Author Topic: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]  (Read 15395 times)

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« on: November 02, 2013, 05:27:14 am »

Year 2208, C.E

"Each and everyone of you is here because this rotting city won't cleanse it self from those who break the rules."
"That is why you are needed to keep control of the city."
"You need to maintain order, and use brute force if necessary."

"This is an advanced training course, for you all are now eligible for more privileges."

"The Organization rules this area, and the government runs the show, so you W I L L answer to our commands."
"You W I L L dispose of those who rebel."
"You W I L L NOT hesitate to execute these actions in order to preserve the Organization's standards."
"In order to maintain directive, there needs to be fear within the people."

"People who fear will not commit acts of rebellion."
"They will not try to rebel against the Organization."
"While this canine force is here to establish this dominance, you are here to serve the Government and follow our system.

"All of this we teach is for the greater good."

"Human police are needed elsewhere, more important than scurrying the dirty streets."
"Remember, if you are disloyal, or defy our goals, you will be permanently.."

-------------------------------------------------------I n f o r m a t i o n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Earth has become freezing cold, with most places too harsh to inhabit, mountains have formed into ice and eroded into treacherous peaks caused by the cold, gusty winds. Although very dangerous, humans found refuge within these structures by excavating circular habitable zones; establishing cities surrounded by giant walls. These places are protected from the harsh winds and chilling cold, but they are nothing more than a desert wasteland surrounded by ice, barren and dry. The government took over what was left of the human race race, monitoring the citizens under strict control.

Dogs are prohibited and are used for something more "useful." They are not allowed to be domesticated family friends, but instead, sent to the Organization for training. These dogs are used to keep order within the cities, and will use force without hesitation. They had become corrupt and savage because of the Organization, which caused the citizens to fear these animals as the years passed. Half of this canine force are machine apparatuses, who are in complete control by the Organization. The Organization is the government; they rule by fear and power, and the Earth has fallen victim to their corruption.

This role-play is about this idea, that is based off of a video called Eighty-six, made by a youtuber named SumikoOneeSan.

"Most dogs don't remember much, but most do remember seeing four blank, white walls. You must know them. They remember the floor being always hard and stone cold, and the air in the room, forever stagnant. Which I am sure you know now recognize. Many hear the barks from the other fellow canines, some sounded mostly dog, some sounded part mechanical, and others all machine. You and me hear them almost every day."

"All of the canines in the Organization were born into this world, taken from their mothers and taken to the Organization, just like you and me. Many of the ones brought here know that nothing there seemed natural. All of the canines there have been trained to think like one of the Machine Dogs. You are in training now, pup. I ask for you not to become one of those brain-washed dogs, keep your beliefs, yet keep them to yourself."

"Some dogs didn't have mechanical parts on their body, the reason being they were part wolf. That was considered rare, and the Organization sought not to tamper with this naturally occurred phenomenon. You are part wolf, and your tag reads '90'. That means your are ninety percent wolf. Other dogs, as you can see- almost always had a mechanical part on their body, while others, were called the Mechs- for they were completely machine, with no heart. They were controlled by the Organization."

"Some of the canines here don't dare to stand up to the Organization or their followers- yet almost everyone has their beliefs. Secretly, I have been forming a plan with group of canines we are plotting- to escape the dreaded place. I ask for you, pup, to stay here. If I do not come back, I am afraid that I am dead. If I do come back, it will be for me only to come back and rescue you. My only advice for you, is that this world has become a dangerous place, and in order to survive..."

"- you must have patience."

These were the words spoken by the one wolf who had rebelled against the Organization. Many canines scared to join her group, didn't dare rebel with her. In the end- her plan had backfired, and she died, along with the many canines who also rebelled with her. Years have passed, and the Mechs believe that no other rebellion is going on, yet the one pup who she had spoken to, is still alive, yet she doesn't dare speak up about her beliefs, just like her mother figure had told her. She however, has a plan that she hasn't told anyone.

