Author Topic: The Lone Mystery Of A Mistake? (WARNING!!! Swears)  (Read 1128 times)

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The Lone Mystery Of A Mistake? (WARNING!!! Swears)
« on: January 05, 2014, 01:49:55 am »
| ~ | -+- | (*) | .:"{*}":. | The Survivor | .:"{*}":. | (*) | -+- | ~ |

Chapter One: Coming Across

The sun shined on the dark pelted female, her pale yellow eyes opening up to the gray sky. She got to her paws, her muscles sore from traveling; she was running away. From what? That is for the story to tell. Must get out, must be free, must escape!
The female thought, her thoughts and information still reclaiming itself in her mind. Her head was more of a dusty old basement instead of a memory. She took her time to walk in the forest, covered with ferns and large bushes; tall trees hanging overheard. Spots of sunlight here and there, like she would care. She wanted to be one with the shadows, as far as she was concerned she was killer. Killing to thrive, was that right or wrong? To her, it was unknown. She kept to herself as she went on into the darkness, not knowing where she would wound up. Trouble town, or the last of herself?
She kept going, her paws leading her wherever she would go. She approached a river, raging swiftly downstream. The female carefully made her way to the water. This won't kill me . . . Will it? The female thought with concern. She pushed her thought aside as she lapped at the water, her pink tongue getting soaked by the raging water. Good to know I found a source at last, but I can't say long - They will be coming. The shadows, those ... things. The female thought, and that is when her memory kicked in. She spoke aloud as she tread across the water, it was elbow deep and she was the size of a teenager and she was tall for her age. "I am Elena shatri(Sha-Tree) The Third. In human age I am around fifteen. I don't remember what happened to my  f a m i l y  but I know I am being chased. Shadows, by shadows." Elena spoke, reaching the other side. To me, or to your soul? Why hold onto  L I F E  ? You will only  D I E  in the end Elena, why hold onto your life? When you are going to die in the  E  N  D  ? Elena tread on carefully, her memory regained and fear replacing curiosity. She looked up at the sound of a caribou cry, no not caribou. Baby caribou. F  O  O  D  ! Elena thought, racing forward without a care. Her sleek short haired black fur quickly becoming a blur, her dark gray underfur shaggy as it followed a second behind. She sprinted into the clearing of a meadow, no flowers; just tall grass. She followed the scent of the baby caribou, the scent of the wolves oblivious to her. She poked her head through some grass to see a brutes large green envy eyes. "What do we have 'ere?" The brute sneered, grabbing her neck and dragging her out of her hiding spot. And into the O  P  E  N. Elena yelped and was soon laying on the dirt, her sleek black mane covered her eyes. "Ryan knock it out." A deep voice boomed from behind. She flinched as she turned, seeing the caribou behind him. "You have ..." " . . . Food?" "Yes! Food! May I take some - P L E A S E!"
"Sure just-"Too late. Elena had lunged forward at the word of 'Sure' and was already tearing it's neck open. "-Or just go ahead and . . . Eat it." The brute said. "You honestly just let her eat it? K Y L E! T h i s  w a s  m y  t i c k e t  t o  t h e  l a d i e s ~ !" Ryan snarled. "Knock it off before I pop your head like a bottle cap, and make you play butthole roulette. And you'll lose the draw!" Elena yelled, as she then began to eat the flesh within the baby caribou. Ryan and Kyle watched in disgust. Ryan was a brown timber wolf, with black timber wolf markings. Kyle was a light tan orange with a soft tan underbelly; black purple-ish stripes covering him. "You think she'll be okay meeting our alphas?" Ryan asked Kyle. "Yeah, but'll she is going to be forced to go." Kyle whispered back to Ryan. "My - - - I am goin' with you!" Elena barked as she then leapt over the body and sprinted forward. Her legs spreading far apart to gain speed, she quickly veered to her left into a log. She pressed herself down onto the bark, her claws leaving deep marks within the wood. She watched the brutes fly by her hiding spot, Elena got her paws. She peered out, her ears perked and her banner out in alarm. She turned at the sudden nip feeling at her tail, then was face to face with one of the shadows. A unruly large black smoke like creature, red eyes staring at her. It opened it's jaws, blood pouring down onto the wood. Elena gasped as two hands clasped around her neck. "---" She vanished into darkness.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D !
« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 04:18:12 am by Vespian »