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Offline AbbyJoyce

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« on: January 26, 2014, 10:47:46 pm »

It's been a year since the world fell apart. The sky became filled with grey clouds of life-stealing smoke, the sky burned a red, apocalyptic-hue, sending a deathly viel across the land. One by one the population lessened, a disease over ran the earth. Infection spread and life was no more. Or atleast that was thought to be the case..the smoke soon dissipated, the cities, still crumbling and destroyed, parted for the growth of plant life and the little animals that remained. Water and food soon became a luxury, and shelter was a rarity along with any living organism  that wasn't infected with the virus. The world was filled with barren patches of earth and hordes of a variety of different biters. That's right, the enemies you must fight to survive, Zombies. Biters, as you call them. The world is falling apart, find a group, fly solo, kill, fight, survive.

List of Biters

Gimps; normal walkers that are most dangerous in groups ranging from four to over a hundred

Crazies; anger-stricken flesh eaters that run at high speeds and attack in small groups of up to three or alone

Sirens; Small biters, mostly children, some of the smartest if their kind. When they find food, they let off a loud siren that attracts others that kill the human for them, while the Siren sneaks in to get it's dinner

Brutes; Populate the over run cities in groups, intelligent enough to use blunt weapons

Follow norm feral heart rules, and junk.


Weapons (one primary, one secondary):

Name: Naomi
Description: Above
Age: 18
Gender: Female
History: Find out in Rp
Personality: Noami is a sweet, soft girl with a bit of an absent mind and a great humour. She's a bit of a cluts.
Crush/partner: None
Kids: None
Weapons (one primary, one secondary): Bow&arrow and Revolver
Other: Her and Ace are siblings, and they have a husky named Chester they keep.

Name: Ace
Description: Above
Age: 21
Gender: Male
History: Find out in Rp
Personality: Ace is a sarcastic, cocky guy with a charming smile and sweet side.
Kids: None
Weapons (one primary, one secondary): Baseball bat signed by famous player & hunting knife
Other: None
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline silverMarie

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« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 11:29:43 pm »
I love Apocalyptic RP's ^^ Must join)

Name: Sarah Ann Wilder
Age: Twenty Two
Gender: She is a female
History: She doesn't talk about it since it isn't very important anymore.
Personality: ?Quiet ?Cautious ?Sneaky ?Trustworthy ?Trust issues ?Caring ?Generous
Crush/partner: She lost her boyfriend at the beginning of the plague.
Kids: She wanted one but then everything went down hill.
Weapons: Her primary weapon is her father's Alaskan Guide Model 97. Her secondary is her own SIG Sauer Centerfire 226.

Other: Nope.

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 11:33:31 pm »
((Accepted of course. ^^ you can start when you feel like!))
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline silverMarie

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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 12:17:08 am »
Yay^^ Thanks)

Sarah Ann Wilder
The young woman watched the sunrise, it's beautiful rays soon being covered by the gray clouds that made the land seem so dead. With a small sigh she got to her feet and brushed the dust of her black shorts and fixed the laces on her black boots. She straightened out her maroon tank top then grabbed her green backpack before moving on. The city was dead, well almost, things lurked in the shadows and walkers roamed the cracked streets, sending any survivors into hiding. Only the brave chose to explore and scavenge. Sarah walked down Main St. her rifle in her hands as she looked for any signs of life or something to eat "I have never been so hungry in my life." she groaned. The girl saw an untouched coffee shop, a rare sight, a few buildings down the block. She quickly ran down the street, still keeping an eye on her surroundings. When she arrived the door was locked but she was quick to break the glass and jump in, still taking extreme caution. She scavenged any food she could find and put them in her bag, she had only managed to find granola bars, she left one out for her to eat. She took a seat on on of the chairs and looked out the window as she ate her granola bar.

