Author Topic: The Great Serpents  (Read 1311 times)

Offline duna the killer

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The Great Serpents
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:13:47 pm »
Whenever someone sees a snake, they usually flip out and run for their lives. But, have you ever wondered what a snake's ancestor was? They were the Great Serpents. The Great Serpents controlled the Earth, detirmining what happened and what didn't. They took life and gave life. These are the Great Serpents.

Serpent of The Sun

The Great Creator, The Serpent of the Sun, sometimes called Solar, is a large fiery serpent. He and the Serpent of the Moon bring Night and Day to the Serpents below them. Every Serpent respects him, even the Serpent of Death.

Serpent of the Moon

Second in command, the Serpent of the Moon is the longest of the serpents. He uses his great length to carry the moon on it's long journey. He is called Lunar, and has a crescant moon marking on his flanks.

Serpent of Life

He is much nicer than he looks. The Serpent of Life, sometimes called Wisdom, gives creatures their lives.

Serpent of Death

He kills anyone who doesn't obey him. Called Fate, this serpent is massive, bearing a mouthful of poisonous fangs. Anyone who doesn't follow his orders he will kill... Slowly and Painfully.

Serpent of Fire

His name is Flame. Flame is a small serpent compared to the other serpents. Being only 30 ft. long, he is often teased by some of the other serpents. But they also fear him, as he could kill them in seconds with his burning blue flames.

Serpent of Water

His name is Wave. He controls the oceans, and floods once a year. He enjoys the flooding, and makes sure he makes the floods high. The reason behind this is his want for more territory.

Serpent of Wind

Gust is ambitious and greedy for territory. He constantly battles the other serpents, damaging them greatly with high speed winds and tornadoes.

Serpent of Storms

Thunder is fierce, and sometimes doesn't like the other serpents. He spends his time in the clouds lounging around, sometimes giving rain to the lands below him. When he is mad or upset, he will unleash a flurry of lightning and thunder.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 06:36:45 pm by Dunastar »