Yes, I'm glad you got the point. xD
Fluorite Plains = The laggy place where warriors tear your eyes out, lion prides call themselves literate when they can't spell 'you' properly, and wolves attack you for innocently venturing around a public map. It is quite good due to it's huge size and even the rogue island place, and it's where fantastic roleplays are built up, but jeez, it's powerplayers, godmodders, Mary Sues, Gary Stu's, and insta-mates galore. No. Just.... no.
Lagfire Island = The laggiest map in FeralHeart! It's the home base of mating centers, insta-mates, powerplayers, Mary Sues, Gary Stu's, godmodders, and not to forget rapists.. As soon as you spawn inside, you're bombarded with ''*kills u no miss*'' and ''omgwillubemymate???!!111?!.'' That's all I'm going to say, but I hope I didn't offend anybody<3