Author Topic: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]  (Read 15391 times)

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2013, 10:50:23 pm »
((If you want I can add another male character))

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2013, 11:22:12 pm »
That would be nice, Oreo, but only if you WANT to add another male character. c: It's up to you.

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2013, 01:47:33 am »

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Species: German Shepherd
Percent of dog: 80%
Percent of wolf: 5%
Percent of mechanical parts: 15% (Left hind leg and paw)
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect: Appearance: Shadow has a tan pelt with a black "blob" across his back. A white patch is nested under his chin, along with a black muzzle and nose. With amber-colored eyes, he has black rims around it. His left hind leg and paw are replaced with a mechanical part. A yellow tag is clipped around his neck.

Personality: Shadow is quiet, but not completely shy. He doesn't like socializing with other canines, hence he enjoys doing solitary work. He doesn't mind working with others, but he prefers to work alone, as said. Though Shadow is quiet, he does have a sharp tongue, and it will lash out at you if he is angered. He can be gullible at times, and struggles trying to make the right choice. When Shadow was only about a pup, he agreed to join the Organization, thinking it was a safe place for dogs. As he grew up, he started getting into fights, hence his hind leg damaged. After his leg was replaced, he realized how dangerous and frightening this place was, and soon wished to escape.

((Before mechanical replacement))
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 01:52:27 am by OreoHeroz »

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2013, 01:51:56 am »

Name: Bandit

Gender: Male

Age: 4 Years Old

Species: Blue Heeler Mutt / Hudson Bay Wolf Cross (Excluding mechanical parts)

Percent of dog: 85%

Percent of wolf: 10%

Percent of mechanical parts: 5%

Detailed description of their:
Appearance - Bandit is a nearly all mechanic-free canine. He has a skinny and light-weight stature, coming in handy for running and being able to dodge quicker during a fight. His fur is mixed with colors; it varies from golden-brown to black. His only mechanical part is his left eye. The original pair of chocolate brown eyes was ruined in a gruesome fight during one of his patrols. His left eye had been lost, and even though he still had the slightest traces of wolf blood, the Organization chose to give him a mechanical eye which Bandit finds as an improvement, as it is able to see further and sharper. The Organization also, for reasons only one can guess at, made the eye look quite realistic. Due to the discoloring of the new left eye, his eyes are now mismatched in color - the mechanical one being icy blue and the old one still being brown.
Personality - Bandit has never been the leading type, nor does he want to be. He considers himself more like a jester: servant to the king and queen. He tries to make the best of the situation generally or crack a joke here and there, but his sarcasm isn't always appreciated, especially if a Mech just happens to be around. Like some of the other normal dogs, he also would like to take a dump on the whole Organization and escape, but thanks to a friend being slaughtered trying to escape, he generally keeps this to himself although whenever possible, he's always up for some Organization-bashing.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2013, 02:11:31 am »
I shall accept you both. c:
Judging by the percentage of wolf, the Organization declares that any dog found with more than 10% wolf in their blood, will be put into a room of four other dogs- this shows that the higher percentage of a wolf, the more treatment you get.

- Zephra, Shadow,

- Bandit, Kystine, Cynder, Salaki.

We can start now! c:
It shall begin with all the dogs going outside for their morning breath of fresh air. This usually is one hour long, so after this patrols, and so on.

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2013, 02:31:56 am »

Kystine had found herself once more, lodged in the corner of the room. The cold floor had awoken her once more- and the way her body was curled, made it uncomfortable, and she was unable to continue sleeping. She hadn't moved- her body aching from her strange way of sleeping, and from last nights testing. This night- she had tried struggling to get away, she had lunged at a human who was close to her, her bark fierce and her paws leading the charge to his face. The dog has only managed to get in a light scratch by her teeth before she was jerked back by her back hind-leg and knocked harshly to the floor. They had then infected her with a needle, which hindered her movement. She was unable to move her limbs. Her punishment, was a longer- and more dragged out test- that actually hurt her. She was put back into the room, shivering and jumping- with whines that racked her body, yet didn't come out of her mouth, she had barely managed to sleep that night.

The cling of the door in the room opening had alerted the mix, and her lazy blue eyes looked towards the front door. The sight of it not opened confused her, before she turned to see the back door open, that led to the outside. Kystine got up slowly- wobbling a bit, before stretching her body, shaking out her fur as she took her time observing the other dogs in her room, before allowing them to land on the freshly put-out tasteless pellets. The sight made her ears go back- as she remembered such tasteless food. But she knew that she had to eat, to at least keep her strength up, if had shown any sign of weakness- they might think something was wrong with her. Carefully, she had made her way towards the steel bowls, first soothing her thirst before allowing herself to eat some of the pellets in the bowl. The wolf-mix had forced herself to eat as much as she could, before she had left- slipping out of the room, stretching her legs as she did so. She had took a submissive posture, scampering to the side of the cage. The wolf MIX had forced herself into the corner, before she had allowed herself to calm. Her gaze landed on the many other dogs coming out into the open, but she otherwise looked off, studying the world outside the fence.

