Author Topic: OOC Drama and Twisting Words  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Jango_Fett

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OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:55:15 pm »
Ok, this has been n my chest for about four or five days, so Here I go.

We all have had OOC drama happen, one time or another

And, most of us knows, it sucks both ways

Not one person causes it most of the time

Mostly, it will be a misunderstanding, or play-insulting gone absolutely wrong

This, has happened to me recently.

This will be my primary example

So, we were all in a mapped Rp, on a break from our Roleplay(Hyenas)

Well, we were 'Play' insulting each other, and it pretty much went downhill from there.

It turned into a fight, but I could not figure out, when the playing stopped and the fighting started.

We all said things that at least I regret saying, although they have not shown any remorse for the actions the did

I fought with my Group leader, one of the Lead guards kept on commenting on my Hyena's physique, and wounding my feelings repeatedly

They threatened my Roleplay offspring, and they were mad at me for not liking the 'Shipping' they thought was the greatest and the best for the my friend and another person.

They yelled at me, called me, ah, things I shall not repeat, I said things I reaaaally should not have said, but was so high-strung at the moment things came out that would've been etter enough un-said.

They sai that, when my offspring as born the Second in Command would kill them, ect.

I was going to cry, when the Group leader threatened to kick me from the group

Then everything, 'Hit the fan', as they say.

They went aaaaaall out, nipping at my heels so to speak

And I bit right back

And then, the Leader(Matriarch) Started a count-down to kick me, I was so upset I logged off.

Later I found out my Rp Mate was punished, because they had shipped him with another girl(The shipping I disagreed with)

One of my good friends stood up for me after I logged off and was kicked.

The Matriarch told her to shut up

I had to take a good ten minute walk to calm myself down

As you can see, OOC Drama, and not OK.

And, you must be wondering about the 'Twisting Words' part of the title.

Again with the Hyenas, I will use as an example.

So, they had a forum on webs, and I check it ow and then, because I still feel bad and I want to say sorry, well, I had butI don't think they recieved it(This happened before today)

And they had a newspaper type of deal, and I read the first headline.

They said on how I was, 'Banned', from the Hyenas of Kutel(Yeah, you may have seen them recruiting one time or another)

And one of my, 'Friends', who was very nice to me, but was offline when the fight happened, Had, Called me, 'A fur ball of annoyance,' and had also went on to say I said my offspring would hate my Matriarch, when, in fact, he heard word of mouth.

And most of you know that word of mouth is more often false then true.

I am deeply hurt by this.

He twisted my words, and made me look like the pestering villain.  In some ways, I guess I am.

But I tried to redeem myself, which they all seemingly ignored

And I also heard via one of my few friends left there, that the made poems of my characters death.

So, I hope you can see......

OOC Drama and Twisting words hurts. It is never Ok, even if you disagree with them, putting them down over little is not ok.

Moral is: Be careful on how you handle an argument, do NOT Twist some one's words after the fight, and try to cool down OOC Drama If possible, and be careful who you think your 'Friends' are.

-Rant, over. Being upset and close to crying, Who knows-


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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 02:16:55 pm »
Hmmm I've been I situations like this. I'm sorry you went through this but again this is why I don't like to joke around with people so much because everyone has a particular level of tolerance and sometimes jokes can be offensive to some if even not to yourself. If you like I'd be willing to talk to your group and see if I can help patch up things for you hun? I mean personally if I had friends that turned on me so fast I wouldn't bother trying to apologize and go back to them because everyone should know people make mistakes and shouldn't be judged so hard especially if you've been good to them. Inbox me their usernames and I'll try to talk to them if you like hun.

Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 02:20:18 pm »
Thanks Sura, This means a lot to me. :)

And yes, I do believe my morals are to blame for me apologizing to them.
And I would be happy for you to help me patch things over with them~

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Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2014, 02:22:58 pm »
Inbox me their users names/ranks in the rp and I'll see if I can talk it out with them and get their side of the situation. Provided you didn't say anything too bad now... since this is a rather one sided discussion. If you did harass or say offensive things to them I suggest you really reconsider your behavior in the future and try not to do that again in the future. Some people don't take jokes lightly. Let this be a learning experience for you. If they want nothing more to do with you guys then I will not push it and neither should you.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 03:05:09 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2014, 03:34:52 pm »
Well that's a real bummer.

Joking insults on an online chat with people you really don't know is never a good idea. Some people don't know whether to take them as a joke or take them seriously, because they will more than likely not know the tone you are expressing. Sometimes they won't know if you are just being sarcastic or being serious. They don't know what's going on in your mind.

I said things I reaaaally should not have said, but was so high-strung at the moment things came out that would've been better enough un-said.

Moral is: Be careful on how you handle an argument, do NOT Twist some one's words after the fight, and try to cool down OOC Drama If possible, and be careful who you think your 'Friends' are.

It's true when you say that one should be careful how they handle an argument. By being angry with what they said and fighting back with your harsh words, you made the situation even worse. Did it solve anything? No. It got you kicked from the group, people talking negatively about you, and now everyone has hard feelings toward each other. Lashing back with more violence doesn't solve any argument. What you should have done was try to calm them down in a mature and calm way. If that doesn't help, and they don't want to listen and act civilized, well then they aren't the kind of "friends" you need.

As they say, you live and you learn. Sorry to hear that you experienced such drama, especially in a place where everyone is supposed to be having fun. I hope everything gets set right for you and your 'friends'. If not, you just got to put it behind you and move on.


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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2014, 06:39:17 pm »
Sorry to here this happened to you, as the others have said, it's dangerous to joke online, you can't tell what the tone is, what the face is. Plus some topics are very hard to joke about, and from what it sounds like, the 'friends' you hang out with were just using you to make themselves feel better.
You just have to move on with things like this, I'm sure there'll be another group of people that will want to actually be your friends and can replace these mentioned before. But you're right, it does happen to all of us one way or another.

Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2014, 11:46:10 pm »
Aye, you live and you learn.

And I am indeed trying to move along, but I see their users often, and let's just say hard feelings die hard.

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2014, 10:50:27 am »
Wow, they are so mature.

I've never experienced this and hope I never do.
It's really annoying how out of hand OOC can get.
dora the explorer, nuff said

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2014, 01:10:29 pm »
That's why I never like to be mean like that OOC, even in a joking way. The only time I ever do that is with people I've known for an extremely long time, some of them for 2 years or more. We know when the other is joking by that point, and we'll often put -sarcastic- or -joke- at the end for clarity's sake if it isn't just our normal banter. We'll also often be going at each other in group or local while laughing and saying things like "ooh nice one XD" in whisper. Translation: For us it's all fun and games and we know it. We also only do it to each other, not other members of the pack.

I have had to deal with some OOC drama recently when the beta of our pack no longer wanted to be a member but had the courtesy to not just poof on us. Instead, he purposely did things to get kicked out, like abandoning his mate, attacking the alpha and myself, etc... The alpha knew what he was doing and we all went along with the storyline. The only problem was one of our high ranking members didn't realize he was trying to leave the group for good and is a close friend to him so she kept trying to make everyone be nice to him and pull him back in which caused a lot of OOC drama because after doing all of those things he was still around and that caused a bit of dissent. He's gone now and things have settled back into their storylines so we're all good again. Now I'm just hoping to take his place. -crosses fingers-

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Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2014, 06:04:41 pm »
Good luck to ye' on that Rank o.-

Glad to know I am not alone in this sort of thing.

And yes, I will more then likely be a lot more careful with my words and who I 'Joke' with.

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