Author Topic: Tracks in the Snow||  (Read 1086 times)

Offline kayla1235

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Tracks in the Snow||
« on: October 05, 2013, 03:01:19 pm »
The two tribes, Tribe of Snowfalls and Tribe of a Thousand Suns were the best of allies. Until The Tribe of a Thousand Suns was accused of assassinating the Snowfall's chieftain at the time, Galmund the Great. The Snowfalls were merciless fighters, but lacked strategy. They did, however, bribe packs lingering at the edges of their borders to become soldiers, which could be a factor of their victory. There's bad blood between the tribes now, and the Thousand Suns can't hold back forever.... Who will win? What secrets will be upturned? What cause will you aid? What do the Darkened Nights have to do with any of this?

The Tribe of Snowfalls

The snowfalls are all generally arrogant and hotheaded. Stubborn and fiery, the warriors of this tribe often compete in tournaments down at the arena in the south eastern area of their territory.

  They enjoy partying, and can come up with the silliest of ideas for one. But, beware, if you attend one of these parties, there's usually a fight or two, and more than enough loud howling and tipsy arktos wobbling about.

   This tribe is known for it's excellent parties, and expertise in combat skills, although they lack to be open minded and admire brawn over brains, therefore horrible strategists and wanting to attack as soon as possible with little or no organization in their 'plan'.

Tribe of a Thousand Suns

   The Tribe of a Thousand Suns is an upbeat and laid back, strategic bunch of arktos. They have created several different sports and games, most forgotten or thrown away. A favorite is Paw-Gnaw, a game much like Soccer using round clods of moss as a ball. They also enjoy races, but never life threatening tournaments.

   The celebrations here are for the most part organized, and very fun, although lacking in the craziness that makes Snowfall parties unique and enjoyable.

     Thousand Sun's combat skills are good, yes, but nowhere near as mastered as the Snowfall's. They instead focus on how well thought out the plan is, and that could get them very far, or keep them vulnerable. It all depends on the plan.

Tribe of Darkened Nights
The Darkened Nights Tribe is very well known for being evil. Well duh they're evil why else would Suicide be called Suicide and why else would he be deadly looking? Get the point? Good, now I shall explain more! This tribe is mean and an enemy to the other two tribes but the surprising thing is that the two tribes fear the Darkened Nights. *Gasp* SO SHOCKING! Yeah, you should've guessed that. The Darkened Nights Tribe is skilled at Fighting,Killing(Durr...),Hunting,and Training. I bet that's a shocker to hear... Not really XD Could've guessed that to I bet. Anyways.. Its best to keep away from this tribe unless you want to commit suicide because that's where you'll be heading. They love to stalk fights that the two other tribes into but its not a pretty thing for them to stalk in on fights. This tribe will jump into any fights the two other tribes get into. (Yup... The tribes have a death call during fights XD) This tribe has a tendency to get headaches when in the light too long, and naturally stick to the shadows. -Suicide

Tribe of a Thousand Suns
Ceremony/Celebration Information

Spring Flower Festival:

The Festival the occurs at the begginning of the summer moons. There's a huge party, and sometimes loners and pack wolves even attend. A very special wine is brewed, and there's music and festivities lasting all night. Young take part in games and competitions, and the parents can just dance all night. On Flower's Eve, a large flank is sent out to catch a feast for the festival. Many scouts are also sent out shortly after to gather berries and herbs for spices.

Fire Festival:

Taking place in the winter, and in a clearing, a large bonfire is lit and there is a feast around the fire. During this celebration, there is lost of socialization, and some dancing, but absolutely no wine. The drink here is water, and water, because the return of winter is definitely not a celebration.


Whenever the tribe experiences victory in battle, they round up back in the territory and every member, from youngest to oldest, howls a song and then the tribe feeds on the carcass of a moose, bear, or bull elk later in the night, which choruses more howling, and sometimes dancing.

Birth: When a mother comes back to the tribe after giving birth, there is a ceremony for the pups, involving the Herbalist marking them with temporary dye that will last a month, and then howling a short song.

Ranking: When a teen earns his/her rank, they are rewarded with a full deer/elk carcass all to themselves, and their first taste of wine. They also half to break open a major vein of the animal and drink all the blood, proceeded by them keeping a silent vigil all night.

Retirement: When a member of the Thousand Suns decides to retire, they have to drink a large chalice of ale, followed by some dancing and music. It's a short ceremony, but very honorable.

