Author Topic: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters  (Read 74516 times)

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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #80 on: November 10, 2011, 04:14:29 am »
character I wanna play: Sarabi
Personality: She would like to stay in a shade most of the time but she sometimes will go out into the sun, she is nice too, She's loving and caring and would protect Simba if needed.
Rp experience: I have been in a big Rp group called DoW (Day of Wrath) I was in there for a long time till it was shut down. I have rped many times with friends and I am known to do good.
why do I deserve the character?: Well, When I rp it seems to be fun so I would love to join this rp. I think I deserve this position because I have rped as the lion king characters before, mostly Simba and Mufasa but I would like to apply for Sarabi now. if I get this position I would try my very best to rp perfect. I have done a lot of rping, I have probably rped about 50 times. I hope to get this part in the rp annd I would probably love it.
My username in-game is Copper4me.

I hope this is a good enough to join :)
I havent seen TLK2 so I may fail at when we rp for that one :/ I know the first 1 tho.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 05:51:14 pm by Bolt-The-SuperDog »

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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #81 on: November 10, 2011, 10:55:44 am »

Appearance Description:
Vitani is now almost a mirror image of her mother, Zira, save for a few things. Vitani's fur is more creamy and pale, less tan-gold than Zira's, and the brown dorsal stripe of Zira's is traded for Vitani's tuft of fur atop her head. Just as well, Vitani is a bit more well-groomed than her mother was; the tufts on her jaw have faded with age and the rest of her coat is always sleek and smooth. She also has a full right ear, unlike her mother, who had a chunk taken from the bottom. Vitani's eyes are an icy violet-blue color, usually hard and cold as chips of flint.

(I'll make changes if needed)


To most, Vitani is cold and guarded, unwilling to trust and she usually acts before she thinks. There are times, though, when her blue flint eyes soften and it is obvious that inside, she's just an unloved soul, and her rage is a mask for hurt and confusion. Now that Vitani is a Pridelander, she's learning from her new friends that it's sometimes okay to let your guard down and trust others, and that there are actually others out there that you can trust. The lessons she's learning are ever-valuable, but still in denial, Vitani sometimes chooses not to learn from them.

Role playing Experience:
I have been role playing for many years in many forums, And I have joined various short-termed and long-termed prides in Feral-Heart. I am a literacy Nazi, and I can RP in different styles:

*Speed: (Although I greatly dislike this style) ~Sleeps as the night goes by~

*Sentence/Semi-Para: ~Walking through the cold quiet night, Vitani's icy-blue orbs wandered across the shining spots that sparkled upon the darkness of the massive sky, Wondering if the great kings really did watch her. 'I miss you dad' she parted her lips, only to mumble those sad words that echoed through the silent night.~

*Paragraph: (I don't have much to RP about, So I'll rp about killing a flower) ~Waking up from her 6-houred slumber, Vitani's eyelids opened slightly, only to be greeted by an eye-stinging force of sunlight. Adjusting herself to the sudden light, She opened her eyelids fully, revealing her violet-blue orbs as she scanned her surroundings cautiously. It was the same old view, but.. something had caught her attention. a single flower, blooming out of a patch of grass, having.. PINK petals. PINK?! Ugh, She hated pink! Lifting herself up on her feet, Vitani shifted to a crouching position, only to leap at the disgusting flower and rip it apart with her fangs. Satisfied with herself, She swallowed the petals and layed down, watching the sunset with a big smirk curved upon her lips.

