Author Topic: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}  (Read 10579 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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|. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« on: December 22, 2013, 10:23:35 pm »
"It is unsinkable. God Himself could not sink this ship..."

April 10, 1912
Queenstown, Ireland

The world is abuzz over the launch of the brand new world class luxury liner: the RMS Titanic. Her staggering size and unsurpassed glory made her the hot topic of Europe, and everyone who's anyone held a ticket for her maiden voyage- the course set for New York City. After her departure from Southampton, England, Titanic made a stop in Cherbourg, France before making her final stop- here at Queenstown. Once the loading process is complete and the passengers are settled, the massive vessel will make her final leave across the pond and port at New York.

Animals, remarkably, were also passengers on this ship. The upper class money holders brought along their fancy cat and canine counterparts- who were treated equally well along with their 1st class ticket holding owners. However, steerage and middle class ticket holders managed to smuggle on board their animal accompaniment, unwilling to leave them. Some strays, even, who happened to catch the commotion at the harbor even managed to sneak on fueled by the spurring curiosity and sense of adventure. The ship was prepared with excellent kennel facilities, though some owners chose to keep their animal in their room. The lower class folks who snuck their companions on board, did not have the option of kenneling, and for obvious reason kept their animals close to them.

The ship is enormous, and there is plenty to see and do. Fit with a workout room, enormous dining room, the famous Grand Staricase, rows upon rows of boarding rooms, even the undercarriage where baggage is stored can hold its wonders for the adventurous. There is more than enough to keep a simple minded cat or dog busy, and an animal on such a fancy ship can easily get into trouble.

Well. We all know how the story of the Titanic ends.
You are an animal- be it dog or cat- who was given the honor to embark on this voyage across the ocean on the most famous ship of all time. Whether you have a high class owner who spoils you rotten, a caring but poor lower class human who you stick close to through thick and thin, or whether you are a mere stray, seeking excitement. The choice is your's. But, the ending of your play time at sea draws nearer and nearer as the night of April 14th draws nigh.

When the iceberg strikes, everything is changed, and your luxury cruise instantly becomes a fight for survival. As the night's events rapidly unfold into chaos, will you be able to brave the disaster and make it aboard a life boat? Or will you be one of the thousands of floating casualties in the frigid water?

In this RP, we will take it day by day- from the departure from Queenstown, to the tragic night when things go downhill. (Will be updated constantly once at sea). Once the night of the accident is upon us, we will be going by real events, when they happened, how they happened. Be it when the ship splits in half, when the bridge goes under, etc. It will all be done at the pace it happened that night. Survival is a choice. Will you take it?

Keep in mind that whatever social class your character is put with, the way they are treated drastically changes.
For example, a first class poodle will get special treatment because of the high up, fancy owner.
A low class, steerage mutt, will get shooed off and kicked at, depending on where they are.
There's a tolerance level separating the animals of each class, simply based on who owns them, and if they even have an owner.

1. This is a semi-realistic RP. Meaning while most of it such as the general destruction of the ship, activities on-board, dates, upper class pets, and items are actual fact, there are some bits and pieces that are not complete historical fact, obviously. So do your research on the way things worked in the 1912's and on the Titanic in general. Y'know.

2. No god modding, and all that jazz, blah blah blah.
3. Please, for the love of God and all that is Holy, no one liners. ouo
4. Be realistic with things like your character's physical limits for example.
5. Yes, some of our characters are going to end up dying. It's a mere fact that dogs and cats indeed died that night. If there weren't enough lifeboats for the people, odds of an animal being able to take up space on one is unrealistic.
Not to be dark. Just saying. Yes, yes, I'm not forcing your characters to die to die. I'm just saying, let's be factual, here.

Current Events:

April 10th
30 Minutes Before Official Launch.
4 Days Before Impact.

