Author Topic: Is Always Winning Really That Important?  (Read 5125 times)

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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2013, 07:14:59 am »
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I strongly agree, and have noticed, been irritated by and now want to expand upon this observation.

There are the obvious, irritating and frankly rather stupid things known as 'powerplaying' or 'goddmodding' that get a lot of publicity. Being 'undefeatable' or having 'special powers' when in a semi-real to realistic RP is just a 'lil bit idiotic and makes others judge you very quickly. This, most of us know and dislike.

But there are also the people, who, while they accept your attacks and whatnot, will never concede OOC that they have lost, that their character has lost. While phrases like 'she limped from the connecting blow to the shoulder' are usually thrown in there and the person Rps accordingly, they will still never lose. Ever. They just keep the fight going until the other person decides to have their character beaten due to a tediously long fight.

It doesn't matter, really, as it's about RP who wins or loses, its just fun to see what moves and challenges you can stem from other people.

These 'non-conceders' are, essentially, a really dulled down version of powerplayers and therefore go un-noticed often, as they don't do anything outrageously stupid like 'shoots fire from eyes' (See it happen -_-).

-flops about-

Rant over c:

Snarf, out.

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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2013, 04:27:26 pm »
I deliberately make my character lose a battle to show her weakness and fragile side. I also make the fight scenes sound realistic and gradual.

It doesn't really matter who wins unless... you are playing as a strong and insidious character, for example a demon or enemy and the opponent is a weakling like a pup or young fox. It would make the fight unrealistic and a bit power played if the weaker one won to a much stronger opponent.

However not all fights have to consist of stronger winning with weaker. The weaker for example might have a hidden power and only find it when in danger, they then use it to defeat the stronger opponent who is confused about such power, and completely unprepared.

So therefore it doesn't matter who wins, it's the content that matters most of all and how realistic you make it. (Don't forget interesting aswell)

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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2013, 04:33:06 pm »
I've been doing some thinking, and here is what I came up with.

Losing a battle, you can learn from that and it can add more character to you, but sometimes, failure is not an option, it can lead to death, destruction, and pain.

I see both sides of the equation, so I understand why you think losing a battle won't hurt anyone too badly, and how others may think that failure is NEVER an option, and think you need to win every time.

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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2013, 05:37:33 pm »
Ive seen this on some occasion when I used to RP and now adays. I think its the fact that kids don't want there "high skilled character" to lose. Really in ways, people don't want to picture there character as weak.
Personally I find that people who cant be a sport and lose at times to be somewhat of a cross between powerplayer.
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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2013, 08:17:38 pm »
It is happening because it's hard for us to accept the failure. Many people rely on games to build up some fake self confidence and feel of victory, mostly because they aren't able to achieve it in real life. Since they have chance to prove themselves in some other world where nobody knows their true face, they don't want to fail even in virtual world, so many find it hard to accept that failure. Honestly I also like to win and build up reputation "the one who everyone fears of", but that doesn't mean I want to turn to powerplaying and such. I prefer to act realistic and to get a scar or two. I hope one day we'll have battle system like one of WIP game PrimitiveCall will make. That way everyone will be able to prove their real strength by actually showing it with something more than usual typing.
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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2013, 08:50:01 pm »
This is why I tend to avoid those kinds of characters (and those kinds of roleplays). It just seems so childish, to want to be the biggest, baddest kid on the block. This is a GAME, people! Calm down!

And besides, with everybody making their characters "hardcore" invincible fighters, nobody would ever win in a fight, anyway. It's like,

"You can't beat me! I'm the lead alpha wolf in my pack! I've killed an entire herd of bison, all on my own! I've never lost a fight!"
"You can't beat me, either! I'm the strongest warrior in my clan! I've killed an entire pack of wild dogs, all by myself! I've never lost a fight, either!"
"Well, you still can't beat me!
"And you can't beat me!"

What's the point of something like this? It just makes for boring characters and boring rps. It's like how everybody likes to make their characters "big" in Character Creator, so when I play as one of my "big" characters and go into a public map, everybody's on their "big" characters, so my character just ends up looking normal-sized (and the few normal-sized characters look like munchkins).

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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2013, 09:29:08 pm »
This is why I tend to avoid those kinds of characters (and those kinds of roleplays). It just seems so childish, to want to be the biggest, baddest kid on the block. This is a GAME, people! Calm down!

And besides, with everybody making their characters "hardcore" invincible fighters, nobody would ever win in a fight, anyway. It's like,

"You can't beat me! I'm the lead alpha wolf in my pack! I've killed an entire herd of bison, all on my own! I've never lost a fight!"
"You can't beat me, either! I'm the strongest warrior in my clan! I've killed an entire pack of wild dogs, all by myself! I've never lost a fight, either!"
"Well, you still can't beat me!
"And you can't beat me!"

What's the point of something like this? It just makes for boring characters and boring rps. It's like how everybody likes to make their characters "big" in Character Creator, so when I play as one of my "big" characters and go into a public map, everybody's on their "big" characters, so my character just ends up looking normal-sized (and the few normal-sized characters look like munchkins).
*reply to quotes* POWERPLAY ALERT! >:O Don't you just hate that? Bison herd? Seriously?
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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2013, 01:02:56 pm »
Spongebob episode where he gets those gigantic fake muscles and can't actually do anything useful with them.

OMG, that's priceless XD I remember that episode LOL

But seriously, it's better to have a humble character that isn't great at everything than one who cheats to win battles.

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Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2013, 04:56:52 pm »
It's a common thing to wanting to be the perfect fighter and win every battle. Yes, we can look at the scenario in a fantasy point of view, however, even in fantasy, there is imperfection. Not everyone wins, the "hero" doesn't always get the last laugh. If they did, would they be interesting in a whole?

With a character that is spot on with everything, in this case, winning, how are they interesting? What does it say about the character themselves? Yes, we could agree they are strong, but is that it? Winning does not define the character, interaction and progression does. In my opinion, if there is no loses, how can your character grow? In developing a character, it is great to see how they learn and improve themselves in whatever story-line they are put into.

It's of nature for one that wishes to express dominance and ferocity in a game that possess
the ability to battle. When one approaches another that peeks to challenge, it is there to see who shall
come on top. The two that possess great tenacity and pompous pseudo-achievements and that appear
as one of the 'best' fighters in the game, it is again of nature for one to challenge. Looking at historical figures, specifically in Greece,
you can see Gladiators battle to the death for example. Would one like to lose to a
crowd, and to lose their character? Absolutely not. Unless furtherance with planning would depict a clear
plot on who the victor would be, it is necessary that one in peril would respectively be defeated as in
accordance to the plot.

For my experience and my value of fighting in role-play (as well as in reality), I would not like to lose to
any fight at all. Losing a fight leaves guilt, shame, and embarrassment. These emotions described in reality
integrate with Feralheart as many are already aware that emotions on here can be noticed if one is taken
seriously. Most role-play battles on FeralHeart are took very seriously, and that answers what I described as above.

Though yes, winning is an important factor when it comes down to fighting, and it does
progress your character, define what character it is, and what sort of interaction it may have on others as long as the
player acknowledges the character as a whole and the talents it has.