Author Topic: Excuse you?  (Read 3024 times)

Offline Kerriki

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2013, 05:47:00 am »
Ive seen some really terrible incidents on FH.  I have a  friend thats been bullied much in Rl, and comes here to get away.  Ive seen people come out of no where saying things on her looks and char that are absolutely horrible(and shes the most gorgeous wolf in game if you ask me). 
Those people were probably just jealous of her look; sometimes it's as simple as that.
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2013, 06:04:28 am »
Indeed alot of people are rude now a days in FH. Probably because they don't want to get involved or want to look good in front of friends although it makes them look idiotic. People have their ways...

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Offline pecchara

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2013, 09:39:32 pm »
unfortunately It cant really be helped, its just how people are...
I agree that, for the rude people, it can't be helped. I mean, there are always those people around who will never change and can't be courteous or polite. It's too bad.

However, I believe people should definitely stand up for the ones being bullied. If you see that happening, help them out. No one deserves to be treated poorly. It's rewarding to help someone find their way, especially for someone new. I'm fairly new to the site, and I can't thank people enough when they help me out with controls and tips.

In my opinion, scaring away "newbies" doesn't help anyone. The newcomers end up leaving the game because it's pointless to stick around where they can't figure out what to do, much less find a friendly group of people to chill with. It's happened before on MMO games, and I've experienced some of that myself. I used to just leave MMOs because they got so unfriendly. I've noticed some of those MMOs have fallen apart over time because of that.

Call me a quitter, but I mean - the point of a game like this is to be friendly and chill so we can all have fun together.
Make sure to help a pal out, guys. c:

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2013, 12:13:15 am »
Oh God, I've seen it a ton whenever I'm in a mapped roleplay and we have to go to recruit at the Cape Portal. There's an unsettling frequency of people being rude to each other on FeralHeart for no reason other than being rude. I know that's a normal internet thing; the internet is full of people who have fun ruining the days of others. But I was kind of hoping FH would be a break away from that attitude. Alas, it's gradually seeping in.

It's kind of like a disease to me. It's a contagious attitude, and it kind of sucks that a lot of newbies seem to be the first ones who have to deal with it; because then they either adopt the arrogant attitude themselves, or they're scared away from the game. Trolling isn't funny. It makes you look immature and like a generally unpleasant person. I mean, little jokes are fine?? but i've seen people get made fun of on this game for very petty reasons, and a lot of nasty fights break out because someone had to say something mean in local.

There's also a huge disrespect to the mods on here. Which weirds me out, since I came to FH from another community with a userbase that's vastly different. I've been a member of the staff on a game/site vaguely similar to FH. Let me tell you; With most communities like these, those moderating are doing it by volunteer. They don't get paid or anything. They take the time out of their day to answer reports, send out messages, warnings, and bans, mingle with the community, and help any confused members out. Most probably have jobs or school to worry about on top of all of that. They do all of this for the normal userbase, to make their time on the game/site a nicer place, and they do it because they want to help out. That's how staff teams work. They stress and tire themselves out so that you'll have a better time. And, from personal experience, it feels like a huge slap in the face when it seems like a startling amount of people aren't grateful whatsoever and decide to make your day even harder.

That's just speaking from what I know from another game, not sure how the FH staff team works. But yeah. Being a moderator of anything is stressful, and it seems like a lot of the Feralheart community doesn't understand that. I'm not saying we should all kiss up to the mods, I just wish people on this game would respect them for their efforts a little more.

I agree totally with Misha. Newbies are still an equal part of the game. Attitudes are deathly contagious. So being nice and helping them out when they need it will likely leave a better impression on them than just turning your head the other direction. We need to start making a collective effort to be friendlier, so that the less pleasant members on FH don't blot out the nice parts of the game. Apologies for the long winded reply.