Author Topic: Do you like magical animals?  (Read 2919 times)

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Do you like magical animals?
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:05:04 pm »
Some people like to RP as animals with powers, wings, special abilities, etc. As do I. Do you?

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 09:05:43 pm »
I currently don't have any characters with "powers" and I probably never will. I'm not flaming anyone's character that may have a power but in my own opinion, I believe it ruins the point of RP. If your character had the power to be "immortal" or "able to throw fire balls" what's the point of RP?
I do believe the only time I would allow my character to have a power would be if I RP'd as a dragon. But I would probably stick with the elemental powers, like Ice, Fire, Lightning etc. and not being immortal.
I like it when my character has a weakness. Something that doesn't make them perfect, such as a cat being agile, and intelligent, but lacking in strength. Or a dog being strong and speedy, but lacking in intelligence. In my own opinion, these are the qualities of a good RP character. They aren't overpowering or perfect in every way. It's the characters weaknesses along with their strengths that cut the cake.

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 09:20:58 pm »
I always love charries like this.
They're my favorite.
But I do have to agree, immortal creatures are kind annoying.

But powers? AWESOME!
I normally go by the rule that ever dragon/angel/demon/thing like those has an element.
At least, for my charries.
I like to keep a balance in all my character's skills.
If they are high in speed, grace, and hunting, they might lack in strength and swimming ability.
I normally give myself 15 points to 'spend' on my charries.
Each skill has 10 max points, so if I spend a lot in one skill, I have less in the others.

But overall, I love super-natural creatures, or myths, legends, and things like that.
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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 09:26:22 pm »
I think powers make some RPs much more interesting. Just because a character has some sort of magical power, doesn't mean it automatically becomes perfect in every way. If I remember correctly.. I think I was in a pretty amazing RP that allowed powers once.

The creator of the group made strict rules about having powers. For example, if you wanted your character to have some sort of powers, it was going to cost you. If you wanted to be able to see the future, you'd have to give up some of your skills, etc. In my opinion that made the RP work pretty well, nobody became insanely powerful and it actually kept things interesting.

So in my opinion, if a magical character/RP is handled correctly it can turn out pretty great.

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 09:40:12 pm »
While none of my characters possess any form of extravagant supernatural ability, I do possess three characters that are far from your everyday norm.
Vespian being a Kruziik Nahlrii.
Hatred being a poltergeist that haunts Vespian.
Malus being a Creux.
While each of them are a species considered other-worldly, none of them bestows anything bizarre. The only exception would of course be Hatred, however his presence and diabolic nature only effects Vespian and Vespian only. Otherwise, the only difference would be appearances, beliefs, and certain motives via fighting tactics, diet, anatomy, etc.
I personally find majestic creatures and abnormal species very creative and unique. It gives a little twist from your everyday felines and canines. However, to a certain extent.

Like Ms. Starry has stated before me, individuals who possess immortality or abilities being able to do massive environmental damage right off the bat isn't really my cup of tea. Elemental, or naturally occurring abilities depending on the species, is fine by me. As long as it doesn't fall under the category of god-mod and/or power-play.
Thus, if an individual knows how to roleplay that given species and not go berserk with its advantages, then the experience can be quite a memorable one.

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2013, 10:20:49 pm »
Of course I like magical animals. I don't have many magical characters, but I have just two of them. My favorite one is my unicorn fox character, Amalthea who was inspired from The Last Unicorn. Her powers consist of healing, giving life, light, and bringing and hope comfort. She can never grow old and weak, or die of old age. However, she can still be injured and killed. Oh, and she's French! Ooh la la.
There have been a good number of people who think of me as a powerplayer witha character like this, but they never really bother to read the whole bio or they just jump to conclusions. Amalthea has weaknesses. She doesn't have all the powers in the world. She can't fly, breathe fire, shoot ice from her horn, teleport, turn invisible, see the future, turn objects into gold, possess people, and blah blah blah...

My other magical animal character is Melina the diamond manticore, but she really doesn't have any kind of magical powers. She's just a mythical beast with a diamond charm on her head. She's lived a long life as far as her bio is concerned, and is considered to be an old lady that's far past her prime.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 07:27:29 am by Lady_Alizarin »

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2013, 10:30:54 pm »
I do like fantasy characters. And I a few myself.

However I much prefer to roleplay as sci-fi creatures as opposed to fantasy ones. My scientific mind just doesn't work very well when it comes to fantasy. And when I try to create magical characters, they usually end up turning into sci-fi charries because I can't help but think up a scientific explanation for their powers.


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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2013, 10:51:15 pm »
Why yes, I am quite fond of magical creatures. They are usually just a break for the common feline/canine. I have seen many 'magical' creatures on Feral heart, sadly, most being creatures that cause extreme damage to the environment, other living things, etc. I'm perfectly fine when people make characters with mild powers, but I am not fond of people who don't use them correctly. This means "SHOOTS WITH LASER VISIOON KILS NO MISS." And we can't forget those demonic creatures who reck havoc on innocent wandering characters or bystanders with there supernatural 'insta-kill' power and their, 'not-so-secret' invincibility. That is just a tad to much. o_e
I really don't mind the 'not-so-common' Phoenix, or like Lady said, Unicorn fox hybrid. I personally don't make these phenomenal creatures, but I do enjoy seeing them wandering around. It shows the wide diversity of Feral Heart.

I'm thinking of making more of these characters, but most of the Feralheartians take magical creatures or normal creatures with supernatural attributes as n00bs, powerplayers, etc. BUT, I have met some very well thought out creatures that show not all of them are powerplayers, n00bs, etc.
And now to wings.

I have a few RP characters of mine who have developed wings, but I don't really refer them as 'magical'. I 've seen a large number of characters with wings, few of them RP characters. One of them was actually quite a brilliant RPer; one of the best I've ever seen. And again, like I said before with creatures with magical powers, most characters with wings are thought as n00bish and/or powerplayers, but I disagree with that.

Well, that was my opinion.~ c:

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2013, 01:20:51 am »
I had a character with powers. Her name was Cassandra. The thing is, her power required energy to pull off, and if she did something too big or complicated; she'd kill herself. The result was a very cautious character. I mean, yeah she was vicious, being a villain, but her power wasn't much (Lightning, basically being able to send bolts at people or electrify things.) But the energy of the bolts came from her own body. Was really interesting.

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Re: Do you like magical animals?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2013, 02:57:25 am »
Well, of course  I love characters with magic powers. Consider my character, Re. xD
She's made up of all water. She has wings >>I draw her -sometimes- with them, mainly on paper<<, she can will water to follow her command. She is, yes, immortal. Although, like Lady's character, she can be killed. She can freeze into solid ice if she is about to die.