Author Topic: Popularity Among Groups  (Read 2966 times)

Offline _Rache_

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Popularity Among Groups
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:52:34 pm »
I don't know if this is just me, but, doesn't  it seem like the FH Community will 'accept' certain advertising groups, while 'vetoing' others? For example, not to point fingers, just an example, TEC. TEC has endless members that have a pleasant obsession with the group. They're active, I think, exc. That's great, don't get me wrong. What about me for example? I've been working hard to make a well plotted, mapped, literate RP which accepts both canine and feline species. Certain types of semi-literate just might be accepted. I advertise by whispering friends, making movies in maps, and posting an advertisement thread on here, yet, nobody is interested! I didn't put in all of that work for 33 people...33, to just scan through my thread, shrug, and move on. Why is it that the FH'ers tend to bypass certain groups, and worship others?
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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 11:22:24 pm »
I actually had the same exact discussion in Feralheart concerning RPs a while ago.
To be honest, I'm not really sure why some RPs become popular and others don't.
I've noticed in Feralheart lately most RPs in Fluorite and South Pole are realistic. I think this may be crucial on how the RP becomes popular. There are hundreds of realistic RPs, so maybe people think the "story" is overused? I rarely see unrealistic/semi-realistic RPs in Feralheart anymore, and I'm going to use The Ebon Circle as an example.
In my opinion, the Ebon Circle's plot and whatnot is very unique and exotic. Not every RP can you be a Kreptis. Right there probably makes people want to join.
Activity can also count for a successful roleplay. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't TEC been around for more than two years?) TEC has had much more time to recruit and has gained members who also probably ask their friends too.

I've also noticed mapped RPs aren't as popular (That I know of) as they used to be. This is probably due to that they are scared of getting a virus, don't know how to install, or they just aren't allowed. Those are the most common reasons I see people not joining mapped RPs.
(-done with random rambling-)

Anyways, I'm sure if you give your RP sometime, you'll defiantly find more loyal members. ;)

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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 12:39:30 am »
AlphaEclipse gave a good point.

Groups like TEC are popular because of their activity and that they pretty muc let anyone join. And since they have been around for so long, they've had more time to gain so many members, including myself. I recently joined their ranks since I have friends who are in it.
There are some roleplay groups out in Flourite Plains that are mapless, active, and have many members. My theory is if the group is active, welcomes anyone with open arms, has a good plot or a unique story to it, they are more likely to be successful... but that's just my thought.

Maybe if you stay active with your roleplay, you will gain more members over time. It took TEC over 2 years to gain all the members they have today.

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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2014, 02:49:09 am »
True, indeed. I just see groups gaining members with the snap of a finger, and there I am, with hours of advertising and have 0 members. Its confusing, really. You can check out my RP if you want at
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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 07:23:40 am »
I don't know if this is just me, but, doesn't  it seem like the FH Community will 'accept' certain advertising groups, while 'vetoing' others? For example, not to point fingers, just an example, TEC. TEC has endless members that have a pleasant obsession with the group. They're active, I think, exc. That's great, don't get me wrong. What about me for example? I've been working hard to make a well plotted, mapped, literate RP which accepts both canine and feline species. Certain types of semi-literate just might be accepted. I advertise by whispering friends, making movies in maps, and posting an advertisement thread on here, yet, nobody is interested! I didn't put in all of that work for 33 people...33, to just scan through my thread, shrug, and move on. Why is it that the FH'ers tend to bypass certain groups, and worship others?

Well, I can see a part of your trouble right there and this goes for a HEAP of players, both on Feral Heart and off. I'd be more than happy if I had 33 people [or even less!] in a group IF permitted to know them well. Ever since Feral-heart's release I've noticed players have put a greater emphasis on numbers and less emphasis on the people in it. Any group I've ever been involved in, be it on Feral Heart or something else, I HAD to know the players and they had to know me. We were friends and it only takes 2 people to make a RP, as opposed to the seemingly hundreds people seem to strive for. *eyeroll* Honestly, its WHO is in the group not how MANY are in it.

Second, I honestly don't think its any fault of yours at all in terms of how interesting your group is. Its rather funny, people get up in arms about wanting to be "unique" and yet they FLOCK to cliches and the overdone like sheep. [Warriorcats, wolf packs, lion prides, etc] So unfortunately, when you try to stand out, you end up ignored. And since having a RP group has kind of lost its value in Feral Heart [seeing as how most people join for a day and then are never seen again but their name remains on the list lest you kick them out] and how theres virtually dozens of the "same kind" all over, people will only glance over what is available.

