Author Topic: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING  (Read 11201 times)

Offline seopard

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2014, 12:17:19 am »
((Accepted, and yes he can accompany them!))

The female dragon gave Fractal a slight nod and then turned, snuggling up on the ledge. Tomorrow will be a big day... she thought to herself, and then once she noticed that Fractal's breathing had slowed, she snuck out of the cave quietly. The sun was completely down by now, and the stars were scattered across the night sky like specks of sand in the wind. A small patter of rocks gave her away slightly as she took off of the cliff side, her large wings scooping the air while she flew.
The wind blew against her gently as she searched for a certain clearing in the forest. Shooting down like and arrow, Zasha landed on the soft green grass with a light thud, taking in the beautiful flowers that glowed white in the moon light.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2014, 10:31:19 pm »

The crimson-scaled reptilian lay snuggly curled up in his favorite cliff-side cave. He'd always loved the confinement of such caverns, so this one suited him perfectly. Ahaz slept most of the day away- anticipating his favorite time for hunting- night. As the sun receded and his cave's temperature dropped- something he wasn't fond of- his glowing eyes flickered open. Letting a low growl of contentment break the silence, the large fire dragon uncurled from his sleeping position, letting his snake-like neck extend in a stretch. Slowly, he rose to his four, wings still firmly glued to his sides as he casually made his way for the cave's exit until he was at the cliff's edge- front claws clinging to the edge. Taking in a deep inhale, the first thing that struck him in the night time air was the distinct scent of other dragons. Letting out a hiss of disapproval, Ahaz shook his head and fully extended his wings before gracefully leaping from the ledge.

The wind quickly took to the membrane of his wings, keeping the dragon elevated. Pumping his wings a couple times, he easily gained altitude and relaxed, wings fully extended as he calmly soared above the forest below. Like a hawk, his only working golden slitted eye firmly searched the trees below, looking for any signs of movement. Though he'd grown used to having a blind eye, the disability did tend to affect his hunting, in that from high altitudes it was difficult for him to discern what certain creatures are on the ground. One shape quickly caught his attention, though- a large figure on the ground in an open field- a perfect environment for an areal take-down- his favorite hunting strategy. Banking, he rode the wind in slow circles high above as he prepared for the initial dive.

After a few minutes, Ahaz was ready. The old beast quickly arched his wings close to his sides and went for a nose-dive- all of his focus directed on the dark creature below- a creature of which from his spot he could not identify. Forearms extended forward and claws open and ready to grasp his prey- a formation much like that of a diving hawk- the dragon dove. However, as he quickly gained speed and got close to the figure, his good eye soon realized he was making a horrible mistake. The prey item he'd gone for- was a dragoness. Clenching his teeth, he quickly attempted to pull up, but by then he was already too close, and unintentionally- but forcefully- slammed down on top of the poor fellow dragon, tumbled over her, then flopped to a clumsy halt in the grass nearby.
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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2014, 12:31:58 am »


Small ripples sprawled into the air as he flapped his wings with such force. Jarlan's eyes gazed down, surveying the area as he hoovered in mid-flight - searching for a quiet place to land. He had been exploring for a while. Partly was to search for the missing siblings, and the other was so that he could stretch his legs and his wings. He didn't tell Zasha or Fractal. He didn't need to. Jarlan was not their slave or their pet; he shuddered at the thought of it though he knew the two wouldn't do such a thing to him. Returning from his thoughts, he continued to gaze down. A twinkle of purple shot down to the forest, but he dismissed it, thinking it was some type of nocturnal creature. His eyes gleamed at the familiar sight of blue flashing below, and he immediately swooped down, tucking his wings as he shot down.

Small ripples appeared again as he felt the wind howl past him. A sharp breeze tickled his feathers and fur. He allowed a small smile of amusement to flash across his face at the feeling of the wind. It didn't last long, however. It vanished as quick as it had came.

Jarlan was more of the serious type, though he did allow a few pranks and laughter to twinkle inside of him. He played more pranks on Zasha than he did with Fractal, of course. He didn't want a scolding or lecture from the old man, so he directed them towards Zasha. He didn't think she would mind, but he'd stop if she asked him to. He respected his companion, as well as Fractal. However, she had said nothing, so he decided and thought she didn't mind.

Upon reaching the earth's ground, Jarlan released his wings from his sides and flapped them gently. With a successful and soft land on the ground, the griffin gave himself a nod of approval. The metal on his beak gently scratched him as he moved, bringing a sudden flood of pain and memories to him. With such force, he whipped them aside, unwilling to allow them to overcome him. He needed to remain calm. Besides, it was the past, and he absolutely wasn't going to bring them back. Not even in front of Zasha or Fractal. Anyway, he wasn't going to weep, even if he did, nor was he going to allow even a tiny thread of the past cling to him.

