Author Topic: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)  (Read 3837 times)


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Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:29:45 pm »

Long ago, when Earth had just started and Lucifer had not fallen, the archangels departed from God, their father, and were lead by the light-bringer to their own land. God dismissed this action, and did not take it as treason. Upon leaving their father, vowing however to return when he required their assistance.
   They did not live care-free in heaven, however. Instead they crafted their own land out of the finest ribbon they could find.
  And this creation was called Castroval.
  During this time, the light-bringer, who was known as Lucifer, was the leader amongst his siblings. These were the angels that had chosen to follow him as well as his much stronger archangel relatives. In mere weeks they did more work together, making and crafting and blending species upon species, landscapes upon landscapes, and bounds and bounds of water and other necessities for all who would soon live within the land.
  Unlike their father, however, Lucifer refused to simply let them live in their own way.
 For centuries after that, the archangels governed the land. Worshipped, basically, as they refused to ignore their own works of art and what creatures were lesser than they. They kept in well under control, the land and its more ferocious creatures- as long as the lesser beings showed the respect they thought they should.
 When the first war between then began, this changed.
 Lucifer was the most angered by all this, and although the First Great War happened two centuries before the present day, he continuously questioned the respect they were receiving. If they had made them, then why were they destroying their friends, and more importantly his creations?
 And so, as he did not bother to control his temper, and the mortals had disrespected him, Lucifer continues to argue with those around him. His siblings, who always were together with the task of keeping the land under control. An archangel's anger causes more than just a stressed out and all-powerful being, for with it lands fierce creatures and pure corruption within the land. Poltergeists afoot, vengeful spirits prowling about, and the refusal of the once-mentioned idea of opening the gates to heaven to all who live below.
 But falling from grace, whether on his own accord, or at the hand of Michael, as he represents War, is the mot important thing here.

Castroval is striving, yes, but Hell will be released at one point or another.


Important Roleplaying/Character Regulations

You are not your character. It is very important to remember this under circumstances whereas you have discussed what someone else's character might do or has done. Why? Because let's say one character, perhaps a year ago, hurt your own very badly. The other character's face was not visible and they got away before the other one could see. If you think to yourself, 'I know this information! My character should too!' then they should not. Some of my own characters are very rude, or very cunning. They are based little off of myself- my knowledge, my likes, my dislikes. Your character is your character. They are not you. They posses not the same mind as your own. They do not know what you know.

You must keep in mind the limited powers your character has. For example. (as I do believe examples are due), let us say you are a ghost. Not a long- lasting, vengeful spirit, but merely a ghost. Perhaps a year old, and not year entirely used to themselves. Now, lets say some bloke (a hunter?) you don't entirely like comes up to you. You can not pick up every pebble in the general area and strike those down on the other character. Why? It's not in your power, and either way; Castroval doesn't allow that. Hand-to-hand, relatively equal in all standards as long as the creature is not known to be much powerful than the other. This is just a way to start  up uneccessary drama.

Faceclaims are yet another issue at large. I don't mind anime/manga or drawn styles if you can't find what you're looking for, but please oh please; if you can, then use a real-world faceclaim. Why? Castroval is entirely in-the-flesh roleplaying styled. This means tigers look real and not adorable, cats are not under-sized and screaming 'nyah',Oz Vessalius is not falling down holes, Allen Walker is not messing around with his uncle, and Eren Jeager is not killing any titans (unfortunately). There are sites like here and here and here that can provide you with very good faceclaims. Do not be afraid to use a favourite
actor even! Just please don't over-typicalise with the anime and manga thing. I used Benedict Cumberbatch for Glen Ballard and Michael has used Tom Hiddleston. I don't see why you can't use actors or real-world people, too. If there are missing desired details, type them up and we'll simply remember.

Stay. Away. From. Cliches. By cliches I mean 'over-typicals'. "My parents died when I was young! I'm sad now!" "I'm some kind of aspecially chosen bloke! I will save you all!" "I have pale skin and pale eyes and pale everything" hahahano. Why do I hate these? Because so many people don't know how to portray
these, and besides; this is not a special-snowflake haven. While I do not hate creativity, I hate over-typicals. So quit describing about what pale
skin and how sad you are because your parents died, because I get sick of it real fast. Maybe I can last a week at most before I yell at you and tell you go make a new character.

A character is not a sexuality. This means that I don't care
if you're gay or straight or whatever the hell else, but there's
more to your character than this aspect of personality. What
does this mean? You don't gotta go hanging up rainbows and crushing on everyone of your sexual preference to be this sexuality. In-fact,  I really do hate this. I have nothing against any sexuality, but you know what I do have something against? People that think their characters are just gay. They're just Bi. They're just this and they're just that. Because they aren't, and they better not be portrayed in that manner. Besides- how much would you like to be the walking embodiment of your sexuality? Not very much.

