Author Topic: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~  (Read 29869 times)

Offline rainbow lion

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #80 on: January 09, 2014, 11:26:04 pm »
Sorry for lateness. xD))

The white tom's jaws released her fore-leg when he realized he was being pulled backwards. As the rogue's jaws tightened onto his scruff Blizzardstar went limp, trying to act as though his energy had left him. He even half closed his eyes to add affect.

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #81 on: January 10, 2014, 12:07:44 am »
Koy smirked proudly as the tom went limp. She changed her footing and prepared to take the winning bite, loosining her grip a bit and then smirking again. "Gave up si easy.." She hissed through the fur and began to go for the winning bite.

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Offline jesija

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #82 on: January 10, 2014, 12:25:42 am »
The apprentice listened closely to her mentor's explanation, her expression slightly troubled. Turning against their own kin... That remined Opalpaw a bit of her mother (or at least the way she thought of her). Mostly, she was just appalled that a clan-blood cat would do such a thing. Opalpaw lied down in the safety of the medicine cat den, glad that she wouldn't have to venture out into the darkness tonight. She tucked her front paws underneath her chest and let herself drift off, lulled by the familiar scent of herbs and the silent night.

Foxtrap, upon hearing Liontuft's remark, shot Thornpaw a sort of knowing look. After burying his mouse, he disappared behind the warehouse to look for more. After retrieving no less than five mice, he returned to the front and dropped them by the others. The orange tom was huffing and puffing furiously, though he looked rather satisified with the amount of mice he had caught. There was just so many, he had started to get dizzy chasing them around.

Eventually a figure, easily seen in the darkness because of it's light pelt, emerged from behind the grungy door. Foxtrap didn't feel it was his place to praise the apprentice, but he looked impressed enough for Thornpaw to know by looking at his face. The siamese would be a good addition to the warriors of Valleyclan.
"It's already dark," He said, "We'll head back once Liontuft comes back."

The clan was starting to settle down, but Oddstar, still anxious from the debacle with rogues earlier, decided to stay up the night to watch vigilantly over her clan. She often did this, and over the smallest of things because she was slightly paranoid. But the leader couldn't ignore the heavy feeling in her chest that told her something bad was to happen.

A screech, a yowl bellowed from deep within the forest, travelled with the breeze and up into Oddstar's perked ears. Her bi-colored eyes were instantly open, her muscles tensing as she listened for anything else that might give away the invader's location. Nothing, and yet she took off into the branches. Staying within the canopy of branches, Oddstar travelled above the ground, hoping to catch the scent of the intruder.

The cat she found did not have the scen't of a clan cat, though. Faintly Rainclan, but not nearly enough to say for sure. The tom was flaming orange, with a nasty scar scaling his shoulder to his side. Oddstar thought he looked familiar, like he'd seen him at a Gathering once... Perched safely ontop of a high tree branch, she called out in a firm, serious tone, "Scavenging for trouble, are we?"
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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #83 on: January 10, 2014, 12:51:20 am »
Meadowstar walked out of the leader's den before the medicinecat could disagree. She walked straight through camp and into the woods. She was able to hear Foxtrap, Thornpaw, and what sounded like Liontuft. She advanced forward until she could make out their outlines in the brightening sky. She then turned and found the tree She buried the poisonous mouse under. She began to dig, and soon crawled into the den, and picked it up by the scruff like a kit. She kept a few tree lengths away from the patrol, just to make sure everything was OK. She then moved on out of the territory and towards rogue territory.

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #84 on: January 10, 2014, 02:01:29 am »
"hawkkit! It's already bedtime"
that was her mother, whiteleg. Hawkkit letted out a sigh of annoyance before padding over to where the nursery is at. "but mother, I was just practicing my skills! You know that next moon, I will become a apprentice!" she mewed to the brown tabby ragamuffin-American longhair mix, her voice tone rough but innocent-like. The queen letted out a sigh and wrapped her tail around hawkkit.
"I know but you can't sneak out of the nursery at night. You know that a fox, badger or a rouge would get you if you dare sneak out of camp"
the queen's silky voice ring softly into her pointy ears. Her mother was right after all, someone could get her and most likely sent her into starclan before she becomes a apprentice. Lowering her ears, hawkkit only nodded and went back to the nursery. why can't mom let me stay up for one night? I can fight any enemy and predator until their tails tuck between their legs and run off crying to their mothers. I'm fine being on my own, I can't- her thoughts were interrupted by her mother, who is staring at her with disapproval. Why? Whiteleg caught hawkkit digging her claws into the nest in anger. Sheathing her claws back into her white paws, hawkkit curled up by her mother and siblings. Tucking her paws underneath her chest, the tabby kitten closed her eyes, allowing darkness and sleepiness to take over. (whiteleg is a NPC)

after a while of yowling at the loss of his mouse (or the "gray kit" in his mind), fireblaze shook his head and was prepared to walk away until the sound of pawsteps echoed into his ears. He scanned the area, not seeing a single cat in sight until he heard a voice coming from above, quickly lifting his head to see where the voice was coming from, a twisted grin sweep across face as he found a cat, perched on a high branch. His green eyes narrowed and glow with a insane look as he ignored her and ludged at the tree like a rabid animal, attempting to climb the tree only to fall clumsily onto the ground. Snarling, fireblaze walked around the tree, his eyes locked onto the unfamiliar cat perched at a high tree branch. some blood should be spilled the "voice" said in his thought, his grin getting wider at the thought of him killing the brown and white tabby feline. He stopped pacing around the tree and sat down in front of the tree, his claws unsheathed as he waited for the cat to come down due to the fact that he was bad at climbing and even if he did then he would fall shortly after climbing up a tree.
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Offline jesija

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #85 on: January 10, 2014, 04:21:56 am »
(( So, I had a sudden epiphany while reading the first post.
It says that Flameclan's territory is fire-stricken, but they are also great tunnelers. I'll give you a second to put that together....
mind explosion
So I hurried and went to create a Flameclan cat.

