Author Topic: Why?  (Read 1469 times)

Offline Mewwn

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« on: January 30, 2014, 05:38:01 pm »
So erm.. hello, I am MoonSlayer BI *Has never posted a topic here before, which is why my profile is so bland, and I forgot to change my display name* So...before I start, please note I have no hate on people who do hate on Warrior Cats, or Visa Versa.

So, why? Why hate on Warrior Cats? Reasons I see:
1. They are immature kids - Well, not always... I know two groups that are mature, literate, ect.
2. They overpopulate FH - I understand, but nobody seems to hate on lions, or wolves. x3
3. They are the same plots over and over again - Mostly, but again a group I am in like to mix up many plots
So. x3 Yus. I just want to know why everyone openly hates on Warrior Cats. Please remove or lock this thread if you want, and I will be on my way. I am just a bit curious.

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Re: Why?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 07:05:30 pm »
1. They are immature kids - Well, not always... I know two groups that are mature, literate, ect.
2. They overpopulate FH - I understand, but nobody seems to hate on lions, or wolves. x3
3. They are the same plots over and over again - Mostly, but again a group I am in like to mix up many plots

Those are the typical reasons why Warrior fans and roleplayers get such a bad rep. Warrior fans and roleplayers are stereotyped as being "Young, illiterate, powerplayers and map-claimers". A majority of the Warrior roleplayers are young, elementary school to middle school aged. But that doesn't really mean that they are all illiterate and immature kids. The ones I roleplay with are outstanding roleplayers and are fun to be around. They are much younger than me, and they act maturely and don't do what most people beleive Warrior roleplayers would do. They don't powerplay, godmod, map-claim, etc.

When I was new to FH, I would see these WC roleplays from time to time, but didn't know a thing about them. Since I would play as a fox character, that often times spelled my doom. But at that time, I didn't know that foxes are the villians in Warriors. It wasn't until one of my newfound friends, who participates in Warrior roleplays, told me about foxes and their relation to the cats in Warriors. So I couldn't help but feel hard feelings toward many of these WC roleplayers because many of them loved to gang up on my innocent foxy characters. I get that they were just going by the books, but I didn't think it was fair for them to drag me into their roleplay and automatically lable me as the enemy and kitten killer.

Later on, I decided to just try joining a Warrior roleplay... cuz I was bored out of my mind that day. I joined a good active clan out in Flourite Plains, and got attached. I have never read the books, so I had to learn by watching what everyone else did. This clan that I joined was not the "illiterate bunch of little kids" that everyone stereotypes them to be. They were decent, didn't rage at anyone who walked into our roleplay "territory", and they were actually a lot of fun. To this day, I still roleplay with some of these people.

When it comes to the plots, I guess most of these Warrior fans are just more suited to and comfortable with going by the books. There was a time when I wanted to twist things up a bit, and make an Egyptian based clan. It lasted a good while, but then people stopped coming to the RP. Many of these Warrior fans would criticize and complain about how my clan was "unrealistic" because the leader's name was Pharaohstar and that cats would know nothing about Ancient Egypt. The truth is, the books aren't realistic either. It's fantasy! The cats in the books do things that no normal feral cat would do; having a medic and using plants and herbs to heal wounds, being visited by ghosts, etc. So who were they to tell me what's realistic and what's not? I was tired of doing the same old thing. Gotta do something different every now and then, right?

To think that ALL Warrior Cat roleplayers are "Young, illiterate powerplayers" is just plain silly and very far from the truth. But often times no matter how much you tell that to some people who think otherwise, they don't want to hear it. There's really nothing you can do to change the mind of some people, no matter how much evidence you give them to prove your point. As the saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink".

So that's just my little bit of info.


