Author Topic: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?  (Read 14939 times)

Offline TalaWolfpaw

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2013, 08:28:01 pm »
Tala is my first fursona~ She means a lot to me because she expresses me so much. Tala is my side of my that allows me to just be who I am--WHo I want to be. She represents my feral side, my younger side. My happier self. c: Tala is also just a derp. <3

Talsa is my second fursona. She is my artsy/cultural side. Talsa also represents more of my love for felines, while Tala is my love for canines. c: Talsa helps me realize the curiousity and exploration leads to a better world~

At last, but not least, Rave. Rave is my darker ego, my bad side. She is all the hurt and pain I have. She takes it all and smashes it and parties her heart out till there is no more~ But Rave also is my deep side. She knows. She knows it all~

That is all~

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2013, 09:09:27 pm »
My Fursona is CharChar.  He is a boy but I am a girl.  He is a small but fluffy dark blue cat.  He is often on my siggy.

CharChar is a way to put myself into art work because I can't draw people.  I have never roleplayed with him before.  I made CharChar a cat because I always have cats in the house.  My family fosters cats.  I really enjoy being around cats more than around other humans.  I made CharChar blue because it is my favorite color.  The shade of blue isn't really my favorite but I found myself using it in my siggys for art and thought it should be his color too.  CharChar has two sides to him, one side is covered with white speckles while the other just has a red ear tip.  The plain side shows how I act at home.  I don't interact with people much because of my horrible social skills and I don't think they know everything about me.  The speckled side is what my friends would see me as.  I only got two very good friends.  I am different, a nerd and don't care if people stare.  CharChar is just a odd colored cat.  The only thing he can do that is special is that he can read.
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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2013, 09:52:52 pm »
My fursona is Duna. She is me. Duna means everything to me. Even though I don't get on as much as a used too, I still love her like she was my own daughter. I protect her, I love her, and I always try to get the best for her. She looks just like I do in the real world, brown eyes, brown hair, and olive skin. She is basicly me in the virtual world. I love to have fun. I can't just sit in one spot doing nothing, without losing my sanity. I always like meeting new people, but I can leave them in an instant. Duna shares everything with me, including my dark side. If enraged, I become the beast that the locals say killed their livestock. If my dark side is exposed, it takes a while to calm down, and if I get in a fight with someone it is a bit hard for me to get back along with them, but I can make new friends at the turn of a head. We both love dinosaurs, and when Duna was a 'cub' she has discovered a Dinosaur bone. I myself have not discovered any bones yet, but I am still young. Both of us don't like wearing glasses, but sometimes we need too V_V But I love my fursona, even in the real world.

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2013, 10:11:53 pm »
What do your Fursonas mean to you?

My fursona represents what I consider my online identity. A symbol, I suppose.

Is there a special story behind why you picked a particular species or why you made your character look or act a certain way?

My original fursona was actually a wolf, but later as I got older I began thinking wolves were a bit too popular. I always felt a bit different from everyone else, so naturally I wished for a "different" fursona.

There is more to why and how I made my fursona. For at the time I was playing a lot of world of warcraft, I thought of the concept of a blood elf catform, and then taking this concept to the FH creator, and poof, thats ultimately how I got Eclipse.

What or who do your characters represent? Does your character reflect you in any way? Or things you wish you had or could do?

I geuss Eclipse reflects the part of me who is fun-loving, up-beat, postive and energetic. Usually, whenever Im feeling down I can use my fursona as an escape away from reality. Really works to remove stress.

Does your character have special abilities or secrets?

She does, but depends. If I am using her for a fursona at the time, she is just a normal long-eared kitty. If Im using her for roleplaying purposes or storytelling, she can transform into a dragon thing. >.> Not that its completely over powered or anything. I just like dragons, too.

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2013, 09:40:17 pm »
This is only my 2nd post. And I feel like this will help me open up a bit so...
 My character's name is Snowy. She's almost an adult now, but she started out as a puppy. She was made to blend into SouthPole, as she's some kind of Arctic Wolf (I think XD), but now she's usually in Flourite Plains. She's also mute.

What do your Fursonas mean to you?
 Snowy is my "second-self", basically. When I feel like I need to hit the "Nope" button and go somewhere where nobody really judges me for who I am and what I do, I get on Snowy and de-stress.

Is there a special story behind why you picked a particular species or why you made your character look or act a certain way?
  Well, I had just gotten into Gray Wolves. I had been exploring around FH, as I was the newest of the new when I got there, and discovered the wonderful SouthPole. So I made a character exclusively for that map. Boy, was I in for a surprise!