A plan to escape.

You will be playing the many dogs who want to rebel against the Organization.
Will you make it out alive along with the others, or will you perish trying to escape?

----------------------------------------------------- .L o c a t i o n s and D o g s. -------------------------------------------------------------------

The city is a barren, dusty, desert like area, with the many sand-brick homes of it's inhabitants. The area looks like a wasteland. The city is surrounded by huge, mountains that are white and covered in snow. They are huge and treacherous, and the doors leading out of the area are locked, always guarded by the humans, and other Mechs just in case. The city is guarded by the Mechs- and it is common to see a patrol of them and other dogs strolling through the many streets. The Organization is a lab-like place, home to the humans who make and train the many dogs who work for the Organization. It is home to the many people of the government, yet downstairs- in a locked area, is where the main lab is.

There are many rooms that house many dogs, the organization similar to one of a kennel. The rooms are blank and white, and the floor is hard and stone cold. The air is stagnant, and the only items in the rooms are food and water bowls. A button is pushed by its inhabitants if they are hungry or thirsty, and water or food pours into the bowls. The food is tasteless, and the water tastes of metal. There are doors on all of the cages- that lead into the rooms, yet there is a back-door for its canine inhabitants, that leads into an area outside- that is fenced in by tall walls so that the dogs do not escape. Inside the downstairs, are rooms for many things for the canines, such as meeting rooms and training rooms.

The dogs are corruption, they are created by corruption. They are programed only to know the knowledge within the walls of the city. The powers to reign over the subordinates under their control is their purpose. They are not living organisms. They are living machines created out of countless parts. They were created for the sole purpose of controlling and directing the other dogs. They are a tool for the Organization. They can't feel, they don't have emotions, and they follow all of the commands without hesitation. The dogs that are called Mechs, have slowly turned into a synthetic, full machine- and become completely stripped of their existence to remain a living organism. All the dogs are taught that the methods of the Organization are the correct way.

The dogs that are in the organization were replaced by machines if they were seen as weak, or too poorly structured to serve a purpose. An example would be that if a dog has a broken leg, the Organization simply replaces it with a mechanical device. If the dog is suffering from internal damage, the Organization simply replaces their heart, lungs, intestines, and the entire internal structure with perfunctory devices. If the dog is old, the Organization simply replaces their dysfunctional part with apparatuses. If a dog has no use at all, they are culled. Other dogs are simply infected with many chemicals to have some sort of other use. Some dogs that are not played with, are wolves- for they are rare.  The only things that the ones that are mixed with wolf are exposed to- would be chemicals and tests.

----------------------------------------------------- .R u l e s. -------------------------------------------------------------------

. Be a nice person, no likes to associate with rude people. If you and another person want to argue, don't disrupt the roleplay, keep it to yourself, or work it out in private messages.

. Be active! Many people in this role-play will be important in terms of moving on in the role-play and thickening the plot, so please don't die out in the role-play, and if you want to leave, kill your character off or something.

. You are allowed to have two characters, nothing more unless you ask and you show you can handle more than two characters. You can't play a mech, yet you can play a dog with mechanical parts, or a dog part wolf, ect. You can't be completely wolf.

. No Gary or Mary Sues. No one is perfect, and your character shouldn't be either.

. This is a literate role play, so be sure to use correct grammar and spelling. You must have two paragraphs for each post, with five to seven sentences. No one-liners or overly short posts.

. God-modding and power-playing is not allowed, in your post, simply 'try' to lay a bite on the other instead of auto-hitting them. You aren't allowed to control others characters unless you have permission.

. Unusual colors or markings are not allowed, and collars and jewelry are not allowed- however, all dogs that are not mechs carry tags that read their information. All breeds are accepted. This is a canine role-play, so no other species, please.