Why do I deserve her?
Well.. For starters, I don't really think that any person could portray the exact same personality as Vitani.
She has a very unique nature: a cold-hearted tomboy on the outside, and a kind, golden-heart on the inside.
Even though her personality is very twisted, I believe that with all of my experience, I could play her well since I'm a bit of a tomboy myself.
Besides that, she is my favorite character. She isn't boring and grey, she just has that spark in her that just makes you pay attention and care about her.
Well, that's it. I hope I get chosen.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 07:46:01 pm by Akiko »
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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #82 on: November 11, 2011, 12:23:37 am »

Sarafina's personality would definitely be kind-hearted and motherly, yet tough when fighting for what she loved, or feels deeply about. She is wise and stern, yet caring, and a big softie when it comes to cubs. She has endured much, from the history she has lived to the present, with her own children, Nala, Mheetu, and the "myth" of Nala's older brother that supposedly died. This all affected her in some way, and whenever she finds a lost cub, she never thinks twice about leaving it behind.

Roleplaying Experience
Where do I begin? Well, I started roleplaying a few years back.. maybe 2009, on a Harry Potter forum board. Back then I was a HUGE power player, and now I've learned the "true" art of roleplaying. I'm now a HUGE power player hater... If that makes any sense.. hehheh. I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi... Y R and U aren't words. Period. I can roleplay in a one sentence format- ( Sarafina strolled the Savannah ).

A semi-paragraph format- ( Sarafina strolled the Savannah, the Outlands to the East of her, she searched the lightly vegetated land for a gazelle. She had decided to go hunting to clear her mind of the gossiping lionesses back in the pride. Her paws were lightly caked with dust from the dry floor under her.

Paragraph format- 'What was that?' her head swung to the west, into the burning sunset. The trees in front of her cast long shadows, shading her from the heat. A rustle was heard behind a smooth rock jutting up from the ground. She used to pretend to be the Queen of the pride when she was a cub with Sarabi on that rock, since their mother's never allowed them of the real Pride Rock. They would take turns. First, she would stand on the edge of the rock and call all her subjects ( or subject, since it was only her and Sarabi ) to the rock for a very important announcement. Usually, the announcements were about the weather, or something childish. Snapping back to reality, the older Sarafina jumped onto the rock and smiled. " My subjects! Here ye, here ye! As the sun sets, it will be a warm cloudless night! Let us celebra-" she stopped short as a gazelle appeared from under the rock and hopped away, startled by the lioness's loud and sudden actions. " Great.. " she growled.

Truth be told, if I got Sarafina, I would be VERY surprised! To be picked by you, Simba, would be an honor, truth be told. The map is so detailed, so exactly like the one in the movie, I was at a loss of words when I first saw the Pride Rock picture on deviantART. I think I deserve Sarafina, because I think I could develop a history for her, since in the movie, little is known about her. I would have so much fun roleplaying her, and I hope I'm picked. Thank you, I really hope I get chosen to potray her in game.

Thank you Rimfrost for my amazing siggy!

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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #83 on: November 11, 2011, 08:53:57 am »
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 10:14:19 pm by Eagleify »
I'm not active peeps. I've moved on it life, so to say, managing a game community with over a million players. I hope you enjoy my maps, meshes, and presets I made in my time here.

I might be on like once every few months, just to check in. But other than that, Bai!

Offline Mea_WolfenX

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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #84 on: November 11, 2011, 06:03:54 pm »
I Am Mea_WolfenX... <My FH Creations ... FH Preset Creations > < Owner Of


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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #85 on: November 11, 2011, 09:08:37 pm »

About her appereance:
This is a preset I made for her. I will probably change the colors a little, since these ones match her cub colors better than her adult colors. And yes, the mane is supposed to look.. a little weird. I didn't want it to be that poofy, so I used the mask for the Fluffy one but used the Side one in-game.

As a cub, Vitani was like, the "tomboy" of the Outlanders. Her name (which means "war") perfectly matches her personality. She always wants to start fights with Kovu as soon as Zira brings him back from his little adventures. It seems like wars and fights are simply games for her. Vitani is often shown to be mocking her older brother due to doubting his ability to take Simba's place as the new king of the Pridelands. But she trusts Kovu to be strong enough to do so and I think she wants to make him "fit" for that day by fighting with him. Also, the cub doesn't bother not being the Chosen One; no, she is very proud of Kovu to be it.
As an adult, Vitani is still violent and belliderent, still acting like war was nothing more than a game. She is determined and doesn't give up until she reaches her goal. Despite being an adult now, the lioness still likes to mock everything; she still doesn't support Nuka for wanting to take Simba's place instead of Kovu. Furthermore, she is quick-to-judge.
However, this strong and headstrong nature is taken down at the end. She shows her kind side she's hidden all the time until now. Vitani finally realises that war is the wrong way and decides to join her brother Kovu to the Pridelanders.

