Author Topic: people that just sit there  (Read 2894 times)

Offline cookiepoo123

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people that just sit there
« on: October 12, 2013, 02:10:45 am »
ok so EVERY time I go into fluorite plains at the portals to the other maps there are just people sitting there doing NOTHING and it makes me (and other people) lag ALOT...... (to me) this is a waste of space... cant they add some type of auto kick or something? like in animal jam for example how if you sit there for more then 5 mins the game will kick you.....


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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2013, 02:38:17 am »
Like the plains, many other people may sit in a map and seem to be doing "nothing." For all we know, the other person could be whispering another player, making videos, browsing a site, and the list goes on and on about what else they would be doing before the screen. Even though the player may not be talking in public or moving, it doesn't always necessarily mean they aren't doing anything.

With the automatic kick, that wouldn't make much sense considering what kind of game Feral Heart is. Especially just after 5 minutes. Yes, Animal Jam is a MMO, too, but the overall game-play and structure is different from this one. Though, I do agree if people aren't really doing anything in game, they could just log off and come back later.  That way, the map (mostly being the plains) wouldn't be so full and cause the lag.

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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2013, 01:37:13 pm »
Well... AJ is the thing i hate, Leave it alone for 5 min and it kicks you, Atleast give them.... Like... IDK....... 15, And if they are like making videos or whipsering that wont be idle, If someone IS NOT talking or doing anything just leaving FH up.. Kick them. I agree.

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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2013, 02:27:29 pm »
The thing about this is, as said, there could be a number of things they are doing, but they remain logged in for a reason. They could be in a Skype call with someone, whispering, in group or party chat and whatnot. Just because they aren't moving, doesn't mean they aren't doing something. I go afk to check dA and the FH forums a lot. Either way, I'm still contributing to FeralHeart, whether or not I'm moving around in the game.

If an automatic kick was placed, lets say your 5 or 15 minutes that were previously mentioned, let's say someone went to go use the loo and then get a glass of water. Then maybe they decided they were hungry. It would take more than 15 minutes for them to do all of that, and while maybe they should be logged out for it, no one wants to come back and find that the game has kicked them for going to make food. If it happened to me, I'd probably think it was ridiculous, and not even bother logging back on.

If the kick wasn't there, as it isn't now, someone would return, scroll up in the chat to see if they missed anything, and then go about their merry way, enjoying FH.

There's not much reason for an auto-kick system if you ask me. If it lags you, there are many solutions around the forum for less lag, but it would be extremely unfair to them to be removed from the server just so you could do what you want.

My take on it, anyway.

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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2013, 02:48:58 pm »
I'm one of the people who will sit around and do 'nothing', but I'm normally in Party chat, Whisper chat, browsing DeviantART, FeralHeart forums, and doing a few other things.
I certainly wouldn't be too happy with FeralHeart if I were kicked out of the map when browsing DeviantART, or getting a fruit snack pouch; I'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree with me.

However, I know this can cause lag for some people, and it's very unpleasant, trust me, I know.
I think this could be solved with a simple conclusion, though, you could try to stay away from the area you're lagging in, and come back when you think they're gone. If they're in, say like StoneBridge, Fluorite, and you're wanting to get to Temple, or something, and there are people in your way, just go around them.
There are a million-not literally, but it feels like it-different ways to get to that single destination.

Hope I helped,

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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2013, 05:30:33 pm »
I don't think a kicking system would be needed, like for example in MC or Minecraft, the kicking system is simple 20-30 minutes but even then its annoying when your not "Moving" If you dont look like your doing something doesn't mean your staring at your whispers or what not, since I do the same thing. I cant agree with a Kicking system but I think it would make more sense if people would like Lonely cave into consideration.
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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2013, 06:11:16 pm »
I am happy someone had posted this up... I think this should in the suggestion and ideal thread because it seems like this is just and Ideal of having a kick system. There is some good and bad flaws about this kick system if it ever did settle into feral heart. Like for example: What happens if the player goes on brb for 15 minutes or 20 minutes to use the rest room then something else just catches up with him or her.

Then when that player comes back from afk she or he realizes that they are booted from the game due to the limit time of being idle. That can be really annoying because I know that there are some online games that have that... and it is indeed very frustrating... However the good part is that it can somewhat reduce lag.

Now I am sure what OP is saying by doing NOTHING is that you are just basically having your character on feral heart, your not talking to no one, your not roaming around, your not fiddling with the emotes and camera. Obviously your busy either browsing videos, the forums or doing anything AWAY from the computer or not even paying no mind to feral heart at all... only thing your doing to feral heart is just adding space and more lag for those who have low performance computers/laptops that cannot access the game until the population of that certain area dims down.

The time limit will not or should not kick you if your sitting down talking to others in a group chat, whisper, or party. Fiddling with emotes or the camera Because obviously you are not on Idle... but however if you decided to go on YouTube and stay on there for two hour or more while leaving feral heart on, or just say you are going to a friend's house for a party or just to hang out and you decided to let your character stay on feral heart completely on idle. Then yes there should be a kick button for that.