With a sweep of his tail, Jarlan swiftly moved forward, his massive wings brushing against the bushes. A gentle and small breeze filled the area, making the bushes and leaves sway to one side from its impact. The griffin opened his beak slightly, allowing the crisp air to dance around and inside his mouth. He always loved it when this happened - it felt like how it feels after sucking on a mint and then rapidly inhaling the air through your mouth on a sharp and cold, windy day. Nothing more than this could have delighted him, but he knew this wasn't the only thing which made him lively.

When Jarlan finally reached the entrance of the cave, he peeked inside, expecting to see the two dragons of whom he knew well. Instead, to his surprise, only Fractal remained, snoring softly. The ledge where Zasha slept was empty.

A small smile twitched at the corner of his face. Of course Zasha would have gone out. Why wouldn't a dragoness like her do something like that? Had not the flash of purple he had seen earlier been her?

With a low huff, the griffin turned and took off, his wings beating into the air as he headed towards the forest. He wouldn't tell Fractal, yet. If the two made it back without being caught, he would remain silent. If not, he'd turn the blame onto Zasha, like he normally did.

When he spotted the clearing below, he landed with a soft thud, right behind a large yet old tree. As he padded forward, the tip of his feathered-wings brushed against the green grass as his paws squashed a number of flowers, which glowed white under the moonlight. He paused behind her - watching her intently to see whether she had heard him or not.

"Zasha?" he murmured, coming beside her. His left wing brushed against her side to assure her it was him. "What are you doing-" before he could finish his sentence, he noticed a rather large fireball coming into their direction. Only that it wasn't a fireball, though it seemed like one. "In the stars' name?" he muttered, already crying out to alert Zasha. But his words came out too late - the red creature rammed straight into Zasha, knocking her down along with itself. The horrid beast tumbled onto the grass, laying as if stunned. Without hesitating, Jarlan sprinted over towards Zasha, rushing to her side. He wasn't going to attack whatever the beast was - it would have been foolish. It was larger than he was, and obviously would have had the upper hand. With that, he decided to stay by Zasha in hopes of at least defending her - somewhat.

Offline seopard

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2014, 12:48:03 am »


At the call of a very familiar griffin brought her out of her slight trance, and she turned slightly to see that Jarlan was standing not to far away, questioning her motives. She was about to reply when he looked up rather suddenly; and she barely had time to do the same before she collided with the damp earth. Zasha let out a shocked grunt as the fiery red dragon barreled into her, momentarily stunned but then regained her senses and growled at the male threateningly. Taking in his appearance, she was slightly intimidated, he was quite a bit larger than her, and much bulkier too. The right side of his face was gone, completely wiped away, leaving only pale skin; to say she was nervous was an understatement.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2014, 12:51:27 am »
The purple pink blue and yellow pastel aethen dragon flew down next to zasha. "Hello" she greeted pulling her wings close to her body. "Flyings good tonight huh?" She glanced at kovu the gryphon, her companion who dipped his head respectfully at the other whos name he had forgotten "greetings" he said politely

She then notticed the collision "oh are you two ok?" She asked

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2014, 01:03:20 am »

Growling low, Ahaz slowly rolled back onto his steady feet, shaking the dizziness from his head. The reptile blinked, glaring back and forth between the three creatures which now stood before him. Though he was confident- I guess you could say a bit cocky, too- that he could take the three easily with his size advantage, the collision had left him dazed, so a fight was the last thing on his mind for once. Whipping his tail back behind him, the dragon arched his neck, holding his head high to avoid showing any submission or signs of weakness just in case the motives of the others was not the same as his own. "Ehm. Sorry. Couldn't tell you were a dragon until I was closer." Ahaz grumbled, avoiding eye contact- his tone not sounding very apologetic. Asking if the dragoness was okay didn't even cross his mind. He'd never really had 'people skills' when it came to sympathy.