Out of Character Behaviour

    You are not to make constant sex jokes, swear all the time, or be plain disrespectful towards others.
    You are not to joke about rape, other violent situations, or someone elses' sexuality
    You are not to make up stories about other people, nevertheless attempt to get them into trouble.
    You are not to directly confront someone and attempt to hurt them in any way, shape, or form.
    Under the circumstances that something is done, you are to tell me, birdi, or Carlos.
    You are not to press any members about their personal information if they do not want to share.
    You are not permitted to type in 'text talk' OOC. Anything else as long as it's illegible is fine.
    You are not permitted to harass members outside of roleplay if you mentioned Castroval in any way.

In Character Behaviour

    In-Character, you are to follow all or most roleplaying and character regulations.
    No sexual situations, mentionings of rape, or anything along such lines is permitted.
    This roleplay is paragraph-style only. This signifies that you are not to write in script style.
    You are not permitted to type without capitalisation or punctuation. This is important to para-style.
    Characters should not have sexually offensive backrounds, relations, or anything along such lines.
    You are not to 'fall in love' with someone's character because you know them. This takes time and can not be plotted.
    Under the circumstances someone's post has offended you, you should tell them.
    The offendee should immediately stop whatever had been offending the other person.

(Note that: Anything with a '**' beside it is entirely optional! Please also remove anything in parenthesis)

Code: [Select]
[center][img](Insert image URL here if there is one![/img]

[color=(insert here)][b][u](NAME)[/u][/b][/center]

[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] (Character's Name)
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] (How Old)
[b][u]Species:[/u][/b] (Species?)
[b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] (Which Sex?)
[b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b] (Straight, Bi, etc. )
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] (How they act?)
[b][u]Any Powers?:[/u][/b]** (What can they do?)
[b][u]Backround:[/u][/b]** (A History!)

**Update- Archangel Applications
 Are now on our site! Information regarding this lot can be found here. All neccesary information can be found on the same page as well. It is HIGHLY encouraged that you use the established faceclaims.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 12:37:03 am by Calliph »


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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 01:43:27 am »


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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2013, 11:52:54 pm »
Yet another bump! I know perhaps it's relatively un-popular, but my guess is because the application was all messed up.
So I fixed that and you can actually apply now, heheheh~

Offline Devious-Devilee

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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2013, 12:01:47 am »
Probably a stupid question, but would you like us to post the application here or in a private message?


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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2013, 12:27:21 am »
Probably a stupid question, but would you like us to post the application here or in a private message?

Not stupid at all~ Don't worry! You can post it in 'ere, or I'd at least prefer that.

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2013, 12:11:07 am »
I've missed you so much asdfghjkl ;w; How've you been?

Whelp, since I don't really have that much on my plate as of now and this roleplay seems very interesting, I've decided I'm 'gunna apply and maybe see how things turn out. ewe
I'm still trying to whip up a character, so this is 'prolly a big fat WIP. I'm sorry ;w;




Any Powers?:**

ヌ - ド ル

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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 03:03:32 am »
For the record, I have a reason to have this character not have her name publicly announced, not only is it mysterious but it gives people the ability to become more creative if they decide to give her a nickname so don't shoot me))

Faceclaim: Daveigh Chase

No name

Name: N/A
Age: Died at age 10
Species: Ghost
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: She doesn't like to talk, however it doesn't mean she can't, she likes to sing to herself when she's happy.  She's extremely curious and since she's dead she believes that she doesn't have to worry about the "curiosity killed the cat" saying and would be more adventurous and willing to satisfy her curiosity in every way possible that the living couldn't. She's a lonely spirit but shy with people mainly, however they're what she's most curious about, so because of her ghost traits she would be likely to stalk them during the day and go into hiding at night to do something else away from the people. She likes to collect things she thinks are pretty or interesting, mainly Ribbons, Seashells, and unique stones.
Any Powers?: During the day, she is unable to be seen by the living no matter if it's human, creature, or the supernatural, however at night she is completely visible for every eye to spot her and would become tangible half the time as intangible. She will relive her death of drowning every so often, but how much she would might vary.
Backround: She had always been adventurous and facinated with pretty things or unusual things that she wouldn't be likely to see very often, most of them being the very items she collects now. During her adventures of collecting though, she had fallen into a river that was moving too fast. Being unable to swim against the current, she had sunk to the bottom and drowned. That's all that would probably be needed to know.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 03:02:25 am by Okami129 »

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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2013, 06:27:23 pm »
I literally got chills when I read the first paragraph.
It strikes me as the lions and others animals point of vie of the Roman Coliseum of sorts.
I would love to join, but since my Computers don't like maps to download, I can't ;-;
Keep it up Calliph!

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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2013, 01:43:12 am »
Ello' Okami, friend. You know I'd dearly appreciate a more not-menacing-and-wanting-to-murder-everyone lookin' character, but that just isn't you!

Have a fine time scaring Will Quinten in the roleplay, poor bloke. But accepted!

Now, then, Brenda! Thank you for my words on intermediate, and somewhat unrelated-to-roleplay (but bloody hell I could definitely use some of that that for December's mini-plot!) words of poetry. I'm glad you find this intriguing, and I find it unfortunate that you can't join us. Under the circumstances your computer lightens up though, I'd be happy to have you over!

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Re: Castroval - (Literate, Mapped, Fantasy-Based)
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2013, 03:12:45 am »
Menacing? I don't know what you're talking about~ <:

The liar and the thief