Author Topic: Giving out personal information?!  (Read 2691 times)

Dire Night Wolf

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Giving out personal information?!
« on: January 19, 2014, 04:28:33 pm »
So I was in Bonfire yesterday, when another user approached me. I wasn't in a roleplay mood, so we started talking about random stuff and it all seemed to go relatively well, until I had to go walk my dog. I told her that I'll be back in thirty minutes if she still wants to talk, she can friend me or wait in the bonfire map.

Right before I logged off, she whispered me... with her phone number?! I was stunned, I mean, what? You are giving out your phone number to a complete stranger, I could be a murderer looking for an easy victim for all you know! I told her that it's bad to give out personal information like that and I'd never do it. I mean, really? It's like the couples going out of the mate center and them proceeding to establish a rendez-vous in real life, it makes no sense!

I did not log back in that night, I was already disturbed enough as it was by such an act. I always thought parents would make sure to instruct children about proper internet etiquette and safety. I also thought teenagers were responsible, looks like part of my trust in people has been eradicated.

Another aspect of this situation could be the "I love you, not your character" thing where people genuinely develop sentiments for the user, not the character, which is relatively creepy. Then they want to establish a virtual/real relationship, as if FH was a dating site. Really? There are MINORS who go on this game and people still try to do such strange things. And honestly, how do you know the person behind the screen is who you think they are? (End Rant)

Back on topic, has this ever happened to you? Is there any way of preventing this? Should kids be made more aware of the dangers of giving out such information? What can we do to increase awareness about this?

Offline Feareh

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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 04:48:50 pm »
This is the first I had really heard of a random person just giving out personal information. I mean the only personal info I've heard if just the casual "Where ya from"
You did the right thing in setting this girl straight by telling her that it isn't a smart idea for her to be doing things like this. If it also comes to the point here she is just harassing you about it then I would screenshot it and send it to a staff member.
However, my suggestion is to block this user. Cause you yourself don't even know who is really behind that character.
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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 05:31:06 pm »
Some people are just that foolish to give out their personal information to total strangers. Kids are more trusting and vulnerable to just give out their personal information to someone they met online. Giving out a phone number like that is a bad and dangerous idea, because there are ways people can track down your number.... and find you.

This is the kind of thing that got MySpace sued, because some foolish little girl gave out personal information to a stranger she met online on MySpace. He convinced her to give him her information to where she lived, she gullably gave it to him, he found her, and did unspeakable things to her. Her mother went on and sued MySpace because "They didn't protect my daughter!" Well, ma'am, this wouldn't have happened if you would have warned her about the dangers of giving out personal information, monitored what you daughter did online, or even restrict her from going online to talk to strangers in the first place! Other people have been victims of similar circumstances for giving out personal info to strangers online.
The internet can be a dangerous place if you're not careful. Just because you're playing on a RPG game, doesn't mean you're safe. I don't even give ANY personal information about myself to ANYONE. You don't know who you could be dealing with; murderers, perverts, convicts, identity theives, and so on. It's best to keep your information to yourself.

Kudos to you for warning this person about the dangers of giving out personal information. She may have just been too young, trusting, and ignorant to understand how dangerous it can be. I truly hope she learns a lesson from this.


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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2014, 06:38:59 pm »
This truly bothers me whenever I'm in-game and I see someone giving out their first (and sometimes even last) name, where they go to school, and so on. My parents always used to warn me about the internet (and will bring up the subject from time to time) because me and my brothers were always on it. I have never given out any personal info; in fact, the most personal info I've ever given was saying that I'm a girl in real life.

You did the right thing to tell that person not to do things like that.
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2014, 07:13:26 pm »
I never heard of a person giving out their phone number. It's pretty rare these days. :/

Seriously, you shouldn't be giving out personal info like that over the internet unless you really know the person's real face, and you ACTUALLY know he/she is at least around your age. The only personal info I give out online is my first name and the first letter of my last name, my gender, my age, and the area where I live (ex. Southern Cali.). That should be the most info you can give if you are a minor in the internet. I knew all about safety on the internet even when I first interacted with an online game, and parents should teach children also about internet safety. If my mother taught me about internet, for sure it's not that hard..
« Last Edit: January 19, 2014, 07:15:06 pm by OhKelseyYou »

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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2014, 07:38:40 pm »
I have definitely seen people giving out phone numbers, email, etc etc. I have even witnessed someone making a movie and posting their phone numbers. This is an issue but there is really now way to stop it except maybe block them or just keep away from those kinds of people.

