Author Topic: Soudaishou's Hymn -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Revival of Dogs of Japan  (Read 2189 times)

Offline Tutyr

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Before joining: It would be good to note that we are LITERATE and MAPLESS.

Soudaishou's Hymn

It's that familiar thrumming in your chest. Your heart's racing. Fear has caressed, and then coiled, the emotions running in your blood. The strange scents of canines fuels this nearly inexplicable fear. It's this fear that drives your paws, you legs, your movements, your mind to keep pressing on. And press on you do, despite every cell in your body screaming for you to stop. You can feel every inch of your body soaked to the bone from the pouring rain. It's this deluge that blinds you to the landscape -- a thick, spring forest -- and mixes all the befuddling scents. Time seems not to exist in this seemingly other-worldly woodland. Everything -- aside from the rain -- is at a standstill. Save for the bouncing, glowing orbs running on either side of you. They were the owners of the various odors and the shadows that created the alien rustle of a leaf.

You're in someone else's territory.

You now know why fear has gripped you. And now, you're even more desperate than before to escape this place. But before you're able to register another thought, the undergrowth around you recedes into a large plain settled on a hill. While your limbs still pound the earth like mad pistons, you immediately noticing the enormous rock fortress towering before you. You fail to notice the many canines, lupines and vulpines herding you closer to it. You seem to automatically keep running, until the moon-cast shadow of the rock fortress swathes you in a blanket of cool air.

Slowing to a crawl, you find your chest grazing the ground. You eventually grind to a halt, poised in a begging position. You gulp as you fixate your eyes on the few fierce-looking brute dogs crowning the top of the stone pile. They gaze down at you firmly for several long minutes.

You notice that your mouth is slightly ajar and close it quickly, only to gulp hard. You then notice the top dogs turning their head as a relatively small dog -- an orange akita -- ascends to the throne of the fortress. Unlike the other canines, his gaze is soft and welcoming, almost too inviting for the haunting atmosphere. A crisp, late-day breeze tickles the fur of everyone present, and as if the wind were some divine intervention, everything calms. The dogs, wolves, and foxes all around you ease themselves into casual positions, grouping into leisurely conversations and engage in idle chit-chat.

Confused, you yourself fall on your rump and look around. This was not what you had expected, but you now start to feel a new emotion bubbling from all around. This was home -- no -- this was paradise.

You hear the sound of loose gravel and turn your head in time to see the orange akita descending to ground level, followed by his elites. Upon closer inspection, you realize that he's little older than a year. Once he manages to leap off the last boulder, he saunters over to you, smiles softly, and says, "Welcome to Ohu."

Current News

February 1st, 2014;; Dogs of Japan has finally been revived, and we're currently looking for new members. After three years, the return of this once beloved Ginga Nagareboshi Gin/Ginga Densetsu Weed Alternate Universe all canine roleplay returns. If you've ever heard of Dogs of Japan - or DoJ - well, we're back!

The Group & the Rules

Soudaishou's Hymn follows pretty much the same rules as it had when it was known as DoJ. If you've ever seen DoJ's rules, then you should be a-okay following these, but it would still be nice to at least give them a glance. The only real difference is a few of them being omitted.

1) Your character does not have to be a dog, nor does it have to be a canine native to Japan. We accept dogs, wolves, and foxes, mainly, but if you choose to play something like a coyote, that's fine, too. We aren't very strict on this rule, for we love variety, but the least you can do is have a good reason. For one, they could be illegally imported as exotic pets, or maybe even escape from the Ueno Zoo (since it opened around the time the plot takes place). Feel free to be a wolfdog (wolf + dog), coydog (coyote + dog) or a foxdog (fox + dog). All three do exist, but the latter two are far and few between.

2) Names DO NOT have to be Japanese. BUT, they must be something other than "Princess" or "Frou-frou", etc. Common names are fine. Rare names are fine. Made-up names are fine.

3) Gender ratios do not need to be even. And, no, you do not have to be male, even if most of the dogs in GNG/GDW are mostly thus.

4) Realism. We'd like it to be mostly realistic. If it's something similar to the GNG or GDW worlds, then so be it. All characters are subject to approval, even if they are 100% realistic, anyways. We may be a tad lenient.

5) Character limit. We currently have a limit of one character per person. No more, no less, until further notice.

6) INTERACTION. One of our most important rules, we want interaction. We do not want to keep people out of the roleplay. It's just not cool. If you see someone being left out, be a sport and somehow get them to participate. If you feel left you, assert yourself into the roleplay. Never whine about being left out. Half the time, it's your own fault for feeling isolated, so make yourself known. This doesn't mean you need to hog the spotlight. Just interact.

7) Mating is to be done through whispering or whatever if it gets graphic. None, or rather, most, of us don't want to see your male screwing around with a female or vice versa. Same thing for giving birth; keep that between you and your mate. If you do decide to have pups, let MafiaRaptor know. Please include how many pups are being birthed so that pup positions can be put up for grabs.

