Author Topic: -Look to the sky-  (Read 1246 times)

Offline xsilentfrostx

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-Look to the sky-
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:28:20 pm »
Welcome to above. We are the lupusavian, known in our kingdom as the winged courage tribe. When the humans were splicing canine DNA they created us. With bright coloured highlighted wings and fur we are a beautiful and are known to come in any canine colours and highlight colours such as any shade of blue, red, green and yellow (yes pink, burgundy turquoise ect. are  included but no dual colours unless I give the occasional permission.) Born with a genetic difficentcy causing a single bend in the legs the pups must complete a journey through a large mountainous area (get to the peak of sky's rim by going through ascension island , no flying up skys rim) Then, ceremonies are not to be talked about other than the way the natural bends in the legs are achieved (broken by shaman then healed). We are lit, soon to be mapped, winged, semi realistic and active. Fill out a application at the bottom, but read all info!

1. Its ok to swear but don't go crazy, if anyone asks you to stop, stop immediately or be kicked.
2. Its ok to tease in rp or make tactless statements but also don't go crazy or full bully unless the person agrees. No being jerks out of rp though!
3. Sure you can have wings and colours but if I see anything out of the things I provided you will be warned and then kicked, this includes double tones without permission, please make them angel wings, bat wings only with permission.
4. Please be canine. nuff said.
5. You can screw around all ya want in group and any other chat but leave local in the map we are using rp only unless mistake correcting YOURSELF or saying hi or bye. ( Don't worry, you only get a strike if I ask you to stop twice and you don't)
6. Don't criticize Anything because I or a trusted member let them in (Trusted is not necessarily high rank, haystrawns may be very trusted)
7. BE a WAAAALLLRRRUUUSSSS ( Have fun! were all friends in the group and come to us for any help ;)---)

                                 -ranks ^.^-

Snnowhark- Alpha, up to 2 snnowharks one of each gender (They don't have to be mates, but they can be.)
Fleetwre- Messenger, extremely trusted and only four positions. You must be very trusted in and out of rp. No evil lupusavians get past apprenticeship. You must start as an apprentice! Depending on how long it takes to gain your trust you should get to full messenger in a week. Apprentices can be quite old and have any background. Betray us any you will lose position and may be kicked, you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REGAIN YOUR TITLE IF FOUND GUILTY.
Ywrenn- Beta , second in command. Basically a substitute snnowhark but also quite respected. (2 male 2 female)
Unamis- Medics, as hard to be as fleetwre. Only two positions and one must be apprentice/ former apprentice of other.
verken- Delta, third in command, substitute Ywrenn, 2 positions of any gender
Ballistica- Our army of strong fighters. Many positions but I like to keep it smaller than my group of kehne. (They hunt too but less than most.)
Rennokeay- Hunters, basically warriors that hunt, uncommonly fight. About unlimited positions same as Ballistica
kehne- Warriors! Generally hunt, patrol and fight. Unlimited positions.
Onnenhen-Queens, very loving and can come from anywhere. TREATED WITH RESPECT. I don't like to have more than 5 at a tme but it is flexible.
krennen- Pupust on journey or in ceremony.
Pupust- Basically pups, more info on them after they are done being a krennen.
Haystrawn- Omegas, basically an outcast.

Name of char-
Desired position ( in krennen or Pupust please include future desired positioned or get back to me.-
Description of char-
Highlight colour:
Rp sample-

THANKS WHISPER xsilentfrostx to get me if if do not reply in 24 hours :p

Offline xsilentfrostx

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Re: -Look to the sky-
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 07:01:48 pm »
Hey! I'm re opening my rp group, send in an audition if youre interested!