Author Topic: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!  (Read 1055 times)

Offline Mewzic

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Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« on: November 17, 2013, 02:59:38 pm »
Hey guys, so this is almost a bit saddening for me to be asking for a map from someone else, mainly because I enjoy making maps and I have been for a little over two years now. But, sadly, my computer can not spare the storage for meshes, particles, ect. I'm extremely excited to release my new roleplay, but I sadly need a map made for it first. Just for a little information on the roleplay; it is a tribe-based roleplay that has four different cat tribes. The Tribes are; Kyka [Mountain Tribe], Notok [Stream Tribe], Trava [Grass Tribe], and Vorona [Crow/Dark Tribe]. Each tribe is named after what surroundings/climate they live in. Honestly if you take on this project, I believe you should join our website so that you can understand the tribes and their special traits a bit more;

I am able to provide a height map to be used for the map project, but all credits for the heightmap and mask go to my friend KuuNara. c: If you agree to take on this project, I'll send you a download for the terrain and the mask together.

Weather: No rain or snow
Sky: Normal, it would be nice if you were able to edit the colors a bit to make it more realistic/pretty
Meshes: I really don't want to see many default meshes in the map... I could always help you by finding specific meshes. c:
Particles: I'd like for there to be frog particles in the rivers
Sounds: Honestly, if you are able to add sounds to the map; like crickets, birds, ect. that would be nice, but not needed.
Size: About 20,000; NOT to big or to small. The height should be around 700 or so.

The Middle Island = Gathering Place/Cape Portal
This is the typical area where the portal to the map should be, preferably somewhere in the middle, except out of the way so there can be gatherings. I don't really mind what this area looks like, as long as it stays realistic and makes sense. Feel free to put whatever details you want here, as long as their is a place for the leaders to stand and for a gathering to take place.

Top Left Corner = The Vorona/Underground
They live in underground tunnels and should have eight dens in total. There is a tunnel that leads to the top of their lands, above the tunnels. The land above the tunnels will be for a herb garden for the 2 Shamans and a training ground for the apprentices. There should be a leader den and bonepile [Like a highrock except with bones since they are the violent tribe] in one of the main/larger areas of the tunnels. The tunnels and upper-part of the land should be the most detailed area of the Vorona lands. The other parts of the land can have fir trees, rocks, patches of grass, and other sorta swampy meshes. Please keep in mind that the Vorona are the darkest group of cats and their land should reflect that.

Top Right Corner = The Trava/Grassland
This is the tribe of the grass, meaning their land should be rather flat with a few hills. Their land is the most detailed with plants, herbs, and prey (deer, mice, rabbits). Their camp should contain six dens, including a Shaman den that has a small pool/pond of water in it. There should be one place in their territory that has a training ground as well as a place that could be used for ceremonies/rituals. The ceremonial area should be close to the camp, mainly because the Trava worship the sun god and do all sorts of ceremonies to celebrate their religious beliefs. Their camp should reflect that they are the Clan that is based on herbs and medication, meaning their dens should have like hanging vines or other little details to show that they have a surplus of plants.

Bottom Left Corner = The Kyka/Mountain
This tribe is known for their amazing climbing skills as well as thick furs to survive the harsh climate of the mountains. Their territory is rocky, cold, and harsh. Prey should be scarce here, as well as too many plants. Their camp should literally be made of lots of rocks, including the dens. There should be six dens, including a Shaman/Medicine Cat den. These cats worship the moon, so I'd really like for there to be some ceremonial like places that are higher-up in the territory. There should also be a training ground that contains a lot of rocks to teach the apprentices how to climb. I'm not saying there cannot be detail in this part of the map, but just keep in mind that it's supposed to look like a mountain.

Bottom Right Corner = The Notok/Stream
This tribe is based around water and the circles shown in the height map should actually have a small pool of water in them. The Notok's camp should be divided by flat rocks that contain different dens on each one, in the middle of the camp should be the leader's den/highrock. Their territory is lush and has many rivers in it, so they should have a lot of plants and prey in their lands, but not as much as the Trava. There should be seven dens, a Shaman and a Prison. There should be a training ground/area, but not a ceremonial place because they do not believe in any god.

Honestly, I'm not to picky on what is in the map as long as it is REALISTIC and goes along with each tribe. I can't stress that I want the map to be realistic, meaning no huge trees that make your cat seem like a mouse. I want the trees to be the size to where you can actually jump in them if needed. I would like the meshes to stay realistically sized based off the size of a FH cat model. There should also be no lone dens outside of the camps, loners are not allowed in this roleplay as of right now. There should also be no human place, because Betrayal is based in a valley/wildlife setting, so no humans are ever going to be in this roleplay. c: If you take on this task, thank you SO SO SO SO much! I'm willing to offer any more information needed, and I will even help you find the meshes/particles needed for this map. c:

Also, I'll try my best to find a way to repay you.. whether it be with free proboards websites for whatever you want, or dA points if I can find enough. I'm not sure, I'll try my best to repay you somehow, whether it be with smooches or not. xD
« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 10:24:52 pm by Mewzic »

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2013, 11:55:13 pm »

Offline Mewzic

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2013, 02:44:18 pm »

Flying cow

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2013, 04:06:49 pm »
I shall get it done for you! :3 (You whispered me)

Flying cow

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2013, 08:23:22 am »
I wanted to ask. Does the meeting area require a specific landmark to show that it is a meeting area? :3

Flying cow

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 11:29:21 am »
First of all, I needed to test the size of the tree's. Please tell me which out of these three screenshots are the right scale?

And a little sneak peak of grassland shaman den. :3

Sorry this is taking so long, really really busy. :c

Offline Mewzic

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2013, 02:23:54 pm »
Hmm not sure how to explain for a specific landmark except for just a large area where the leaders can sit and the clan can gather beneath the rock/tree/whatever. And for the tree sizes, I'd say 1 & 3 are the best scales. Also, that shaman den looks magical! ?_?

Flying cow

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Re: Map maker needed for a Tribe Map!
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 02:27:22 pm »
Alright! Thanks for the hint! <3