Author Topic: EverCreek Pack- Accepting members, Feline or Canine.  (Read 2542 times)

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EverCreek Pack- Accepting members, Feline or Canine.
« on: October 08, 2013, 11:15:47 pm »
EverCreek Pack
A plotted, Long-term, Literate, Mapped, Sited RP
Site is now finished. Here is te link >D

- Character must be realistic in color, and if it has tattoos or anything such it must have a reasonable explanation, such as coming from the lab, or the fighting ring in town.

- Character must be the same gender as YOU. (Pet Peeve of mine)

-You MUST have the updated MM and Item pack to participate. This is so we avoid any marshmallows or mistaken items.

- Character needs to have semi-realistic abilities. It can have special talents, such as climbing trees, extreme speed, especially long fangs and so on. But it CANNOT breathe fire, zombify people, paralyze people by looking at them, use telekinesis, ect.  

- Character cannot be perfect at everything. Absolutely no Mary-sues. I will give you one warning for this before you are kicked from the group. We do NOT tolerate it.

- You can be from anywhere in the world, not another planet of some sort. You can be from an experimentation lab, a city, a pack of rogues or even some sort of royal househould. The choice is yours, but please don't go overboard. xD

- Must download the maps we have.

- Please avoid drama. I think we can all agree it's not good. Do not fight with one another OOC. Drama in the rp is good, though.

- Do not overuse humans as a problem in the plot. I only barely allowed them at all because people tend to bring them in so often.

- If you'd like to request a change in the map, or a plot problem for the rp, contact me before just simply pulling it on for show. It's a different story if it's a problem with your own character, such as a disease or injury.

These are all the rules, now I will leave you for the applications. You must be an active player, or I'll remove you from the group. Three times a week will do.

Special abilities/heritage-
Basic Personality-
« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 10:33:14 pm by Kierra »

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Re: EverCreek Pack- Accepting members, Feline or Canine.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2013, 01:31:00 am »

Code: [Select]
[size=15pt]Name:[/size] (User and RP)





[size=15pt]Special Abilities/Heritage:[/size]

[size=15pt]Basic Personality:[/size]

My Form

Name- Mithrim (Queen of Spades)

Gender- Female of course ^^

Age- 2 years

Species- Wolf

Backstory- Mithrim was the only brown wolf born among her siblings and other members of her family, the other newborns were destined to be a dirty blonde or sometimes white if they were lucky, but never has such a dark-furred pup been born into the pack until her. At the time of her conceiving, the other faes of the pack began to question Nayreen's (Mith's mother) faith in her mate, Azzerick (Mith's father). This instant arousal of gossip and rumor nearly resulted in Nayreen's banishment from the pack, along with all of the pups, but little did everyone know that Azzerick had actually had some BlackBlood that coursed through his tainted veins.

When he exposed his dark secret to the other members of the pack, they hissed banishment upon him, but allowed Nayreen to remain. However, in exchange for allowing her to stay, she had to remove her pups when they each turned two years of age, they were not pure-blooded due to their father. The mother drew her babes close to her and agreed to their sentence as a tear escaped her eye.

As Mithrim and her 3 other siblings aged, everyone watched them with curious eyes, wondering how different they would be from their own, but in honesty if it were not for that one dark-coated pup, they would blend in with the pack seamlessly. As realization dawned upon Nayreen, she began to loathe her young one, knowing it was she that had forced Azzerick to be banished, as well as her siblings when their time came. She began to hope desperately that Mith's coat was only that of youth, and as a birdling will molt its down feather with age, Nayreen so hoped that Mith would do the same with her fur. Finally at 6 months, it was obvious that she was going to remain a smooth brown color, and she even began to get dark markings that flecked her underbelly.

As time passed, the pack learned to love Mith's siblings because they were a light sandy color, just as was the norm, and they played with the other pups in the family and explored happily as if there was no difference in their life at all. But Mith was outcast and kept hidden, her mother never let her play outside or talk with others because of the great shame it brought to Nayreen. After she reached a year old, Mith began to wander on her own, escaping the den when her family was gone and darting about the woods ecstatically in her freedom. This became Mith's new life until one day, the Alpha called a meeting of the members, personally inviting Mithrim himself from Nayreen's den.

At this meeting he announced loudly, "My family, the day of judgement has come for the offspring of Nayreen and the bastard Azzerick." The mention of her father's name surprised Mith, as she had never actually known him before. "2 years ago on this day, we agreed to banish Azzerick from our numbers because his blood tainted us, and we also concluded that his children would be banished with him when they came of proper age." His sentence ended with a sort of questionable finality, leaving everyone on their toes, "However," everyone's breath was held, "It has been proven that these wolves are no different than us, simply with a differentiating ancestry, so I make this offer to them." His cold eyes panned over Jewel, Lorkhan, and Friggund (Mith's siblings). "To you three, I would like for you to remain a member of our pack until the day comes and you must answer Mother Nature's command to find a mate, when that time comes you will leave and find one of your own. Or if they happen to be among us, you will leave together." The cheering roared at the 3 of them like a mighty lion, everyone was thrilled that they would be allowed to remain a little longer. The Alpha then lifted his tail, signaling everyone to hush so that he may keep speaking.

He sauntered gloomily to Mithrim, and rested his paw gently on her shoulder as he drew in breath to keep speaking. As soon as his pawpad made contact with her fur, everyone gasped quietly that someone had actually touched a half-blooded outcast. Finally he spoke, "Young one, I'm afraid that you're too different from us to remain any longer, so I cast you into the woods and out of our territory, in hopes that you will find a pack willing to accept you for what you are." He finalized this by staring deep into Mith's dark ruby-colored optics with his own gray ones, and then turning and walking away.