. You can't automatically escape from the Organization. Mechs are everywhere- and kill without hesitation. There is no way in or out of the Organization, the only exception being the special orange cards the humans carry around. The fence that stops them from leaving the outside area is tall, and  has a fenced off ceiling as well. This must be a dragged out process so that the plot can actually go on, and so the role-play won't be so short.

. Romance amongst characters is allowed- if you have time for it, and if your characters can manage to find love in such dark times.

I do not own the idea.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:36:07 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 06:44:48 am »
Character Application

Code: [Select]
Percent of dog:
Percent of wolf:
Percent of mechanical parts:
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:

C h a r a c t e r s

Room 23 -
Cynder, Kystine, Salaki, Bandit, They keep most wolf mixes together.

Room 24 -
Zephra, Shadow, Alever,

Room 25 - Listal, Chance,

Percent of dog:
Percent of wolf:
Percent of mechanical parts:
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 02:51:36 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Proquail

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Re: Eighty-Six [WIP][DON'T POST][Pm if you like?]
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 04:32:16 am »
Name: Zephra
Gender: Female
Age: Four
Species: German Shepherd
Percent of dog: 70%
Percent of wolf: 0%
Percent of mechanical parts: 30%
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:
Zephra is a very petite and agile young shepherd. Both hind legs are mechanical as well as her jaw and all teeth have been made into nearly unbreakable metal material. The rest of her slender body consists of the average German shepherd appearance. Sandy colored base coat with the black back blanket and almost full black face. Her eyes are emerald green and sometimes change due to miss-connected wired in her mechanical parts. they often change from gold to blue to green. her mechanical back legs allow for a faster run and high jumps. her jaw and teeth allow for an accurate and extreme bite force against any enemy.

Zephra is a very snappy young sas, and she takes orders from nobody but whom she must. She has an aggressive attitude towards any other dogs, which is why she must often be separated from the other dogs, she is being trained to attack on command and they plan to use her as a guard/patrol dog for around the city. She simply wants to do her own thing, which is why she is dead set on getting out of this hell town. She has a hatred for all lately, considering they took away her legs and her jaw, and replaced them with cold, heavy metal material. She isn't a happy one, at that.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 04:35:33 am by Chelsea »

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Offline Celeyan

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Re: Eighty-Six [WIP][DON'T POST][Pm if you like?]
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 05:35:11 am »

She is a female dog.
Kyst is only one year old- still very young.
She is a canine, she is a wolf mixed with a husky.
Percent of dog:
She is 10% husky.
Percent of wolf:
She is 90% wolf.
Percent of mechanical parts:
She has 0% mechanical parts.

Description of their appearance/personality/ect:
Kystine is light-builded, wolf mix. But being a wolf, she has a muscular build- one that many dogs don't have. Yet the main part to show that she isn't completely a wolf would be her face and her slightly lighter build. She has the lush, soft fur of a wolf, and is able to withstand harsh, snowy climates, meaning that unlike the humans- she can withstand the cold that the earth has dropped to, outside the walls. Due to her lighter build, she can run quite fast- yet still hold her own in any sort of fight- but with the added chemicals, that part doesn't seem to greatly show. She has lean, tough muscles- and a fluffy tail. Kyst has a black nose and icy, blue eyes. She wears a tag that reads ninety, which is her percentage of wolf.  But even if she has no mechanical parts, she has been put into a machine many times- as the humans have tried to amplify her body. Due to their many tests and injections- she has toughened skin- that sharp objects cannot easily rip into- including the teeth of other dogs, even the mechanical dogs.

She also has something in her blood that allows her to have extra bursts of speed, meaning she has some sort of second wind, allowing her to chase others for an extended amount of time. This also seems to have allowed her to go faster than a normal dog or wolf. She has obviously gotten this to chase criminals in the streets. This gives her a great amount of endurance and stamina, and a wonderful speed. The wolf mix also seems to have an amplified jaw. She has been trained to chase criminals and knock them down, not really to attack them unless they struggle or try to injure her, then the mechanical do the work, which is why she is usually on patrols with other dogs, and not on patrols by herself. Yet there is a rare point where she does have the mission to attack and kill certain criminals. Kystine is a naturally submissive, shy, and quiet dog- which is why she is the main target amongst the other dogs, as they take her nature as a show of weakness.

