a close friend as well as accomplice. You're blunt and to the point, and I respect that dearly.

Graystream - Honestly, you seem a bit disrespectful. Next time I see you, I'm giving you a mentor who doesn't except disrespect or excuses. Maybe you'll learn and become a better warrior because of this. But those were your apprentice days. I've seen you've grown in respect and character... and I am thankful for this. Hopefully you keep this way.

Maplepaw - You seem very nice and full of potential, I wish you luck in your apprenticeship. I'm cheering for you dear, for you're the very future of this clan. You'll make a fine warrior one day, I just know it.

Birchcloud - You are the most amazing She-cat i've ever met. You're sweet, understanding, and just down-right beautiful... and I can tell your kits will grow to be just as amazing as you. You're the perfect mother, and I only realized after your kits were born, how much I wanted to be known as their father. How I wanted you to be mine to love and cherish... And now that we have confessed our love for each other... I find myself at peace. There's no rouge problem. My cats are healthy and alive. And we are all at peace, at least that's when you are around. I love you, with all my heart.

Shypaw - You're very quiet, but you seem to be very sweet at the same time. I'm sure you'll make your sisters proud one day. I can see your troubled, and I plan to make you my apprentice... and build you up from the ground. And now you are my apprentice, and I see you as a friend at our current state... know that you can always look to me when you're unsure. I promise to make you more natural in the way the world works. There's no need to be afraid of the unknown with me around.

Dewpaw - Quite a playful one aren't you? You seem energetic, and I can tell that one day you'll make a fine apprentice, seeing as you're trying your best even at the littlest of games. Also, you're competitive, I can already see that little kitten.

Limppaw - I can tell you probably won't be a warrior, and this saddens me as a fath- friend... I hope that you will treat the clan like your sisters. Treating them more greater than yourself, unselfish. And now I see as you have taken the path of a medicine cat, I wish you luck.

Maplevoice - You were once my mate, and I used to love you... though I still feel faintly captivated around you. I know this feeling isn't love, for now I know what's the difference between love and desire. If only I stayed with you though... I might've learned to become a better cat. By looking back on my mistakes, I see now. Thank you, and I'm terribly sorry for all i've done to you.

Whitefoot - Your personality is just as beautiful as your luscious coat. Though your a male, and that I of course notice, you're quite the jewel of our gender... I'm happy you chose WindClan because of me inviting you. But... my feelings for you are fading, as I'm realizing that Birchcloud seems to be the only one in my eyes. And I can not go back to those god awful rumors and make the clans make fun of me and both you... I'm sorry. I really am. Just know that you'll always be my best friend. And dear to me.

Frozenclaw - I can not pay attention to everyone at the same time. Though I hear what goes around in my clan. If I find what my clanmates say is true... You will face horrible consequences. Remember that this is your first warning, if I hear of this again, punishment will be necessary.

Lightsong - You have quite the unique taste. Though, as you are Birchcloud's sister, I see you almost as part of my family now. You're quite entertaining to hear from, and seeing you tease others sends me back to the old days of WindClan. I proudly call you a loyal friend.


Swimmingstar - You seem tolerable. And for that, you earn my respect.

Aspenpaw - You came off as rude at first, considering you were in Windclan territory and not your own. Though, you began to grow on me, and I wish to see you again. Really, you are one exciting she-cat, and keep me guessing. Your friends back home must love to have you around to spice up life with fun games. And by the way... I think I once the jumping contest dear.


Sparrowstar - I have heard only little about you. And I must say, that I was a bit more fond of Morningstar better, but alas, you're not the worst leader to walk this earth. I guess I can tolerate you.


The Death Angel (Rose) - Indeed, I have heard about you. You are called the Death Angel... there is no pride in death. People who ask for it, are sickening to look at for me, and those who provide it for no real case, are just as horrible. You dear, do not deserve peaceful death. No, you deserve to rot in the Dark Forest, for all eternity. If only I knew your true title... I would know who to look out for.

Kishin - Yes, yes I've heard of you. Many times. You're not sick, you're not 'bad'. You're a walking demon. One day, all your crimes will be put to rest, and hopefully you'll die a slow and painful death, for you deserve nothing more. Nothing less. You're group of murders will crumble when you die, and we'll finally be put to peace. And I won't have to worry about your sick cats scaring, injuring, or taking the lives of my cats. There's a speacial place in the Dark forest for you... And especially since you talked to Birchcloud, and tried to put up that nice guy act. I hate you... so much. I wish to kill you by my hand, and only mine for all the stress you have given me, and the worry for the one cat I love in my life.



Silversmoke - You remind me of me really. Yet... more, I don't know, outgoing? You make most of the clan cats feel welcomed, and I like you for that. Hopefully you're confidence rubs off on your new apprentice, because, I know it will help him around others. Why... why did your life have to be taken by one of those filthy rouges? You were a fine warrior. And I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help you.

Warblerpaw - You're very shy and inward. I understand that, I really do. Even though I can't relate personally, I know it might be a bit hard for you to display your real self to others. I trust that you will listen to your mentor, Silversmoke, and see that he is always there for you. Hopefully his confidence rubs off on you, you seem like a nice tom, it'd be better if the rest of the clan saw it as I do. Why did you have to die as well? You were nothing but an apprentice... And apprentice! How I wish I could reverse time... seeing as your life was cut so short.

Running's Reaction when seeing Kishin with Birchcloud

Comment to be added (Also with Ships)!


Runningstar and Whitefoot (L) - Runite
Runningstar and Llyod (Notinrpbut-) - Ruyd <3
Runningstar and Silverstride - Sinning (HUUUR)
Runningstar and Marshfoot - Rarsh
Runningstar and Tanstripe - Runtan
Runningstar and Birchcloud - Rirch
Runningstar and Trees - Trinng
Runningstar and Sparrowwing - Sparun

Art credit (c) Runningpaw (2 pic) - Cryolf (The Crying Wolf/Swimmingstar)
All the rest of the pictures besides Chibi! - Jynxiepie (Jynx)
Chibi - Rustys. Bby I was so surprised, thank you so much!

Thank you bbys! I love you both <3
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 02:08:30 am by KitkatRevolution »

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Re: Runningstar (TWR WindClan Leader)
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 08:59:16 pm »
I didn't read everything you posted but it is a very good page.  I liked what I read and I would love to roleplay with this character some day.
I clicked here because I also have a character named Runningstar from WindClan.  But he is very different from your character.  He is the main antagonist in my stories.  He is very dark grey, almost black, with a large white spot on his chest.  He was based off Tigerstar.
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Re: Runningstar (TWR WindClan Leader)
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 10:48:34 pm »
XD That's such a coincidence o: And pfft... It's pretty long ;u; I don't blame ya for not reading it all bby.

Check out my website linked on my profile, REINCARNATION : warriors rp

Offline GloWorm2002

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Re: Runningstar (TWR WindClan Leader)
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2014, 11:59:28 pm »
So cool :D I happened to have a fan-made character named Runningstar that I was using in a fan-fiction that I apparently abandoned for some time...

-silently pads over to writing desk to work on fan-fiction-
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