I think the only valid reason for someone to be giving out ANY personal info is if they 100% trust this person won't hack/give out/etc their personal info. I think the only things you CAN give out is email(IF YOU TRUST THIS PERSON). Maybe your video chatting username. But that is the maximum. I totally get your issue here. I think it can be okay to say your first name(especially if it's common), but only if you are good friends. And NEVER your last name.

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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 07:39:32 pm »
I have witnessed somethin' like this before whilst in-game. I've seen users blatantly state their actual names (both first and last), a vague description of their hometown, their school, etc. It was pretty heinous to say the least. It dumbfounds me how vulnerable some individuals can be via say somethin' reassurin' and crafty to them then bam, they're willin' to give ye' a bit of their personal information. It more so bewilders me as to why their parents and/or guardians have either failed to inform them of the dangers of social media or the fact said minors fail to listen to their guardians' warnings. Another enigma I suppose.

Like stated before me, ye've did the right thing in warnin' him/her about the dangers of sharin' said information.


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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2014, 08:04:37 pm »
First, what is a young child doing on MySpace? Or any social/video/any site like that? Children that age shouldn't even be on the internet at that age without parental supervision. That's just logical. But, parents seem to be lacking on this... I'm not even sure they tell their child internet safety.

No one, even adults should give out addresses, phone numbers, or anything personal of the sort. I don't see anything wrong with gender and things like that, but truly personal information is just wrong.

I've seen people in FH literally, say their name and things like that. Why would you do that? Maybe because they lack the knowledge of what people can do by just knowing that?

I don't know, but anyways, like Feareh stated, block the person. I'd probably report them.

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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2014, 08:11:32 am »
Yes, I agree sharing personal information is defiantly not common sense. And, just a brief opinion on parents and internet safety, sometimes kids just sneak an account and play while they can behind their backs. Anyway, yes, the only information I give is my first name, Skype/FaceTime(Only if I actually know them very well), and Instagram. Other than that, phone numbers, addresses, full names, and school isn't even mentioned by me. This is probably a reason why FeralHeart should be a 13+ game! just because of all the predators and molesters out there.

Very wrong, I'm starting to wonder whether if common sense should be changed into rare-sense..

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Re: Giving out personal information?!
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2014, 01:11:36 pm »
I usually never give out too much personal info because I get all panicky and freak out. Unless I really know the person, like I know my friend who I met through FH, really well (we have known each other for more than 2 years) I don't give out much.

The most I give out is my chosen name (because my real name is very uncommon and the chosen one is because I'm transgendered) my age, gender. I explained what I like and hobbies/dreamjob. And that I go to school. Which narrows that down a lot -sarcasm-

But I never give out addresses, phone numbers, state. Skype is for only those who I really trust. Like Soaringaway, JD, Calliph, Kasai, and  The-Blue-Bowtie-Of-Awesome are the only ones who have my skype. We talk all the time anyways and I trust them.

I've put a picture up on tumblr, but that was me in costume dressed as Loki lol. I say that I'm on the East Coast of the US. And then it's nothing really else. Only Blue knows my real name. But we always refer to each other as Blue and Tangle.

I'm trying to think of what else people would give info about. Pets. I talk about my pets all the time cuz they're my babies. Uhm... I talk about my bro but I never use his name. Like yesterday to get him out of my room I had to throw a box of m&ms out the door. It worked. But other than that I don't really give out tooo personal info. Least I don't think thats really too personal.

I do think that kids need to be monitored online. Or at least constantly be told not to give out personal information. I've always been a nervous child and my parents shoved it down my throat about it so I've never really given out info. I always get scared about it. The internet isn't safe and even FH isn't, I'm not gonna lie. You never have any idea whose on the other end and I think people need to be reminded of that. Sex offenders, murderers, psychopaths. Extreme cases but who knows. You don't and that's the thing. It's a subject that needs to be talked more about. Some kids just pass if off, do their thing. But you really do have to be careful what you do on the internet. And parents need to take responsibility too. It's their job to watch their kid. I mean, once your 17-18 I think you should know what you should and shouldn't be doing. But its the age of technology so people are going to be on the internet. There are going to be things that you have to know your child is or isn't doing. Especially if youre 10, 11, 12. Vulnerable. It is so easy to be manipulated if you are naive and gullible. You say 'gullible is on the ceiling' and you look up, chances are you should be safe and conscious on the internet. Just saying.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 01:13:21 pm by TangledBowties »

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