What or who do your characters represent? Does your character reflect you in any way? Or things you wish you had or could do?
  Snowy mainly represents my de-stressed and unjudged self. She's mute mainly because at that young FH age, I wasn't allowed to chat, but I could RP through body language and emotes. I kept her Mute so she would never be judged or scolded for any words she says. She yaps, barks, smiles, pouts, and all that. But never does she speak a word... I wish I could do that. So I guess she has the ability to disappear from situations she doesn't like, as I want to do occasionally.

Does your character have special abilities or secrets?
 She's terrified of going Home (SouthPole). Her adoptive mother took care of her there, and that's where she lost her. She also is afraid to leave Flourite Plains while hanging out with someone for fear she's going to loose them, too. (Those are her secrets.)
 Her special ability is to listen, act, and forgive. She can listen to someone say something like, "I ran away from Mom and Dad today... I don't like that Pack anymore. Can you help me find a new Pack?" And she will. She won't blame the person for running off, or not liking the pack. She's not judgemental like that.
 So that's Snowy c: If you ever feel like meeting her, she seems to spend a lot of time around Warriors Clans or sitting on the outskirts of a Pack watching them.

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2013, 09:41:35 pm »
Aaah. That's a good question.

Heulog meant a lot of things to me. The thing is, she was different, often called weird, lunatic. Just like me.
People hated her for that, just like people hate me for not being the regular I-wear-makeup-and-I'm-always-on-my-cellphone girls. She also doesn't believe in superior forces, but used to. An year of pain made her doubt.

Enaid is a strong-headed cat and is willing to help others. The thing is, he doesn't know how and often messes up, ending up hurting the ones he loves. After years, he stopped crying so much, seeming heartless, loveless. That's one part of me that I'm not quite proud of, as I seem like I don't care about my relatives dying.

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2013, 12:11:58 am »
What do your Fursonas mean to you?
Gee... I don't really consider the Alizarin vixen as my fursona, really. But I guess I can somewhat call her my fursona since she was the first character I made here on FH. I rarely play on her.

Is there a special story behind why you picked a particular species or why you made your character look or act a certain way?
I chose Alizarin to be a fox for a few reasons. I have always felt that my fursona would be a fox. Foxes are solitary, and can do well being independant and on their own... which is what I'm like. I'm so used to solitude and being a do-it-yourselfer. Of course, there are times when I will go out and be part of a social group, but it's rare. She is also a fox because I prefer foxes for the fact that they are both predator and prey, an animal that isn't at the top of the food chain. Even though she can be a feirce predator, she is still vulnerable... just like me.
Alizarin also has alot of makeup on her face (like her purple eyeshadow) because she thinks it will make her look pretty. This has to do with her sense of insecurity. Being called ugly throughout most of my life, I would get a great feeling of insecurity and often times cover my face in makeup (I look back on those old pictures of me wearing makeup and think I look silly :P), so that's one reason I added the makeup.
She is a deep shade of crimson because I think the color makes her look classy. The fur color and traditional fox markings represents my way of dressing. I like to wear something that is nice and has taste. I don't like to wear anything that other people would think is vulgar and classless. I won't go around parading in a style Miley Cyrus would wear. Yuck!

What or who do your characters represent? Does your character reflect you in any way? Or things you wish you had or could do?
Alizarin kinda does reflect me in a few ways. She represents a classy and independant kind of personality. She can be happy being alone or with close friends. She can survive with or without a significant other. She will also do things on her own, unless she knows she can't do it on her own. If she can't do something on her own, she will ask for help. She also doesn't like to draw too much attention to herself. I never liked drawing attention to myself in reality. She tries her best not to bother others or come off as an unwelcome nuisance. Whenever she joins a circle of friends to hang out with, she hesitates to go up and join their cuddle pile. If she seems distant from the rest it's because she's unsure if they want her around. So she's more comfortable for waiting for an invitation and permission. That's how I am in real life, unsure if anyone wants me around in their circle of chit-chat and mingling. Often times when I would want to join in on something like a conversation or a fun group activity, I've often times been told to go away or, "We don't want you here. Get lost!". It wasn't uncommon for me to be left out.  

Does your character have special abilities or secrets?
Not really. She may have alizarin crimson fur, but she's just an ordinary fox.

Some of my other characters have my different personalities. Since I kinda have split personalities, I put them in my different characters in this game. Amalthea the unicorn fox represents my shy and elusive self. Kojak the bobcat represents my lazy laid-back couch potato self. Pharaohstar represents my reasonable self, and Kopper fox represents my quirkyness.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 04:11:33 pm by Lady_Alizarin »

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2013, 10:48:58 am »
What do your Fursonas mean to you?
Well.  I guessmine (Bullet, Nitro and Chear) mean alot to me, considering it took me a few hours to make them and come up with their back stories and what not.