Character name:
Accompanied By:(Owner)
Class?:(First, Middle, Steerage, Stray?)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 11:46:41 pm by JimMoriarty »
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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2013, 10:24:27 pm »

Character name: Berlin

Species: Canine

Breed: Border Collie

Age: 3 Y/o

Gender: Male

Accompanied By: His best friend since puphood: Ahaz. (non-human)

Class?: He iz stray.

Appearance: Le border collie appearance.... Look at teh photo.

Personality: Berlin is outgoing, bold, and determined. Once he sets his mind to something, there's nothing you can say to get him to change course. He's generally laid back, not letting anything bother him, and loves to meet new friends. He's very humorous, but extremely caring and selfless when it comes to others. While he's go with the flow, he will not hesitate to fight if need be, but will try to talk his way out of one before it escalates to violence. He's daring and often takes risks for the fun of it.

Extra: Nope. OuO

Character name: Ahaz

Species: Canine

Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer

Age: 5 Y/O

Gender: Male

Accompanied By: Berlin

Class?: Stray

Appearance: Photo. Half docked tail.

Personality: Ahaz is quick to anger, and is extremely protective of Berlin, whom he considers his younger brother. While he wouldn't think twice about ripping your head off, he does have a soft side through his rough and tough exterior. He is an outdoorsey dog, and very well in shape despite his age, having basically traveled across Europe at one point in his life- from Germany to Ireland once finding Berlin as a pup. He enjoys his naps, and isn't fond of people, which is why he is in complete disagreement with Berlin over sneaking in board the ship.

Extra: Nupe. I miiighhhhtttt kill him off later on. >;3 -evil laugh- But no. Really.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 10:57:40 pm by JimMoriarty »
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Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 12:13:24 am »
[Your rps are amazing]

Character name: Zerona
Species: Canine
Breed: Shih tzu (Yes. That had to be done.)
Age: 2 Y/O
Gender: Female
Accompanied By: Katie (Human)
Class?: First
Appearance: le photo
Personality: Zerona thinks very high of herself and is disgusted with other dogs. She will accept those who are "sophisticated" and "mature", otherwise she will not tolerate any others. She places herself before others at times and does not care about others. She has a cocky attitude, but it isn't usual, and she is stubborn and sticks to what she thinks is "smart". Emphasis on quote-and-quote smart. Otherwise, Zerona can warm up to you and really care for you, though it is not shown and is usually shown with an exasperated look.  
Extra: Wears a pink bowtie on her head because she thinks she looks all "adorwable" in it.

Character name: Riveria
Species: Canine
Breed: Border Collie x Australian Shepherd
Age: 3 Y/O
Gender: Female
Accompanied By: N/A
Class?: Stray
Appearance: photo
Personality: Riveria is a stubborn wolf who normally would want to listen to herself more than anyone else, but she's learned to control it when the leader instructs her to do something. She's outgoing and is willing to take risks. Riveria can be gentle and understanding towards you, but if you get her ticked off, her attitude will explode and she will snap at you.
Extra: N/A
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 02:18:40 am by OreoHeroz »

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2013, 12:25:13 am »
[[Hehe, shanks. Accepted, of course.
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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2013, 01:41:16 am »

Character name: Indie
Species: Canine
Breed: Dalmatian
Age: 4 Y/O
Gender: Bitch
Accompanied By: X
Class: Stray
Appearance: Look at the photo.
Personality: Indie is a rather laid back and calm canine when it comes to wondering around the shit or socializing with those she trusts. But, this fae is angered quite easily and won't hesitate on starting a fight-usually not thinking before she acts nor speaks which often causes huge problems for her. Indie is a rather 'sporty' dog and loves being on the move or doing new things, which isn't hard to find around the ship. This canine isn't to fond of humans but if need be she will interact with cautions took-but if the human is younger then Indie will be fine. She can be rather cocky, stubborn and sarcastic but she has a good sense of humor, past the aggressiveness of this canine she's rather kind and loving although this isn't usually shown.
Extra: Indie has a 'Geordie' accent which origionates from Newcastle.