As for TEC, as "unique" as some here have made it out to be, I'll be honest. It has NEVER appealed to me yet it has appealed to so many others and I think it is the cliche factor. For heaven's sake, kudos to the creator for making it and Im glad for their success but I'd be lying if I said that I had not heard the "I died, something tragic happened, Im a restless spirit...thing" routine. I've heard it a LOT. Regardless of whether or not that's what the creators went for when making the group, that is what is has been interpreted as by a LOT of its members as I've seen TOO many of their bios not to believe that.

Turns out the most successful groups are the ones that can rename a cliche without making it look like one by describing it with different words. Hence they end up appearing unique when in actuality, they're not and that is a trend that goes beyond Feral-heart but every game like it that is currently available out there. What people ask for (unique features) turns out to /not/ be what they want and /not/ what they end up flocking to.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 07:43:09 am by Silhouette »

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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2014, 03:21:00 pm »
I see what you mean quite clearly Mahita.

Though, for me it isn't the TEC.

It's the ones that brag on how many members they have.  And thus, most will join them even after I pain-stakingly try and get my RolePlays off of the ground.

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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2014, 04:20:47 pm »
One of many reason why some groups are well known and others arn't is the key word
"active". Cause in some RP groups, most only last for a year or so until the members start to not show up period. TEC has been active for a very very long time and the people in it are extremely nice.
Just to add on, we don't recruit alot of people all the time, we get around 2 people a week or so.
I've been working hard to make a well plotted, mapped, literate RP which accepts both canine and feline species.
Like i said before, TEC has been around since the start of FH. We just had more time to get notice compared to groups that started a couple of days ago. TEC didn't just snap there fingers on the first day and get 100+ members. The previous Alpha worked hard to get to the position that the group is in currently and Alphas now are working to keep that old tradition that was set for us.
Why is it that the FH'ers tend to bypass certain groups, and worship others?
Never thing a group is far more superior then yours. It isn't the message we intend to have on other fellow groups. For some people it could be just the interest in the RP plot that we have that might interest to them, Our interesting presets that are publicly viewed to others, and our willingness to accept anyone who wants to chat or have a second family perhaps. So for others who are viewing this please dont view TEC as a group born into this sort of position of popularity. We worked just as much and longer to get the TEC name out. Im sure your group will get plenty of members, but it all comes down to time and patience.

For any regards, please contact me if you do however have any questions regarding TEC.~
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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2014, 04:44:38 pm »
I can say that this is pretty much like mainstream radio music.

"Why do so many people listen to all this crappy music?" many might say, but the truth is probably that the majority that just listen to music once in a while, or just want it simple and easy to get going don't mind embracing this music. The truth is a good majority that plays FeralHeart are probably into the more common and "mainstream" roleplays rather than something unique or just different. Not everyone might be extremely interested in the most flashy or creative roleplays that tries new ground, it's probably just a few players out of a bigger bunch, roleplaying with something common and that they feel comfortable with is probably what ends up on their table.

Just like I can't put up my Melodic Death Metal collection and expect everyone to like it, a user cannot put up a new type of roleplay and expect people to join it, just a few will be willing to explore and try new things and what there is to get from it, that's just how it is. It will probably be harder than if you'd do something more "mainstream" but stick by your ideas and you are bound to get somewhere eventually.

Though since you mentioned TEC it's not like they just got players over a night or two because they have something that everyone likes. Like any other group they spent their time in the game being active as a group in the game and probably worked to get to where they are. Having a spankin' new group and expecting it to reach the same success within a few weeks as a current popular group that has been around for years is a bit too much. I honestly think that this whole situation regarding groups, some being not as noticed and others shining, is something normal.
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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2014, 12:53:40 am »
I don't have any members of my group. Actually, 39 people saw my advertisement. Out of those 39, nobody is interested. I am not expecting tons of members so soon, either. I would just expect at least one of the 39 people to at least apply. The ad has been up for around a week, but now I'm taking it down until I decide which map will be used for the RP.
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Re: Popularity Among Groups
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2014, 01:27:12 am »
I know the feeling quite well and I share your pain. It took me months to get it out(with school, sports, and academic studies piling up) and nothing! Though, I must keep in mind that it is merely a forum role-play and not as direct as Feral-Heart is in gain members and I should definitely try a bit harder with getting it out there...
But, most of that doesn't apply to I suppose. I would say, and you may not like my response, keep up and trying. Once you get the first few, it gets easier in mass recruiting sessions.