Author Topic: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]  (Read 11434 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2013, 03:53:51 am »
[[I. Love. Sphinx. Cats. Omg. XD


As the sunlight filtered through the wide square cut window, Sobek slowly blinked awake. Giving his narrow head a brief shake, the hound sat up on his large pillow which was placed just below the window of his teenage master's chamber room. After a long yawn, Sobek brought up a hind paw to casually scratch at an itch under his rather large choke collar. Satisfied, he turned his attention to Rameses, who had unusually slept in longer than he had probably intended to. Hopping to his paws, Sobek darted towards the sleeping male and leaped up onto his bed, wasting no time before mindlessly licking the face of the young prince, who grumbled and shoved the dog's head away with a chuckle. "Okay, okay." He laughed, sitting up. Upon realizing he had slightly overslept, he quickly scrambled out of the fancy bed and over to the waiting servant who helped dress him. "Come, Sobek. We're running late!" Rameses exclaimed, shoving the large chamber doors open. Sobek tilted his head and happily trailed along as usual, tail wagging as he trotted down the elegant alabaster halls. As the two hurried along, the servant tailed them, adjusting a few nit-picky things on Rameses' outfit to ensure he was presentable as always.


The Greyhound had been awake long before the sun peeked over the city buildings and sky-scraping statues. He had spent the night in the slave slum village- the one place he found was easiest to scavenge food from, as the people were more tolerant towards strays it seemed, though the food was far poorer in quality than the food he could get closer to the Palace. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. Long narrow legs swiftly moving in a trot, Ka exited the slave village with a small morsel of quail clenched in his jaws. He figured he'd go to his favorite spot to watch the sun rise- in front of the three Pyramids beside the Pharaoh's Palace, to enjoy a well earned breakfast. The guards were usually pretty tight around the palace, but it was nothing he couldn't slip past. It wasn't like he was intruding or anything anyway.
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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2013, 04:14:38 am »
Nakhti and Akil
Nakhti strolled towards the palace, taking in the usual sights and sounds while Akil softly padded next to her. One of the merchants behind the wooden stalls bent down and offered the cat a scrap of lamb meat, which Akil graciously took and devoured quickly. Giving her companion a growl, Nakhti rolled her eyes and set out to find her own breakfast. Suddenly a glint of light coming from the roof of a nearby building caught her attention and she looked up, squinting her eyes to see a feline shape on the roof. Akil huffed "It's that god-awful palace cat again." the dog nodded, the corners of her mouth turned down in a frown, "Is it really necessary to wear all that jewelry?" Akil shrugged and continued towards the edge of the river that ran past the palace.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 01:43:06 pm by ?adyAlli? »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2013, 12:41:03 pm »
Osiris walkd over to his bed, grumbling. His tired legs collapsed on the bed. A servant brought him a food and water bowl, muttering something then dashing off to an unseen need. Osiris had kept night-watch duty. For the average dog it was dangerous, patrolling the halls with only torches to guide your way. But Osiris was not your ordinary dog, he would rip and tear for the fun of it, and kill to protect. He was one of the only dogs powerful enough to qualify for this duty.
 Osiris inched forward, sniffing his food. It was the meat of some prey he couldn't reconize. Even though he had been a hunter, he was too ruthless to bring back prey without ripping it to skin and bones. He gobbled down the meal, licking his lips and lapping up some water. A different servant walked in, stroking Osiris and collecting the food and water bowls. Despite being so cruel, Osiris liked being stroked on his back, behind his ears, or on his belly. It always felt good, plus it tickled a bit. Curling up, the black and white dog fell asleep, his ears pricked.

Offline meeeea

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2013, 02:15:42 pm »

Name and Meaning(if needed): Renen -- The Godess Of Harvest
Species: Dog
Breed: Saluki
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Y/O
Description: See picture.
Personality: Strict and completely useless for work, Renen acts as a typical stray. Getting what she can and ignoring pretty much everything that stands in her way. She always tries to fair better then others. and thus appears cocky and rude most of the time. Nevertheless, she can become quite a friend when you pass her tongue and teeth.
Family: She doesn't remember them due to amnesia.
Brief History: She previously served as a hunting dog before being kicked out of the palace since she acted too rebellious for the guards to handle.