Mith faced the crowd of wolves around her, feeling an odd vibration in her chest. She realized, in all these years she had never spoken to another member of the pack, and rarely even her family. She blinked once... twice... they still remained staring at her. She turned to her mother and siblings, walked up to them, met each of their eyes, then let a scowl spread across her face. She spit vehemently on the dirt in front of them and turned back to the open-mouthed crowd and spoke simply with a voice of honey, "Part a way for me." They spread like the Red Sea, allowing Mith passage into the wilds on her own.

After that day, she vowed to find a pack with as eccentric of members as possible, so she fit in like a glove, and also to perhaps find her father, the only one who could truly love her. She pushed all memory of her old life to the back of her mind, doing whatever she could to avoid thinking of it.

Special abilities/Heritage- Not only does she have a very strong will, but a great intellect as well. Mithrim's capacity for thought and decision-making is one of her greatest assets.

She was born in the reaches of Yellowstone.

Basic Personality- Mithrim is a kind, yet extremely stubborn she-wolf who has no tolerance for self-failure. But in all honest truth she is quite clumsy, though her intentions were nothing but pure. When you first meet Mithrim, you might take her as pushy or commanding, but as time passes you'll learn that she's sincere, and rather blunt.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 09:35:50 pm by Mythrim »
Known as Mythrim[/i] but no longer in-game! Message me on Discord at  Mythrim#0869

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Re: EverCreek Pack- Accepting members, Feline or Canine.
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 09:24:25 am »
Hi there. :) I'm new here and looking to join an RP. I've roleplayed thousands of times before on other sites, but where do I download the maps from, as thats something that's still confusing me!

Name- Asper

Gender- Female

Age- 5

Species- Wolf-Dog Hybrid

Backstory- Asper was born into the fighting community. Her mother was a lame old breeding bitch for a rough master, worn out by a lifetime of beatings and the same cold concrete kennel. Her mother, who's name was Vixen, was once a famed fighting dog in the local pits. Her ferocity and shining red coat had stood her apart, and in her retirement her master grew fierce pups from her belly.
One day the master went hunting with the dogs and trapped a fierce male wolf. He had a grim idea, and knowing Vixen was in heat, he tethered the wolf snout and legs, and threw him into Vixen's kennel. There was fighting, and the bitch was sorely beaten, but the end result was what the master wanted. The wolf was untamable, and now too crazed to be any more use, so he shot him down.

Asper and four siblings came to the world full of fire, and it was thought that the master had the fiercest brood of fighting pups in the town. Asper, who looked for all the world like a wolf, but with her mothers sleek and fiery coat, was a favourite. Her tail was docked and her ears cropped, and she was goaded and baited in preparation for her introduction to fighting. At 6 months of age, she was pitted against a young bull terrier with hungry jaws, as her first test. The master was shocked by her, and was not prepared for the mess that was left of the terrier, and her terrible howling and bloodbaying for more.
She went into the pits at 9 months, which was young for a true contender, but the master was confident of her strength. She brought down more dogs in her first year that any of his other hounds had in their fighting lives, and she was soon the champion of the pits.

However, the wit and will of a wolf surging within her. She was no placid dog to except her lot and fight for it. She was clever and wild, and every shred of her rebelled at her cruel master. Then one day, when Asper was four years, and shortly after her mother's last litter had weaned, the master dragged Vixen from her kennel and threw her into the pits. She was nine years, and old and thin and worn from her litters. Bait dog, a warm up for the hounds to get them in the fighting spirit. Asper, in her rage, tore open the wire mesh of her kennel and rushed to the pit. The dogs came on, only to meet Asper's furious teeth. She ended half of all the master's dogs, before he took a gun to regretfully put her down. She was too quick. At the first sight of him, she rushed the man and was on him. Her howls filled the night air, and together she and her mother escaped into the street.

They were not free long, before Vixen laid down in the wooded copse on the edge of town, and looked at her daughter. Nine years of fight and pup-bearing had exhausted her, and in the pit had not come away unscathed. Asper lay beside her mother all night, until she passed away the next morning.
The young wolf-dog, who had known a life of only anger, loneliness and pain, vowed her hatred for mankind. She left civilization far behind, to find a new life in the wild where she belongs.

Special abilities/heritage- A fierce and formidable fighter. Also a keen hunter and tracker, and very quick on her feet.

Basic Personality- Asper is a beast full of fire, anger and hatred. Her temper is short, and she is unforgiving and vengeful to those who cross her. However, her miserable start to life has given her a longing for companionship, and she aches to find a life and a family with her father's own kind. Given the opportunity, she could be a sensitive and loyal friend, though she finds it very hard to trust.[/size][/size][/size][/size]
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 08:02:31 am by Shannon »

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Re: EverCreek Pack- Accepting members, Feline or Canine.
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2013, 03:00:19 am »
I'm sorry Asper, the Alphess isn't good with keeping up with her own thread, so I'll notify her to check your application out X3

Also, fantastically written background, bravo~
Known as Mythrim[/i] but no longer in-game! Message me on Discord at  Mythrim#0869

Offline Hjordis

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Re: EverCreek Pack- Accepting members, Feline or Canine.
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2013, 08:03:27 am »
Ah okay. :) And thankyou! I've missed wolf/dog roleplaying, so glad I've found this site for it!