Author Topic: Willow : Fursona  (Read 2510 times)

Offline Lopunny

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Willow : Fursona
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:25:15 am »

Check out my website here! It'll have all my character's bios in it!




A she-cat of a Blue jay's color, though more dark. Stripped tabby with blue eyes, of which Willow usually calls Jynxypie. ^^ Jynx gets sometimes a bit annoyed with her, though they have a very close bond, as they have been friends for years.


A lioness that Willow met one day when she was away from her pride. She sees her as a nice friend, and they meet up from time to time to talk and catch up. She calls her RenRen, seeing as she practically gives a nickname to all her friends ^^

If Willow meets you, you'll be added to her bio!

Alias: 'Blondie'
Age: 14 in Human Years
Gender: Female/She-Wolf
Species: Wolf (More on the Red wolf side with Structure)
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Birth-Pack (In this case Kingdom): Clinko Kingdom
Birth-Place: Inside the meeting Ruins and under a Willow tree
Current Group: No group
Rank: Loner

Mother: Miranda
Father: Fablin
Sister(s): None
Brother(s): Victor (Twin brother)
Uncle(s): Rico (Father's Side) and Winston (Father's side)
Aunt(s): Maria (Mother's Side), Mink (Mother's Side) and Fable (Father's Side)
Grandfather(s): Vun (Father's Side) and Muincy (Mother's Side)
Grandmother(s): Ravins (Father's Side) Malia (Mother's Side)

Basic Personality: Always cheerful and helpful, despite who it is or their attitude.


In the Clinko kingdom, there lived a Princess by the name of Miranda. She was a beautiful blonde wolf with brown back leg stripes and long silky blonde fur that moved like a calm current in a crystal blue lake. Her eyes were the color of aquamarine, and had the power to melt the ice in any man's eyes. Underneath those eyes was the mark of the kingdom, of which all of the royals wore. She was the sister of Prince Harian, daughter of the late Queen Namil and King Harod. She always thought the royal life was different then what she wanted, she wanted to be independent... and maybe even some privacy since a royal guard was always with her.

The kingdoms, each full moon, set out the royal families with select royal guards to a meeting. All was said that any who meet the other kingdom's associates outside of the meeting were to be killed for their disobedience. It was her third meeting, and she usually just sat there, trying her best to stay awake... but it was different this time. He was there. Fablin. He was a royal guard of the Fimau kingdom, and he seemed to be her age also. He was very handsome, a basic gentlemen. He was a chocolate wolf with nothing but a long eye marks around his eyes of a darker color and a back cape like marking on his back. But she couldn't help but glance at him throughout the meeting with a faint blush.

The brute watched as the flawless she-wolf entered the old ruin, feeling his heart skip a beat and that warm feeling take over him. He couldn't help but smile at her and great her with a bow and a gentlemen like, "Milady.". The whole meeting he would meet her shy gaze with his beaming smile which earn that small yet gorgeous smile back... he wished he could at least talk to her on a normal basis. He had never felt this way before for anyone, wondering if she even felt the slightest back.

When the meeting was over, they bumped into each other, literally. They both looked at each other, no one was around but the two. The thing about love at first sight, was not a fable, not a legend. It was as true as fire is dangerous. Truth was, they had that fire. It was bright and burning, making them feel warm as they talked away. Yet it could be dangerous, if they were caught even socializing, one might get hurt. Let alone killed.

Somehow these two managed to meet at the Ruins three times a month besides the meeting... they did this for years, and years, until 'Princess' Miranda became Queen. He was shocked upon the news, but devastated to know that she would have to marry another royal to take the place of king. Emptiness filled the young wolve's heart, yet she didn't seem happy at all either. And that was the day, those three words were spoken. "I don't love him at all, I love you." and that's what made that day the happiest in Fablin's life.

And it was the day that Miranda was pronounced pregnant, with Fablin's baby.

