Author Topic: Random Character Please  (Read 963 times)

Offline Emberflame

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Random Character Please
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:05:35 am »
Hello, so... yeah. I'd like a character made. ;D

Name: doesn't have one yet, actually
Gender: Male

Ignore my lightly sketched background and distant dragon :P This is a colored pencil drawing of him I did, I'd like him to be painted (or photoshopped or whatever) in more texture and detail than I could get in pencil. (Not the best with color. XP) I'd also like him to be drawn realistically please :)

Close-up of his wing

Pose: Sitting/lying down
Expression: Inquisitive, curious, or just plain straight-faced.
More Detail: So... just notes :P Half bat, half bird wings as shown in picture, wolf's head and body, cat's ears, has a half bat half bird tail (as shown in picture as well,) with red eyes, large claws and saber fangs. :3 Also very thin fur, but slightly thicker and tufty around the neck

I don't have much in the way of payment, but I can pay in karma and/or a drawing like the one above X3 I know it's a pretty specific order but if anybody could make it it'd be super grateful! :)