Death: When a member of the tribe dies, no matter the cause, if the body is found, the tribe surrounds the body in a large circle for a vigil, and then any and all teen or adult family members of the deceased bury the body where they desire afterwards. Some wine is brewed and reserved for the adult friends and family to have if they like.

Daily Stuff

Why, hello there, my good derps! Today, we're going to learn about daily life and work in my wonderful tribe. First thing first is patrols...

Patrols (I chose grey for this just to be mean.): Patrols are carried out by scouts. There's generally two to three patrols day. Two, usually the dawn and dusk, patrol and mark the borders, while the midday patrol is larger, split into two, and goes throughout the middle of the territory.

Back to black. Next is hunting.

Hunting: A hunting patrol is sent out nearly everyday, usually consisting of three to four hunters. Although, when there's a ceremony or celebration, or usually twice a month, a special formation called a flank is sent out. A flank has all the hunters, most of the scouts, the herbalist, a few guards, and the lords to hunt, all lead by the chieftain(s). A flank tends to go after large herds and can split up to take down several animals at a time. An omega can also come, although their job is to sniff the droppings of the animals and keep a sharp ear to keep the group on the right track. A dirty job, but an important one.

Paw-Gnaw: This is a game invented shortly before the War of Icicles, as it is now being called. (The original war.) It's much like soccer in some ways. The ball is a clod of moss, or sometimes a rolled up hedgegog carcass. Two teams kick the ball around the field, trying to kick them into the goals, however, the reason it is called 'Paw-Gnaw' is because players are actually able to bite, nip, and gnaw on the other teams paws to slow them down or obtain the ball. The catch with the gnawing is that there is no maiming allowed, and if someone happens to deliberately do it, they are taken off the team for a short time, the game is stopped, and the team with the hurt player automatically wins.

Parties: Parties consist of dancing, drinking, and howling. Wine is brewed from a special berry and a couple other herbs, and the herbalist is usually the one to make it. They have to refine some of the ingredients to remove the medical value, and some say the Thousand suns add a secret ingredient to make it especially tasty, and give it an extra boost in 'alchohol'.

Training: When a teen chooses the rank they like, they are assigned a trainer. They will go out the day after they are assigned to each other and train every day after that unless there is a problem (Injury, disease, hunt, celebration, etc.). Once a couple of months have passed, (We'll call it a real week or so.) the teen has their ranking ceremony and is now officially an adult with a full rank. They are taken out for a couple of test runs for a week straight after the ceremony just to learn the ropes of being a true member, but then only have to attend the weekly training sessions after that.

Weekly Training: Every week, all the members with a rank like (scout, warrior, hunter, sometimes herbalist) have a training session. The newest of the rank to the experts gather up and discuss strategy, then go out and actually do stuff. Warriors/Soldiers/Recruits are paired up with and spar, Scouts tour the territory and go over tactics, hunters practice hunting small game and go over technique, and herbalist work on remembering herbs, their uses, and any recipes that require the combining of ingredients. If the herbalist has an apprentice, then they work on making the recipes as well.

Daily Life: At dawn, a few hunters and scouts are selected to patrol, while the rest of the tribe wakes up. every one oes about their business, talking, playing, grooming, etc, until noon, when another batch of scouts are sent out. They report back, and once a week, every week, there's a game of paw-gnaw, in which most members attend. At dusk, the tribe falls into a hush, eating their meal for the day and retreat to their dens to chat a bit before sleeping. On days of battles, all the warrior ranks, most scouts, and most hunters leave to fight, as well as the victor, deputy, chieftain(s), and lords, leaving the ladies, pups, elders, and a few scouts and elders to wait at home.

Eugh. I hate being this organized. Oh, well.

Okay, we do have a few downloads so here are the links~
The majority of us in the group have aug 22, so I haighly reccomend getting it if you don't.

Don't be afraid to ask if you have problems or don't know how to properly install them!

Please download this item pack!

Self Installer:

Simply open the file, copy/paste all the items into OS>FH>Media>Items, and then.. the boring part. Copy all the item names and position into your items.cfg file. (Open it as a notepad!)

If your character has a preset, fill out this form so other people can see it!

How to add someone else's preset: Download and open file, copy/paste the file into OS>FeralHeart>Presets


















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Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Tracks in the Snow||
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 03:52:49 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16