8 ) Pup positions will be unavailable unless pups are born during the roleplay. All pups must resemble one of the parents, or will have to be a mix of the two. Make sure to use a reference of mixed pups if the breed exists. If not, feel free to spice the pup up within our limitations (i.e. - you cannot add spots on the pup if neither of the parents have spots, etc.).

9) Literacy is a must. This is a literate roleplay group, ergo, your posts must have some meat to them. We will allow semi-literate roleplayers to join if they manage to use correct spelling, punctuation, etc. and avoid one-liners. One-liners are not an option here.

10) Godmodding, powerplaying, and auto-hitting/killing are all prohibited. An example of this is: "So-and-so bite on randomcanine's neck and ripped out flesh, killing randomcanine instantly". We do not want to see this ruining our roleplay. It is more than a pet peeve. If we see any of this, you will get the boot. This does not mean your canine gets to dodge every attack. Evade and get hit within reason. Do not kill another canine without permission.

11) Deaths. Yep, we have a rule on this. Yep, your canine is allowed to die. But only if you've been roleplaying with it for at least two months. You make your canine for this group so you can roleplay with it, not see if die in a pool of its own blood. Gosh, that'd be pretty rude of you. But if you decide to let your canine die, have an idea for a back-up one if you want to continue roleplaying with us.

12) Activity. Is. A. Must. The only way to keep DoJ going is if the blood -- that's you -- continues to remain in contact with the heart -- that's MafiaRaptor. Failure to communicate without word for ten days will result in you getting kicked. You're more than welcome to come back to us when you're ready to commit. We currently do not have a limit on how many times you're allowed to be kicked and come back without banishment, but if it keeps happening, you will eventually get ousted permanently.

13) You cannot join without filling out an application. You must fill out everything on the application form before joining. Do not submit it incomplete or as a WIP for that just makes our thread ugly. Take your time. There is no rush. We're always open.

14) WHEN YOU JOIN: Please add "SH" to the end of your character's name so we can identify you in-game and allow us to re-invite you in case of the notorious group glitch. Do NOT add the acronym until you are registered here and have officially joined in-game. You will be in charge of finding MafiaRaptor in-game and asking for an invite. You can send a request, but we'd rather have it done in person. It is merely a safety precaution. (Please see the bottom of the application section to see extra information on adding the acronym.)


Soudaishou;; Essentially the leader of the Dogs of Japan. The Soudaishou is generally looked up to, especially in times of war. He or she is expected to be able to lead with a cool head and command his or her fellow officers with the strategies befitting the position. He reigns as the supreme leader. His or her word is law.

Platoon Leaders;; Elite officers usually hand-picked by the Soudaishou. They assist in advising his or her leader and each command their own platoon, or unit, of canine soldiers. There is usually around three or four platoon leaders, and most have been medium- to large-sized canines. The number of platoon leaders will vary with the number of warriors.

Warriors;; The bottom-most layer of the ranks. The warriors' duties can range from fighting, to hunting, to tending to pups, to everything in between. Some may even be spies. It may vary from canine to canine.

Application Form

Full Name: The full name of your canine.
Nickname(s): The nickname and titles your canine goes by and/or received.
Age: The age of your canine. Just put the number.
Gender: The gender of your canine. No its allowed.
Rank: Your desired rank. If you put warrior, please include the field they specialize in (i.e. - spying, hunting, pup-sitting, etc.)
Species: Dog, wolf, fox, etc.
Breed: The breed of your canine (i.e. - golden lab, grey wolf, arctic fox, etc.)
Personality: The mindset, ambitions, and behavior of your canine. Perhaps their mannerisms as well. At least a paragraph thick.
History: The backstory of your canine. Can include some family history and whatnot. At least a paragraph thick.
Roleplay Sample: The most important part of the application. Must reflect your writing style. At least a paragraph thick.

My name is MafiaRaptor, and I will be your Soudaishou for this roleplay. C:

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Soudaishou's Hymn -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Revival of Dogs of Japan
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 06:51:40 pm »
This post is reserved for the Soudaishou's character bio (will be filled in soon).

Offline wolfboy2

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Re: Soudaishou's Hymn -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Revival of Dogs of Japan
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 07:02:04 pm »
can I join? if its okay
Ok thanks and here
Name:Tora (means tiger in japan)
Username: wolfboy2
Age: 1 year
Gender: male
Species: great dane
Description: grey with black stripes and white undercoat with bushy tail and black eyes and brown nose with black tail tip
Personality: wise,silent and loyal
History: he hade a owner, a big dog house  what every dog would ever dream of. But his owner couldn't see he was special even if he was the smallest great dane . His owner wanted to put him down but instead his kids decided that he should be thrown out of the house because seeing him in pain was not what they wanted .so during the night they went out and toke off his collar and said there last goodbye .

