Author Topic: Something that bugs me...  (Read 2414 times)

Offline Beasty

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Something that bugs me...
« on: November 25, 2013, 01:22:24 am »
     Here's a problem that really bugs me. I've been playing FeralHeart for abour 3-4 years, probally more, and one thing that I've loved about the game was that the community was nice and fun to be around, as everyone treated everyone with respect. I used to play in FP alot, and now that I'm not a big Lion or Warrior Cat roleplayer I've been rping and hanging around in Bonfire as a Horse or Dog, ect... And for the last few months or so, I've seen countless times were someone tries to be funny by making fun of someone else. I hnow sometimes people may put "Male Filly" or "Female Colt" In their name, and someone corrects them in a friendly manor, but sometimes people just turn rude out of nowhere, heres some circumstances I've seen....

(This is a reprensation, so names and all are changed)
I'm rp'ing as a horse with a Mare friend, who has Dalmation Markings to show a roan pelt, which some horses have.
Fang M: Oh, look. A mare with Dalmation Markings, It Hutz meh eyesss(All Caps)
Me: Leave her alone please.
Fang M: No, if she's stupid enough to have those markings, she should be made fun of.
    The way he worded it showed he said if to try to be funny. My friend couldn't download any MassMarkings due to her computer, so she had to be creative. It happends so many times. Have you guys ever seen it, and whats your thoughts? Am I overdoing it and should just leave it alone?

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 01:34:26 am »
Yes, I'm afraid in my years of being on Feral Heart, especially recently when I've been hanging out in Bonfire, I have noticed this "trend" of "cyber bullying." Really, it's just the person's efforts at trying to get attention, in my opinion. The most you can really do is either confront them in a loving manner, and if that doesn't work, you can simply block them. All they seek is getting attention at other people's expense, and many times their rude comments don't even need to be glorified with a response. If somebody does say something, you have every right to stand up for yourself or for your friend, just be sure to do it in a loving way.
Don't let idiotic attention-seekers ruin your roleplaying experience. c:
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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 04:52:46 pm »
     Here's a problem that really bugs me. I've been playing FeralHeart for abour 3-4 years, probally more, and one thing that
FeralHeart has only existed since 2011, so if you've been playing since start that's about 2 years.

I've loved about the game was that the community was nice and fun to be around, as everyone treated everyone with respect. I used to play in FP alot, and now that I'm not a big Lion or Warrior Cat roleplayer I've been rping and hanging around in Bonfire as a Horse or Dog, ect... And for the last few months or so, I've seen countless times were someone tries to be funny by making fun of someone else. I hnow sometimes people may put "Male Filly" or "Female Colt" In their name, and someone corrects them in a friendly manor, but sometimes people just turn rude out of nowhere, heres some circumstances I've seen....
(This is a reprensation, so names and all are changed)
I'm rp'ing as a horse with a Mare friend, who has Dalmation Markings to show a roan pelt, which some horses have.
Fang M: Oh, look. A mare with Dalmation Markings, It Hutz meh eyesss(All Caps)
Me: Leave her alone please.
Fang M: No, if she's stupid enough to have those markings, she should be made fun of.
    The way he worded it showed he said if to try to be funny. My friend couldn't download any MassMarkings due to her computer, so she had to be creative. It happends so many times. Have you guys ever seen it, and whats your thoughts? Am I overdoing it and should just leave it alone?

Sadly yes there are many trolls out there, and people that just have to poke their nose into others buisness - usually to get attention.
This game is about creativity and using your fantasy, therefor I, personally, thinks it's those that dare to use their imagination and create a horse out of a canine model, that really are the creative ones.
Those who poke fun at that might not be as creative, or as I said earlier they might just be looking for attention or to try to "be cool" infront of their friends.

If you see that there's bullying going on, you are more then welcome to take screens and send them to me or anyone else on the staff. Or as JimMoriarty said it might, sometimes, be best to just ignore and block them - don't let them destroy your fun out there.