It didn't take long for the other dogs to notice that their favorite chewing toy was out, it in fact only took a couple of minutes as more dogs begun to fill the yard.

Kystine hadn't known she was being eyed down like a piece of prey.

One dog- who had noticed her the moment she had gotten out there, had broken into a light lope towards the oblivious female- who had allowed her head to touch her paws. Kyst was beginning to hope the other dogs would leave her along this time. She was wrong. The mix was beaten down quickly, snaps of the others teeth barely missing her wide icy eyes as she had lowered herself to the ground- yet she had jumped up in a surprised fashion as soon as something sharp enclosed on her ear. Kystine hadn't expected it, and despite trying to get up, had fallen to the ground as the other shoved itself into her shoulder with a surprising force. She had fallen with a startled snarl- and she bared her teeth.

Her act of aggression seemed to fuel the mechanical-jawed rottweiler, who had increased the amount of force in his beatings the moment she had bared her teeth. Kystine immediately had dropped into her submissive pose again, tail curling in between her legs- and her ears flattening against her head as she allowed herself to move lower to the ground. She knew fighting back would be bad- other dogs seemed to love fights- and she was a dog that not many liked, so she'd be beaten down in a heart-beat. This didn't stop the dog though- he had continued to rip and thrash whatever he could reach. He bit her hip- sinking teeth to the bone, and ripping open a slightly healed cut. The other then proceeded to cut her face from eye to her shoulder, snarling and growling as if it had gone mad. The dog had finished in a couple of minutes, their anger gone- and their blood-lust subdued as it had walked away. The wolf-mix had waited for a moment, laying still, and accepting the pain before raising her head to look at her body- to see what wounds she had. Her paw was completely red- obviously wounded, but otherwise it wasn't anything serious- it would heal soon. She also had a gash along her stomach, a painful one- that made her wince every time she moved. Then she had a cut on her hind-leg, and one on her face- overlapping the scar she already had there.

It wasn't as if the Organization would actually do anything, so she otherwise would have to sit there and lick her wounds clean. They weren't severe, and they'd allow her body to heal on its own. They didn't care that much for the wolf mix. She was used to it however, and only gave a small glare towards the retreating dog, before turning to lick her wounds. Another day- more scars, how lucky she was.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 02:41:26 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2013, 02:43:11 am »

The dry pellets touched Shadow's tongue as he nibbled on one, wrinkling his muzzle in disgust. He didn't understand why they could at least have better food, but he consumed them anyway, a little grateful for the strength they supported. His ears perked at the sound of aggressive snarls; he turned his head to see an angered dog snapping at another one. Confusion clouded his gaze for a moment, before he watched the two curiously. When the fight was over, he scowled for a moment, thinking how weak the beaten-up one looked like. A scornful look replaced the scowl, before it disappeared into an expressionless face. Glancing at the rottweiler, Shadow approached the wolf-mix, gazing at her for a moment as he studied her fresh wounds.

"Pity," he sympathized, before continuing, "What happened back there?"

Offline Proquail

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2013, 05:13:25 am »

Deep blue eyes opened to the sound of opening doors. The female conjured of the last bit of her energy and let out a yawn. A flash of silver caught eyes as her long kanine teeth shimmered. She snapped them shut, and a loud clank echoed in the room, the sound of metal teeth smacking each other tight, with great force. She stood, the sound of robotic movement slowly followed the faded echo of the metal. Her hind legs shot her forward, shooting past the other shepherd who occupied the room. She ran towards the outside world and as soon as the breeze hit, she let out a slight whimper of excitement. the feeling of damp grass moistening in between her last two normal dog toes. She slowed to a stop at the sight of a loud calamity. Dogs crowded around a small femme, whom looked excruciatingly helpless. If there had ever been one thing Zephra hated, it was the violence against one who simply was defenseless. She sighed and plopped down on her two mechanic legs.

The smell of blood filled her nose as she examined the femme's wounds. She watched the whole battle go on, and it killed whatever hope was left inside of her beating heart. Only moments later did a familiar voice hit her radars, she turned to the sight of a large mutt. Great dane mixed with a little bit of demon, she swore to herself that the dog had been crazy since day one. She snapped her jaws towards his unkindly stare. As if to say ' back off, or these weapons are sinking into your flesh. ' Though his stare held endlessly. The female brute stood up, unwilling to turn her back on the mutt. he was to be untrusted forever, especially after the violence he cause against her last time. She could still see the scar on his shoulder from where he last metal tooth sunk in too deep, and never came back out. She could see the evil in his red eyes. it was almost as if he played a story of how he would kill her. He had to be one clever dog in order to get past the sharp,jagged metal kanines.