The humans don't bother to separate her, as her wounds heal quickly due to the many chemicals injected into her body. Kystine normally will not fight back against other dogs- yet transforms into a different dog when out on patrols. She strives to prove to the Organization she is loyal, yet secretly- she despises the Organization, and hates them with a bitter, angry hatred. They have taken her only mother figure and friend, and she is still plotting against them. She hasn't told anyone about her plans, as she wants to wait. Kystine listens to the advice of the other, she knows she must have patience before striking. She seems to be kinder around other dogs should they befriend her, and proves to be more of an optimistic, happy soul- even if things are down. But usually- she is in a sad mood due to how messed up the world has become, yet it doesn't take much to coax out that bit of pup-like immaturity, and happy attitude. Even though she doesn't like her work- she knows that if she doesn't show that she follows their views completely, she'll die- which has turned her into a wonderful actor.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 06:41:29 pm by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2013, 05:36:53 am »
Your accepted, but your character won't be separated from the other dogs no matter how aggressive she is. Any animal she mauls will just be healed by the Organization. c:

Everyone else, apply and post!

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 10:04:46 am »



Almost one year old, still sort of a puppy.

Rottweiler mixed with a labrador-wolf mix.

Percent of dog:

Percent of wolf:

Percent of mechanical parts:

Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:

Cynder has a very light build, long yet stocky legs, thin tail and a rather short muzzle. Her fur is short and silky, black, brown and tan in color with white points - normal colors for a rottie. Cynder's nose is fully black and so are her lips. Eyes are a normal dark hazel.

Cynder is a very jolly gal despite the crisis the world is in. She is completely oblivious on what's happening, thus she doesn't see a big deal of it. Cynder follows every order given to her, even though she despises being ordered around. Hearing what other dogs had to say about the Organization, Cynder thought about it and agreed almost instantly. They all wanted to escape, and she would gladly trekk along. Most dogs go easy on her since she's still a pup - somewhat, and it makes her feel more important, thus making her boasty and childish most of the time.

(I love that animation, SumikoOneeSan is an amazing animator. ^^)

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 04:34:55 pm »

Name: Salaki
Gender: Male
Age: Two years
Species: Malamute / Timber Wolf cross (Wolamute)
Percent of dog: 70%
Percent of wolf: 30%
Percent of mechanical parts: 0%
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect: Appearance: Salaki about 102 lbs. of very strong-willed dog, and sharp as a whip. He has black, white, and tan patches along his body and including his head. He has a black nose with a white muzzle and black stripe running down, along with a circle of tan around his black eyes. A layer of black outlines his ears, while tan colors inside of it.

Personality: Salaki is prideful of himself at times, but he is willing to step down when someone takes the leader position. He is moody at times, and due to that he has a sharp tongue and is stubborn. He isn't very fond of pups and isn't interested in love or finding a mate. Sakali isn't afraid of standing up for others or for himself, and usually, he won't let the situation slip past without a hard fight. When the Organization was mentioned, Sakali immediately agreed, wishing to escape as well as the others. He took this opportunity to show his leadership, strength, and of course, to escape.  

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2013, 06:46:58 pm »
Wonderful applications. c:
I shall accept you!

This is the video the roleplay is based on, so if you want to watch it, then go ahead. c: I should have started organizing rooms, hmm. It is four dogs to a room, so ill just organize them as more people join. I have some up already, above the 'characters' list which I need to work on.

We can start when a couple more people join, we still need a few more. ;o; remember guys- we must have balanced genders. c:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 02:17:37 am by ??????z?????z???? »

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2013, 08:28:21 pm »
May I add another Character? Male. :)

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2013, 10:40:00 pm »
Sure you can add another character. c: