Author Topic: Roleplaying.  (Read 4614 times)

Offline JinxTheFox

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« on: November 27, 2013, 02:24:38 am »
I don't expect any replies..

Roleplays. You've heard of them before, haven't you? Roleplays are meant to be fun (they could be), maybe you're starting a story and need some help - refer to the roleplaying, etc. There are many ways why roleplaying is here for.

Now to get onto the topic I'm here to say that yes there are rules in a roleplay. Example:

? Be literate
? No one liners (4-5 sentences will pass)
? Be active (tell me when you are gone for a while)
? Be nice
? Hate the character not the person
? Put "apart" somewhere in your application if you have read these rules
? Don't have Mary/Marty Sues (have flaws!)
? No powerplaying
? Be realistic

So, there's our rules. See those words in Italic? "Put "apart" somewhere in your application if you have read these rules". So obviously the owner of this roleplays wants to know whether roleplayers actually read the rules or not. Now I think this is a good method to use since sometimes people scan through the rules, or even skip it, and go right to the character application. RP rules is like Feral Heart's rules. You read FH's rules before you posted/played, right? Then read roleplay rules before you post/Rp. Considered lying that you read the rules - which you didn't. I don't get why people can't stop for once and actually READ the rules. It's not going to kill you. Besides, it's unfair to break the rules to others.

Now that's not just all about roleplays. In the rules, it says "No one liners". Example of one liner:

The wolf walked. Her eyes moved around the forrest. She saw to wolfs and walked over to them.

Okay so here we have:
? A one liner
? Bad grammar
? Tasteless; doesn't place a picture into your mind.
Okay so maybe you can picture a wolf walking, then seeing two wolves, but there isn't really much description in it.
So what i'm getting at is that some people just don't read the rules. I've recently seen a few people who obviously didn't read the rules, and posted anyway. Doesn't this bother you sometimes? Does it bother you to see that they haven't read the rules? What are your thoughts on this?


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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 02:44:13 am »
Unfortunately, I see a lot of this in warrior cats, lion prides, and a few wolf packs. It bothers me to the extreme when I see that people don't follow or read the rules, and then they get mad because we want them to. -.-" When I see something like that, I feel this strong urge to reach through the screen and put them through the wringer. Tasteless posts like those of the one liner's give a clear and frightening visual on what FeralHeart's future will look like.

I feel that the people who only post one line should try and express their imagination a bit more, and at least TRY to put SOME detail into the post.

This is an example of what I personally look for: The rusty-brown femme trotted quickly through the dense forest, ducking to avoid the vines that hung above her. She would glance over her shoulder every now and then, keeping her senses alert to followers, if any. Her long, pink tongue hung out of the side of her mouth as the hot sun beat down on her pelt, seeming to scorch her skin under her long fur. She heard the crunch of dead, dried out leaves as her paws placed themselves onto the soft earth. Fall had taken the place Summer had left, though the sun refused to cool off for the season, making it harder for the winter-born wolf to get along.

Doesn't that put an image into your head? Even if it doesn't, it's a WHOLE lot better than most of the one line posts.

Hope this was good feedback. xD I'm very good at anything like this.


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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2013, 03:55:58 am »
? Be literate
? No one liners (4-5 sentences will pass)
? Be active (tell me when you are gone for a while)
? Be realistic

Okay, most of this I agree with. However, some of the "rules" you had listed in the sample don't necessarily apply to all roleplays. For one, people are allowed to create rules in the way the suits the RP. (And yeah, I understand you were trying to show an example of rules players tend to ignore, but nevertheless) As a literate role player, the thing that really ticked me off was the rule of no one liners. You can do a lot in a single sentence, depending on your literacy level.

For instance, here's a good one liner:
"The tawny feline bounded across the long yellow grasses, kicking up dirt as she raced down the hillside."

See? Now, tell me you weren't able to get a descriptive scenario from that. Some rules said in certain RP's can be going overboard, especially those who say you aren't allowed to have one liners and force the role player to type 4 to 5 sentences. People can be descriptive in less than 4 sentences!

Another thing? Realism. Now, I am generally a realistic roleplayer, but sometimes I like creating characters that are different from the average wolf, lion or warrior cat. What I hate the most about this rule is that most people on Feralheart judge a character's realism by literacy and colors. Most of the time this does not determine the character's realism! I've been denied access to several groups because my character had "unnatural colors" yet I had given a good RP sample.   

Anyways, getting back to the real topic, it does annoy me when people refuse to read the rules thoroughly. However, I believe there are exceptions, depending on the rule itself.

Offline JinxTheFox

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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2013, 04:00:41 pm »
However, some of the "rules" you had listed in the sample don't necessarily apply to all roleplays.

I know - some roleplays don't include that. I said this was an example.

As a literate role player, the thing that really ticked me off was the rule of no one liners. You can do a lot in a single sentence, depending on your literacy level.

For instance, here's a good one liner:
"The tawny feline bounded across the long yellow grasses, kicking up dirt as she raced down the hillside."

I never thought of that. Most people I see with one-liners are mostly filled with tasteless and bland posts. Thanks for pointing that out. There hasn't been a time when I've seen a one-liner with much description in it.

Some rules said in certain RP's can be going overboard

I've seen roleplays with many rules placed in them, which is annoying, sometimes.

Another thing? Realism. Now, I am generally a realistic roleplayer, but sometimes I like creating characters that are different from the average wolf, lion or warrior cat. What I hate the most about this rule is that most people on Feralheart judge a character's realism by literacy and colors. Most of the time this does not determine the character's realism! I've been denied access to several groups because my character had "unnatural colors" yet I had given a good RP sample. 

Here I am not talking about the in-game - simply the forum roleplays. Honestly, I slightly agree with you about the in-game. Can you not roleplay with unrealistic characters, just for fun? Furthermore, the roleplays on the forum - I slightly agree with as well. Sometimes they put down the rule "Be realistic" since some roleplayers might do as a character:

Blizzard is a white she-cat with sparkling blue eyes and a green-tipped tail. Blizzard had this green marking when she was a tiny kitten. She uses her tail to sometimes draw on the ground when she is bored, and she makes decent drawings of other animals and felines.

First of all, if this is a realistic roleplay, cats cannot have blue eyes. Secondly, how can a cat have a green-tipped tail? If it were paint, the you'd probably try to get it off. If it hardened on it...there's no way you can draw with it. Also, I've never heard of a cat actually doodling on the ground. Maybe they have, but I haven't heard of it.

When the aggressive dog lunged for her, Blizzard jerked out of the way, hissing. Spinning around, she fluffed out her silver wings, before spreading them out and soaring over the large canine.

WHOA there. How can a feline have wings? This is a realistic roleplay, please. If it were half feline and half griffin...well then.


Just merely pointing some things out. I see that in roleplays sometimes.

Anyways, getting back to the real topic, it does annoy me when people refuse to read the rules thoroughly. However, I believe there are exceptions, depending on the rule itself.

Thanks for your comment. You pointed some things out that I had never though of.

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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2013, 06:13:22 pm »

While I do agree that roleplay rules should be respected and followed, I find a few of your points to be.... what's the word I'm looking for?.... Debatable and unfair.

I think such rules such as "No powerplaying", "No Mary Sues", "Be nice" are respectable in roleplays. I really don't tolerate powerplaying one bit, and I for sure don't like coming across characters that seem all Mary Sue-like. It's just unfair to a roleplay that wants to keep things realistic and simple.
Rules regarding literacy can sometimes be a little too over the top. Typing out 4-6 sentences to describe how your character is doing a simple task of drinking water or rolling in the grass is really unecessary.

The whole thing about one-liners, it depends on what kind content is in the one liner. If there is good sentence structure, proper use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, I want to know what people find so wrong with it? I've seen a few one liners that look like, (The vixen slowly trotted over to her eldest son and sat down by his side. "You look so depressed. What's troubling you today?" she chirped to him quietly.) That sounds alot better than a one-liner that sounds like (Trots over to her son. "Whats wrong son?")

When one-liners look like the second example, I can understand how it frustrates "literate" players. But I think the first example shouldn't be frowned upon, since it used proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, ect.

Blizzard is a white she-cat with sparkling blue eyes and a green-tipped tail. Blizzard had this green marking when she was a tiny kitten. She uses her tail to sometimes draw on the ground when she is bored, and she makes decent drawings of other animals and felines.

First of all, if this is a realistic roleplay, cats cannot have blue eyes. Secondly, how can a cat have a green-tipped tail? If it were paint, the you'd probably try to get it off. If it hardened on it...there's no way you can draw with it. Also, I've never heard of a cat actually doodling on the ground. Maybe they have, but I haven't heard of it.

