Author Topic: The Prices of War - Warrior Fanfic- Prologue  (Read 1277 times)

Offline duna the killer

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The Prices of War - Warrior Fanfic- Prologue
« on: December 19, 2013, 11:19:40 pm »
OOC: This is a story I thought up a few days ago. It is about 5 apprentices going on a journey to find a bigger territory for their clans. It is a bit like the New Prophecy, but this is not the four clans, there are no tribes, and this is not because of the twolegs (Humans). Hope you enjoy!

The Prices of War - Prologue

"Are you all here?" The Starclan she cat mewed.
"We are all here, Snowstar. What is this for?" A black tom asked.
"Poisonstar, Hawkstar, and Treestar. You might already know me, but I am Snowstar, former leader of Blizzardclan."
"Alright." A brown tom with glaring amber eyes.
"I brought you here to discuss the war. Our clans are fighting too much. We all know the clans we used to lead are going to die within the next moons if we don't stop."
"Crescentclan is strong, but I agree with your words. The current leader of Crescentclan, Slashstar, is considered making kits apprentices at 5 moons instead of 6 to get more warriors to increase the chance of survival."
"Poisonstar is right. Cats are going against the warrior code just to try to ensure their survival." Snowstar said.
"Forestclan is dying. The medicine cats are starting to go into unknown territory because the herbs in our territory are gone." Hawkstar lay down, placing his head on his paws as if the war was his fault.
"The clans will die if we don't do something soon." Snowstar said. "But I have an idea. I want to send 4 apprentices to find a new territory, one from each clan."
"That is mousebrained!" Poisonstar growled, "No clan can spare apprentices!"
"I will tell their leader, Poisonstar. We need new territory. The reason the war started is because of the growing clans. The territories are becoming smaller as the clans grow. If we don't find a bigger one soon, the clans will kill eachother and you know it!" Snowstar ended in a yowl. Poisonstar didn't object, and the others leaders nodded.
"Now, we all know our clan, even though we are in Starclan. I have been watching Blizzardclan, and I have picked an apprentice." Snowstar walked over to a puddle and waved her paw over it, and a tan colored tom with black paws and a short tail appeared.
"Deerpaw, an agile apprentice, able to squeeze through tight spaces, and is very flexible. Do I have any objections to my choice?" When no cat spoke, Deerpaw's face disappeared, and Snowstar backed away. Poisonstar walked to the puddle, tail held high. He waved his paw over the puddle, and a powerful apprentice appeared in the puddle
"Lionpaw, a powerful apprentice. If at full health, he can take down a warrior. Unfortunantly he is not in full health. But he still is strong. Does anyone object to Lionpaw going on the journey?"
Hawkstar blinked and swished his tail but no cat spoke. When Poisonstar backed away, Hawkstar walked up. Waving his paw over the puddle, a small she-cat appeared, with stripes like feathers.
"I will send Owlpaw, my own daughter, on this journey. She is stealthy, really good at hunting in the night, and is silenter than a mouse. Does anyone object?"
"I object!" Poisonstar stood, "If you send your own daughter, your bloodline will cease to exist! You can't send your only living kit!"
"I will send her." Hawkstar backed away. His daughter's face disappeared.
"I will go next and last." Treestar stood, walking to the puddle. He skimmed his paw over it, and two she-cats appeared.
"Foxpaw and Cheetahpaw. Foxpaw is wily, able to work her way out of any sitiuation. Cheetahpaw is fast, and can catch any rabbit. Any objections?"
"Why do you have two?" Snowstar asked
"I have noticed that in the group, we have Power, Agility, and Stealth. No apprentice in Cloudclan has Wits and Speed. I chose these two."
"Then it's settled. We will tell the leaders about it, then the apprentices. Prophecy: The five clawed paws will search far and wide. There will be one last battle before peace is fully restored." The cats nodded, running in different directions.

And so the journey begins..

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Re: The Prices of War - Warrior Fanfic- Prologue
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2013, 11:33:41 pm »
Interesting beginning :3 I'll defiantly be reading your future stories dearie<3

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Offline Vespian

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Re: The Prices of War - Warrior Fanfic- Prologue
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 02:01:43 am »
An interesting tale. I will most definitely read further pieces of literature from you in the future as this has indeed caught my attention. A job well done.

Offline Howl at the Moon

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Re: The Prices of War - Warrior Fanfic- Prologue
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2013, 12:40:17 pm »
Very nicely done Duna. This has captured my interest. Good job! Can't wait for the future chapters