Character name: Letica
Species: Canine
Breed: Standard Poodle
Age: 3 Y/O
Gender: Bitch
Accompanied By: Rosa Rochelle
Class: First
Appearance: Look at le photo.
Personality: Letica is a rather laid back dog who you'll usually see sprawled out across some sort of soft surface-or overlooking the seat from one point of the boat. Although she can be rather stuck up and think highly of herself she will get along with the less fortionite dogs, but may not treat them with as much respect as the higher class canines. This canine has been spoilt all her life, ever since being a pup so she is use to getting her own way. Sometimes Latica may come across rather bitter and harsh but sometimes she doesn't mean it.
Extra: Letica has a 'posh' accent, so basically the ordinary English accents. 

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Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2013, 01:53:51 am »
[[Accepted. Okee guyz. We may start. X3
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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2013, 02:00:06 am »
((Thankies! Oh, and I'll let one of you guys post first, I'm not so good at 'first posts'))
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Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2013, 02:28:07 am »

April 10th
2 Hours Before Official Launch.
4 Days Before Impact.


The border collie weaved through the tight streets at a rapid paced run, tongue bouncing from the sides of his panting maw in excitement. "C'mon you old coot, keep up or we'll miss it!"Berlin yipped over his shoulder at the Pointer who bounded behind him. His half folded ears were craned forward, fixed on the enormous crowd that had gathered at the harbor up ahead. There was music, and the sounds of human voices overwhelming to the ear. Shaking his head, Berlin wriggled his way into the crowd against the protesting yips of his older companion. Shutting out any other voice, the young dog was determined to catch a glimpse of what the commotion was about. His curiosity fueled him as he shoved his way through the thousands of people and carriages, scrunching his nose at the scent of steel and salt water. At last, he reached the front of the crowd, poking his head out and placing his paws upon the concrete edge of the pier, mouth agape at the sight that lay before him. A ship. But not any ship. It was the largest contraption he'd ever laid eyes upon, and there were people- even animals- bustling in and out of it on connecting ramps.


"Hey, slow it down, kid!" Ahaz barked as he rushed after the energetic collie. Far too many scents assaulted his nostrils, but he let out a sneeze and pressed on, extending his strides. As they approached the rear of the crowd, the German Pointer skidded to an abrupt halt, panting. "Berlin! What're you doing? Don't go in- gah!" He let out a gruff sigh and reluctantly tailed after the younger canine, not wanting to lose him in such a large crowd. Growling, he weaved his way in between the people, many of which grumbled or nudged him away with a foot. He ignored them nonetheless, managing to finally catch up to Berlin. Panting, he slowly halted beside him, his forepaws inches from the abrupt drop where the pier met the water below. As he was about to scold his adoptive brother, the large metal object made him swallow any words. Wide eyed, he stared in awe at the towering ship. Blinking, he shot a glare at Berlin, who now had a mischeveous smirk stretched across his maw. "Oh, no no no. I know that look. Cool it, hot shot. You're not going anywhere." Ahaz lowered a brow with a disapproving frown, casually placing a paw upon the collie's fluffy tail to keep him in place.
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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2013, 02:46:24 am »

Character name:  Kaimbe is his name.
Species: He is a canine.

Kaimbe is  a proud husky, with some wolf mixed in. He would very much be considered a wolf hybrid, but the instincts that come with being a wolf have not kicked in. Kaimbe is more of a dog then a wolf out in the wild, which is why he isn't as dangerous as he could be, another reason why he isn't considered a threat in the ship.

Age: He is pretty young, only two years old.
Gender: Kaimbe is a male.
Accompanied By: He had an owner, yet he lost her during the chaos- she wasn't able to board, he doesn't know this, yet being the reckless male he is, the worry hasn't set in yet, as he believes that she is just off doing something in the ship were he can't be.

Class: Kaimbe is steerage, yet is considered a bit of a stray.