Is there a special story behind why you picked a particular species or why you made your character look or act a certain way?
Bullet= Bullet's the way he is. Insane, ect. Due to the fact that he was a patient from the mental asylum. His human for was very much insane. When he got executed.
Nitro = One of my first Characters on FH. He was more of a random character and I had no idea what to do with him. Untill I turned him mentally insane.
Chear= Ah. This was a robot kitty. The way he looks is because the green bits are the machiney bits that glow from the inside of his artificial skin. He's sweet and polite and loves to snuggled.

What or who do your characters represent? Does your character reflect you in any way? Or things you wish you had or could do?

Bullet = He represents the insane little shadow that lurks inside my head really. No, i'm not insane. It's more like the deamons in my head that over  power me. Nitro's kinda the same. But living.
Chear on the other hand. He represents all my goodness. Even though he's not perfect. He has a little kinks here and there. Break downs, melt downs. He kinda represent me. (Wow that made me cry a little ;w;)

Does your character have special abilities or secrets?
Ahh. Bullets a kreptis. So, he's dead. He doesn't really have powers. But he's a bull thing. The drools mango coloured drool. (Note: Doesn't tast like it)

Nitro...Not really. He has a secreat that you'll probably find out in the new Role play Decaying Delusion

Chear. He's a robot kitty with glowing markings~ Eh..He kinda has a secreat. You can read his bio in game or on here if you wanna find out what it is,
Im very not active. Try my deviantart!

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2013, 03:22:20 pm »
Oh Boy, I haven't used my 'Fursonas' in a while, probably because I haven't been having time to hang around (So I guess they are Retired ones? ouo), But HEEERE 'Dey Are!

She was my FIRST ever WC charrie, and I used her a LOT, hanging out and rolep lay, lots of exciting stuff happened to, kicking bad guy butt (RidgeClan . . . heheheheh, pwnage), ect. But it was not a happy ending for this girl, she died (NOt saying how, because the cause of this is from SwiftPelt's enemy, go into that soon) and went to StarClan, then came back to the living (Didn't want to stop using her X])
And became a Medicine Cat Apprentice, and in THIS Clan, it was O.K. to have a mate if you were the Medicine Cat.

Then SHE came along, and I used her, a lot like RunningTail, And, like her, she started as an apprentice, and moved up the ranks, in WolfClan, fell in love with a warrior from a neighboring clan, Hung out with mai buddies, ect.
But life was NOT cake for her, either, and not by choice did her life get harder.
IceGaze's(The forbidden love of her, a handsome warrior :) )
Sister, found them on the border, and told her leader, HawkStar.
Now, Me andHawkStar were GREAT friends both on swifty and Running, But I think he thought I had pulled the wool over his eyes, and I had a good friend in that clan besides him to, a little she-cat named, WhitePAw, she later helped me when she could, always had healing paws she did,
She helped me and him through it all, so I guess, she DID have a happy ending, after all.

Can't remember the third one, but th-th-th-th-thats ALL Folks! :D Hope you liked them!  I am now going to USE them again xD!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 03:25:37 pm by Brenda Lee »

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Re: What does your Fursona/main character mean to you?
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2013, 03:53:25 pm »
Well, My main character is Comando. Shes my baby and I love her so much >.< So many other people love her and that makes me feel happies inside ;3;

What do your Fursonas mean to you?

-Huge sigh-
What comando means to me? Well.... Shes everything to me. Shes like my second bad -Bleep- self xD Shes my child, Shes just so perfect in every way. Im happy with her preset, Im happy with her personality, Im happy with everything, Her size, her shape, Her form and her amazing friends -smooshesBaku-

Is there a special story behind why you picked a particular species or why you made your character look or act a certain way?

Hmm, Well she has to be her species. Shes in the smexicans group TEC >;D
Why I made her look who she is? Well, Its basically who I am. Her skull represents my near death experiences and how I am so into Sin's and stuff like that. Her Sexy slendie? Well... xD Thats just because I have an obsession over slenderman. Her clours? Well, Before I dimmed the blue it matched my eye colour. Her personality is like mine, Stubbon, Stuck up and most of the time bubbly and adorable.

What or who do your characters represent? Does your character reflect you in any way? Or things you wish you had or could do?

Hmm..... Tough one.... She kind of does show me in her. Im small, Adorable (People say that), Sweet in some way and a very good friend. Her temper can get pretty bad, Same with her stubbornness. I would say, There is no puppet or puppet master in Mine and Comando's bond. Were the same person. She does something I do something. I get a bad temper she does. Shes like my twin sister. The things I wish I had, Well. Just to be in her frame. Being a Kreptis, Being Comando... Thats what I wish I had.

Does your character have special abilities or secrets?

Ha Ha, Yus! The bubble of power!

Nah, Shes just a- Wait, She has the power of Trains. Same with Baku-Butt <333 Choo choo!

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