Rp sample: Tora walked alone and silently down a path of unknown , when suddenly he smelled dogs , not one dog or two a lot of dogs , he barked but none respond , then he walked closer and saw the dogs and they were loyal and muscular true dogs to be fair .

Note: Sorry for the non description but i realized that after posting but then i was done and my wifi cut
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 04:29:58 pm by wolfgirl222 »

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Soudaishou's Hymn -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Revival of Dogs of Japan
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2014, 09:46:03 pm »
@wolfgirl222;; You can if you follow the rules on joining! An excerpt from the rules:

13) You cannot join without filling out an application. You must fill out everything on the application form before joining.

If you can do that and show you're a literate roleplayer, you can join. C:

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Soudaishou's Hymn -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Revival of Dogs of Japan
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2014, 05:00:13 pm »
@wolfgirl222;; I almost missed your edited post. Next time, just post a new one instead, otherwise I will continue to miss them. Luckily, I managed to browse through the thread, but that may not happen again.

Anyways, as for your character, it does not meet our standards. I'll break it down for you.

grey with black stripes and white undercoat with bushy tail and black eyes and brown nose with black tail tip

Tora doesn't sound like a Great Dane. Great Danes don't have stripes or bushy tails. This sounds more like a Tora-ge Akita than a Great Dane.

Personality: wise,silent and loyal

The Personality section is far too short. Wise, silent and loyal? Those are good traits to have, but you'll have to be far more in-depth than just this. This is a good starting point, but what makes Tora tick? Why is he wise when he's only a year old? Why is he silent? Is he mute? Maybe he took on a vow of silence? Why is he loyal? Did someone from the pack save his life and he's decided to follow them?

he hade a owner, a big dog house  what every dog would ever dream of. But his owner couldn't see he was special even if he was the smallest great dane . His owner wanted to put him down but instead his kids decided that he should be thrown out of the house because seeing him in pain was not what they wanted .so during the night they went out and toke off his collar and said there last goodbye.

Wow, those are some mean kids. I think seeing your dog get thrown out of the house is pretty harsh coming from a kid. Wouldn't they want Tora to be happy? Maybe they'd suggest giving him to another family, or at least putting him in the pound? Even relatively young kids are aware that being outside with no shelter or food is terrible.

Smallest Great Dane? Why would the owner have issues with Tora being small? This doesn't make a lot of sense unless there's a reason for it. It's fine if Tora's something of a runt, but why would the owner want to put him down? Would he at least not try to find him another home instead of just blatantly killing him? He's just as mean as his kids, apparently.

Is the owner trying to breed a show dog or something? What is his REASON for doing all of this? This is basically just a sob story that falls flat with no meat on the bones.

Really, this family needs a good slap to the face, and then some.

Tora walked alone and silently down a path of unknown , when suddenly he smelled dogs , not one dog or two a lot of dogs , he barked but none respond , then he walked closer and saw the dogs and they were loyal and muscular true dogs to be fair .

A run-on sentence riddled with several grammar errors is all I see here. It's also far too short; at least a paragraph, which should roughly be five sentences, is required. I suggest double-checking your work and our requirements before posting, Wi-fi cut or not.

Offline wolfboy2

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Re: Soudaishou's Hymn -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Revival of Dogs of Japan
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2014, 11:47:47 pm »
okay then ill restart and sorry for the errors I was on auto correct
name: Inu
nickname: dog
species:Shiba inu
age:1year old
Rank: Warrior
description: black with brown undercoat  marking husky 2 with ears sharp and blue eyes
personality: wannabe , sometimes greedy  when it comes to food , distracted sometimes , brave but disobedient , too friendly he could be friend with a cactus and very social with dogs .
History ( I don't know really): Inu has a mother named Sally and a father named Silver , he also have a sister but she is a house dog just like her mother . why you ask is her mother and sister pets? well he and his dad decided to become feral dog and also there owner decided to let them go no matter how much heartbroken he was from letting his dogs go.But after awhile his father died of a unknown illness, so Inu was so sad he decided to be very social and have as many friends as possible before he die . Inu hade heard about dogs living in the Ohu mountains so he knew what he hade to do , in his head he kept hearing :<< go north find them and join the pack , go north !>>

rp sample ( I will try not to derp so much this time ) : Inu stalked the skinny rabbit as he tried to catch it , he swiftly pounced at it and slashed his tiny fangs in the neck of the rabbit , then putted the rabbit down licking  off the sticky blood of the poor dead rodent .Inu then started eating the rabbit , after eating the whole rodent he licked his muzzle with delight and said:<< this taste better than dog food , what was I thinking all my life , eating dog food.>> so now he knew why the dogs of Ohu liked being wild. He also knew he wasn't far from futago pass and would soon enter there vast territory. He let out a noisy little yap of happiness .He hade walk so far , but finally made it to Ohu and with that greeted the Soudaishou with his head down and tail between legs, he explained what happened and his mission as therefore he wanted no harm done he just wanted to join them . Will the Soudaishou accept him or attack him ? ( so better or worst now?)