Appearance: Despite his personality, and the fact that he is a stray, he is quite the handsome devil. Many think he is of first-class due to his appearance, for before he got onto the ship, his owner had cleaned him thoroughly, removing any sign of dirt of muck from his fur- yet his lack of a collar shows that he is a possible stray, or a dog that had been smuggled onto the ship. He obviously doesn't like it that he is clean, as he is a naturally reckless, playful dog.

For now, his coat is incredibly soft and smooth, wispy and clean. Due to how lush his fur is, his pelt is like a pre-warmed blanket, ready for use. Throughout his life, it seems to have a pup like feel and sheen to it, never dulling or fading, yet only when he is clean does his true colors show, his fur staying as bright as his personality. Many humans stop to run their fingers through his long, silky, feathery fur- despite him being a stray. However, his fur is almost always messy and unkempt, its clean- yet ungroomed.

Like most huskies- he is muscled like a tank, yet being part wolf also adds to that.  Yet with his long legs, he is still able to run quite well, while still having a rather powerful build. He doesn't understand the power that he truly possesses. The most striking about this male is face. His nose is pink, splashes of black on it- this pattern continues onto his mouth, giving him a rather unique look. His eyes, they are striking, an icy blue color that is almost white like the snow, well defined by the black that rims them. His ears are floppy, which shows he isn't completely wolf, yet this also makes him stand out in the crowd.

His fur is one of an average timber wolf, yet with the mix of husky- it creates a wonderful pattern and mixture of the two colors, making him quite appealing to the eye.


Personality: He is a true, vibrant soul- with a love for danger, and one known for flirting with disaster. He is a fearless, daring male indeed. Kaimbe truly seeks a good time, and he finds no problem in sirring up trouble, showing that he is quite the mischievous male as well. This mix is naturally charismatic, which is why he gets along with many dogs. Kaimbe is an outgoing, friendly male- and seems to have the ability to adapt to nearly any social situation, showing he is a rather confident male indeed.

It often appears that he is a pup in a young adults body. He is naturally polite and gentle, yet he isn't mature for his age. He is quite the young, whimsical fellow, and is more of a fun-loving, cheerful dog with energy that surpasses many. To anyone around him, he is charming and good-natured, kind and friendly,  never really becoming aggressive. Kaimbe is a passive, sweet dog- who is trusting to the point of being naive. He is carefree and calm in many situations, which is why you won't find him arguing very often. It takes a lot to make this optimistic, free-spirited dog unhappy or mad, as insults seem to go in an out of his ears.

Kaimbe is a honest dog, secrets are always safe with him, and he can't lie very well. Once you'v e gained his trust, with that comes his love and adoration, he will have an everlasting loyalty to anyone close to him. He is caring and loving to all things really, with little exceptions, a tender paw and touch to anyone who needs help, for he has knack for soothing the hurt. Despite his naturally playful attitude- he knows when to get serious, but its hard for him at points, which is why he may make rather inappropriate remarks at a bad time. He is quite reckless, and a bit careless, yet as he grows, he'll become a lot more cunning and clever- but for now, all he wants is fun.

He doesn't like being left alone.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 05:37:13 pm by ??????z?????z???? »

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Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2013, 02:54:03 am »

Character name: Calero
Species: Dog
Breed: Wolf X Malamute X Husky (Wolamusky)
Age: 2 1/2
Gender: Female
Accompanied By: She lived her whole life alone. She has never met anyone but her family.
Class?: Stray
Appearance: PHOTO (Except some little parts of her ears are missing)
Personality: Calero is a nice dog because of her beautiful appearance. She has been waiting to see other dogs since her family died. She has never met another dog (Which makes her life feel haunted) for years. She is also scared that she has never met another dog for years. She also hates being alone.
Extra: She has torn parts on her ears from a coyote attack that killed her family and she was the only survivor.
If this post was made before June 2015, STOP! My views have changed since then.
Ingame as Mayahzdog09, DancingWithDeath, or Midnight 12!