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Re: Why?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2014, 07:29:45 pm »
As Lady stated above me. She has a point you know.
And also, I'm a WC Rper myself. I do tend to love WC, when I first read the four books of the WC, it was quite interesting. I don't read books couse there is no type of 'em, I like to read, but the WC books, got my attention.
But it's sad that there is only four books in my whole country. :I

But the real point is, that I love to Rp as a WC.
I don't attack a fox dramaticly as some of my clan mates do. -.-'
Anywho, warrior cat rpin', isin't all ablout imature kids, or power players, etc.
It's about having fun and time pass. ^.^
Not just goofing around, but when bored, I do goof around. :D

Also, I join some of the illiterate WC Rpers, but I don't just rage like this: "YOUR CLAN IS STUPID!" I don't, I just say. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'd have to leave your clan."
(It's true that I say that)
I'm not some kind of a bully to say that.
I know how it feels to be bullied, I feel that everyday at my school, thought. -.-'

Anyways, if you don't like WC, and you think that there is nothing good nowdays in FH, that doesn't mean, that WC Rpers are un-cool.

And for the plot thingy.
I'd have to say, that people like to follow the books, but some don't.
That dosen't mean that that's bad, heh. :P
It's quite unique. :)

Hope you understand me. ;)

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Re: Why?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2014, 08:51:27 pm »
I agree with both of the posts above me, mainly Lady since I can relate to her.

I join mapless clans from time to time, just for a few hours of RP before everyone goes offline and is never on again.
Some of them are literate, while others aren't.
It's all about what you're looking for.

Anyways, I made CoDM (Cats of Dragon Mountain) ages ago, and the idea was that the cats lived next to, you guessed it,
a mountain filled with dragons.
Every other moon, apprentices would climb up with their mentors and get a scale they could use to morph into a dragon.
I loved it, and so did all my members, until I stared getting hate whispers while recruiting.
Things like "OMG You're so unrealistic, you have dragons.", "You're such an illiterate noob.", and my favorite, "Go kill yourself you illiterate moron."
Yes, those where told to me.
I didn't know how to report then, so.... ;~;

Anyways, a lot of people rage at those people who take a leap outside the box, in any type of RP and not just Warriors.

As for the power-playing, those are people who want attention, or to seem cool.
Trust me, this happens EVERYWHERE, including IRL.

It's a shame to see so many creative, intelligent, or interesting WC RP's fall down due to hate whispers or rumors of stupidity in the group.

The stereotype for WC is very wrong, but yet sadly, it can be true.
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Re: Why?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 10:08:05 pm »
The reasons I see:

1.- As you stated, overpopulation.

2.- Plot repetition. One of my least favorite things about warrior cats in general.

3.- Immature kids, as you stated.

4.- Power-playing folks. A vast majority of warrior cat roleplayers powerplay immensely.

5.- 'All-that' characters. Characters that are strong, brave, all-mighty, 18 moons because heck, they're awesome, etc.

6.- Map-claiming.
Wolf[1]: Hey, why don't we have our roleplay here? ^^))
Bramblestar: NO! This is my Clan's territory and you can't come here.
Wolf[1]: We won't interfere with your roleplay sir, we will keep to ourselves..))
Bramblestar: Seriously there's a whole map just leave.

Etc, etc.

Those are just some reasons I think. I also agree with previous posts to some extent.

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Offline Mewwn

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Re: Why?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2014, 02:36:30 am »
I see most of it now, thank you guys for shoving some more facts into me. I do understand why most WC would gain some hate, but I usually feel slightly irritated when I read on the forums or game a negative comment about them. I see that many can be as you all stated, Illiterate, Powerplaying, Immature, Map Claiming, ect. Just gotta find the right Roleplay to actually have a good name in the WC reputation. I myself am actually in 7th grade, meaning I am a bit young, but I try to keep mature and sophisticated instead of immature and reckless. Now that I understand this a bit better, I think it will be easier. Plus, Coalara-The-Eevee, I am quite sorry that these things were said to you. I like different Roleplays like that, and yours sounds pretty kewl. :3