There were no signs of her having a baby, which ment everything was normal in the kingdom back home. But they knew that the deeper they were in the term, the more that it was a bad sign. They kept thinking the baby wouldn't live, there would be difficulties. What if the baby was born in the kingdom and everyone realized it didn't resemble the King at all?But instead, they kept faith that it would all work out in the end.

Then the day came.

She ran to him, ran to the ruins where he was waiting and collapsed in front of him. Never had he seen her so weak, and was worried beyond believe for the love of his life. That was where she was concieved, Willow. But her mother on the other hand wasn't as healthy as the frail fae. Her mother died right there. Suddenly her father widened his eyes, knowing his love was gone enough and made him weak, but he knew he had to run. He heard the sounds of yelling, barking and growling coming their way. He knew they would find her dead... and would kill him along with the unnamed baby. He grabbed his newborn child, dashing back to his own kingdom and placed him in the care of a woman by the name of Yola, who was older... yet was a foster mother to wolves they found on the outside and took them in with no questions asked. She immediately agreed, she knew the risks... but took them to care for the new baby. He had tears in his eyes as he heard the growling and barking, kissing his baby on the head. "Be good Willow..." he said softly before running  out of the kingdom. He ran, but the hair turned cold as a blood curtling scream filled the area and the whole kingdom filled with silence.

Her name was the name of that famous tree they met at in the ruins. She was Willow, the Forbidden Child that shouldn't be alive.

When she was toddler, she went to what humans would call 'school'. She had only a couple of friends... she wasn't popular, and all the young children knew of the forbidden love between the Queen and her father. And they knew she was the child, so many times they picked on her and cast her out. When she was a teen this never got better, only worse to where they would sometimes beat her, calling her a curse. But Yola always looked over her, telling her to keep faith.

Only when Willow was old enough did she suddenly run off, Yola knew where she ran too. The Red Dream, and knew her purpose there. That was where all royals went to speak to their ancestors. She needed her mind clear, she needed to know the truth since no one knew of it.

That was her purpose for now, and she was going to go to the end of the earth to find that temple of the Red Dream.


Click here to stalk the talented people that made these wonderful gifts for me!

Her preset is here in these words that I type with love for The Eagle who made her for me with nothing in return. Blessyourheartyousmexyfluff <3

Made by Birdi! Thank you baby cakes, I love you so <3

Picture with Lord Suga done by the Lord himself ^^ Just. Gawdit'ssoperfect

« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 10:49:57 pm by KitkatRevolution »

Check out my website linked on my profile, REINCARNATION : warriors rp

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Willow : Fursona
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 03:28:39 am »
Wow what a creative and interesting story! :) I really like the character. Wonderful work KitKat. I look forward to seeing more of you around the site and game ^^. It would be very fun to rp with your character during the FHORD event :3

Offline Lopunny

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Re: Willow : Fursona
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 03:31:15 am »
Why thank you! ^^ She was my first character on FH actually, and I always love roleplaying as her, so I planned on bringing her to the event. I'll be sure to attend ^^ Thank you for the comment Lordy~

Check out my website linked on my profile, REINCARNATION : warriors rp

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Re: Willow : Fursona
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2013, 07:29:40 pm »
Updated with Willow's preset link! I'll be coming on my baby in a second for FHORD c:

Check out my website linked on my profile, REINCARNATION : warriors rp

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Willow : Fursona
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2013, 07:42:16 pm »
Cool I'd love to see her in game sometime :D I will definately download her preset ^^

Offline Lopunny

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Re: Willow : Fursona
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2013, 02:29:23 am »
Thank you Lordy Lord ^^

I was at FHORD on her with some of my friends, since she has allot of traveling companions, which is mostly my friend's OCs <3

Speaking of which, I guess I'll add some of them XD It'd be lovely to meet one your characters while I'm on Willow ^^

Check out my website linked on my profile, REINCARNATION : warriors rp