Are you some kind of expert on what's realistic and what's not? Sure, a white cat won't normally have a green grass-stained tail from making pretty pictures in the dirt. HOWEVER, there is such thing as a cat having blue eyes. I would know because I own one. There are plenty of white cats in the world with ice-blue eyes... and many of them are deaf due to a genetic disorder.

I have a few characters that have the realistic colors of their animal species. Some are a bit different because they have a few unrealistic characteristics; such as my red fox character, Kopper. She has the realistic colors of a red fox, but her eyes are a pale green, and she has a bit of purple eye-shadow on her eyelids. She's been rejected from a few groups that were wanting to go full-blown realistic. Funny thing was, they weren't acting realistic at all when they were roleplaying; hunting down elk and deer like wolves would......

But I do agree with some of the points you gave. I think it should be important to follow the rules of a roleplay. Those rules are more than likely there for a reason. I wouldn't want any powerplaying/godmodding in my roleplays. I wouldn't want any perfect Mary Sues and Gary Stues either.

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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2013, 12:06:27 am »
"First of all, if this is a realistic roleplay, cats cannot have blue eyes."

Eh... what? Cats can have blue eyes. Mostly white ones. Green tail? No. Blue eyes? Yes. My cousin owned a pure white cat with blue eyes, named Angel. Look them up on the internet, many white cats have blue eyes. I think you need to do more research on cats if you think they can't have blue eyes.
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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2013, 12:57:25 am »
This is an interesting topic...
Though a few were thrown off the topic with the "cats not having blue eyes"-thing, which they can if I may add.
Most people I see in "literate" role-plays, such as Lady had said, the foxes and other wolf-like animals (though not exactly wolves) will hunt for wolf prey. And same goes with cheetahs, jaguars, etc. (just large felines, really) in some role-plays will hunt for elk as well. Dunnowhybuttheyapparentlydo. -Nervous laughter-
The "illiterate" role-plays, which I think are the most interesting, seem to have a sort of view on realism and sometimes make more sense with their word choice rather than "literate" role-players. For an example:
"lilith bit her lip. sometimes she couldnt help it."
Sure, it's a one-liner sentence, but it gives you a small picture of what their character is doing; for all we know, the role-player could've already described their character a little more in detail before we hopped in, maybe they hadn't. Timing is key in this particular place.
An example that you might see in some of the so-called "literate" role-plays:
"Rosie hopped across the brown log. Her brown hide blowing in the wind, the femme's pillars were spread out as the coyote moved. 'C'mon guys, hurry!' She called behind her, her flags blowing in the wind distracted her. Rosie scared away the large bull elk that her clan was scouting."
A lot of the words used in this role-play right here are what some "literate" wolf-speakers use, and it doesn't portray anything a coyote would do. Coyotes are mainly scavengers, trying to eat after larger, more efficient animals (bears, wolves, cougars, etc.), or they will hunt down small mammals and ground birds.

I have to agree with most: Gary/Mary Sues are almost everywhere and are some of the power-players, god-mods, insta-killers, etc. So I can understand why this rule is put there.
However, the most that I have agreed with prior to this sentence would already know that this rule wouldn't be needed for "literate" role-plays, since no advanced role-player would actually ever Gary/Mary Sue.
For example, this is what a pesky bugger--Imean, Gary/Mary Sue can do:
"tom wanted someone to mate with. he felt alone but didnt cry in his corner. i love you. he muttered in his sleep. his beauty glowing in the moonlight attracting all females and making them jealous of him and wanting him. its always happening. he thought."
Now, now little children reading this, this isn't the best way to get a mate, (you shouldn't mate at all, but you can have your characters in love, of course~!) since nobody can be that beautiful, nor can somebody make all the female wolves/whateveryouare fall in love with you. In fact, this is a big no-no!
Back on track: I think this rule isn't really needed at all, since most already know not to do this. Some might do this, but I still think you don't need to tell someone like "You cannot do this", or "You cannot do that", or something like that, (that might just be me...) and tell them before warning them if this rule isn't added.

Just wanted to have this little conversation~

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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2013, 08:20:41 am »
You forgot something..... You should not use wolf speak

"First of all this is a realistic role play, cats cannot have blue eyes"

I'm sorry... what?

« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 08:23:15 am by ~Stargazer~ »

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Re: Roleplaying.
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2013, 03:49:50 pm »

"First of all this is a realistic role play, cats cannot have blue eyes"

I'm sorry... what?

Hallelujah and Amen to that.
And white cats can have blue eyes, some of them are deaf due to some sort of defect that comes to it, and some do not, but they have blue eyes nonetheless.

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