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 01:02:21 am »
Without a word, she kicked the loose piece of concrete, sending it rolling across the cracked street. Pulling her backpack onto her back tighter, she let a soft sigh out. "Could you be any louder?" Naomi whispered harshly towards the large opening in the wall of the department store, the shuffling from inside quickly quieting down. Naomi leaned her back against the brick wall, tapping her foot impatiently. "Okay, got it." Ace stepped out from the hole, tossing a can of food around in his hands. "Finally, Chester!" Naomi turned, whistling towards a group of trees growing through the parted sidewalk on the other side of the street. A bark sounded from the trees as a large husky jogged out into view, padding over towards the two.
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Offline silverMarie

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« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2014, 05:38:32 am »

Sarah Ann Wilder
Sarah heard a distinct bark, she quickly grabbed her rifle and stepped outside of the coffee shop. She knew most dogs were dangerous since their human caretakers have passed on, leaving them to turn into feral hunters. She followed the sound of the bark until she came to another street, she saw a large husky, he looked well fed and cared for. She placed her rifle on the ground and knelt down and whistled, catching his attention. He trotted over to her and sniffed her extended hand "Hey boy.." she said calmly as she let him get used to her. She slowly placed her hand on his large head and rubbed him "Good boy." it's been too long since she has been able to touch a dog, she missed it. Her attention was on the dog so she didn't notice the two people who were only a few yards away.
(I hope that's okay, that she pets him.)

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 12:14:27 pm »

Chester rubbes his muzzle against the girl's hand, his tail wagging from side to side. It wasnt long till a makeshift whistle sounded, and Chesters demeanor changed. His ears pinned back, pulling away from the girl as he let a low growl out, his eyes fixed on her. "Hold, Chester!" out from the shadows, stepped Ace, he held Naomi's revolver, as she stayed back in the shadows, watching.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline silverMarie

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« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2014, 12:32:13 pm »

Sarah Ann Wilder
Sarah jumped up and reached for her pistol and aimed it at the dog's head. Then she turned to aim it at a strange boy "I'm not here for any trouble, but if you start something I'll be sure to finish it." She looked at the dog, making sure he wasn't going to attack her, she would hate to have to shoot him. Her blonde hair blew in her face as her brown eyes pierced into him, she slowly put he pistol away and picked up her rifle and slung it over her shoulder. She was small compared to him, but that didn't mean she couldn't defend herself "Why don't we calm down." she raised her hands in a non threatening manner then dropped them to her sides. She looked at the dog again with a brow raised "Chester, eh?" she turned to look at the boy again "Nice name." she smirked "What's yours?"

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 09:54:52 pm »
"Yeah," out from the shadows, Naomi stepped out, her bow in hand, but no arrow, "I'd hate to start a fight,..Chester heel." Chester's ears perked, as he turned, jogging back to Naomi's side, sitting down slowly. "The name's Ace, this is Noami, my sister."
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline silverMarie

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« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2014, 03:42:55 am »

Sarah Ann Wilder
Sarah watched as a girl stepped out with her bow "Hello Katniss." she joked as she watched the husky walk back to them. She brushed her wavy blonde hair away from her face before turning to walk away "Now I know not to shoot you if I ever see you guys again." She did a quick wave "See ya." she came to a stop "Oh, here." she opened her green back pack and threw two granola bars to them "Think of it as...a peace offering." she zipped up her bag and walked down the street. Sarah's brown eyes searching for anything of interest, it was rather quiet today, not even the barking of a feral dog. She had spoken too soon. A low growling came from behind her, she came to a stop and slowly turned around, coming face to face with a feral mixed breed. The dog was probably the size of a pitbull, it had dirty white fur and blue eyes. Sarah slowly backed away but the dog kept coming closer "You must be pretty hungry if you're coming after me." the dog snarled and lunged at her, Sarah instinctively reached for her pistol but when the canine grabbed her left arm it fell to the ground, sending out a bullet. Sarah slammed onto the ground, the dog shook her arm violently, pain shot through her mangled arm as she used her right hand to get the small knife she kept in her boot. She quickly shoved it into his chest, tears streaked her cheeks, the dog fell to the ground..dead. She slowly retrieved her knife and bent to to get her pistol "Sorry.."

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