Rolepay experience:
Well, I don't know if that really counts as roleplaying, but when I was still a little kid at the age of five, me and my best friend made up stories and roleplayed them with our animal dolls. We've done that until we thought we were too old to play with dolls and decided to join roleplay sites on the internet. That's where I started "real" roleplaying. I went through several horse, dragon and -of course. Warriors roleplays, until I first found WolfQuest. I often played in Multiplayer mode to roleplay with my friends or new people. Then I found FeralHeart, (No, I never played Impressive Title, what I deeply regret.) made up several characters and joined many different wolf and lion roleplays. My level became more and more literate and I think I can call myself a good roleplayer now. I seperate Out-Of-Character and In-Character talking by either using brackets or using a different type of chat; like, we roleplay in Local and I use Group chat for OOC talking. During OOC talking, I like to use smileys, but I never to that while roleplaying. However, I have to admit that my English isn't perfectly perfect, but I can promise that you will understand what I'm talking about uncompromisingly.

Why I think I deserve this character:
I think I deserve this character because her personality fits mine very well. Both of us have like, "two faces"; a rather cold one but also a very kind and nice one if you get to know us. Another reason why I think I deserve to get her role is my roleplay experience and my love for animals, especially for lions. They are one of my favorite type of animals. That's probably why I'm so obsessed with all The Lion King movies. I fell in love with them from the beginning, especially with Vitani when I first saw the second movie. I noticed that she kind of acts like me at once, and when I found this roleplay, I was like, "Yes, Vitani is mine!", and now I'm applying for her. ^^

Thank you for reading my application, I hope you like it. n-n


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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #86 on: November 12, 2011, 09:16:52 pm »

About Her Appearance:
This is a preset I've made. It's certainly not perfect, but I don't aim to be "perfect". I just aim to be happy with my work. I looked at many pictures of Sarabi, and tried to make it look the most like her to the best of my ability. I believe I let my artistic side get the best of me, and took a more "expressive" picture then a standard one. My apologies for that. Her paws and tail are fine. Standard, no texture glitches, nothing.

Her Personality:
I've always felt she was very exotic and graceful, that one character you want to learn more about, but never get the chance. She is tremendously faithful, to both her mate and son, and her pride. I believe after Mufasa died in the movie, and Simba was known as dead from Scars words, she did believe him. She grieved for both the ones she loved, and in all her grief, she fallowed Scar as her new King. Once things got bad, and her grief slightly subsided, I believe she remembered how things were beforehand. Thus, realising she had to be strong, and fight Scar off for her family, and her pride, even if she perished. She is a strong, faithful, loving lioness. She's beautiful, majestic, and certainly wise. She is the one you can turn to in times of need, and she is one no one can forget.

My Roleplay Experience:
I've had much experience, not only when it comes to roleplay, but acting aswell. I've been roleplaying for about seven years now, same go's for LARP (Live Action Roleplay). I'm very literate, however I do miss-spell things at times, as I had issues with writing in the past. When I roleplay, I'm very in-character. I get in this zone that I can't explain, and now that I think of it, it's probably from all the acting. You're trained to stay in-character at all times, even when someone screws up on-set. And when they do, you have to improv. As far as the kind of roleplays I do, it mostly deals with sci-fi, and animals these days, aswell as some from popular shows on TV, such as House. The one flaw I have that I'm trying to work on, is slightly delayed posts. I tend to think about words and actions in roleplay as if they were my own. And such leaves me to ponder a bit sometimes.