Name and Meaning: Ashai -- abundant
Species: Feline
Breed: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years old.
Description: A typical spotted fur and glittering amber eyes - though skinny and small for a leopard his age.
His pelt is a tawny cream leaning towards brown, his underfur is milky white and his eyes are large and dark goldenrod. His spots appear lighter then they should, and his feet are marked with black sock-like markings only reaching down to his paws and starting at his elbows.
Personality: He's easily impressed and opened up towards everyone - not afraid of anything and sometimes flirty.
Type: Palace pet
Family: His family consists of the whole palace since mostly everybody loves him due to his gentle nature. Though, he usually keeps himself near the Pharaoh or Rameses since they interest him the most.
Brief History: Born and raised to "protect" the palace along with his canine companions, and stayed in the palace throughout his cubhood.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2013, 02:40:46 pm »
[[Accepted, of course, Tari. C:


Sobek trotted behind Rameses down the long echoing hallway of the Palace towards the enormous double doors that sealed off the Pharaoh's throne room. The two servants quickly heaved the heavy wooden doors open upon their arrival, and they confidentially slipped into the large room that was teeming with life. The many ribbon dancers who performed for the Pharaoh's entertainment along with company of the high priests, servants, and others made the throne room a vibrant place at most times of day. Sobek's easily amused attention shot from one human to the other as he trotted beside his teenage companion. As Ramses stopped before the elevated throne of his father, Sobek flopped down to his haunches, a mindless grin on his face as he panted and stared up. The two humans began to speak, but the canine tuned it out, far too interested in watching the flowing red ribbon trailing behind one of the dancers. Once it seemed Ramses and Pharaoh's conversation had concluded, Sobek tailed behind the young prince as he strolled out of the enormous room. Pausing outside once the two heavy doors were tugged closed, Ramses put his hands on his knees and turned to his canine counterpart. "Well, what do you say we go on a chariot run?" He questioned the dog with a mischevious smirk. The Pharaoh Hound's tail wagged in excited agreement, and he bounded after the teen towards one the palace exits.


Peeking around the corner of the Palace, the stray trotted out once the coast was clear. Making sure to keep far away from the wall to ensure he wasn't thought of as trying to trespass on such a seemingly sacred place, the Greyhound widened the gap between him and the western wall of the Palace, sights set on the Pyramids in the distance. Ka weaved his way between the slaves who were hard at work making the mortar and stone for the continuing construction of one of the Great Sphinxes until he was free of the large crowd of humans for the most part. Paws sinking in the sand, he picked his way over to one of the three Pyramids and climbed onto the base stone of the nearest one. Laying down, he began his feast of the old quail given to him in the village while watching the harsh slave drivers whipping and shouting at the hard working slaves as they pulled huge stack after stack of bricks from their construction place over to the work in progress statue.
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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2013, 08:48:58 pm »

Renen's feathered feet elegantly struck the ground as she walked along the side of the busy road, merchants and slaves pushing through the amounts of people with loud yells. Taking no notice of it, the young canine picked up her latest catch -- a simple steak, and started to weave amongst the chatting humans and other animals until she started to pelt towards the pyramids out of sake of curiosity. The brindled shape caught her eye, and she was a bit hesitant to approach. The sudden sounding of a whip behind the cream Saluki made her jump forward in surprise, having no option to hide from the slaves behind one of the large pyramids. When the slaves had forgotten about her, Renen stepped out, eying the grey Greyhound with an amused flick of her silky tail. "Hello there." She chirped, slowly approaching the male with light smile spread on her lips. "Mind if I sit?" She asked, glancing at the space beside him. She never really had a chance to simply chat along. There wasn't any time for it, anyway.

Ashai's salmon colored tongue twirled around his lips as he did a slight purr at the teenagers that crowded around him. He was always the center of attention -- of course. A sudden yell from the Pharaoh made the male leopard jerk back, golden collars jingling as they clanked together. The group of teens dispersed quickly -- like fleeing gazelle that just noticed a lion waiting in ambush. Snorting, he raised a paw and covered his eyes before leaning down onto his tawny side right next to the Pharaoh's throne. He mostly served as a scare factor, it was entertaining, really.

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2013, 09:57:04 pm »


As the rays of sunlight merely touched the feline's paws, Mafdet blinked opened his eyes, releasing a yawn. Rising to his paws, the male stretched, tightening his muscles before shaking them loose once more. Tossing a causal glance at his master's sleeping place, a surge of excitement rose inside of him as he realized his master was gone. As he turned his gaze away from the sleeping place, he placed a paw onto the ground, relaxing at the warmth of the floor. Trotting out of the room, he scurried outside - his green eyes darting around. A flash of light caught his eye - he raised his head, squinting at the blinding light. A figure was hovering over another rooftop - seeming to peer down at the streets. Mystified, Mafdet wondered who held possession of the shining object and curiosity struck him. Without hesitating, the feline bounded across the busy street - doing his best to avoid the merchants and citizens. When he reached the side of the home, he glanced around cautiously, before scrambling on top of varies objects in order to get up. Once his claw at hooked on the rooftop, he heaved himself up, panting heavily in order to receive his breath. A cat like him wasn't used to climbing so vigorously, and he paused for a moment, heaving and panting. Once he had caught his breath, he turned his attention onto the feline, staring wide-eye for a moment. Relaxing when he realized it was a Sphinx, he sheathed his claws, tilting his head to one side at the female. "Hi!" he chirped. His childish side was taking over now, but Mafdet didn't notice. "What's that thing around your neck?"  

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2013, 10:41:53 pm »


Sobek paused to throw a curious glance over his shoulder at the leopard that had moved up towards the Pharaoh's throne, only catching a glimpse before the two heavy doors closed and separated them. "Sobek, come on." Rameses cooed, patting his thigh. The young hound blinked and turned, quickly bounded after him with an excited yip. His trimmed claws clicked on the fine stone flooring as they made their way down the long corridor and outside the Palace, turning to make their way towards the royal stables, where some servants already had Rameses' chariot ready. "Time to have a little fun." The teenage chuckled, hopping into the standing cab and grasping the reigns to control the two horses that were hitched to it. Sobek panted in anticipation and leaped up into the cab. He had always loved chariot rides- and the reckless driving of his master always provided extra enjoyment.


Wrapped up in his mindless plucking of the feathers on his meal, Ka flinched in surprise at the sudden voice that broke his concentration. Blinking, he stared over to notice the Saluki standing there, gazing upon him curiously. "Hmm?- Oh, of course!" Ka yipped, immediately flashing a friendly grin and sitting up a bit, his long slender tail swaying against the dusty stone beneath him. "Haven't seen you around before. Hi! My name's Ka." The Greyhound introduced with a dip of his small head. His ears twitched at the piercing sound of one of the slave driver's whips against the back of one of the slaves, but it wasn't a sight strange to him, so he kept his warm gaze on the female, merely ignoring the shouts, cries, and cracks.
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Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2013, 10:58:33 pm »
((I hope you don't mind that I change Anput's profile (species and personality) :

Name and Meaning: Anput (is the wife of Anubis and the mother of Kebechet)
Species: Feline
Breed: Leopard
Gender: Female
Age: 5 Y/O
Description: Image
Personality: Anput is a stubborn feline who normally would want to listen to herself more than anyone else, but she's learned to control it when the leader (if any) instructs her to do something. She's outgoing and is willing to take risks. Anput can be gentle and understanding towards you, but if you get her ticked off, her attitude will explode and she will snap at you. She can have her childish acts once and a while, but she would prefer to get down to business at times. Anput can act like a mother sometimes, since she secretly has a soft spot for Ashai and Evismera, though she does not show it.
Type: Palace
Occupation: N/A
Family: Anput lives in the pharaoh's palace 
Brief History: Nothing fancy; Anput was born in the palace and raised with her fellow species and other creatures. She has learned to get along with them - even though once and a while she will snap.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: ? The Land of Ra ? [Lit.] [Accepting]
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2013, 11:02:37 pm »
[[Not a problem. Re-accepted, of course. XD
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