Author Topic: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)  (Read 2499 times)


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What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« on: March 21, 2014, 10:35:48 pm »
 Hello FeralHeart players, I feel like I need to get this out on a place where it would hopefully stay forever. As I'm riding down the road typing on my phone, going camping, I wonder: Why am I alive? What purpose do I have in life? And as you read this topic, fair warning, it might get depressing, I want you all to think about this.
Why are you alive? What have you done in life that people will remember you by? We all die in the end so is there really any point in doing anything great? For example, I draw, a lot. I love my drawings, some of them at least. I love some of the pictures I take, like the first and one of the only times I've seen snow, it's a beautiful picture. But....will all of it even matter when I'm dead? Who will care about what I did or why I did it? What is the point of me trying to get better at something, when by the time I'm dead, I won't remember any of it. I like to write a bit too, but will one of my books ever get published? Maybe not, probably not in fact. Should you be your very best to fufill your dreams? Is it actually worth it?...
Thanks to anyone who reads this, it feels good to get it off my chest. I'm sorry if I've made anyone mad or sad, please don't get too down about this topic, it was just a thought and I want to know what you guys think.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2014, 11:30:08 pm »
Yeah I think we all have these days hun where we think of stuff like this but to be honest here's what I think...

There's plenty point to living. Life is not all about making a mark on the world but rather enjoying the adventure and making the best of the time, the people, and things you are given. This isn't to say to take advantage of those things though.

Because we don't know the year, month, day, or hour of our or anyone's passing we must cherish every moment. Life is in itself an adventure. There's no such thing as failure. You are who you are and nothing in your life will make you any less special than anyone else. As you live your life you might accomplish big things but you also might accomplish small things but no one thing is anymore or any less significant than the other. Even a simple thing you tell a person or do may change their life forever and in turn the generations that follow so whether you think so or not you are an incredible catalyst in this world. Think of the tiny cells in your body now and the great role each one plays in the very function of your body.  

Life is what you make of it. It is beautiful as it is scary but also grand. Life is unexpected and full of surprises. It is because we can't answer the question of the purpose of existence that makes life so interesting and something to appreciate. Don't focus on trying to understand what is life or it's purpose but more on living it or you will never find out because you spent all your life just asking or wondering.

Just live it and love it until the end.

<3 -sends you some love-
« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 11:35:12 pm by LordSuragaha »

Offline FieldsForever

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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 12:42:03 am »
This has been haunting me since I ever remember being alive. Honestly this has gotten worse for me in the past years. The only family I have is my mother, she is much older... Other people my age brag about their thirty year old parents (Yeah right, is that even possible) and I'm just here like, my mother is sixty. My mother. Is sixty. Honestly I've gotten it in my head that I need to prove my worth to her... I've messed up so bad with her. I don't think any of my friends will remember me at all... That's another thing I regret. I can see them all being washed up nobodies, why didn't I pick mature brainy people, maybe something would have washed onto me. Maybe I would have been associated with them when they made the big time. Another dumb thing I realized in my life, what's the point of dating? I feel like we are pressured into it. (Years in the past didn't we pick our mates based on height, strength, and the size of their hips and breasts? You know... in order to have desirable offspring. It's like a meat farm, breed the best animals in order to produce the best offspring. Take your star male and mate him with every female and take out the scrawny runts.) I know the whole point of life, reproduce, and die. But I can't do it. I've dated but I can't... Um... I don't FEEL the need to reproduce or have my own family. It's just really depressing, I can't even keep a girl for more than month without her thinking I'm cheating on her or just ignoring her. Sorry for not texting you every five minutes and showering you with affection? I'm sorry, I quit, I don't need to put myself through this. I'm not even really attracted to anyone so I already failed life right there. (My mother has recently been dropping hints I guess because she is disappointed in my dating antics. She's been "sighing" and saying how sad it is she will never have grandchildren. I KNOW IT'S DIRECTED AT ME SINCE I'M HER ONLY CHILD LEFT AND I WANT IT TO STOP. I'm not even that age yet and every time she does this I feel crushed and like I'm nothing but a disappointment to her. It's my body... I'm not a female but still I would think it applies in this situation.) So I guess my only chance to prove the worth of my life is giving my body back to the environment... but when? It's driving me crazy. Every-night I'm afraid to go to sleep because I can't turn off my mind and stop thinking these thoughts. This morning I felt something new, interesting, and different .. I just felt like passing on my belongings to my friends, important things that I have collected over my life. My collections, anything I feel might hold some worth for someone else. I guess I feel like I will be remembered this way? It could work... Fifty years time they might find something I gave them and they might just... remember me? Then I have a chance to exist within a different time, and if their child gets my passed on belonging then I'll get to live even longer. It's a hit or miss. This morning I also suddenly felt rushed to die. I'm obsessed with dying before my mother. It just isn't fair, I wish my mother would come up to me and say "Hey sup, by the way you're adopted and I have a secret loving family with a husband and children". I would feel so much better. She could live with them and I'll just be the shell I feel like. Last April we lost my younger brother, everything is on me now. If he was here... would I feel different? I know my mother would different, so honestly, I would too. Everything would be different. Life would probably be so good I would start to wonder if I'm secretly caught in some optimistic sitcom. I don't blame anything on my brother though. Here I am, I take care of my mother and I'm secretly tired of doing housework. I feel like maid or some live-in nurse. Please let me leave, let me go far away. Please, send me to a different country. I don't care where. I don't even feel love from these people or feel love for these people. Well, besides my mother and late brother. But my mother has changed and right now my only purpose is to serve her. I don't do it cause I'm forced to, but she's my family. I owe her something for taking time from her life. I would hate to break it to her that she spent her life raising a shell. (That would be me.) Despite all this I want a real purpose in life... but I can't think of anything. Important.