She held her stare into his until he finally let it go, proceeding to whatever it is he was doing before. that is when she turned her back, a mistake she would later regret, because that's when he attacked. She felt the clump of hair rip away from her pelt before she could even turn around. A loud whimper escaped her throat and she snapped her jaws violently into the air. One single second later, he mouth had made it around the larger brute's shoulder blade, and in the metal teeth sunk. The loud scream that released from his mouth satisfied the female. She wasn't going to let him get away easily this time. She managed to stabilize herself, while thrashing effortlessly tearing away at the dog. Painful blows of tooth and muscle hit her, but she kept going. She felt it, the pressure of her tearing at the shoulder blade released, but she still held flesh in her jaws. She spit it out, and the dog quickly backed away. She watched it drop to the ground and roll to his back, a sign of submission. Zephra took a step back, and the taste of thick red liquid hit her taste buds.


Here is My Male Character.

Name: Chance
Gender: Male
Age: Five
Species: Husky / Wolf
Percent of dog: 50%
Percent of wolf: 50%
Percent of mechanical parts: 0%
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:

Chance is a rather large canine, he has a lot of stocky muscle and he knows how to use it. He is a carrier of golden eyes, just like his wolf side of the family. His fur is thick with the texture of smooth and soft, yet a tad rough during the winter seasons. He is a beautiful build of cream red and white. His legs are long and yet stocky, and a thick puffed tail that sometimes curls a tad.

He does not mind company, as long as they can learn to get along as well. He is not one to take any bullying and harassment, and has had many wounds from half-mechs, there was an incident where he dis-obeyed and was horrendously attacked, but fortunately they  didn't allow it to go on, due to the fact that he is part wolf. He has a good mind of cunning and wisdom. He knows his ways around the city walls, and plans to use it to his advantages. He is a 'nerd' is what some would call it, he has studied the technology of the mechs lately, and has figured a few things out.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 06:07:07 am by Chelsea »

' L O V E.

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Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2013, 06:05:32 am »

The white dog had looked up upon seeing another dog, a German shepherd this time. The thought of another attacking her made her look away immediately, and force her body into the fence to try and appear smaller, more helpless. She had waited- and anticipated the feeling of teeth hitting flesh, but when she heard a voice- she had froze. He was speaking to her? The wolf mix had looked up- icy blue eyes looking into the brown ones of the other, and her ears slowly went back up in a curious manner. She barely processed his words, but otherwise looked back down, before opening her mouth. Her voice was rusty, as she didn't talk much- so she had to cough for a little bit before she could speak. "I'm not a favorite amongst the other dogs." She had said simply, standing up and shaking out her white fur- before looking at the German shepherd cautiously, wondering why he was talking to her.

 Some dogs thought the same thing- as some were watching curiously. Kystine looked  around- a  chance to make a friend sparked her interest. "Erm. This isn't a proper greeting. My name is Kystine." She had said simply- attempting to be friendly, her tail giving a slow wag behind her. Hopefully he wouldn't turn on her like so many other dogs who had tried to gain her trust, before one day coming over only to rip her up, and force her to be checked out by the Organization. She didn't know why she wasn't a favorite amongst other dogs, maybe the fact that many had pent up aggression, and she was a submissive dog, made her a target. She shook her head at her thoughts, her icy blue eyes meeting the chocolate gaze of the other. The sound of another fight made her turn her head, but she was used to fights now, so she didn't really care to study the fight for too long. It was a fight with a dog who she was used to- who bullied her often. The great Dane loved to mess with her, so it was a surprise that he didn't come over here before the other dog did. She snorted, pawing at her nose- before awaiting an answer.

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Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2013, 06:24:46 am »

The female took another couple of steps back, licked her chops and watched as the great dane suffered. It was a great feeling of honor to rip his up again. He;d be a fool to come back for ever more after this time. He'd for sure need a mechanical arm now. She reminisced back to when they replaced her legs and jaw and teeth all for the sake of using her to attack with brutal force if necessary. Well now they can replace his leg, he can be miserable like the rest of us mutts. She sneezed off the thought and her gaze still found its way towards the white wolf hybrid. She was curios as to what her and the other shepherd, in fact, it was Zephra's roommate who had approached the white femme. She shifted her weight and settled at a slow trot towards the two, she lowered her head and kept from making contact. A sign of submission. As she approached, she lowered herself in another attempt to show she wasn't there to cause harm. " Hello, please excuse my interruption, but, I am Zephra." She forgot to mention the fact of why she even approached in the first place, but she wasn't exactly sure why she did anyways. It was never in her nature to approach anyone these days. She didn't really know much better other than kill or be killed.

Chance opened his eyes slowly, the sound of dogs excitement meant for one thing, it was time to head out to inhale some fresh air. He slowly sat up and allowed himself to stretch, his bones cracked after lying on the stiff floor all night. He yawned before trotting towards the door. The outside air lingered in his nostrils and he could feel how humid it was. Dry and cold, but it felt better than the hard concrete floors that he had been forced to call home. He let out a sigh and proceeded to carry on outside, he stepped onto the wet grass and lifted his crown high. His radars captured the loud annoyance of fighting, something that went on almost every day. he noticed a small water bucket, set out to keep everyone's thirst quenched. He longed for a drink of cold refreshing aqua, and his paws carried him to the bucket. He lowered his maw and nearly inhaled the cool refreshment.

' L O V E.