Without uttering another word other than a low growl which he did well to ensure it wasn't a threatening one, Ahaz rose his enormous wings to take off, only to notice a sharp pain. Clenching his jaws, he snapped his head around towards his right wing, which he stretched out to allow easier sight. The collision had left him with an injured wing- a long gash in the membrane, tearing it and rendering it useless for decent flight. "Damn.." The brute muttered under his breath, blowing a huff of irritated steam from his nostrils. The last thing he wanted was to make his injury noticeable. At this point, his vulnerability level had grown. The blind eye, and now the immobility- if he showed weakness now he'd be a dead dragon walking. Curling his wings back to his sides in a vain attempt at hiding the torn one, he snapped his attention back at the others. "Well then. If you'll excuse me. I've got things to do." Ahaz rumbled, letting out another huff before turning away, keeping his left side towards them as he took a couple slow steps towards the forest, only hoping any conversation or confrontation would die there.
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Offline seopard

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2014, 01:23:14 am »
Edit: I updated Zasha's picture a little bit


The violet dragon sat there for a few moments, looking slightly dazed. Suddenly she blinked and shook her large head, then her eyes came to focus on the red dragon who seemed rather uncomfortable in this situation. However, she was surprised when instead a full apology, what came out of his mouth seemed to Zasha as a brash and in-sincere excuse. Her silver eyes narrowed as she watched him further, he held a haughty and arrogant air, one of those that Fractal often warned her to stay away from.

Then, still without a further apology, or any sign of remorse, the large dragon took off. But he didn't make it too far, as she predicted he wouldn't. She had already seen the tear in the membrane of his wing and she tisked under her breath. He then tried to hide the wound, out of vain or embarrassment she didn't know, and began to walk away.

Now Zasha was growing impatient. "Oi! You! I still haven't gotten your name or a REAL apology! And I doubt you're going anywhere fast with that wing." she roared after him, trying to call the attention to his injury.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 10:06:18 pm by The_Bubble_Ninja »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline jazminj323

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2014, 01:33:27 am »
"Im just gonna leave now... I guess" airdancer said awkwardly lightly taking off by beating her feather led wing. She adjusted the air currents to fir her flying needs.

Kovu dipped his head to jarrien respectfully before taking off after airdancer beating his wing to catch up to her. His golden pelt moist from the mist

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Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2014, 01:55:27 am »

Flicking his tail as he took a couple more slow strides with his back now to the strangers, the voice of the dragoness he'd collided with broke the awkward silence, making Ahaz's steps freeze. "Real apology? You'd best watch your tone-" The brute immediately spat without thinking as he snapped his head around to the dark female, though he cut himself off with a subtle sigh and a half smirk, raising his head high upon his curved neck. "Ahem. You have my apologies, female. As for names, such things don't matter, but if you must know, you may call me Ahaz." The crimson male huffed, his voice still holding a sarcastic, sassy tone as he rose an eyebrow at the stranger. His gaze was momentarily caught by the feathered dragoness who had responded to the awkward situation by a subtle retreat into flight.

Blowing a huff of steam from his nostrils, Ahaz refocused his stern, unwavering glare back upon the purple-colored female after shooting a questioning glance at the gryphon who still stood nearby. The brute blinked a bit at the female's comment about his wing, making the injury apparent to the others. "A momentary inconvenience, yes. Don't think I'm completely helpless, though. Make one funny move and I'll roast you from the inside out." Ahaz bluntly threatened with a low defensive growl, half turning his body towards the two lingering creatures with a whip of his tail.
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Offline seopard

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Re: ?Rise of Shadows? Dragon RP OPEN&ACCEPTING
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2014, 02:32:34 am »

The dark dragoness glared at the fire dragon, who proclaimed to be Ahaz. His snarky tone caught her off guard and she emitted a rumbling growl, not liking how he was treating her like a child. "My name is Zasha. And I was going to offer you a safe place to spend the night." She mumbled quietly, her silver eyes flickering towards the cave high in the cliffs "-but if you don't need it, I understand."

Zasha then turned to Jarlan "I will be retiring to the cave now, if you would like to come, you are most welcome." She said with a small smile. Then, spreading her mighty wings, she shot upwards like a rocket, her eyes filled with glee as she relished the feeling of wind gliding over and under her wings, lifting her above the ground. She circled overhead a few times and then headed back to where Fractal was sleeping, or so she thought.

Instead, her mentor was waiting for her at the entrance, looking rather haggard and grumpy "Mind explaining where you went?" He hissed, blue eyes flaring with anger. Zasha stood, her feet rooted to the position she had assumed at the entrance to the cave. Her eyes were wide and alarmed and she looked around nervously, looking for an excuse "I uhh... Oh yes! I got hungry and wanted to go find a midnight snack!" The elder dragon watched her through narrow eyes, obviously not believeing her fib, but he was too tired to question her further. "Whatever. Go to bed and stay in bed now." He growled and she did exactly that.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."