Author Topic: Sanguinem City (A True Blood inspired Vampire Roleplay; OPEN + ACCEPTING!)  (Read 6138 times)

Offline Tonks

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The Order has issued the annihilation of our kind.
Vigilants and hired Nightstalkers patrol the city after dark. Homes, invaded. Families, slaughtered.
Like a virus, news of Sanguinem spread. And soon, the City had become the image of faith and resurrection.
A new regime, serving under the light.
But for the rest of us vampires:

- PLOT -

The notion of human-vampire co-existence has been the subject of conflict for years,
splitting humans into two opposing parties: those who support and believe in integration, and those who
simply do not. Vampires have made their mark on the media and political hierarchy, forming the Vampire Rights Amendment.
The Order, a leading organisation and voice of anti-vampire politics, has seized Sanguinem City.
To express their cause of opposition, they have issued the destruction of the Vampire Race in Sanguinem.

[Images by KairoGC + spyroteknik @ deviantART]
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 09:56:30 am by Zareem »

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."

Offline Tonks

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1. FH and general RP rules apply.
2. There will be no bullying of any kind here.
3. I am the Maker of this RP, what I say, goes.
4. Hate the character, not the roleplayer.
5. Any concerns and queries; please PM me.
6. Have fun!
7. In the 'Other' section of the character sheet, please
put your favourite colour in to show you have read the rules. Thank you c:


Your character will be one of many surviving vampires of the 'New Generation', meaning that
he or she, will have started the aging process at 21, and would have lived in Sanguinem since birth.

Vampire Features:

1. "Technically deceased, their primary characteristics include a lack of a heartbeat,
brainwaves, electrical impulses, need to breathe, and other bodily functions."

2. "Indistinguishable from humans, and appear as they did when they were turned,
with a paler complexion due to lack of blood flow."

3. "Fangs can be extended and retracted by choice, however, fangs protrude automatically
when vampires are feeding, angry, or excited."

4. "While vampires are unable to hold in anything but blood,
they can experience joy in smoking cigars and cigarettes."

5. "Enhanced strength, speed, senses and aggression."

6. "Vampires are reliant on human or synthetic blood, as they cannot ingest normal food or drinks.
Synthetic blood is comprised of a varied cellular content, and comes in flavors such as O, A, B and AB,
in both positive and negative varieties. "

7. "When exposed to sunlight vampires begin to burn in a manner consistent with their age.
Younger vampires can withstand prolonged exposure and still have a good chance to heal."


Code: [Select]
[center][color=beige][image here, IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE PLEASE SELECT FROM HERE - -]
[b]Age:[/b] 21 - 30
[b]Race:[/b] Vampire

[Benlo @ deviantART]
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 04:59:06 am by Zareem »

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."

Offline Tonks

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1. This is a Literate RP.
2. The standard is one paragraph, no one liner's.
3. Cussing is allowed, to a minimum.
4. Themes of violence may occur, I'd say about M-rated.


Name: Violet Tallis
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Violet was turned on her 19th birthday, when she and her friends were perusing the streets of Sanguinem at night.
In her early, human life, she worked at a small pet store and lived alone in shabby-looking apartment. It had
only been six months since she left home that she became a vampire, and two months after she told her family,
that the Viligants burst into her home. Violet has been living in the secret basement of a nearby human pub, "Barfer's",
since the announcement of the annihilation.
Violet has a strong intellect and sharp, witty qualities. She enjoys her individual lifestyle.

Name: Simari
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
She was about 18 when she was turned. She was on a trip with her friends when she got bit.
It took her a while to process the situation when she woke in a ware house. From there her life was turned up side down.
She tried telling her family but it was impossible. She didn't want them to freak out so she just kept it to herself.
The next year she moved out of her parents house and into an apartment complex. She has everything she needs in the apartment,
mainly because she doesn't need much.
She doesn't like what she has to do to survive but at times,
which is often about five times a week, she gets blood thirsty. Her kind nature and soft touch lures people
in a false sense of security, that's when she makes her move.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 12:11:19 pm by Zareem »

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."

Offline Tonks

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Name: Violet Tallis
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Violet was turned on her 19th birthday, when she and her friends were perusing the streets of Sanguinem at night.
In her early, human life, she worked at a small pet store and lived alone in shabby-looking apartment. It had
only been six months since she left home that she became a vampire, and two months after she told her family,
that the Viligants burst into her home. Violet has been living in the secret basement of a nearby human pub, "Barfer's",
since the announcement of the annihilation.
Violet has a strong intellect and sharp, witty qualities. She enjoys her individual lifestyle.

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."

Offline ~|Cookie|~

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Name: Simari
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
History: She was about 18 when she was turned. She was on a trip with her friends when she got bit. It took her a while to process the situation when she woke in a ware house. From there her life was turned up side down. She tried telling her family but it was impossible. She didn't want them to freak out so she just kept it to herself. The next year she moved out of her parents house and into an apartment complex. She has everything she needs in the apartment, mainly because she doesn't need much.
Personality: She doesn't like what she has to do to survive but at times, ehich is often about five times a week, she gets blood thirsty. Her kind nature and soft touch lures people in a false sense of security, that's when she makes her move.
Other: Red
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 11:30:05 am by ~|~Cookie~|~ »

Amazing siggy by Rita! Thank you floof!
The amazing Derp!
Find me in game as ~|Cookie|~!

Offline Tonks

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Hi, Cookie.
If you could add a couple of more sentences for Simari's history,
then you will be good to go. c:

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."

Offline ~|Cookie|~

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Ok. Let me edit. :3 I couldn't quite think.

Amazing siggy by Rita! Thank you floof!
The amazing Derp!
Find me in game as ~|Cookie|~!

Offline Tonks

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« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 11:59:27 am by Zareem »

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."

Offline ~|Cookie|~

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What's a night stalker? xD))

Simari sighed as she layed on her back. The grass was comforting as she layed under a large tree, an umbrella sealing her away from the sun. The sun glasses on her face also helped. She could hear voices in the distance. It didn't quite bug her seeing as it was probably a vampire like herself. Her life was still some getting used to but she manages. She'll have to eat soon. Simari stood up and grabbed the umbrella so her skin didn't get scorched before making her way across the street.

Once she crossed she entered an alley way where she usually gets her catches. A man was coming down it too. He was a broad shouldered man but Simari knew he'd be easy. She hid behind a dumpster and when he passed she knocked him over. He yelled until Simari covered his mouth with her hand. "Shut up...." She hissed. "You're making this harder then it needs to be." She snapped.

Simari's fangs came out and they sunk into his throat. He yelled once more before going silent. Simari stood up and wiped the blood off her face before taking her leave down the alley, unbrella at hand. Luckily the alley was dark enough to where Simari didn't get burned.

Amazing siggy by Rita! Thank you floof!
The amazing Derp!
Find me in game as ~|Cookie|~!

Offline Tonks

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(Silly, I forgot to mention!

Nightstalkers = Hired men/women to kill vampires. They do it for the coin, and are highly skilled. They prefer to work alone.

Vigilants = Armed hunters that work for the Order. You see them marching in groups around the streets. They're not as skilled as Nightstalkers, but there are far many of them. )

"In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice."