Author Topic: None of my friends are there for a long time...Disapeared ?  (Read 2207 times)

Offline Volcae

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Re: None of my friends are there for a long time...Disapeared ?
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2013, 10:26:58 pm »
Aw...Crystal, you're so kind to tell me your story. I understand, and I agree. We can't know what happen to everyone.

But now, thanks to LordSuragaha, I know when my friends were online for the last time. So now, I know they can come back, and that's enough to help me^^ (even if maybe I won't see them tomorrow, the next month, etc...)

This topic can be close, I got the help I needed. Thank you very, very, very much to all of you. You have all been very nice, and I won't forget it. I hope maybe we meet again in game (could you find Volcae the wonderer ?^^)

Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that the community of Feral Heart is very solidary (er...I hope it's the good word). Here is a proof.