I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Usually I don't let things out like this and rant giant clumps of text.
(I couldn't get this out any other way, I'm REALLY sorry because I know how annoying it is to read.)
Please, take nothing to heart. 
That's directed at everyone.
Also I feel a little better, thank you ~Thyme~.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 12:45:57 am by FieldsForever »

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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2014, 01:08:08 am »
I've thought the same thing once. I think everyone does at some point in their life.

There are people who say that there is no real point in life, living, or existing. Some say that life really has no purpose at all. For me, honestly, I think my life has a point. I was given the chance to live life as a human being, so I'm going to enjoy it while I can. Even if during my lifetime I don't make a huge difference or impact in the world, I'm not going to let that get me down or question my existence.

For me, I value my life. I only have one chance to live. I only have a short time to live on this earth, so I'm going to live it to the fullest and enjoy it as much as I can. I'm not going to worry about if my existence will make a huge difference in the world. It might make a few differences to someone else, or a few people. As long as it's done in a good way and I've helped the ones I love, then I will be happy with that.


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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2014, 03:49:47 pm »
Thank you guys for typing a lot about this topic, reading them was very refreshing and I didn't think it would be something people would agree with me on. And you're welcome FieldsForever, it sounds rough what you're going through. I can relate to one thing though, being the only child and having all the pressure of trying to give my parents grandchildren. I'm glad that getting that out helped you feel better too :P it helped when I thought of this topic.
I really like seeing everyones' opinion on this, it's very interesting

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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2014, 07:35:48 pm »
When I think of life, I think of it as like a battle. We're all soldiers and once we go through something depressing in our life, we become wounded. But of course, we get back up and keep battling. And everyone goes through hard things in life. It's challenges. To prove all of us are worthy. There is not a single person I know who has never lived their life without a bump in the road. Life is like a blank canvas. Learn something new and colors are added to the canvas. Once you're life is coming to an end, the canvas is beautiful and finished. I think we're alive because one of us will do something amazing in life. The thing that gets to me though is suicide. Oh god.. No. Suicide isn't the answer. Because once we go through something depressing, it's gone. For example: When I was 6/7, my grandmother died from lung cancer. Yeah, it hurts me. But we all move on, right? I'm just glad she's not in pain anymore and I don't have to witness her in pain. Like I said, life is a battle and we are the soldiers. I don't like how society is right now because it's just a lie. Girls, you don't need a thigh gap to be a super model. Hey, Even I don't have a thigh gap and I'm happy the way I am now because it's my personality that I focus on. I don't have a super good body. So? Ladies, weight is just a number. Don't let that get to you. It gets on my nerves when people complain about their life (No offense) because we all go through something hard. I did. You did. But we're happy now, correct?
This is my opinion on life. If you disagree with me, that's fine with me. We all have opinions :)

Offline shusuke

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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2014, 02:12:15 am »
To be honest I am completely fine with leaving footprints in the sand that fizzle out as my friends and those that I left impressions on in my life follow me into the graveyard. As long as memories they have of me are happy ones or give them motivation or insight on how to better live their lives I am completely satisfied.

Leaving a lasting impression on thousands of people isn't something I'm interested in because people wouldn't truly know me as a person, but for what I did. The drama and rumors that somehow crop up after people who've left marks on thousands of people (or more) is something I do not want attached to my name when I'm gone because coffins are incredibly cramped and I really don't want to have to roll around in it because people simply can't help themselves.

I live for myself, my friends and my goals; the decisions I make have potential to leave impressions on those I meet in every encounter. Whether it's large or small doesn't really matter to me.


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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2014, 10:32:43 pm »
Another question for you guys: When you die, do you ever get sad that you will be leaving some of your most treasured items behind? For example, I LOVE this one necklace I have, it's of a clock but instead of 3, 6, 9, and 12, they're skulls, and on the back are more skulls, it sounds eerie yes but I like it. As I was looking at it today that poped in my mind, would it mattered if it was buried with me when I go to the grave? What will happen to it if I don't try and take it with me?

Offline shusuke

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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2014, 08:57:37 pm »
The only thing I'd probably ever worry about when I die is my potential internet history HAAHAHAHA -shot-

A corpse doesn't have use for any of those things left behind. Might as well hand it off to people who do.

I'd give away my possessions to people in my will or donate it. I'd worry about where it was going or if it'd be used, but otherwise I'd just feel a bit bad that everything I worked for can't come with me. It'd be like getting to the final leg of a game and suddenly being reduced to level 1 with nothing in your inventory.

It's a bit sobering but I personally wouldn't dwell on it. I'd just be paranoid about people selling it off or something. :/


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Re: What is your life worth? (a bit depressing)
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2014, 05:51:56 am »
I do get worried about what people are going to do with my things. I'm hoping if I have kids they will keep some of it, mainly my artwork.