There are times where players have to go to laggy spots to look for role plays and such... The lag is this bad that my feral heart  client crashes a lot mostly on Saturday and Sunday and yes the game runs smoothly in laggy spots and places I just so happened randomly crash when I go into populated areas such as flourite... So Yeah there are basically pros and cons about this automatic boot/kick system if it was ever implement I should say the limit of being idle should be and hour or two?

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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2013, 09:10:15 pm »
The purpose of this kicking function that the original poster wanted to have it there for, would end up completely ineffective and the changes it would do to reduce the lag wouldn't be noticeable by anyone if the time period would be as much as 2 hours, even straining down on one hour it still wouldn't make much difference, players would easily be able to just go on and move their mouse if they wanted to stay in game, a system like this will not prevent anyone from not sitting still and doing "nothing", even if you are sitting still in the game you are taking part, even if you tab out and check other things you are also still taking part, being kicked for the reason of causing lag for others is ridiculous. If I'm going to be honest it's not going to make much of a difference even if it was set to something like 10-15 minutes idle and then kick, the only thing it would bring would be annoyance upon many of the regular players of the game.

I can understand the logic and reasoning for kicking users after a few hours of inactive to protect them and their character. I can also understand some logic if it would be for the sake of getting more player slots, lets say a full server and people trying to get on constantly but being unable to do so since there's lots of players just idling and not actually playing the game.

But not to reduce client sided lag caused by slower systems.. That's taking things too far, this might sound quite rude to some extent and I understand not everyone has the same access to as good computers as some might have, but to my understanding so much was held back on this game to just make it run decently on older hardware and computers, in this case what you can do as a user if you get lag to such an extent you cannot even play, cannot even move, cannot even connect, is to look for optimizations, running the game in lower quality or even check for a new computer anytime soon, sadly this game might not run well on a lower end computer back from 2004 or an older desktop filled with bloatware slowing it down. We should not forget that others might not have it as well and smooth on their systems, but kicking players left and right after a few minutes idle because they "might" be sitting in a spot that "might" cause lag to "some" users I really cannot grasp.

The way this game is running and optimized could and will lag many computers out there, and what has been proven to cause the biggest amount of lag and frame drops for players is nothing else but other players characters, the lag will be there, more or less for some depending on what they are running the game on, and what sort of quality settings it's using.

Just as ruby mentioned above I myself would probably end up not going on FeralHeart all together in the end if I knew I'd get kicked every 5 minutes, some of us need to check in on other things, and even if we'd set this timer to something higher like 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, it wouldn't have any effect on the lag or the reduction of it. Kicking players for less lag is just a system that couldn't work well.
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Re: people that just sit there
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 12:52:47 am »
The purpose of this kicking function that the original poster wanted to have it there for, would end up completely ineffective and the changes it would do to reduce the lag wouldn't be noticeable by anyone if the time period would be as much as 2 hours, even straining down on one hour it still wouldn't make much difference, players would easily be able to just go on and move their mouse if they wanted to stay in game, a system like this will not prevent anyone from not sitting still and doing "nothing", even if you are sitting still in the game you are taking part, even if you tab out and check other things you are also still taking part, being kicked for the reason of causing lag for others is ridiculous. If I'm going to be honest it's not going to make much of a difference even if it was set to something like 10-15 minutes idle and then kick, the only thing it would bring would be annoyance upon many of the regular players of the game.

I can understand the logic and reasoning for kicking users after a few hours of inactive to protect them and their character. I can also understand some logic if it would be for the sake of getting more player slots, lets say a full server and people trying to get on constantly but being unable to do so since there's lots of players just idling and not actually playing the game.

But not to reduce client sided lag caused by slower systems.. That's taking things too far, this might sound quite rude to some extent and I understand not everyone has the same access to as good computers as some might have, but to my understanding so much was held back on this game to just make it run decently on older hardware and computers, in this case what you can do as a user if you get lag to such an extent you cannot even play, cannot even move, cannot even connect, is to look for optimizations, running the game in lower quality or even check for a new computer anytime soon, sadly this game might not run well on a lower end computer back from 2004 or an older desktop filled with bloatware slowing it down. We should not forget that others might not have it as well and smooth on their systems, but kicking players left and right after a few minutes idle because they "might" be sitting in a spot that "might" cause lag to "some" users I really cannot grasp.

The way this game is running and optimized could and will lag many computers out there, and what has been proven to cause the biggest amount of lag and frame drops for players is nothing else but other players characters, the lag will be there, more or less for some depending on what they are running the game on, and what sort of quality settings it's using.

Just as ruby mentioned above I myself would probably end up not going on FeralHeart all together in the end if I knew I'd get kicked every 5 minutes, some of us need to check in on other things, and even if we'd set this timer to something higher like 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, it wouldn't have any effect on the lag or the reduction of it. Kicking players for less lag is just a system that couldn't work well.

That pretty much sums up what I was going to say.

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