Name- Whisperstep
Age- 31 moons
Gender- Female
Breed- Lynx Point
Mix- Marbled Tabby
Appearance- Small body with large, wide paws. Fur is very light brown with marbled darkbrown. Her eyes are blue.
Personality- She is very shy, introverted, and will often keep to herself. She hates conflict, letting everyone around step all over her. She is, however, an extremely skilled tunneler, and her skills underground have also made her observant and alert above ground as well.
Rank- Warrior
Clan- Flameclan
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Offline NeverFearTheFall2468

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #86 on: January 10, 2014, 10:38:15 am »
[Oh, so Flameclan is like Windclan in a way? I don't know.
Such a pretty kitty! Accepted! :3
Update main post!

Tornear seemed to be slightly confused by the look on her apprentice's face. She slipped away, Opalpaw already slowly drifting away to sleep. A simple and neat built den sat in front of her, or at least a extension to the medicine cat den. Scents of herbs and mist danced in the chilled air, the silent and peaceful night topped it all off. Tornear stepped into her den, soon resting her paws under her chest and relaxing. The scents danced, sounds muted, the perfect night.
Soon, the she-cat had drifted to a pleasant slumber.

The prey-scent paraded through the empty forest, prey was everywhere. The tom had spent his time hunting, apart from the others. Liontuft had caught at the least three so far, assuming Foxtrap caught a larger amount, he began heading to the warehouse again. The prey dangling loosely from his jaws, passing his earlier buried prey. Liontuft stopped, placed the grey mice down and retrieved it. Once he had all he needed, he began to head on towards the massive structure.

He reached it in a short amount of time, he hadn't strayed off too far. Foxtrap seemed to have caught a pretty decent bunch of mice, his friend looked rather dizzy from chasing them around. He dropped his load, and glanced over at his apprentice."Well done, Thornpaw." The tom praised, bits of fur still is his mouth. He looked at the pair in front of him and spoke. "Lets head back now." The tom awaited approval from the cats.
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #87 on: January 10, 2014, 08:18:18 pm »
Meadowstar stalked through the dark plains. The gathering place was far to her right, the rock in the middle shining. She then saw a circle of brambles. She knew these were placed by the rogues, who had mocked the clans and made a 'camp'. She walked around then found an entrance and walked through. The leader looked at her, "Meadowstar! What brings you here? If you are going to attack we outnumber you."
"I know, I know. I was wanted to talk with you in your den." The leader looked suspiciously at her, then beckoned her into his 'den' which was a hollow rock with vines hanging down. Meadowstar walked in.
"What do you want, clan cat?" The leader, whom was named Fang, growled.
"I wanted to make... a peace treaty." She scooted the deadly mouse towards the unsuspecting, black tom.  Fang looked at the mouse, slightly surprised. He took the mouse,
"Thank you. We accept it. The rogues will not attack Valleyclan, unless you attack us." Fang ate the mouse. Meadow star smiled. When he finished he buried the mouse. Suddenly pain flooded his eyes
"Wh..What was in that mouse?!"
"Nothing..I just hunted it." Meadowstar blinked. Fang collapsed to the ground, his breathing stopping soon after. Meadowstar quickly buried the body and dug a hole out of the back. She then made pawprints in the ground outside the back, and walked out the front. She leapt on what she thought was the Announcing Rock, "Every rogue, please gather."
About 10 rogues walked out. They were a little bit skinny, but Meadow star knew that if they figured out what happened, Valleyclan would be threatened.
"Every rogue, you're leader had left!" The cats gasped, and a she-cat sniffled, Meadowstar thought this might be his mate.
"He said he didn't want to lose you all to the clans. He ran away, out of the back of his den. He gave you all the choice to either join the clans or run away like he did."
A cat spoke up, "Fang.. my mate and leader ran off? I thought he was brave..."
"Well, he didn't want to lose you. So will you all join the clans?"
"What clans are there?"
"Flameclan, Rainclan, My clan Valleyclan, and Leafclan."
"Well I am going to remain a rogue." A tom said. Some others nodded. One spoke, "I don't want to fight my former clan mates. I am still a rogue."
The she-cat mewed, "I am going to try and find Fang."
"If none of you join the clans, that is fine." Meadowstar leapt down, and ran out of the camp. She ran back into her territory, and ran back to camp, her mission complete.
The rogues were not a threat to the clans anymore.

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #88 on: January 10, 2014, 08:32:00 pm »
I will join tomorrow if it is alright.
This Rp seems awesome.
Question: May I go for the RainClan's leader or dep? If so, tell me if it is alright. ^O^ ))

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Offline rainbow lion

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Re: ~Rising Stars~Warrior Cats RP~Open and excepting!~
« Reply #89 on: January 10, 2014, 09:43:51 pm »
Woot! ^^ Another FlameClan kitty.))

     The large white tom sprang up without warning. It was an easy trick, even the youngest apprentice could learn. Blizzardstar hissed and bristled. He hoped to unnerve the rogue and possibly get away from the fight. His hazel eyes were lit with a ferocity.