Well, I suppose when you look at FeralHeart, it has 'trends'. What's popular and what's not, and people end up following these trends as they want to fit in with every one else. People get afraid of being different, in case they are thought of as weird, or if they get unliked by people, or bullied.
Every one just wants to be what's 'cool'.
I really think FeralHeart is this sort of game. You have trends at different times.
At one point, wolves were all the rage, everyone was a big, tough, black, mean looking wolf. Then there was the flood of lions, where everyone was a lion off some sort. Then came the mass of Warrior cats. And you had a time when you have all these demons, neons, vampires and werewolves had taken over, and it was all in a span of time before the next trend came up.
At the moment I think everything is balancing itself out, where there is a relitivly equal amount of everything, and it seems to me this has coincided with the removal of General chat. I reckon all these adverts of groups had a major influence on what people were looking like aswell. As people saw more lion adverts, they created more lions, which created more lion adverts and so on. It just takes a little spark to get it going and then you have this 'What's popular and what's not' Going on.
That's my theory anyway o3o