Cheers// Shallow

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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2013, 05:07:29 pm »
Unfortunatly there will always be those sadsack trolls that'll run around the game and start bashing others to get uneeded attention and start unecessary arguments. I've seen people make stupid comments about someone else's character all for the sake of starting a fight.

There are people like that in every online community, and there always will be. The best thing to do is ignore them, or block them. If necessary, take the screenshots and send them in a report message to a mod. Maybe the troll won't think it's funny when they find out they can't log into the game.

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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 06:55:07 pm »
I don't like this issue either. It seems like the amount of trolls and cyber bullies has increased somehow.

Unfortunately, there will always be those types of people out on the Internet. Most of the time when this happens the person either forgets there is someone else on the other side of the screen or they just don't care. As my and my siblings say "You got offended on the Internet? You must be new here." Being insulted on the interwebz is typical. I've learned to try to not feed the trolls. Trolls do their thing because they want attention and they want a reaction. If you don't give them that then they usually go away. It's not easy to ignore the people that just want an argument sometimes. But if you don't pay attention, it helps.

Now moving onto the subject of being told wrong. Lots of times people will state their own opinion and it's said to be wrong by someone else. It's called your opinion for a reason, it's yours and no one else's. If I said that I dislike One Direction (Random example xD) It might be different from your opinion. One of my friends used to not like sharing her opinions because she thought that someone would say it was wrong.

If your in game and see someone like this, it's best to block them and move along; Don't let them take the fun out!


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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2013, 09:17:05 pm »
I agree with you; this community is an adoring place when everyone gets along. But when the immature cyber bullies come along, it's a different story.

And exactly what Stargazer said, it has increased strangely over time. I mean I don't know why people are judging people and making fun of others just for the fun of it. They think it makes them cool, except in most peoples minds they would think of them the exact opposite. It's the matter of them trying to be a 'boss' and not being apparently 'weak' by being nice and going with the original purpose of the game: to have fun. They think it's fun to ruin other peoples fun; and that's just wrong. Your friend was being very creative with the dalmation markings - I would do the same. People should think before they talk; if they did then it's most likely people would get along better. And if they really did think; they would realize that whatever they were going to say could offend others and possibly start something which is pretty hard to stop and get over with. If only people actually thought before speaking. They shouldn't suddenly blurt out something cruel without realizing that the other person may not think what they're thinking.

If someone ever does something like that to you (or anyone else for that matter), the best thing to do is either use my motto or ignore 'em. ''Silence, Block, Report.'' Do not answer them! The likes are they just want to start a fight for the hell of it and just want a reaction. They want to be known as 'tough' by others and want the word to spread around the game.

I'm not very good at explaining and this might not make sense but just saying.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 08:37:56 am by Techie'xo »

Offline Fallenleaf

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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2013, 10:15:12 pm »
That's just the worst. I have this tortie-shell Siamese character, directly based off my lovely cat. I was attending a Gathering on the L island when a cat with white pelt and flash orange MP3 markings started bashing me about how my lil' Owlflight was 'disgustingly dirt colored' and unrealistic. Oh, my cat isn't real? Great. At the top of that, it was an updated version of my old character and the new version was far more realistic.

But really. There's oeople forcing themselves to create a character without having the markings for it. Other people seem to think their purpose in life is to bash on those who put all their efforts in something. >n>

Offline Beasty

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Re: Something that bugs me...
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2013, 06:08:13 pm »
I've been playing for nearly 3 years, I didn't really know how long I'd been playing, it was an estimate.But getting back on subject...

   I've found myself playing less and less as Ive constantly been put down on FH. I can get on and play withe friends but just hopping on and playing randomly, I just can't do it anymore.  FeralHeart is a place where people can hang out and escape the  realities of the real world. Or at least that's how I look at it, but with the constant bullying and pestering, it doesn't  have the same  joyous feel as it used to since all this has escalated. In no way am I blaming the FH mods or anyone that isn't bullying. I'm just trying to see what's causing it and see if we can resolve some of it.