Why I Deserve This Role:
I believe I deserve this role because I believe it will help me grow as not only a roleplayer, but a writer aswell. Every role I take, either in acting or roleplaying, has me learn something about myself. Something I never thought to look for. And with it, I use it to grow as a person. I'm a self employed artist, and am currently homeschooled. And with such, I tend to have alot of free time on my hands. This role would mean alot to me, as I've been looking for a good roleplay for many months now. I'd certainly love to be apart of this with all these people, and share there love for The Lion King and letting it continue on in our lives. And if I do get this role, I will put my best in every roleplay we do, and be in character to the best of my abilities.

I thank you for reading my application, and even if I don't get chosen, I wish you the best that you find the right person for this character.

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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #87 on: November 13, 2011, 03:09:56 pm »
Damn.. wanted to be Vitani.. <.< .... Can I be Dotty?? <w< ....  These apps are to good for me to merely post one, it'd be almost the same thing XDD Good job guys and best of luck :]

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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #88 on: November 13, 2011, 07:09:05 pm »
Well, Simba insisted I post, so wth, why not!! I'll give it a go :]

Appearance Description: (I May Also Make A Preset For Her)
Vitani has a dirty pelt, as her mother does. Around her eyes are rather dark as well as her tail tip. She has a little tuft of fur ontop of her head, her eyes are a nice deep blue. Her body is rather slim as well, but her in herself is almsot long and tall.

Personallity: Vitani as a young cub learned to be brutal, but only because she thought it was right, but who could blame? She was just a cub. She looked up to anyone who she thought was right, depending on them and what not untill she got older. She figured out for herself what was right and what was wrong, she isn't afraid to speak up when the time need be. On the inside she still has trust issues, and is as tough as stone. She is sweet and kind, but only if you an get past the stone part of her, she is rebellious and spantanious, willing to take risks.

Role playing Experience: I've been RPing for 9 years, irl and online. I've RPed when IT was out as well, so Ik of MANY different styles and try to provide as much detail as possible with a nice choosing of words, but making it short, sweet, and to the point if need be. I do all kinds of styles as well. I'm also a very good actress, I've been in many plays of my own, and others, and more recently announced by next yr the new Director of Speech & Film in a well known facility in the U.S, so I do believe I grasp my characters VERY well, let alone the fact I am a HUGE TLK fanatic!! :]

Just Going To Provide A Little Sample Here: Vitani arose from her small slumber, unable to sleep. She pried her jaws open as her tongue slid out of her mouth in a roaring yawn, she stretched out, spreading her little toes out and finally sucluded to her stand-straight position. Her ear gave a hard flicker, the bugs today were going crazy, whch was driving her absolutely nuts! She'd gently kneet the ground with her claws as her blue eyes found themselves wondering across the land-scape before her. "Nothing much going on.. Shouldn't there be a wondering cub or something?" She huffed in disappointment, she looked for a bit of action, anything! It urked her how quiet the lands could be, but it only seemed to be this quiet when she wanted action... Which just urked her further.

Why do I deserve her?
Well, I'm a huge fanatic of TLK, Ik the old scrips, new scrips, revised scrips, and tons of fan-fics!! I really admire Vitani, though. She reminds me of myself at times ;P She always seems to be looking for something to do, she's a curious lion she is, but also with an attitude, rawr O.o .. I think I'd be a perfect fit for her!! :]


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Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« Reply #89 on: November 17, 2011, 03:39:07 am »

Well, Vitani here is just like she is in the movie...Smart, whitty, vicious, sneaky, and headstrong.

I have joined previous roleplaying groups in FeralHeart, Impressive Title, and others. I know the basics.

I deserve this character because...

1.) My personality matches with the character's
2.) Vitani is one of my favorite TLK2 characters

Hope I make it *crosses fingers*

P.S. One question..can I audition for another character as well if I don't make Vitani?